Gold Medal
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Excellence in
Synthetic Biology
Impress the judges with your work towards three Special Prizes of your choice . You must demonstrate excellence in both General Biological Engineering and in at least one Specialization. Note: Software and AI Village teams cannot select the Software Special Prize as a Gold medal criterion. By competition rules, teams in the Software and AI Village are not eligible to win the Software Special Prize.
General biological engineering:
Find our Model page.
Find our education page.
Best Model:
Our modeling work goes beyond technical implementation, emphasizing innovation and comprehensiveness. Through this comprehensive modeling process, we supported our project from concept validation to practical application, opening new perspectives for exploring the relationship between cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
Our Model conducted in-depth bioinformatic analysis for miRNA identification. By integrating bioinformatic analysis, ROC diagnostics, and experimental validation , we identified reliable biomarkers for screening cancer in cardiovascular disease patients.
Our Model designed the single-arm LIRA structure capable of detecting one kind of target miRNA and documented the design process into a standardized process. Our Model performed a comprehensive analysis of the stem-loop ratio at the binding sites between the single-arm LIRA and miRNA, constructing 280 functional single-arm sequences. This laid a foundation for further optimization of miRNA detection.
Further, we designed the double-armed LIRA structure capable of simultaneously detecting two kinds of target miRNAs and meticulously documented the design process into a standardized process, resulting in the construction of 6 functional double-armed LIRA structures. This design expanded the application range of LIRA, enhancing the flexibility and accuracy of multi-miRNA detection.
Our Model carried out in-depth analysis and optimization of the designed double-armed structures, utilizing a Random Forest model combined with simulated data the value calculated according to the indicator for parameter optimization. The effectiveness of the model was validated through experimental verification.
Our Model also conducted kinetic simulations of the LIRA system observing the response times and concentration changes of the LIRA system. The analysis of concentration changes provided valuable insights into the dynamic response of the LIRA system.
Innovatively, we introduced 3D surface analysis, simulating the interaction between double-armed LIRA and varying miRNA concentrations, ensuring that the LIRA system better aligns with the complexities of clinical applications.
Best Integrated Human Practices:
IHP is integrated with the project throughout the entire process, promoting and enhancing each other. Significantly, ethics was considered all the time. For the final implementation of the project, we have embraced the full-scale commercialization. Through extensive and meaningful interaction with all stakeholders, we have successfully achieved the closed loops.
The modern spectrum of diseases and the lack of public awareness have led to societal demand for Heartecho, which we have keenly identified.
This year, we have interviewed 23 stakeholders, including experts, doctors, patients, and corporations. This comprehensive approach not only enhances our understanding of the project but also supports informed decision-making throughout its various phases.
After considering the current public understanding, as well as ethical and legal standards, Heartecho has determined the demand and established the specifications.
Through advice from multidisciplinary experts, we gradually generated, promoted, and refined our project, transitioning from ischemic heart disease to coronary heart disease, and finally determining myocardial infarction as the final choice.
With continuous patient and public feedback, Heartecho's features have been iteratively improved.
Additionally, we take responsibility for our stakeholders through interviews, sports activities, social welfare publications, and social media .
Best Education:
Our education core is "Wider and Deeper", which symbolizes our commitment to engaging a broader range of communities in synthetic biology, fostering deeper communication and understanding.
To ensure inclusivity across all age groups, we've cultivated an expansive education tree, organizing activities according to the unique characteristics and needs of different age groups, which has successfully integrated 17 schools and reached out to 1,682 participants .
We noticed the difficulties faced by minority students in accessing synthetic biology and recognized that teachers, parents, and community workers are not only a new community, but also have the potential to influence and inspire more people to explore this fascinating field.
To further enhance engagement and learning, we've hosted a series of innovative events, such as "iGEMers' Day," "Design the Heart in Your Mind," "21 Days, Let's Make Heart Healthier," and "Lab Wonders & Micro Art" . These events have provided exciting platforms for participants to appreciate diverse applications in synthetic biology.
We ingeniously designed four games, including two video games, a jigsaw puzzle, and a card game named SYNO. These games have been instrumental in making synthetic biology education more accessible and enjoyable for learners of all ages.
In view of the benefits of multi-sensory learning, we innovatively commence our educational journey through sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.
Additionally, we've crafted four unique theme handbooks, each enriching the learning experience and providing valuable resources for learners to explore and delve deeper into the subject.
We constructed an educational activity feedback form to promote mutual learning and/or a dialogue. Ultimately, we close the loop of education.
Our aspiration is that through our dedicated efforts, the knowledge of synthetic biology will inspire and empower individuals to contribute to the advancement of this cutting-edge discipline, ultimately benefiting society and driving progress in the field of synthetic biology.
Silver Medal
Criterion Description Link
Engineering Success Demonstrate engineering success in a technical aspect of your project by going through at least one iteration of the engineering design cycle.
Find our engineering page.
Human Practices Explain how you have determined your work is responsible and good for the world.
Find our human practices page.
For Engineering Success:
iGEM requires all teams to complete the Engineering cycle of Design-Build-Test-Learn on their own projects. We have completed 3 DBLT Engineering cycles to examine single-arm LIRA、Double-arm LIRA and Cell-free systems. We analyze the Structure of LIRA with the model. Based on it, we design our own LIRA to detect miR-210-3p and miR-142-3p. Next, we build engineered bacteria. To verify our building, we test it with antibiotics, digestion, and sequencing. After verification, we observed and analyzed the result so that the forward engineering cycle can promote the next engineering cycle.
For Human Practices:
We ensured our project was responsible by actively engaging with diverse stakeholders, including experts in cardiology, oncology, ethics, and patients themselves. This broad consultation process allowed us to refine our project scientifically and ethically, making sure it meets the real needs of both medical professionals and patients. By balancing social responsibility, scientific advancement, ethical principles, and gathering feedback from the public, we are confident that our project is both responsible and has a positive impact on the world.
Bronze Medal
Criterion Description Link
Competition Deliverables Complete the following Competition Deliverables: Wiki, Presentation Video, Judging Form, and Judging Session.
We have designed and submitted our wiki.
Our presentation video will be handed in after
the wiki freeze on the iGEM uploads platform.
Find our judging form.
We are looking forward to the judging session.
Project Attributions Describe what work your team members did and what other people did for your project using the standardized form.
Find our attributions form.
Project Description Describe how and why you chose your iGEM project.
Contribution Make a useful contribution for future iGEM teams.
Find our contributions.