Introduction and Overview
The core of the iGEM competition is Parts. It refers to basic building blocks in the field of synthetic biology(i.e., the BioBricks), typically DNA sequences, used for constructing biological systems or achieving specific functions.
The "Heartecho" project is a LIRA-based AND gate system which could detect multiple miRNAs, then display results in cell-free system. (See "Project-Description" page for details of project.) In order to prove our concept, we designed 19 new basic parts and 27 new composite parts this year, 46 parts in total.
New Basic Parts
The basic parts are the foundation of the gene circuit. Basic parts are summarized below:
Name Short Description Type Length (bp)
BBa_K5038000 RBS RBS 8
BBa_K5038001 linker RNA 21
BBa_K5038002 LIRA_H01 RNA 90
BBa_K5038003 LIRA_H05 RNA 90
BBa_K5038004 LIRA_input01 RNA 58
BBa_K5038005 LIRA_input05 RNA 58
BBa_K5038006 LIRA_input142 RNA 23
BBa_K5038007 LIRA_input210 RNA 22
BBa_K5038008 LIRA_H142_3/20 RNA 87
BBa_K5038009 LIRA_H142_8/15 RNA 87
BBa_K5038010 LIRA_H142_11/12 RNA 87
BBa_K5038011 LIRA_H210_2/20 RNA 87
BBa_K5038012 LIRA_H210_7/15 RNA 87
BBa_K5038013 LIRA_H210_10/12 RNA 87
BBa_K5038014 LIRA_ANDgate1 RNA 142
BBa_K5038015 LIRA_ANDgate2 RNA 140
BBa_K5038016 LIRA_ANDgate5 RNA 140
BBa_K5038017 lacZα coding 180
BBa_K5038018 lacZ coding 3075
New Composite Parts
Name Short Description Type Length (bp)
BBa_K5038019 PT7-LIRA_H01-linker-EGFP-T7TE device 896
BBa_K5038020 PT7-LIRA_H05-linker-EGFP-T7TE device 896
BBa_K5038021 PT7-lacO-LIRA_H01-linker-EGFP-T7TE device 924
BBa_K5038022 PT7-lacO-LIRA_H05-linker-EGFP-T7TE device 924
BBa_K5038023 PT7-LIRA_input01-T7TE device 123
BBa_K5038024 PT7-LIRA_input05-T7TE device 123
BBa_K5038025 PT7-lacO-LIRA_input01-T7TE device 151
BBa_K5038026 PT7-lacO-LIRA_input05-T7TE device 151
BBa_K5038027 PT7-LIRA_H142_3/20-linker-EGFP-T7TE device 896
BBa_K5038028 PT7-LIRA_H142_8/15-linker-EGFP-T7TE device 896
BBa_K5038029 PT7-LIRA_H142_11/12-linker-EGFP-T7TE device 896
BBa_K5038030 PT7-LIRA_H210_2/20-linker-EGFP-T7TE device 896
BBa_K5038031 PT7-LIRA_H210_7/15-linker-EGFP-T7TE device 896
BBa_K5038032 PT7-LIRA_H210_10/12-linker-EGFP-T7TE device 896
BBa_K5038033 PT7-LIRA_ANDgate1-linker-EGFP-T7TE device 951
BBa_K5038034 PT7-LIRA_ANDgate1-linker-lacZ-T7TE device 3306
BBa_K5038035 PT7-LIRA_ANDgate1-linker-lacZα-T7TE device 411
BBa_K5038036 PT7-LIRA_ANDgate2-linker-EGFP-T7TE device 949
BBa_K5038037 PT7-LIRA_ANDgate2-linker-lacZ-T7TE device 3304
BBa_K5038038 PT7-LIRA_ANDgate2-linker-lacZα-T7TE device 409
BBa_K5038039 PT7-LIRA_ANDgate5-linker-EGFP-T7TE device 949
BBa_K5038040 PT7-LIRA_ANDgate5-linker-lacZ-T7TE device 3304
BBa_K5038041 PT7-LIRA_ANDgate5-linker-lacZα-T7TE device 409
BBa_K5038042 PT7-LIRA_input142-T7TE device 91
BBa_K5038043 PT7-LIRA_input210-T7TE device 90
BBa_K5038044 PT7-LIRA_H01-linker-lacZ-T7TE device 3257
BBa_K5038045 PT7-LIRA_H01-linker-lacZα-T7TE device 356
Used Parts
In our experiments, we used these parts which didn't uploaded from our team to construct the gene circuits.
Name Short Description Type Length (bp)
BBa_K4611014 T7 promoter promoter 17
BBa_B0016 Terminator (T7 RNAP specific, T_Phi) terminator 48
BBa_K4236001 this is a gene to code EGFP coding 720
BBa_K3286004 lac operator regulatory 25