
- Sustainable Development Goals -

Our Project for the Future

To create a more sustainable and prosperous world, the United Nations introduced the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) [1]. All 193 member states endorsed these 17 ambitious goals as part of a comprehensive strategy to address the world’s most pressing challenges by 2030 (Figure 1). The adoption of the SDGs took place at a historic UN Summit, where world leaders came together to agree on this ambitious plan for achieving a better future for all. The SDGs were designed to apply universally to all nations, aiming to end extreme poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and protect our planet. It's important to note that while all 193 UN Member States endorsed the SDGs, they are not legally binding.  However, countries are expected to take ownership of the goals and establish national frameworks for their achievement. The implementation and success of the SDGs relies on each country's own sustainable development policies, plans, and programs.

However, as we approach the 2030 deadline, current progress paints a concerning picture: rather than advancing towards these targets, we are actually falling behind in many areas. As of 2024, only 15% of the global goals are on track [2]. Notably, the challenge of meeting the SDGs is not straightforward. Additionally, efforts to improve certain SDGs can sometimes create conflicts with others. For example, increasing industrial production to support SDG-9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure) may stimulate economic growth and innovation. However, if done unsustainably, it could lead to overconsumption of resources, contradicting SDG-12 (Responsible Consumption and Production). The resulting environmental degradation, including higher emissions and resource depletion, would also hinder progress on SDG-13 (Climate Action). The challenge lies in balancing these priorities—ensuring that innovation and industrial expansion do not come at the cost of sustainability or contribute to the acceleration of climate change.

Figure 1.The UN Sustainable Development Goals.

So, how can synthetic biology play into this wider issue? Scientific innovation has been the most powerful force for human progress throughout history. Modern science—especially in fields like synthetic biology—offers hope for solving some of today’s most intractable global issues. By harnessing the potential of emerging technologies, we have the opportunity to address individual SDGs and find solutions that can have a cascading positive impact across multiple goals.

The stakes have never been higher. The world is on track to overshoot the 1.5°C temperature rise threshold scientists warn will cause irreversible damage to the planet. Coastal cities are sinking, ecosystems are collapsing, and many regions face dire food insecurity. In light of these looming challenges, it is no longer acceptable to hope that others will solve these problems.

The responsibility is ours, and the time to act is now. Team BEACON’s work embraces this mindset. We believe that synthetic biology holds the potential to help humanity meet the SDGs, and we have continuously structured our project with this vision in mind.

Our Commitment to Integrating SDGs into our Project

From the beginning of our project, our team has been committed to incorporating the principles of the SDGs throughout every stage of our project—from initial brainstorming through to lab work. Our aim has been twofold: to align our project with the SDGs and to raise awareness about the importance of addressing these global objectives within the scientific community [3]. We encourage all iGEM teams, research groups, and scientists at large to adopt more holistic approaches in their work. It is critical to evaluate how the potential solutions we create may affect broader systems and societal outcomes. No solution exists in a vacuum—every innovation has ripple effects, and if we are not mindful of these, we may inadvertently cause more harm than good. For this reason, we have prioritised not only identifying the SDGs that our project aims to advance but also considering the potential negative impacts on other goals that our work might have.

As we have navigated through our project, we have consciously aligned our work with the SDGs and made it a priority to minimise our environmental footprint. For example, reducing waste in our wet lab procedures and considering sustainable alternatives in our experimental design are key components of our approach. We are also committed to transparency about the trade-offs and ethical dilemmas inherent in our work, ensuring that our decisions are made with a full understanding of their broader impact.

SDGs and Our Project: a Closer Look

Overview of the UK’s performance

According to the 2023 Sustainable Development Report, the United Kingdom ranked 14th out of 193 UN member states in achieving the 17 SDGs (Figure 2) [4]. While the UK has made significant progress in areas such as quality education (SDG 4) and clean energy (SDG 7), it faces challenges in responsible consumption and production (SDG 12), climate action (SDG 13), and life below water (SDG 14) [5]. A recent report by the UN global network states that the UK has made good progress in reducing food waste, with an estimated 15% reduction since 2007 (Target 12.3). Comparing this statistic with the statement about challenges in responsible consumption and production (SDG 12), it is clear that progress is not linear. The report also notes that the UK is still projected to exceed its upcoming Carbon Budgets, indicating challenges in climate action (SDG 13) [6].

Figure 2.The UK's performance by SDG according to a Sustainable Development Report by UN Global Impact [6].

The growing issue of electronic waste (e-waste) has been particularly concerning, with the UK generating 23.9 kg of e-waste per capita in 2019, one of the highest rates in the world [7]. The British government has been working towards improving recycling infrastructure and implementing circular economy principles. However, there is a pressing need for innovative solutions to address the environmental and economic challenges posed by e-waste, particularly in recovering valuable materials.

BEACON was conceived as a response to the urgent need for sustainable resource management and the growing e-waste crisis, recognising the potential of biotechnology to address these challenges. By targeting the SDG goals of responsible consumption and production (SDG 12), climate action (SDG 13), and industry, innovation, and infrastructure (SDG 9), BEACON aims to revolutionise the recycling of lanthanides from tech and electronic waste. Through the innovative use of bacteria and chemotaxis, our project will help the UK, and eventually, countries worldwide, recover valuable resources, reduce environmental impact, and contribute to a more circular economy in electronics.

Our 3 Main Goals

Throughout our project, we identified several key Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that our work significantly contributes to. Through discussions with relevant stakeholders, we identified that our project most strongly aligns with the following goals: SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, and SDG 13: Climate Action. By addressing sustainability and innovation challenges within the rare earth metal industry, we can create positive ripple effects that strengthen the UK's overall SDG performance. Nevertheless, many of the SDGs are interconnected, and our efforts have a broader impact across multiple goals.

SDG 9 – Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure


SDG 9 focuses on building resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialisation, and fostering innovation. It aims to develop quality, reliable, and sustainable infrastructure to support economic development and human well-being, with an emphasis on affordable and equitable access for all. The goal also encourages industries to adopt clean and environmentally sound technologies and production processes, ultimately supporting innovation and sustainable growth [8]. Key targets include upgrading infrastructure and retrofitting industries to increase resource efficiency, enhancing scientific research and innovation, and improving the sustainability and resilience of global supply chains.

Problem Identification

The UK’s industrial sector faces critical challenges in adopting sustainable production methods, particularly in industries reliant on rare earth metals [9]. The extraction and processing of these materials have traditionally involved high environmental costs and are currently concentrated in a few key regions, making global supply chains vulnerable to disruptions and price volatility. This dependency is a barrier to building resilient and sustainable infrastructure, which is central to achieving SDG 9. Furthermore, the lack of innovation in sustainable extraction and recycling technologies means that industries continue to rely on conventional mining, leading to significant environmental degradation and limiting the UK’s ability to transition to a more sustainable industrial model.

Figure 3.Summary of how project BEACON contributes towards SDG 9.

BEACON’s Impact

Our approach to recycling rare earth metals fosters innovation within the industry by offering a sustainable alternative to mining, which is currently the primary method for obtaining these critical materials (Figure 3). By introducing recycling as a viable option, we support the development of resilient infrastructure for future energy needs while promoting sustainable industrialization. This aligns our project with several specific SDG 9 targets:

  • Target 9.4 - Upgrade infrastructure and retrofit industries to increase sustainability by 2030: Our recycling technology replaces environmentally damaging mining practices with a more sustainable approach, significantly lowering greenhouse gas emissions and chemical waste production. By adopting clean and efficient recycling methods, we demonstrate how industries can retrofit their processes to become more resource-efficient, thereby reducing their overall environmental impact. This directly supports SDG 9.4’s objective of enhancing sustainability in industrial infrastructure.
  • Target 9.2 - Promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, increasing the industry’s share of employment and GDP: BEACON’s project contributes to the growth of a sustainable industrial base in the UK by establishing a local supply chain for rare earth metals. By creating high-skilled jobs in the green technology sector and supporting sustainable industrial development, our project strengthens the UK’s economic resilience and fosters an inclusive industrialization process. This enables the UK to increase its share of sustainable industrial activity and contribute more broadly to the green economy.
  • Target 9.3 - Increase the access of small-scale industrial and other enterprises to value chains and markets: By developing a reliable domestic source of recycled rare earth metals, BEACON helps integrate small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) into the supply chain for critical materials. This facilitates the development of innovative business models centred around sustainable production, making it easier for smaller companies to compete in the green technology market. Our approach thus supports SMEs by expanding their access to key resources and enhancing their market presence.
  • Target 9.5 - Enhance scientific research and technological capabilities within the industrial sector: Through continuous research and development, BEACON advances new bacterial methods for extracting rare earth elements from electronic waste, pushing the boundaries of innovation in sustainable production. Our work not only contributes to the scientific community’s understanding of microbial recovery techniques but also supports the growth of industrial research in sustainable technologies. By promoting innovation, BEACON aligns with SDG 9.5’s goal of upgrading technological capabilities and fostering a culture of scientific advancement.
  • Target 9.a - Facilitate sustainable infrastructure development and promote access to technology and innovation: Although our project is based in the UK, it has global implications for supply chain sustainability by reducing dependence on a few key producers, such as China, which currently dominates rare earth metal production [10]. By diversifying the supply chain, BEACON enhances global access to sustainably sourced critical materials, supporting the development of resilient infrastructure in both developed and developing countries.

Stakeholder Feedback

We engaged with Sherbourne Recycling, a state-of-the-art facility that leverages advanced AI and robotics for waste separation, to gain practical insights into how our technology could be adapted for integration into existing industrial frameworks. During our visit, we met with Anthony Horsby, Sherbourne’s Education, Communications, and Social Values Officer, who provided valuable guidance on assessing the feasibility of incorporating our project into industry practices. He emphasized the urgent need for sustainable supply chains and expressed strong support for initiatives like BEACON’s that promote resource efficiency, technological innovation, and sustainable industrial practices. This feedback aligns directly with SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, which aims to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation to support sustainable economic growth.

A key takeaway from the visit was the need for adaptable technological solutions that can be scaled up for industrial applications. In response, we explored the concept of developing a specialized “swimming pool” system where e-waste would be submerged and dissolved, allowing our engineered bacteria to selectively extract valuable lanthanides. This system could be integrated into facilities like Sherbourne’s, which are already equipped with the necessary technological infrastructure for material separation and processing. By refining this design and ensuring that it meets the requirements of large-scale facilities, we are supporting SDG Target 9.4, which calls for the retrofitting of industries to make them more sustainable through increased resource efficiency and the adoption of clean technologies.

Additionally, Anthony’s feedback underscored the importance of evaluating the broader impacts of integrating new technologies into existing industrial ecosystems. He highlighted that a successful project not only enhances the efficiency of the recycling process but also aligns with local economic and social values, thereby creating a more holistic model of industrial development. This perspective led us to prioritize the economic impact of our project on local industries. For instance, by retaining the recovered rare earth metals within the UK, we would support local manufacturing and reduce dependency on international suppliers, contributing to a more self-sufficient and resilient industrial infrastructure. This approach aligns with SDG Target 9.2, which emphasizes promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and significantly raising the industry’s share of employment and GDP. By creating local supply chains for critical materials, we enhance the resilience of the UK’s industrial sector and promote sustainable economic growth.

Our engagement with Sherbourne Recycling also highlighted the need for continuous innovation to reduce environmental impact and support sustainable infrastructure development. Inspired by their use of process residues to manufacture construction materials, we began exploring ways to repurpose any waste byproducts generated during our recycling process, as shown on our Implementation page. This initiative aims to contribute to SDG Target 9.5, which focuses on enhancing scientific research and innovation to develop new, environmentally friendly processes. By embedding innovation into every stage of our technology’s development, we not only improve the sustainability of our project but also contribute to a culture of continuous improvement in the recycling industry.

Beyond technological and environmental considerations, we discussed the importance of engaging stakeholders and aligning new technologies with industry needs and regulatory requirements. Anthony highlighted the need to address safety concerns and regulatory complexities when implementing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in industrial processes. To navigate these challenges, we have initiated consultations with relevant stakeholders, such as the Nuffield Council on Bioethics and local regulatory bodies, to ensure that our project complies with existing guidelines and contributes to developing best practices for sustainable industrial biotechnology. This approach supports SDG Target 9.3, which focuses on increasing the access of small-scale industrial and other enterprises to financial services and their integration into value chains and markets. By building trust and aligning our operations with regulatory frameworks, we facilitate the smooth integration of our technology into industrial value chains.

Moreover, our project’s focus on technology adoption and workforce engagement addresses the need to create inclusive and future-ready industries. By engaging employees and stakeholders in the development and deployment of our recycling technology, we ensure that the workforce is equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in a rapidly evolving industrial landscape. This aspect of our project supports SDG Target 9.1, which aims to develop quality, reliable, sustainable, and resilient infrastructure to support economic development and human well-being. Our technology, when fully realized, could serve as a model for building more sustainable and inclusive industrial systems that balance economic, environmental, and social goals.

Following our visit, we took several steps to integrate the insights gained into our project design and strategy. We developed a digital blueprint for an industrial-grade container tailored to optimize our recycling method for large-scale applications, ensuring that it meets the safety and efficiency standards required for integration into facilities like Sherbourne. In addition, we conducted a comprehensive review of our process to identify areas for improvement, such as reducing the hazardous waste generated during the recycling of e-waste and exploring less harmful alternatives like bioleaching. To enhance scalability, we are also considering the inclusion of a “kill switch” gene to deactivate our engineered bacteria safely before disposal, addressing potential safety and regulatory concerns.

By aligning our project with these industrial and stakeholder insights, we are building a comprehensive model for sustainable industrialization that supports the core objectives of SDG 9. Our approach not only strengthens the resilience and efficiency of recycling infrastructure but also promotes a culture of innovation and sustainability that can be replicated across sectors and regions, contributing to the broader transformation of the industrial landscape. Through collaboration with industry leaders like Sherbourne Recycling, we are ensuring that our project remains at the forefront of sustainable development and serves as a benchmark for responsible industrial innovation.

SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production


SDG 12 aims to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns, addressing the environmental and social impacts of how goods and services are produced, used, and disposed of [1]. The goal promotes the efficient use of natural resources, the reduction of waste generation through prevention, recycling, and reuse, and the environmentally sound management of chemicals and waste throughout their lifecycle. It emphasises the need for businesses and consumers to adopt more sustainable practices, integrate sustainability information into corporate reporting, and promote sustainable public procurement. Overall, SDG 12 seeks to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation and create a circular economy where resources are used more efficiently and responsibly [11]. Key targets include reducing global food waste, ensuring sustainable management of natural resources, and encouraging companies to adopt sustainable practices.

Problem Identification

Global production and consumption patterns are unsustainable, leading to excessive resource use, environmental degradation, and significant waste generation. The reliance on primary extraction for critical raw materials like rare earth elements not only depletes finite resources but also results in severe environmental consequences, including habitat destruction, water contamination, and high carbon emissions. In particular, the rare earth metal industry is associated with energy-intensive extraction processes and hazardous waste byproducts, which contribute to soil and water pollution. Moreover, inefficient production systems and linear consumption models result in valuable materials being discarded rather than reused, exacerbating the waste problem and undermining long-term sustainability [11].

The environmental impact is compounded by a lack of comprehensive recycling systems, resulting in low recovery rates for critical elements. For example, less than 1% of rare earth metals are currently recycled from end-of-life products, primarily due to technological and economic barriers [12]. This not only leads to significant resource loss but also increases the pressure on new mining operations to meet growing demand from emerging technologies, such as electric vehicles and renewable energy infrastructure. The urgent need to shift from a linear "take-make-dispose" model to a circular economy is highlighted by SDG 12, which calls for responsible consumption and production patterns to be adopted globally.

Figure 4.Summary of how project BEACON contributes towards SDG 12.

BEACON’s Impact

One of the key outcomes of our project is the promotion of responsible consumption and production practices (Figure 4). The current demand for raw materials in renewable energy technologies is unsustainable if met solely through mining, which incurs significant environmental, social, and economic costs. By focusing on recycling rare earth metals, we contribute to the creation of a circular economy, ensuring that these critical resources are reused rather than discarded, thereby reducing the need for additional extraction. Our recycling methods are also less energy-intensive and produce significantly less chemical waste compared to traditional mining operations.

This aligns with several specific targets within SDG 12, including:

  • Target 12.2 - Achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources by 2030: Our recycling initiative directly contributes to this target by ensuring that rare earth metals, a non-renewable and highly valuable resource, are recovered and reused. By maximising the lifespan of these materials, we help reduce the overall resource footprint of renewable energy technologies and electronic devices, supporting more sustainable resource management.
  • Target 12.4 - Achieve the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their lifecycle and significantly reduce their release to air, water, and soil: Traditional rare earth mining and processing release toxic chemicals and heavy metals into the environment. BEACON’s recycling process minimises hazardous byproducts and ensures that any chemical waste is managed in an environmentally sound manner, significantly reducing potential soil and water contamination. This approach exemplifies how sustainable production can mitigate environmental harm and protect ecosystems.
  • Target 12.5 - Substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse: By integrating recycling at the core of our operations, we contribute to waste reduction on a systemic level. Rare earth elements, which are typically discarded in electronic waste, are recovered and reintegrated into the supply chain, preventing resource loss and reducing the need for landfilling or incineration. This supports the creation of a more sustainable production model, where waste is minimised and materials are continuously cycled within the economy.
  • Target 12.6 - Encourage companies to adopt sustainable practices and integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle: BEACON actively promotes sustainable practices across the industry by demonstrating the feasibility and benefits of rare earth metal recycling. We share our findings and methodologies with industry partners, encouraging wider adoption of responsible resource management strategies. Our project serves as a model for other companies to follow, fostering a broader cultural shift towards sustainability within the industrial sector.
  • Target 12.7 - Promote sustainable public procurement practices: By developing a reliable domestic source of recycled rare earth metals, BEACON enables government and industry to source sustainably produced materials for use in critical technologies. This reduces dependency on less sustainable supply chains and supports public procurement policies that prioritise environmentally friendly products.


Following our meeting with relevant stakeholders, we wanted to carefully evaluate the potential environmental impacts of our recycling process to ensure that it aligns with SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production. While our project significantly reduces the environmental footprint compared to traditional mining, we recognize that recycling rare earth metals still poses certain challenges, such as the generation of hazardous chemical waste and the potential risk of releasing genetically modified organisms into the environment. These risks could undermine SDG 12’s aim to promote sustainable production patterns and minimize environmental harm.

To address these concerns, we have reviewed our processes through the lens of SDG 12 targets, such as Target 12.4, which calls for the environmentally sound management of chemicals and waste, and Target 12.5, which focuses on reducing waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse. As a result, we are exploring more sustainable alternatives, such as bioleaching and enzyme-based extraction methods, and considering implementing a “kill switch” in our engineered bacteria to ensure safe deactivation before disposal. This proactive approach minimizes potential negative impacts, aligns our operations with responsible consumption practices, and ensures that our project supports, rather than detracts from, the broader goals of SDG 12.

Stakeholder Feedback

Our meeting with Dr. Ying-Qi Liaw provided critical insights that directly contribute to SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, particularly in promoting sustainable and ethically responsible practices in the development and use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). One of the central tenets of SDG 12 is ensuring that production processes are safe, transparent, and socially acceptable while minimizing negative impacts on the environment and society. Dr. Ying’s emphasis on addressing the dual-use nature of synthetic biology aligns closely with Target 12.4, which calls for the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle, as well as minimizing adverse impacts on human health and the environment.

By highlighting the need for transparency and public engagement, Dr. Ying underscored the importance of ensuring that innovations in synthetic biology are developed responsibly and communicated clearly. This is in line with Target 12.8, which aims to ensure that people have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles. Incorporating her recommendations into our project—such as conducting public surveys and reaching out to ethical oversight bodies like the Nuffield Council on Bioethics—demonstrates our commitment to responsible innovation and public accountability. This approach not only addresses potential risks associated with synthetic biology but also helps foster public trust and acceptance, contributing to the ethical stewardship of new technologies.

Moreover, this engagement and exploration of the legal frameworks governing GMOs ensure that our project complies with regulatory standards and aligns with sustainable production practices as defined by SDG 12. Through these efforts, we aim to set a precedent for integrating ethical considerations into the development of new technologies, promoting a more sustainable and socially responsible approach to production that is central to the goals of SDG 12. This proactive engagement with stakeholders ensures that our project aligns with global sustainability targets and contributes to the creation of a transparent and ethically sound innovation ecosystem.

SDG 13 – Climate Action


SDG 13 aims to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts by strengthening resilience, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and integrating climate considerations into policies and planning at all levels. The goal emphasises the need for countries to implement strategies for climate adaptation and mitigation, improve education and awareness around climate change, and build capacity to respond to climate-related hazards [3]. SDG 13 also calls for international cooperation and financial support to help developing nations implement climate action measures. Ultimately, the goal seeks to stabilise global temperatures and promote sustainable development while minimising the risks associated with a changing climate.

Problem Identification

Climate change is one of the most urgent challenges of our time, threatening ecosystems, economies, and human health. Rising greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from industrial activities, deforestation, and unsustainable resource extraction contribute to global warming and extreme weather events. The mining industry, including the extraction of rare earth metals, is a major contributor to GHG emissions due to its energy-intensive nature and reliance on fossil fuels for operations and transport. Moreover, conventional mining processes often result in significant land degradation, habitat destruction, and water pollution, further exacerbating environmental impacts.

Another critical issue is the lack of integration of climate change measures into national and corporate strategies. Many industries still lack a comprehensive approach to reducing their carbon footprint, hindering progress toward achieving global climate targets. Additionally, there is insufficient public awareness and education on climate change, limiting societal capacity to adopt more sustainable practices and make informed decisions.

To address these problems, SDG 13 focuses on urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. This includes integrating climate considerations into policies and strategies (Target 13.2), improving education and awareness on climate issues (Target 13.3), and enhancing resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards (Target 13.1). Without targeted interventions and a shift toward sustainable practices, achieving net-zero emissions and stabilising global temperatures will remain out of reach.

Figure 5.Summary of how project BEACON contributes towards SDG 13.

BEACON’s Impact

Our project plays a critical role in addressing climate change by reducing the carbon footprint associated with the extraction and transport of rare earth metals (Figure 5). Mining operations are not only energy-intensive but also contribute significantly to GHG emissions and environmental degradation. By shifting toward sustainable recycling processes, we minimise the environmental impact of sourcing these essential materials, directly contributing to SDG 13’s overarching goal of climate action.

Specific targets that our project contributes to include:

  • Target 13.2 - Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies, and planning: Our project aligns with this target by demonstrating that sustainable recycling can serve as a viable alternative to traditional, high-emission mining practices. By reducing reliance on newly extracted rare earth metals and showcasing more climate-friendly processes, we support the integration of lower-carbon options into industrial strategies and policies. Our efforts help position the UK as a leader in green technologies, providing a blueprint for other countries to follow.
  • Target 13.3 - Improve education, awareness-raising, and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction, and early warning: Our educational initiatives focus on raising awareness of sustainable resource management and climate-friendly technologies. During our visit to Coventry Library, we engaged with local communities and students to discuss the importance of recycling rare earth metals and their impact on reducing emissions. These activities enhance public understanding of climate change and support capacity-building efforts for a low-carbon future.
  • Target 13.1 - Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries: By reducing the need for environmentally destructive mining practices, we help mitigate the local environmental impacts often associated with climate-related hazards, such as soil erosion and water contamination. This contributes to building more resilient ecosystems and communities that are less vulnerable to environmental degradation and extreme weather events.
  • Target 13.a - Implement the commitment undertaken by developed-country parties to the UNFCCC to a goal of mobilising $100 billion annually by 2020 to address the needs of developing countries concerning climate action: Although our primary focus is on domestic initiatives, BEACON’s approach contributes indirectly by reducing global demand for unsustainable rare earth extraction in developing countries, where mining often occurs with limited environmental regulation. This helps lower global emissions and supports a more sustainable and equitable distribution of climate resources.

By establishing a sustainable supply of recycled rare earth metals, we not only support the development of low-carbon technologies, such as electric vehicles and renewable energy infrastructure, but also help decarbonise the supply chain of these critical components. This directly supports the transition to a low-carbon economy and mitigates the environmental impact of resource extraction, positioning BEACON as a key player in advancing climate action under SDG 13.

Other initiatives we did to support this goal included our outreach at Cannon Park, where we focused on educating the public about the importance of recycling electronic waste and the environmental consequences of improper disposal. Many individuals expressed a lack of awareness regarding the impact of tech waste on the environment, often discarding old electronics in regular bins rather than recycling them. By presenting our project and distributing informative leaflets, we provided valuable resources that not only explained the recycling process but also highlighted the significance of reducing e-waste to combat climate change. This aligns with SDG Target 13.3, which emphasizes improving education and awareness of climate change mitigation strategies.

The outreach session proved to be successful, as numerous attendees indicated their intention to use the information provided to start recycling their old electronics. By facilitating discussions on recycling practices and addressing barriers to access—such as the difficulty of reaching recycling centres without a car—we contributed to building a community that is more informed and engaged in sustainable practices. Ultimately, our efforts not only raised awareness about the intersection of bacteria and tech waste recycling but also empowered individuals to take actionable steps toward reducing their environmental impact, thereby supporting the overarching goals of SDG 13. Through these initiatives, we are fostering a culture of climate consciousness and responsibility within the community, essential for addressing the urgent challenges posed by climate change.


While our project aims to promote sustainable recycling practices and reduce the environmental impact of rare earth metal extraction, there are specific drawbacks concerning this goal that must be addressed. One significant concern is related to Target 13.2, which emphasizes the integration of climate change measures into national policies and strategies. If our recycling processes rely on energy-intensive methods or hazardous chemicals, they could lead to increased greenhouse gas emissions, undermining efforts to combat climate change.

Additionally, while our innovative techniques aim to minimize the environmental footprint compared to traditional mining, they still involve some level of emissions and waste generation, which directly relates to Target 13.3. This target focuses on improving education and awareness regarding climate change mitigation. Without sufficient public understanding and engagement in our recycling initiatives, we risk perpetuating poor recycling habits, resulting in continued disposal of electronic waste in landfills rather than through sustainable channels.

Moreover, the challenge of managing the potential release of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) during the recycling process raises concerns about ecological safety, which could impact local ecosystems and contradict Target 13.1. This target aims to strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards. Thus, ensuring that our project aligns with climate action goals necessitates continuous evaluation and refinement of our practices to mitigate these drawbacks and fully support the objectives outlined in SDG 13.

Stakeholder Feedback

Our meeting with Sophie Kempston, a PhD student specializing in the sustainability impacts of the UK’s demand for critical raw materials, provided valuable insights into how our project contributes to SDG 13: Climate Action. Sophie emphasized that the growing demand for rare earth metals, driven by the rise in renewable energy technologies and electric vehicle production, presents a significant challenge to sustainable development. Traditional mining methods for these materials are energy-intensive, contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, and often involve complex supply chains with high carbon footprints. Addressing these environmental issues through innovative recycling methods, such as ours, directly aligns with SDG 13’s call for urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

Our project offers a viable solution by promoting the recycling of rare earth metals, which reduces the need for new mining operations, thereby mitigating some of the most severe environmental impacts associated with raw material extraction. This approach directly supports SDG Target 13.2, which aims to integrate climate change measures into national policies and strategies. By providing a more sustainable supply of critical materials, our project helps industries dependent on these resources, such as the electric vehicle and renewable energy sectors, lower their overall carbon footprint. Additionally, by reducing the need for long-distance transportation of raw materials, we further minimizes greenhouse gas emissions associated with the global supply chain.

Sophie’s insights also highlighted the importance of considering the Triple Bottom Line framework — social, economic, and environmental impacts—in assessing the sustainability of our recycling technology. Environmentally, our method significantly reduces the energy requirements compared to traditional mining and minimizes chemical waste, directly contributing to SDG Target 13.3, which focuses on improving education and awareness around climate mitigation strategies. By demonstrating the feasibility of less harmful recycling methods, our project helps raise awareness of sustainable practices in the materials industry, inspiring other stakeholders to adopt greener technologies and thus broadening the impact of our climate action efforts.

While the environmental benefits are clear, Sophie also pointed out that our project, if widely adopted, could transform the economic landscape by reducing dependence on regions with high mining activity, such as China [10]. This diversification of the supply chain supports global efforts to build more resilient and sustainable industrial ecosystems. However, the transition away from mining could have social implications, particularly for communities that rely on mining for employment. To mitigate these potential negative effects, we are exploring strategies such as retraining programs to help workers transition to roles in the recycling industry. This proactive approach demonstrates our commitment not only to reducing the environmental impact of material sourcing but also to addressing the social dimensions of sustainability, aligning our efforts with SDG 13’s broader objective of fostering a just and equitable transition to a low-carbon economy.

In summary, our meeting with Sophie Kempston reinforced that our project’s focus on recycling rare earth metals is not only essential for meeting future material demand but also plays a crucial role in advancing SDG 13. By reducing carbon emissions, promoting sustainable resource management, and contributing to climate mitigation, we are actively addressing the environmental dimensions of SDG 13 while also considering the social and economic implications of our work. This holistic approach positions our project as a significant contributor to the global effort to combat climate change and build a sustainable future.

Additional Contributions to SGDs

Despite our strongest alignment with the aforementioned 3 SDGs, we recognise that many of the SDGs are interconnected, and our efforts extend beyond these three areas. As a result, in addition to our three main targets, we wanted to identify other contributions our project had across all SDGs.

SDG 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy

The rising demand for clean energy technologies, including solar panels, wind turbines, and electric vehicle batteries, is driving a significant increase in the need for critical raw materials like rare earth metals [3]. Currently, mining is the primary method of sourcing these materials, but it presents considerable environmental and economic challenges that obstruct the path toward sustainable energy development. Our project directly addresses these issues by developing methods to recycle rare earth metals, which helps reduce reliance on traditional mining practices. This aligns with SDG target 7.2, which aims to increase the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix. By ensuring a more sustainable and secure supply of raw materials necessary for renewable energy infrastructure, our project helps lower costs and promotes broader adoption of clean energy technologies, thus facilitating a smoother transition to affordable and clean energy for all.

SDG 10 – Reduced inequalities

Through our "Topic in a Box" initiative for sixth-form students, we actively contributed to SDG target 10.2, which focuses on promoting the social and economic inclusion of all. Our goal was to create opportunities for underrepresented groups in STEM by engaging with younger students and sharing our passion for synthetic biology. By providing accessible and engaging lessons, we aimed to inspire students who may be uncertain about pursuing higher education or a career in science. We believe that by demonstrating how exciting and impactful science can be, we can encourage more students from diverse backgrounds to consider pathways into STEM, helping to foster a more inclusive and diverse scientific community in the future.

To further actively contribute to this goal, we hosted an educational session in collaboration with the Coventry Library. As part of the session, we engaged with a wide range of age groups on the topic of genetically modified organisms, with the goal of dispelling myths and erroneous beliefs that exist due to a lack of education and resources. We adopted an interactive approach to ensure the effectiveness of our message. Activities such as light microscopy, card matching, and interactive games with rewards, as well as tailored discussions made sure that the people approaching us left with a clear understanding of our message. Moreover, children were exposed to hands-on science that they would not have had access to otherwise. This way, they gathered a better understanding of what a scientist might do for a living, encouraging them to explore STEM in their formative years.

We also visited a local mall (Cannon Park) with the aim of bringing together two seemingly unrelated issues: genetically modified bacteria and electronic waste. Our stand attracted passerbys to engage in meaningful discussions about their opinions on GMOs. However, building on our Library outreach, we also inquired about people’s e-waste recycling habits and provided them with informational leaflets. Using the leaflets, we discussed the dangers of e-waste, the importance of proper recycling and the aims of BEACON: several people stated that because of our initiative, they will change their e-waste disposal habits. This goes to show that a big reason behind both reticence towards GMOs and incorrect e-waste disposal is the lack of knowledge and resources; through our outreach, we managed to fight against that, therefore working towards SDG-10.

To find out more about our education efforts, check out our Education page.

SDG-17 Partnership for the Goals

Through our collaborative efforts in the iGEM 101 tutorial video series, we actively contributed to achieving SDG target 17.6, which focuses on enhancing knowledge sharing and fostering cooperation through improved coordination of existing mechanisms. By partnering with other iGEM teams, we created a platform for the exchange of ideas, expertise, and innovative approaches. This allowed us not only to share our knowledge and experiences but also to learn from the diverse perspectives and methodologies of other teams.

Our tutorials served as an educational tool aimed at empowering teams with the skills and information necessary to succeed in their projects. At the same time, this collaboration opened up pathways for us to absorb new insights and refine our approaches. By creating this two-way channel of knowledge transfer, we contributed to building a stronger, more interconnected global research community that aligns with the broader aim of SDG-17.

Addressing Challenges and Looking Ahead

We are aware that our project could have socioeconomic impacts, particularly on employment in mining regions. To mitigate this, we propose implementing training programs for mine workers, enabling them to transition to new roles within recycling industries. This will ensure that workers affected by the shift away from mining are not left behind and are equipped to participate in the more sustainable future our project aims to create. Through these efforts, we hope to play a significant role in driving forward global sustainability initiatives.


^[1] The 17 goals | sustainable development (2024) United Nations. Available at: (Accessed: 22 September 2024).

^[2] Overcoming the world’s challenges (2024) The Global Goals. Available at: (Accessed: 22 September 2024).

^[3] Knapper, E. (2022) Science, Technology and innovation is not addressing world’s most urgent problems, Leiden University. Available at: (Accessed: 22 September 2024).

^[4] Sachs, J. et al. (2023) Sustainable development report 2023, Sustainable Development Report 2023 - Sustainable Development Report. Available at: (Accessed: 22 September 2024).

^[5] Global Compact Network UK. [2024] Halfway to 2030: How is the UK performing on the Sustainable Development Goals? Available at: (Accessed: 22 September 2024).

^[6] Lobo, J. and Kenzie, S. (2022) Measuring up 2.0, Global Compact Network UK. Available at: (Accessed: 22 September 2024).

^[7] Templeman, J. (2023) UK to become World’s biggest e-waste contributor by 2024, Available at: (Accessed: 01 October 2024).

^[8] (2023) Rare Earth Metals Recycling: The solution to our growing e-waste problem?: Extrapolate. Available at: (Accessed: 01 October 2024).

^[9] University of Birmingham, Securing critical rare earth magnets for the UK supply chain, University of Birmingham. Available at: (Accessed: 02 October 2024).

^[10] Earth.Org (2020) How rare-earth mining has devastated China’s environment, Earth.Org. Available at: (Accessed: 01 October 2024).

^[11] Leon, M. and Daphne, T. (2023) The rare earth problem: Sustainable sourcing and supply chain challenges, Circularise. Available at: (Accessed: 01 October 2024).

^[12] ICMM (2024) SDG12: Responsible consumption and production, ICMM. Available at: (Accessed: 01 October 2024).

^[13] Bai, J., Xu, X., Duan, Y. et al. (2022) Evaluation of resource and environmental carrying capacity in rare earth mining areas in China. Sci Rep 12, 6105