
- Parts Overview -


We used several different backbones to clone our various inserts:


The pTE1877 backbone was kindly provided to us by the Tobias Erb group. It is a vector that can be shuttled through E. coli for use in Mex and is multicopy with an IPTG inducible promoter. It contains mCherry which is excised during cloning so that it functions as a disruptable marker. It has a kanamycin resistance gene so also indicates successful transformation when plated on media with kanamycin.

The assembled plasmid contains lutH under inducible expression of the PL/O4/A1 promoter. LutH is a lanthanide transporter so increased transcription increases the uptake of lanthanides which maximises lanthanide scavenging [1].

Figure 1 - pUMP001 plasmid


The pMW224 backbone was kindly provided by the Anke Becker group. It is an empty vector that can be shuttled through E. coli for use in Mex. It has a tetracycline resistance gene so enables the selection of transformed cells once plated on media with tetracycline.

As we are engineering Mex to uptake more lanthanides than wild-type Mex by increasing lutH transcription, we are inducibly upregulating a cytosol-localised variant of the lanthanide binding protein lanmodulin (LanM) to mitigate stress. The lanM gene codes for lanmodulin which sequesters excess cellular lanthanides which reduces the stress that they cause. We also had to clone in lacIQ and a lac promoter (PL/O4/A1) to control expression of lanM using IPTG [2].

LanM also acts as a buffer for free cellular neodymium, keeping it sequestered and unable to promote tar expression (see below) until it has accumulated sufficiently to saturate LanM. This is expected to optimise the bioaccumulation strategy.

Figure 2 - pLNM001 plasmid


The pMW220 backbone was kindly provided by the Anke Becker group. It is an empty vector that can be shuttled through E. coli for use in Mex. It has a gentamicin resistance gene so enables the selection of transformed cells once plated on media with gentamicin.

The insert, tar, encodes for an MCP. An MCP is a ligand sensing protein that promotes chemotaxis towards the attractant ligand [3]. We are using an aspartate MCP derived from E. coli under neodymium sensing mechanisms which are derived from Mex [4]. This will give Mex a foreign chemotaxis ability towards aspartate, a cheap and accessible chemoattractant, which is expressed in the presence of lanthanides. This means that once lanthanides have been accumulated, Mex then swims towards aspartate where the accumulated lanthanides can then be extracted. The insert is under a neodymium upregulated promoter, PxoxF1[5].

Figure 3 - pTAR001 plasmid


The pET-28a(+) backbone was provided by the Alberti Lab, and can be bought from SnapGene. It is a bacterial vector for expression of N-terminally 6xHis-tagged proteins with a thrombin cleavage site [6]. Expression is induced by T7 RNA polymerase provided by the expression system E. coli BL21.

The XoxF insert is a PQQ-dependent periplasmic alcohol dehydrogenase [7]. We used this protein for our neodymium uptake assay to quantify how much neodymium was taken up using spectrophotometry, as outlined in the protocols.

XoxF forms inclusion bodies with this expression strategy, and requires resolubilisation and refolding to regain activity. We recommend an alternative expression strategy, such as that in a paper by Huang et al. (2018) [8].

Figure 4 - pXOX001 plasmid

We thank IDT for providing the gene block fragments and to Full Circle Labs for sequencing our plasmids.


Vu et al. (2016), characterise the robust Ln-dependent upregulation of expression of mVenus downstream of the intergenic region prior to XoxF1. We use this intergenic region, which we label PxoxF1, as a promoter for tar. As shown in figure 5A of the paper, expression from this promoter, here labelled xox1, is upregulated in the presence of lanthanides [5].

For inducible promoters, we assembled the lutH and lanM inserts under the IPTG inducible promoter PL/O4/A1, selected due to its high maximum strength - shown in figure 6 relative to the metabolic enzyme PmxaF promoter. We found that even leaky expression under this promoter was lethal to cells expressing lutH, and subsequent cloning strategies would use a weaker promoter.

Vu et al. (2016)
Figure 5 - Expression from the mxa and xox1 promoters using Venus as a transcriptional reporter in wild-type strain. The strain was grown in MP succinate-methanol medium containing 20 μM Ca (black bars), 20 μM La (gray bars), or both 20 μM Ca and 2 μM La (white bars). The expression levels are reported as RFU per OD600 unit. The background expression levels from the promoterless venus fusion vector in the wild-type are 59 ± 6 RFU/OD600. Figure from Vu et al. (2016) with adapted figure legend.
Available, characterised IPTG inducible promoters generously offered by the Erb group. The control PmxaF is the promoter for a metabolic calcium ion-dependent methanol dehydrogenase
Figure 6 - Available, characterised IPTG inducible promoters generously offered by the Erb group. The control PmxaF is the promoter for a metabolic Ca2+-dependent methanol dehydrogenase [10].


We used NEB Turbo Competent E. coli to transform our plasmid and generate stocks of our engineered bacteria. This is due to their high efficiency and fast colony growth.

For the XoxF protein expression, after purifying the plasmids through miniprep from the Turbo cells, we transformed into E. coli BL21 Competent cells due to their high levels of recombinant protein expression and easy induction.

For the other plasmids, after miniprep of the Turbo cell plasmids, the cells were transformed into M. extorquens AM1 for characterisation. Mex was used as it contains the natural lanthanide-binding protein lanmodulin and already contains lanthanide uptake and sensing machinery [9]. The AM1 strain was used specifically as it is the most well characterised.


^[1] Shiina W, Ito H, Kamachi T (2023) Identification of a TonB-Dependent Receptor Involved in Lanthanide Switch by the Characterization of Laboratory-Adapted Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b. Appl Environ Microbiol. 89(1).

^[2] Glascock C.B., Weickert M.J. (1998) Using chromosomal lacIQ1 to control expression of genes on high-copy-number plasmids in Escherichia coli Gene 223. 221-231.

^[3] Salah Ud-Din AIM, Roujeinikova A. (2017) Methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins: a core sensing element in prokaryotes and archaea. Cell Mol Life Sci.74(18):3293-3303.

^[4] Wolff C, Parkinson JS. (1988) Aspartate taxis mutants of the Escherichia coli tar chemoreceptor. J Bacteriol. 170(10):4509-15.

^[5] Vu HN, Subuyuj GA, Vijayakumar S, Good NM, Martinez-Gomez NC, Skovran E. (2016) Lanthanide-Dependent Regulation of Methanol Oxidation Systems in Methylobacterium extorquens AM1 and Their Contribution to Methanol Growth. J Bacteriol. 31;198(8):1250-9

^[6] Shilling, P.J., Mirzadeh, K., Cumming, A.J. et al. (2020) Improved designs for pET expression plasmids increase protein production yield in Escherichia coli. Commun Biol 3, 21

^[7] Skovran E, Palmer AD, Rountree AM, Good NM, Lidstrom ME. (2011) XoxF is required for expression of methanol dehydrogenase in Methylobacterium extorquens AM1. J Bacteriol. 2011 Nov;193(21):6032-8.

^[8] Huang J, Yu Z, Chistoserdova L. (2018) Lanthanide-Dependent Methanol Dehydrogenases of XoxF4 and XoxF5 Clades Are Differentially Distributed Among Methylotrophic Bacteria and They Reveal Different Biochemical Properties. Front Microbiol. 2018 Jun 26;9:1366.

^[9] Mattocks, J.A., Jung, J.J., Lin, CY. et al. (2023) Enhanced rare-earth separation with a metal-sensitive lanmodulin dimer. Nature 618, 87–9

^[10] Carillo, M., Wagner, M., Petit, F. et al. (2019) Design and Control of Extrachromosomal Elements in Methylorubrum extorquens AM1