
- Engineering Success -


Throughout our project's development, we have iterated through each of the stages of the engineering cycle, in order to ensure an efficient and robust engineering process. Here we describe our usage of the design-build-test-learn cycle in the different aspects of the project.

Design Built Test Learn cycle
iGEM engineering cycle



Engineer in foreign chemotaxis under Nd upregulation =>

  1. WT must not natively show positive or negative migration
  2. Easily integrable => Use system from gram negative (same as M. extorquens).

  1. => Test M. extorquens native taxis to the below E.coli chemoattractants.
  2. => E. coli MCPs (ligand sensing component of taxis), which are:
    • Tar†: Aspartate, Maltose*
    • Tsr†: Serine
    • Tap: Ribose*, Galactose*
    • Trg: Dipeptides*
    • Aer: O2 Experimental setup too complicated
  3. † Abundant in E.coli, * bind MCP via periplasmic binding proteins


No build for WT characterisation


We were interested in chemotaxis, and therefore had to decide on a motility assay and optimise for M. extorquens. We chose a qualititive assay that gives a robust binary result within an hour of inoculation, and uses small plates such that it does not waste resources.

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Qualitative, Growth-Unsupportive Chemotaxis Assay


Unfortunately, we got no positive results, even from positive control. Therefore, we moved on to a protocol that i) can be troubleshot more easily, and ii) better matches the setup for our proof of concept.


The new design facilitates taxis over the course of the growth timeframe, and also allows a quantitative measurement of the cells’ propensity to move towards the chemoattractants.


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Quantitative, Growth-Supportive Chemotaxis Assay


We see colonies mostly ascribing to the third option – no motility. This was highly concerning, as it suggested that the strain of M. extorquens we had had been domesticated such that it had lost motility. We knew we needed to somehow reintroduce it, but that using genetic engineering would be a largely blind process.


We opted to perform a series of successive swim plates, each time taking bacteria from the farthest point that it grew from inoculation, and reinoculating with that.


This directed evolution was repeated until we saw sufficient motility to be characterisable. We grew up two motile colonies, made glycerol stocks of them and named them ‘Mex mot A’; and ‘Mex mot B’. We used Mex mot A for all future experimentation and transformation.


We reattempted the assay in the previous cycle with our Mex mot A strain.


We successfully observed negative results for the E. coli chemoattractants. This gave us a choice of chemoattractants, so we were able to pick one that is:

  • Easy to engineer
  • Cheap at industrial scale


We chose Tar for aspartate sensing, because:

  • The MCP binds aspartate directly => only one component => simple.
  • Abundant in E. coli => well characterised activity.
  • Asp is a chemically simple amino acid => cheap and readily available.

For Nd regulation, we inserted the intergenic region upstream of M. extorquens' xoxF1, which is characterised as being robustly upregulated in lanthanides (La3+, Ce3+).


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Building Artificial Chemotaxis


Using aspatate in plug, perform Ex (2) from previous cycle with:

  1. Mex mot A
  2. Mex mot A + PxoxF1-tar


We saw some limited movement towards Asp in the transformant and not in the untransformed Mex mot A strain at 0.2% w/v agar.

=> Successful endowment of aspartate taxis in Nd-supplemented media.


We wanted to optimise the capacity of M. extorquens for lanthanide uptake, so we designed a bioaccumulation strategy, as below.
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Bioaccumulation Strategy

Therefore, we planned to engineer in LutH and LanM under inducible, titratable regulation, to test for optimal expression levels.


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Building Bioaccumulative Systems

With our promoter choice, even leaky expression of lutH was observed to be lethal to cells.

Test: Uptake

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Test: Uptake stage
  1. Successive growths in Nd-supplemented media
    • Grow, then remove majority of cells by centrifugation, and save a sample of media.
    • Allow regrowth repeatedly until cells fail to grow.

    This assay measures the reduction in Nd concentration, which is in theory more sensitive to conditions where the majority of Nd is uptaken.

  2. Overnight uptake
    • Grow to late exponential in absence of Nd, then induce overnight with Nd.
    • Centrifuge and wash cells repeatedly, collecting the cells for sampling after the last wash.

    This assay measures the uptake into cells directly, and allows standardisation by cell density. In theory it is more sensitive to conditions where cell uptake of Nd is limited.

Limited use of ICP-MS caused us to decide to run the assay 2) only.


We found WT uptake was extremely efficient at the concentrations of Nd that we used. Therefore, we did not redesign the expression construct for weaker expression of LutH, because it was no longer considered an effective optimisation. This choice was supported by our model by this stage.

lanM did result in increased uptake per cell, which supports our idea of using it for neodymium sequestration. Nevertheless, it was not deemed necessary to optimise the design of lanM for uptake, because the WT was sufficiently efficient.

Test: Stress

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Aim for stress reduction
  1. Growth curves at variable [Nd]
    • High throughout
    • Highly quantified
    • Limited access to plate reader as undergraduate students
  2. Viability plates
    • Magnitudes of growth observable
    • No specialist equipment

We decided to go with viability plates, because we expected our results to be spread across several magnitudes of neodymium concentrations.

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Viability Plate Setup


Inconsistent results across similar experiments cast doubt on results, but initial analysis is promising. More repeats are required for a robust claim of success, but LanM does appear to reduce stress manyfold, in line with predictions from our model.

Protein Purification


An enzymatic assay for [Nd] quantification. Details of assay chemistry on Protocols / Contribution pages.

Here, we focus on XoxF purification.

XoxF = approx. 65 kDa, 4 Cys-S-S-Cys, periplasmic, dimerizes

Initial expression system: E. coli BL21, pET-28a(+)


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Building XoxF Expression System


Purify with Ni2+ column

  1. Assay


Assay failed to show any activity.
SDS-PAGE showed protein was insoluble. We determined that we needed to change conditions to promote solubility.


Retry using cell lysate directly, supported by literature.


Same system


No activity


Protein is insoluble, at least by lysis.


Retry with 4-fold reduced induction & in vivo assay


Reduce [IPTG] from 1 mM to 0.25 mM


Tested both, no activity


Expression system is poor; pET-28a(+) does not facilitate the biophysical properties of XoxF


Resolubilise and refold protein


Extract inclusion bodies, resolubilise and refold them. Limitations with available lab equipment reduced the viability of the refolding step, as we had to perform dilution instead of dialysis.


Protein resolubilisation was succesful, but no activity with refolded protein


In hindsight, had we had more experience with protein work across the team, we would have recognised that the expression system we used was inappropriate for a protein with the biophysical characteristics of XoxF, and we would have performed an existing protocol in the literature for purification


Transition to an M. extorquens-based expression system, as detailed as giving soluble protein in the literature


Limited by time constraints of iGEM season

Proof of Concept


The bacterial strains used are those generated in previous cycles, but the setup still requires design. A particular issue was the collection of samples, because the soft agar cannot be excised effectively – the agar reforms around a blade.

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Proof of Concept Experimental Setup


In order to collect samples reliably, we designed a simple 3D-printed ‘cookie cutter’, detailed on the protocols page. The cutter is stabbed into the plate with gridlines pre-drawn, and the soft agar is pipetted up.

This produces robust, reliable, reproducible results.

The samples can then be solubilised with a chaotrope, and sonicated to lyse. Storage at -20 °C is good to prevent cell regrowth.


Run assay, collect samples. Samples quantified by:

  1. ICP-MS
    • Gold standard
    • Expensive per sample
  2. XoxF assay
    • Cheap per sample
    • Quick
    • Benchtop


We saw promising results!

We analysed different strains/conditions to assess the impact of our genetic components. See results for discussion.