Welcome! This platform serves as an interactive demonstration for our Lantern project. Given the complexity of genetic circuits and logical operations, we have developed this page to offer a clearer and more intuitive understanding of how these circuits operate. It is also designed to assist users in easily locating the inducers they wish to incorporate based on their specific needs. We hope you find it beneficial!
Here is a GIF that shows all the actions available:
To view an animated demonstration, simply select the inducer you wish to add from the drop-down menu at the bottom left labeled "Select the inducer to add." Please be aware that you could only select one inducer at a time, after which you can click the "Run" button. The schematic representation of the genetic circuits on the right will adjust according to your selection, either by flipping or removing elements. Once the animation concludes, you may repeat this process to observe how the circuits evolve with the sequential addition of inducers.
Additionally, you can click the "Show Expr" button to view the logical expression corresponding to the modified circuits. (Note that by doing so, the content in the "Original Expression" field and the truth table will be overridden.) To return to the original circuits, simply press the "Reset" button.
For your search, you can enter your target logical expression in the "Original Expression" field, such as "A|B". Alternatively, you can configure the truth table using the rightmost column of the table displayed.
The page will then present the corresponding "Formalized Expression," along with the necessary inducers and their order of addition to achieve that expression. Following this, you can select the suggested inducers and enjoy the animated demonstration.
That’s all! You’re now free to explore and interact with the page as you wish!