Synthetic biology holds immense potential and has the ability to create environmentally friendly solutions. However, there are numerous concerns and anxieties specific to synthetic biology. Manipulating life goes beyond the challenges faced by traditional engineering fields and brings forth ethical and societal issues. In particular, concerns have been raised regarding its impact on ecosystems and unpredictable outcomes, necessitating careful consideration of how synthetic organisms may affect natural environments and human society. As a result, we have received various opinions from people across different fields while advancing our project.
Firstly, we received valuable insights from individuals at NASA, JAXA, and IDDK, who are actively working in space, the experimental environment for this project. Regarding melanin, the main focus of our project, we received guidance from Ms.Ekaterina and Mr.Ricardo. Professor Yokobori provided detailed advice on microbial cultivation within the ISS, Professor Takatsuma discussed the project's potential applications, and Professor Endo offered expertise on radiation.
We held meetings with Euglena, a Japanese company working on space food, Professor Omine, a researcher in microbial fuel cells, a museum in Fukushima prefecture related to the nuclear accident, and Professor Kumazawa, an expert in food science, to explore the potential of the project.
Additionally, in considering environmental protection, we consulted with NASA’s Planetary Protection Team regarding space environmental preservation and received guidance on environmental ethics from Professor Kurata. Beyond these, the project has been supported and made possible through the cooperation of many other experts and organizations.
Our implementation model
The following model was used to make “Eneducer” inclusive.
The Eneducer, a microorganism that converts radiation into energy, was modelled in the following way to take it from an idea to a social implementation.
First, in Understand the Problem, we investigated what specific problems exist in the space environment. For example, questions were asked of NASA and JAXA, which conduct research and development in space, and IDDK, which provides bio-experiment services.
Next, Design Solution consulted on the system design of the ‘Eneducer’ and the direction it should take in the Wet and Dry labs.’ The team included Professor Ekaterina Dadachova, author of the original paper on the ‘ENEducer’; Prof Tomohiro Endo, a radiation expert; Professor Shinichi Yokobori, an astrobiology expert who has actually conducted experiments in space; and Dr Atsushi Takatsuma, a researcher on microbial fuel cells, Professor Ricardo O Lauro spoke to the author of a paper studying the cytochrome c protein in Shewanella.
In addition, Project and Society gathered opinions from various stakeholders to find out what needs to be considered in order to implement the ‘ENEducer’ in society. We had a meeting with Euglena, a Japanese company working on space food, to discuss the possibilities of our project in the space sector. To find out how it could be applied, we also interviewed researchers at an intermediate storage facility that manages soil containing radioactive materials, Professor Kiyoshi Omine, who is familiar with microbial fuel cells, IDDK, which provides bio-experimental services, and citizen.
Future considers the further potential of the ‘ENEducer’, based on the advice of Professor Shinichi Yokobori and Professor Ricardo O Lauro, whom we have interviewed so far.
Finally, We contacted NASA for planetary protection and Professor Nobuo Kurata, a philosopher specialising in bioethics and applied ethics, for environmental ethics.

Fig.1 We went from idea to social implementation in the order of Understand the Problem, Design Solution, Project and Society, and Future. In addition, since Project and Society and Future are closely related to safety, they were done in a reciprocal manner.
Stakeholder map
We created the following stakeholder map as part of our public relations (PR) activities.
This map identifies the key stakeholders necessary for our PR efforts and categorizes them into more specific groups.
The stakeholder map we created was divided into four categories by the stakeholders in our project: Government, Researchers, Companies, and Observers. We also tried to have a dialogue about the different areas within each category.
Government: Governments often engage in space research as a national effort. We believe they have the most extensive knowledge when it comes to space-related matters. Additionally, we think that advancements in space research could eventually benefit Earth. Therefore, by consulting with government bodies that are not directly involved in space research, we may discover new insights.
Researchers: Researchers typically specialize in their own fields. Our project has many connections beyond space, including melanin, microorganisms, radiation, and soil, making their input valuable.
Companies: Space development is expected to become a large market in the future. Companies currently involved in space development are seen as innovative leaders in the field.
Observers: Space exploration and development will likely have a significant impact on the people living on Earth. Therefore, it is important to have observers provide objective feedback on our project.

Fig.2 This is our stakeholder map. It divides our stakeholders into categories, further illustrated and labeled by field.
1.Understand the Problem
JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) Sagamihara
Before we began our research, we realized that we did not fully understand the space environment or the challenges associated with it, as we had never actually been to space.
Therefore, we conducted an investigation into the current state of space environments and the issues that need to be addressed.
We interviewed two types of space specialists: those involved in space research and those engaged in the space industry. In these interviews, we discussed how synthetic biology could be applied to address the challenges in space.

Fig.3 JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) Sagamihara: About space debris
JAXA Sagamihara is a technical base for launches and landings, so it is a scientific satellite rather than an engineering approach and a practical satellite. Moreover, it is difficult for JAXA to take the lead in the creation of a manned spacecraft because of the lack of money in Japan. Tsukuba specialises in practical satellites, so much so that it was originally part of the Ministry of Science.
The problem with both scientific and practical satellites is the problem of space debris. Until recently, this was not considered to be a low probability because there were not many hulls in space, but with the recent development of technology, many aircraft are in space. Therefore, space debris has to be addressed.
Mr. Ikeda IDDK

Fig.4 Mr. Ikeda IDDK:Differences between bio-experiments in space and on the ground
IDDK is a company that provides bio-experiment services in space. We had a Zoom meeting with IDDK to investigate specific issues and to see if we could come up with ideas in synthetic biology on materials and systems needed in space.
Question 1: Which micro-organisms can be identified as being in demand in space projects?
ANSWER: micro-organisms that can produce fuel in space, micro-organisms that can produce fermented food, etc.
Question 2: What micro-organisms are actually being cultured at present?
Answer: mostly yeast, few bacterial ones
Question 3: Reasons for your answer to question 2
Answer: because they are difficult to handle from the perspective of biohazards.
Question 4: Differences from cultivation on the ground
Answer: it is necessary to consider the optimum conditions for each micro-organism, which differ depending on the microgravity environment on the ISS and the environment on Mars or the Moon's surface The IDDK's experimental environment is similar to that on the ISS, where experiments are conducted for one unit while maintaining one atmosphere. The altitude is 400 km, the same as on the ISS, and radiation is about 300 times higher than on the ground.
By talking to institutions in two different directions,
The need for a fuel production system in space environments has become evident. Although conditions differ from those on Earth, experiments utilizing microorganisms are being actively conducted in space (such as on Mars and the Moon), and there is significant interest in microbial systems, particularly those involving bacteria.
Based on this experience, I have come to the conclusion that if the radiation present in space could be harnessed as an energy source rather than avoided, it would enable more efficient fuel production and metabolic systems in the resource-limited environment of space. While the environments of Mars and the Moon differ, I am considering an experiment aboard the International Space Station (ISS) to test whether microorganisms can utilize radiation as an energy source. In this context, I believe it is crucial to explore the possibility of developing genetic components that not only provide radiation resistance but also enable microorganisms to use radiation as an energy source.
2.Design Solutions
The individuals introduced here have provided valuable insights into the characteristics and applications of microorganisms, greatly contributing to the progress of the project.
we have also considered what ideas there are for acquiring energy in space.
First we considered the use of cosmic radiation in space.
In this section we have considered what ideas there are for acquiring energy in space.
First we considered the use of cosmic radiation in space. So we consulted with PIs and found out about ways of acquiring energy from melanin radiation. And we interviewed the authors of that paper.
Professor Ekaterina Dadachova

Fig.5 Professor Ekaterina Dadachova: The role of melanin when exposed to radiation
Why I Asked This Person
I discovered a paper stating that microorganisms containing melanin acquire energy in a radiation environment, and I thought that if this system could be applied, we might be able to create microorganisms that can make beneficial use of radiation. Therefore, I spoke with the author of the paper.
What I Asked
Is it possible to prevent radiation damage if melanin is expressed in the cytoplasm?
Melanin is found in our skin, and in humans, melanosomes are produced within melanocytes. These melanosomes are known to play a role in protecting the skin from ultraviolet radiation, and it is possible that they may have a similar protective effect against radiation.
Regarding Radiation Resistance
By placing melanin in the periplasm, it may be possible to protect the cell more effectively than protecting the entire cell, but there is a possibility that the melanin itself could suffer specific damage. In particular, when exposed to ionizing radiation, the stable electron state within the melanin molecule could collapse, causing damage. However, due to the molecular properties of melanin, this damage from ionizing radiation can sometimes be repaired on the spot. This repair ability depends on the amount and energy of the radiation received, and if the radiation is too strong, it may result in damage that exceeds the repair capacity.
Regarding Melanin Synthesis
Furthermore, the synthesis of melanin involves an enzyme called tyrosinase, which is necessary to generate melanin from tyrosine. If you want to promote melanin production, it might be possible to activate the synthesis by increasing the supply of tyrosine. Also, melanin itself does not release electrons; rather, melanin and other substances undergo redox reactions.
Prof.Ricardo O Lauro

Fig.6 Prof.Ricardo O Lauro: Do cytochrome c proteins react with radicals?
In our project, we considered transferring electrons from melanin and radicals formed from melanin-released electrons to the cytochrome c protein in the EET pathway. We spoke with the author of a paper studying cytochrome c proteins in Shewanella.
We inquired whether cytochrome c proteins react with radicals and whether the dissociation constant of the Δ-protein complex could be used to determine electron transfer efficiency in the EET pathway.
It was found that while cytochrome c proteins are not optimal for reactions with radicals, they do react to some extent. One of the reductants used in cytochrome c reduction experiments, dithionite, forms a radical during the reduction process. This suggests the possibility of electron transfer from melanin or hydroxyl radicals.
On the other hand, Shewanella has a lower Mn/Fe ratio compared to other organisms, raising concerns about its resistance to radicals generated by radiation or UV light.
Since our project focuses on converting radiation energy into other forms of energy, it was suggested that introducing this system into organisms with a higher Mn/Fe ratio could potentially create devices with stronger radiation protection.
Further interviews were conducted on radiation to energy.
Prof.Tomohiro Endo

Fig.7 Prof.Tomohiro Endo: Understanding radiation

Fig.8 Prof.Tomohiro Endo: Understanding radiation
Why We Consulted This Person
Our knowledge of radiation was at a general level, and we felt it was necessary to gain a deeper understanding in order to handle radiation in our project. Therefore, we consulted Professor Endo, a certified radiation supervisor, to learn more about radiation.
What We Learned
We learned about radiation and how melanin reacts with it. Specifically, we learned that radiation and melanin are prone to undergoing Compton scattering, which causes recoil electrons to be ejected from their orbital paths. We also learned that the π-electrons, which are abundant in melanin, react with the electrons of free radicals, thereby exhibiting free radical scavenging abilities.
Subsequent Action Plan
Based on what we learned, we structured our project accordingly. We decided to utilize the recoil electrons generated by Compton scattering in our project.
Prof.Shinichi Yokobori

Fig.9 Prof.Shinichi Yokobori: Handling micro-organisms in space.
Since our project aims to create genetic parts that enable organisms to convert radiation into a usable form of energy in space environments and other radiation-rich environments, we spoke with Professor Yokobori, who likely has expertise in handling microorganisms in space.
On the Space Environment and Radiation
On the International Space Station (ISS), while radiation levels are about 100 times higher than on Earth, they are not extremely high. Except for sudden events like supernova explosions, radiation levels remain relatively stable. Therefore, it was concluded that the idea of using radiation as an energy source would be challenging to realize.
On Microorganisms and Radiation Resistance
When cultivating microorganisms in space, it is necessary to consider their radiation resistance. Although the radiation levels on the ISS are not lethal, if there is enough radiation to serve as an energy source, the resistance of microorganisms to radiation would need to be considered. In either case, solutions to this challenge need to be devised.
Challenges in Cultivating Microorganisms in Space
One of the challenges of cultivating microorganisms in space is the circulation of culture media and the supply of oxygen in a zero-gravity environment. Therefore, when using liquid culture media, a system is required that circulates the medium and forcibly supplies oxygen. While experiments can be conducted under similar conditions as on Earth within the ISS, it's necessary to consider how to start and end these experiments.
Other Space-Related Challenges
In space, the issue of debris is also significant, as debris of certain sizes can cause severe damage. Additionally, astronauts in space face the challenge of calcium and other specific nutrient deficiencies, which can lead to issues like bone loss during long-term stays in space.
Through This Advice
Through direct discussions with Professor Yokobori, we learned that when conducting liquid cultures, it is essential to develop a system that ensures the culture mixture is thoroughly mixed. However, designing such a system is very complex.
Therefore, we plan to first investigate existing systems and equipment to determine what technologies can be applied to our project.
In carrying out this research, we were wondering what to use as a model micro-organism, so we interviewed teachers with a connection to energy and micro-organisms
Prof.Atushi Kozuma

Fig.10 Prof.Atushi Kozuma: Production of useful substances and electricity production
Why We Consulted This Person
In our project, potential applications include the production of useful substances and electricity generation. We considered that measuring electricity could be a simpler and more accessible method to demonstrate the effects of radiation, compared to demonstrating the ability to produce useful substances. Therefore, we decided to focus on electroactive bacteria and proceed with a project aimed at supplying electrons to the EET pathway in electroactive bacteria. Electroactive bacteria are microorganisms that generate electricity as a byproduct when breaking down organic matter during their metabolism. Dr. Takatsuma, an associate professor in the School of Life Sciences at Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, specializes in electroactive bacteria, particularly in the mechanisms of extracellular electron transfer and fundamental research on energy production. For this reason, we sought his opinion on the feasibility of a project using the electron transport system of electroactive bacteria for energy production.
What We Asked
Regarding Model Organisms for Electroactive Bacteria
Representative model organisms for electroactive bacteria include Shewanella oneidensis and Geobacter sulfurreducens, which are known as iron-reducing bacteria (1)(2). In particular, S. oneidensis is easy to culture and allows for simple genetic modification. Moreover, its electron transport system has been elucidated, making it superior to other electroactive bacteria.
Regarding the Electron Transport System in Shewanella
We hypothesized that when Shewanella is transformed with the melA gene, the electrons generated by oxidation via melanin would be transferred to cytochrome C, which is involved in electron transport under normal conditions in Shewanella (3). However, it remains unclear whether the electrons generated by melanin are indeed transferred to cytochrome C. A possible approach to clarify this unknown electron transfer mechanism would be to knock out the genes thought to be necessary for electron transfer. If the knockout causes electricity to stop flowing, this would help support the hypothesis.
Regarding the Feasibility of the Project
We considered producing melanin in the periplasm of the bacteria to provide radiation resistance for the microorganisms' survival. Therefore, we asked whether it was possible to express specific enzymes in the periplasm of Shewanella. It was found that by using signal peptides, which direct the transport and localization of proteins produced in the cytoplasm, it is indeed possible to express specific enzymes in the periplasm. We also inquired whether Shewanella could uptake tyrosine, a precursor needed for melanin production. It was confirmed that amino acid transport through the outer membrane is relatively easy.
Insights from This Advice
We decided to transform Shewanella with the melA gene to produce melanin and expose it to ultraviolet radiation. Additionally, it was found that by using signal peptides, melanin could be produced in the periplasm of Shewanella during transformation. This advice led to the suggestion of creating a part combining the melA gene with a signal peptide.
- Lovley DR. et al. Geobacter: the microbe electric's physiology, ecology, and practical applications. Adv Microb Physiol. 59:1 (2011)
- Ikeda S. et al. Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 as a bacterial platform for electro-biotechnology. Essays Biochem. Jul 26;65(2021)
- Xu S, el al. Aug 15;140(32):10085-10089. doi: 10.1021/jacs.8b05104. Epub 2018 Aug (2018)
From these it appeared possible to acquire energy from radiation.
We took Schwanella as a model organism in this study.
3.Project and Society
In Project and Society, we aimed to understand the potential environmental issues that synthetic biology may cause and to demonstrate the safety of this project by proactively implementing countermeasures. We have a particular interest in environmental pollution in outer space and have received valuable feedback from many organizations, including NASA. Based on this feedback, we are exploring sustainable solutions and have developed specific policies to minimize the environmental impact of advancements in synthetic biology.
In implementing these, we also decided that we needed to talk to citizens as well as researchers, so we interviewed several people.
Application Method
How to apply it in space
In addition to space, areas with high radiation levels include nuclear power plants. It was necessary to consider how our research could be applied to each of these environments.
Implementing Eneducer in practice on the ISS presents several challenges. In space, astronauts cannot be manually involved in all experiments, so an automated experiment system is required. In addition, the materials and energy used must be managed efficiently in space, as supplies cannot be provided as freely as on the ground. Furthermore, it is essential to design and implement culture and circulation systems suitable for microgravity.
Meeting these challenges may make it possible to implement Eneducer on the ISS.
Euglena Co., Ltd. is the first company in the world to successfully mass cultivate microalgae euglena outdoors for food use. Currently, the company is developing various businesses with mass cultivation as a starting point.
We spoke with Euglena Co., Ltd. about practical examples of microorganisms. Euglena Co. grows the microorganisms on a flat panel and concentrates them by centrifugal separation, making it possible to drink them. It can also be dried once and separated into protein and carbohydrates, which can then be processed and used respectively.
From this we thought that we need to improve the substance production externally to seek to avoid and produce melanin further in order to extract the substance.
Space food
Prof.Yoshiyuki Kumazawa

Fig.11 space food: Using synthetic organisms in space to produce fuel and fermented foods.
There is a need for sustainable fuel production systems, i.e. micro-organisms that can produce fuel and fermented food in space. This project may be a means of solving this problem, as it is to develop genetic parts that will enable organisms to produce energy from radiation in space and radiation environments.
New ways of implementing what we eat in space were also considered.
After interviewing a number of people, they told us the following
“When space travel becomes more accessible and the technology we are developing is adopted for the production of nutrients in space, would you be willing to consume nutrients produced from microorganisms?” Those who said they would use the technology in response to the question
- Because a means of production other than taking them off the earth is essential for long-distance interplanetary travel and other long journeys.
- If their safety is confirmed, there is no reason not to ingest them
Many said they would use it if it was safe because it was necessary for use in space.
On the contrary, those who said they would not use it said
- I don't know what will happen to my body in the future, so I feel it is dangerous.
- I feel some hesitation when it comes to actually taking it. If safety is assured in the future, I will consider taking it.
Many people were hesitant to use the product because of safety concerns, such as “I am not sure what will happen to my body in the future.
As a result of our dialogue with many citizens, we discussed the importance of our project anew. Both supporters and opponents of synthetic biology are concerned about the safety of synthetic biology. Therefore, we felt that it was necessary to reduce the possibility of genetic mutation by providing radioprotection. We also thought that the citizens' idea of safety includes the possible damage caused by synthetic organisms. Therefore, we concluded that the kill switch we were considering was still necessary.
Talking to many people in this section deepened our understanding of the importance of our project and the dangers about the implementation and new ideas about it. Also, also by interacting with different stakeholders we gained new thoughts on the implementation of our project.
How to apply in soil
Japan has a radiation problem: the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake.
The Great East Japan Earthquake caused high levels of radiation to spread through the city, especially in Fukushima Prefecture.
The soil has been contaminated by radiation and no utilisation has been found.
However, it is thought that Fukushima soils cannot produce enough energy due to lower doses than in space. However, melanin is known to be radioresistant. It was thought that these soils could be used as soil material for microbial fuel cells, thus establishing a method of using radiation soils.
Interim storage facility

Fig.12 Interim storage facility:Disposal methods for contaminated soil.
- A facility in Futaba town, Fukushima prefecture, where radioactive waste and spent fuel are temporarily stored.
- Took a tour and heard about disposal methods for radioactive soil
- How to re-use the soil had not yet been decided
- We received feedback about our Project and positive reactions towards its realisation
Reprun Fukushima

Fig.13 Reprun Fukushima: Regarding soil containing radioactive materials
- Specified Waste Landfill Information Centre in Tomioka Town, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan.
- Information on the treatment of soil and waste containing radioactive materials produced as a result of the nuclear power plant accident, and on efforts to ensure safety and security.
- Whereabouts of soil containing radioactive materials (as of September 2023) is now known.
- I learned about the amount of soil containing radioactive materials and the specific types of radioactive materials.
- Learnt about future decontamination plans (final disposal outside the prefecture within 30 years after the start of interim storage)
Professor Kiyoshi Omine

Fig.14 Professor Kiyoshi Omine: It became clear that improvements on the hardware side are necessary.
- Microbial fuel cell researchers
- We have received feedback on our Project
- Taught that we need to be creative on the hardware
It has been found that incorporating radioactive soil into microbial fuel cells may require some hardware innovations to achieve a small output. Specifically, according to Dr Omine, it is necessary to devise ways to activate the microorganisms by making them contain a lot of iron, and to connect several microbial fuel cells in series. Soil from Fukushima Prefecture was available, but only at low radiation levels, and equipment problems made the experiment difficult.
We have spoken with various experts on space to discuss what possibilities our research could further expand in the future.
Prof. Shinichi Yokobori

Fig.15 Prof. Shinichi Yokobori: New possibilities for application methods.
- The Dandelion Project is actually underway on the ISS.
- Professor Yokobori is a researcher specialising in astrobiology
- Not only radiation, but also other oxidative stresses can be tolerated and converted into energy, which opens up new possibilities.
Mr. Nakazawa JAXA Tsukuba

Fig.16 Mr. Nakazawa JAXA Tsukuba: Regarding food and the environment in space
- We spoke to Takashi Nakazawa, who is based at the Tsukuba Space Centre.
- We asked him about the food and environment in space in detail.
JAXA does not conduct research on food in space, and that it is basically made by companies. As astronauts' food preferences are quite different, in the early days they had to specify what they wanted to eat, but people didn't follow the instructions, so they were allowed to eat freely.
In addition, because of the weightlessness in space, there is concern about muscle mass loss, but there are also other mental effects due to the closed environment. Therefore, they are providing mental care by eating meals together.
NASA is also conducting research on extending the shelf life of foodstuffs, and is trying to extend the basic one-and-a-half year shelf life.
Not only food, but water is very important in space: it costs several million yen to transport one litre, so there are mechanisms (distillation, reverse osmosis) in iss to recycle water to the utmost limit.
However, the taste of the water is not good due to the lack of minerals and other components.
For this reason, JAXA is currently working on water with a taste.
Finally, we asked what kind of method would be used to utilise the project in space, and were able to hear some interesting details.
In space, a lunar project called the Artemis Project is currently being carried out. This project requires a large amount of electricity, but solar power, which is the main method of generating electricity, cannot be used when the moon is in the shade. This is why we were asked if our project could be used.
Our project can generate power wherever there is radiation, so even if the moon is in the shade, we will still be able to supply power sustainably.
So in the future we wanted to come up with a mechanism that could support this Artemis project.
In implementing this project, it was considered necessary to give more consideration to safety aspects, as the space environment is different from the Earth.
To this end, we asked NASA, which conducts space research, about their environmental ethics. These we were able to apply to our safety.

Fig.17 Mr. Wayne W. Schubert; Synthetic biology and planetary protection.
NASA was established in 1958, succeeding NACA, as a civilian agency aimed at the peaceful use of space science. NASA’s Astrobiology Program aims to bridge the gap between chemistry and biology to provide insights into how life could originate not only on Earth but also in other parts of the universe. We spoke with Mr. Wayne W. Schubert from NASA. Mr. Wayne W. Schubert is a research scientist in the Biotechnology and Planetary Protection Group, actively participating in research involving the sterilization, cleaning, and verification of spacecraft hardware, as well as conducting applied research on the evaluation of microorganisms embedded in solid materials. Through our discussions with Mr. Schubert, we learned the following
- Mr. Schubert believes there is little difference between synthetic biology and genetic modification.
- Experiments conducted in Earth's orbit pose no issues from a planetary protection perspective.
- There are significant concerns about experiments that send organisms to other planets or moons. Specifically, contamination of Mars and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn is prohibited, and conducting experiments on the Moon requires special permission.
- The release of synthetic organisms into Earth’s environment is strictly regulated by laws such as the Cartagena Protocol.
- The "Committee on Space Research (COSPAR)" sets guidelines for the use of space.
From this, we understood that synthetic biology in the ISS does not pose environmental protection issues. However, synthetic biology on Earth is strictly regulated by laws such as the Cartagena Protocol. This reinforced the need to deepen our understanding of the Cartagena Protocol and similar regulations.
Prof. Nobuo Kurata Environmental Ethics

Fig.18 Prof.Nobuo Kurata: Synthetic biology and environmental ethics.
- Professor Nobuo Kurata is a philosopher specializing in bioethics and applied ethics and serves as a professor at the Graduate School of Letters at Hokkaido University.
- While some researchers in science and technology ethics are interested in the ethical issues of synthetic biology, it has not yet been sufficiently explored.
- Ensuring the safety and reliability of the project is crucial.
To understand how synthetic biology is perceived in the field of environmental ethics, we spoke with Professor Nobuo Kurata. Professor Kurata is a philosopher specializing in bioethics and applied ethics, currently serving as a professor at the Graduate School of Letters at Hokkaido University. His research is based on Kantian ethics, focusing on contemporary issues such as bioethics and science and technology ethics.
Through our discussions with Professor Kurata, the following points became clear:
- While some researchers in science and technology ethics are interested in the ethical issues surrounding synthetic biology, it has not yet been thoroughly examined.
- When creating new organisms, it is fundamental to prevent their spread outside the laboratory, just as with genetically modified organisms or genome-edited organisms. However, Professor Kurata personally believes that the current Cartagena Protocol can address this issue.
- Although not widely discussed in Japan, synthetic biology is often criticized as an act of "playing God" in Christian and Islamic regions and is seen as arrogant.
From these insights, it became clear that in order to bring synthetic organisms into practical use, there are challenges to overcome not only from a technical perspective but also in terms of conflicts with environmental ethics.
Through these discussions, we came to understand that by considering ethical concerns, safety management, and cultural backgrounds, the safety and reliability of the project can be ensured.