

The results of or project are divided into four phases. Firstly, comprehensive literature research in which we looked at scientific papers and consulted experts with varying expertise in order to refine our project idea and find promising enzymes. Secondly, subcloning of enzyme candidates as an intermediate step to generate template plasmids which can be used in following project phases. Thirdly, results of our reference approach, induced expression, are explained in which enzyme candidates were cloned into inducible expression vectors and activity assays were carried out to identify enzymes functioning well in the host Bacillus subtilis. Ultimately, promising enzymes were chosen for our final spore surface display strategy and analyzed by activity assays as well.

Phase 1: Literature Research

Decision of Enzyme Candidates

As soon as our team decided on the project topic “ReFiBa – Recycling of Textile Fibers using Bacillus subtilis”, we reviewed the literature, looked at the work of previous iGEM teams and consulted local experts, all of which shaped our project (see Design and Human Practices page).

Our project is divided into two main strategies:
1) Induced expression as a reference approach, in which we aimed to find active cellulases and PETases for working with B. subtilis as expression host.
2) Spore surface display as final strategy, in which chosen enzymes are immobilized on the surface of B. subtilis spores.

First, we needed to decide on enzyme candidates which are capable of degrading cellulose and PET. All details and information, which influenced the selection of enzyme candidates, can be reviewed on the Design page. Finally, cellulase candidates out of the phylum Firmicutes (Bacillota) were chosen as they are most promising for functioning well in B. subtilis. The PETase candidate was already codon optimized for Bacillus (Xi et al. 2021). The following table (Tab. 1) displays all ten enzyme candidates, the species in which they were found and our abbreviation which will be used from now on.

Table 1: Enzyme candidates for cellulose and PET degradation.
Enzyme group? Candidate Species Abbreviation
Endoglucanase EgIS Bacillus subtilis BhBgIA

Thereby, we achieved our first milestone:

Phase 2: Subcloning

Subcloning of Enzyme Candidates into psB1C3

After choosing ten enzyme candidates, we designed biological parts functioning as translational units containing the ribosome binding site for B. subtilis as well as the gene of interest. The parts were flanked by the BioBrick prefix and suffix sequences allowing BioBrick standard assembly and restriction-ligation-cloning. All information on construct design can be found on the Design page.

In order to create a template from which these parts could be amplified, we aimed to subclone the parts into a small vector pSB1C3. For that purpose, we isolated the plasmid from E. coli DH10β provided by the laboratory collection of Prof. Thorsten Mascher, yielding a DNA concentration of 431.0 ng/µl. Afterwards, we performed a Backbone PCR of pSB1C3 (Fig. 1) and subsequently digested the amplified vector backbone and the ordered parts with EcoRI and PstI, which were purified via the HiYield® PCR Clean-up/Gel Extraction Kit (see Experiments page for detailed protocols).

Fig. 1: DNA Ladder (A) and agarose gel electrophoresis: Backbone PCR of pSB1C3 (B).
A: 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder from New England Biolabs (NEB).
B: Backbone PCR of pSB1C3. Oligonucleotides for amplification can be found on the Experiments page. The correct PCR product has a size of 2043 bp. DNA fragments of other sizes represent unspecific bands. 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder (NEB) served as marker (M). The pSB1C3 backbone was purified by gel extraction resulting in a DNA concentration of 190.2 ng/µl.

After ligation, the plasmids were transformed into chemically competent E. coli DH10β cells. Transformants were selected by chloramphenicol resistance (35 μg/ml chloramphenicol) encoded on the pSB1C3 backbone (Fig. 2). For the negative control, no DNA was added during the transformation procedure leading to no cell growth on selection plates. For the positive control, cells were transformed with the vector pSB1C3 resulting in a pink bacterial lawn due to the RFP insert. On the selection plates of the target constructs, white colonies were tested by Colony PCR and agarose gel electrophoresis whether they contain the correct insert (Fig. 3).

Fig. 2: E. coli DH10β transformants on LB + chloramphenicol plates.
Negative control (NC) containing no DNA showed no growth at all. Positive control (PC) containing pSB1C3 resulted in a pink bacterial lawn. Transformation with pSB1C3-BhBglA, shown as exemplary plasmid, led to the growth of 35 white colonies (colonies marked in green were chosen for Colony PCR).
Fig. 3: Agarose gel electrophoresis: Insert amplification of pSB1C3 backbone by Colony PCR of transformed E. coli DH10β cells, exemplified by plasmid pSB1C3-BhBglA.
Oligonucleotides for amplification can be found on the Experiments page. Numbers 1-6 correspond to chosen colonies. The correct PCR product has a size of 1673 bp. The negative control displayed no band, but was loaded onto another gel and is therefore not shown here. 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder (NEB) served as marker (M). Colony 6 was verified by sequencing and contained the correct insert sequence. Results for all parts are documented on the respective Parts Registry Pages (links can be found on the Contribution page).

If they showed a band with the correct size of the insert, these colonies were chosen for plasmid isolation according to the HiYield® Plasmid Mini DNA Kit (Tab. 2). Finally, ten plasmids containing one of our ten enzyme candidates each were verified via sequencing by Microsynth Seqlab GmbH. These plasmids served as templates for PCR amplification of parts required for the next phases of our project.

Tab. 2: Generated plasmid templates and E. coli DH10β strains containing genes of interest.
Construct DNA Concentration [ng/µl] Plasmid No. E.coli No.
pSB1C3-BhBglA 297.6 P01 Ec01

Phase 3: Induced Expression

Cloning Enzyme Candidates into Inducible Expression Vectors

After subcloning our biological parts into a small vector pSB1C3, we started project phase 3 focusing on testing functionality and activity of chosen enzyme candidates. For that purpose, the parts were cloned into xylose inducible expression vectors in order to overexpress our target genes. We chose both replicative and integrative vectors, pBS0E-xylR-PxylA and pBS2E-xylR-PxylA respectively (Popp et al. 2017). Details and vector maps are documented on the Design page.

For that purpose, the vectors were isolated from E. coli DH10β provided by the laboratory collection of Prof. Thorsten Mascher, resulting in DNA concentrations of 67.5 ng/µl pBS0E-xylR-PxylA and 165.9 ng/µl pBS2E-xylR-PxylA. These vectors were digested with EcoRI and PstI (Fig. 4) and purified via gel extraction using the HiYield® PCR Clean-up/Gel Extraction Kit.

Fig. 4: Agarose gel electrophoresis: Restriction (Res) of expression vectors pBS0E-xylR-PxylA (pBS0EX) and pBS2E-xylR-PxylA (pBS2EX) with EcoRI and PstI.
The digested plasmid backbones have sizes of 8114 bp and 7758 bp, respectively. Strong bands at approximately 9000 bp could represent undigested plasmids as well as digested ones due to high extend of inaccuracy of large bands. Weak bands at 1102 bp display the RFP insert being cut out of the vector. Large bands were purified by gel extraction and resulted in 18.5 ng/µl and 26.9 ng/µl DNA, for the digested vectors pBS0EX and pBS2EX respectively. 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder (NEB) served as marker (M).

Biological parts, already digested with EcoRI and PstI in the subcloning phase, were ligated into the digested expression vectors. In case there was not enough restriction product left, parts were amplified via PCR (Fig. 5) with the plasmids from project phase 1 as template, e.g. pSB1C3-BhBglA, and subsequently digested and purified via PCR clean up (see Experiments page for detailed protocols).

Fig. 5: Agarose gel electrophoresis: PCR of part BhBglA.
Oligonucleotides for amplification can be found on the Experiments page. The correct PCR product has a size of 1410 bp. The larger band probably represents the plasmid pSB1C3-BhBglA used as template. 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder (NEB) served as marker (M). BhBglA was purified by gel extraction resulting in a DNA concentration of 174.3 ng/µl. Results for all parts are documented on the respective Parts Registry Pages (links can be found on the Contribution page).

After ligation, the plasmids were transformed into chemically competent E. coli DH10β and transformants were selected by ampicillin resistance (100 μg/ml ampicillin) encoded on the vector backbone. However, no colonies grew on the plates (LB + ampicillin) for some constructs (Fig. 6 A), probably due to very low transformation efficiency. For those constructs, either the entire vector or the amplified vector backbone was digested, purified by PCR clean up instead of gel extraction and finally led to successful transformation (Fig. 6 B). Using this approach, we did not get rid of the original vector insert containing RFP. However, colonies with religated plasmids appear pink on the plate due to the RFP insert and can therefore be distinguished from transformants with the target insert which appear white.

Fig. 6: E. coli DH10β transformants on LB + ampicillin plates, based on vector purification by gel extraction (A) or by PCR clean up (B).
A: Negative control (NC) containing no DNA showed no growth at all. Positive control (PC) containing pBS0E-xylR-PxylA (pBS0EX) resulted in pink bacterial lawn. Transformation with pBS0EX-BhBglA, shown as exemplary plasmid, led to the growth of only 2 white colonies, showing low transformation efficiency.
B: Negative control (NC) containing no DNA showed no growth at all. Positive control (PC) containing pBS2E-xylR-PxylA (pBS2EX) resulted in ≈ 400 pink colonies. Religation controls containing the digested vectors pBS0E-xylR-PxylA (RC1) and pBS2E-xylR-PxylA (RC2) led to growth of ≈ 300 pink and 17 white colonies (RC1), and ≈400 pink and 28 white colonies (RC2), respectively. Transformation pBS0EX-BhBglA led to the growth of ≈ 200 colonies (ratio 1:1 pink and white), pBS2EX-BhBglA to ≈ 300 colonies (ratio 1:1 pink and white). These results based on vector purification by PCR clean up display higher transformation efficiency. However, white colonies are not necessarily correct as the religation controls showed few white colonies as well (barely visible in the photos).

White colonies transformed with the expression plasmids were analyzed by Colony PCR and agarose gel electrophoresis (Fig. 7). If they displayed a band with the correct size of the insert, these colonies were chosen for plasmid isolation. Finally, ten replicative and ten integrative expression plasmids containing one of our ten enzyme candidates each were verified by sequencing.

Fig. 7: Agarose gel electrophoresis: Insert amplification of (A) pBS0E-xylR-PxylA (pBS0EX) and (B) pBS2E-xylR-PxylA (pBS2EX) by Colony PCR of transformed E. coli DH10β cells, exemplified by part BhBglA.
Oligonucleotides for amplification can be found on the Experiments page. Numbers 1-6 correspond to chosen colonies. Correct PCR products have a size of 1561 bp for pBS0EX-BhBglA (A) and 1762 bp for pBS2EX-BhBglA (B). Negative controls (NC) displayed no band, whereas the NC for pBS0EX is shown here, but the NC for pBS2EX was loaded onto another gel and is therefore not depicted. 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder (NEB) served as marker (M). Colony 2 of pBS0EX-BhBglA and colony 4 of pBS2EX-BhBglA were verified by sequencing and contained the correct insert sequence. Results for all parts are documented on the respective Parts Registry Pages (links can be found on the Contribution page).

Ultimately, these expression plasmids had to be transformed into our target host B. subtilis. Since our reference strategy focused on the secretory expression of target enzymes (except for β-glucosidases), we chose WB800N as expression strain, a genetically engineered variant of B. subtilis 168 in which all extracellular proteases are disrupted. This eight-extracellular-protease-deficient mutant is widely used in industry as it increases the stability of secreted proteins (Jeong et al. 2018).

Since we discovered background activity in initial quality activity assays (see Activity assays of secreted and intracellular enzyme candidates), we aimed to generate B. subtilis WB800N deletion strains (ΔeglS, ΔbglH) in order to remove the background signal caused by the native endoglucanase EglS and β-glucosidase BglH. For that purpose, we wanted to replace the gene with a resistance cassette, as a simple way of knockout. First, we amplified the spectinomycin resistance cassette and an up and downstream sequence of the gene to be knocked out by PCR. These fragments were then joined together in an Overlap PCR (see Experiments page for detailed protocols). Here, the first difficulties arose, as the ratio and concentration of the different fragments to each other are crucial for efficient amplification of the target product. Several ratios and concentrations were tested (see Experiments), with 10 ng each of up and down fragment and 30 ng of spectinomycin cassette being the best tested option (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8: Agarose gel electrophoresis: Amplification of eglS and bglH knockout constructs by Overlap PCR using a spectinomycin resistance cassette (spec).
Oligonucleotides for amplification can be found on the Experiments page. Correct PCR products have a size of 3264 bp for the eglS knockout construct and 3252 bp for the bglH knockout construct. 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder (NEB) served as marker (M).

However, transformation of the constructs into B. subtilis WB800N failed several times with no growth or a few false colonies. Even an attempt to use a different resistance cassette (tetracycline) resulted in problems with the efficiency of construct amplification and no transformation success. After multiple failed attempts to generate those deletion strains, we decided to discard this idea and to transform the expression plasmids directly into WB800N. Being aware that there is some background activity, this strain will be included as control in all activity assays. The transformants were selected by MLS resistance (1 µg/ml erythromycin and 25 µg/ml lincomycin) encoded on the vector backbones ( ).

Since the Bacillus transformation did not work out for all plasmids, the transformation was repeated with earlier addition of DNA to growing WB800N cells (at OD600 ~ 0.7 instead of 1.1) to not miss the timepoint of competence. Afterwards, cells were grown until OD600 ~ 1.1 and the same procedure was followed as in the initial protocol (see Experiments page).

Fig. 9: B. subtilis WB800N transformants on LB + MLS plates.
Negative control (NC) containing no DNA showed to no growth at all. Transformation with pBS0E-xylR-PxylA-BhBglA (pBS0EX-BhBglA), shown as exemplary plasmid, led to the growth of ≈ 80 white colonies. Transformation with the linearized plasmid pBS2E-xylR-PxylA-BhBglA (pBS2EX-BhBglA) resulted in ≈ 50 white colonies. Colonies marked in green were chosen for Colony PCR.

Finally, all remaining plasmids could be transformed into WB800N and colonies were verified by Colony PCR, whereas both upstream and downstream integration into the lacA locus was checked (Fig. 10). Two colonies each with correct insert size were chosen for cryo conservation serving as biological duplicates.

Fig. 10: Agarose gel electrophoresis: Insert amplification of (A) pBS0E-xylR-PxylA (pBS0EX) and (B) pBS2E-xylR-PxylA (pBS2EX) by Colony PCR of transformed B. subtilis WB800N cells, exemplified by part BhBglA.
Oligonucleotides for amplification can be found on the Experiments page. Numbers 1-4 correspond to chosen colonies. 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder (NEB) served as marker (M). Results for all parts are documented on the respective Parts Registry Pages (links can be found on the Contribution page).
A: Primer pair 1 was used for amplification of a small fragment including BhBglA only (1410 bp). Primer pair 2 was used for amplification of a large fragment including xylR-PxylA-BhBglA (3041 bp) as double check. Colonies 2 and 4 of pBS0EX-BhBglA were verified by sequencing and contained the correct insert sequence.
B: Primer pair 3 was used to check downstream integration by amplification of a fragment including BhBglA and ‘lacA (1948 bp). Primer pair 4 was used to check upstream integration by amplification of a fragment including lacA’ and erm (1370 bp). Colonies 1 and 4 of pBS2EX-BhBglA were verified by sequencing and contained the correct insert sequence.
C: Negative controls of all primer pairs (NC 1-4) displayed no band at all.

In the end, we successfully generated all 20 expression plasmids, both integrative and replicative, as well as their corresponding E. coli and B. subtilis strains (Tab. 3, Tab. 4), whereby the latter were used for subsequent activity tests.

Tab. 3: Replicative expression plasmids, E. coli DH10β and B. subtilis WB800N strains.
Construct DNA Concentration [ng/µl] Plasmid No. E.coli No.
a b c d
Tab. 4: Integrative expression plasmids, E. coli DH10β and B. subtilis WB800N strains.
Construct DNA Concentration [ng/µl] Plasmid No. E.coli No.
a b c d

Additionally, we noticed that our replicative vector pBS0E-xylR-PxylA does not contain a terminator after the insertion site of our constructs. Therefore, we cloned all replicative plasmids with an additional terminator as a backup option in case there were problems with the expression.
For this purpose, the terminator B0014 was amplified from a plasmid template, kindly provided by the laboratory collection of Prof. Thorsten Mascher, and purified by gel extraction. All generated replicative plasmids (Tab. 3) were digested with SpeI and PstI. The terminator was digested with XbaI and PstI. Both the plasmids and the terminator were purified via PCR clean up. The terminator was then ligated into each replicative plasmid due to the complementary sticky ends of XbaI/SpeI and PstI/PstI (see Experiments page for detailed protocols).
The replicative plasmids containing the terminator B0014 were transformed into chemically competent E. coli DH10β and transformants were selected by ampicillin resistance (100 μg/ml ampicillin) encoded on the vector backbone. White colonies were tested for the presence of the terminator by colony PCR and agarose gel electrophoresis (Fig. 11). If they showed a band of the correct size, these colonies were selected for plasmid isolation using the HiYield® Plasmid Mini DNA Kit (Tab. 5). Finally, the integration of the terminator into all replicative plasmids was verified via sequencing by Microsynth Seqlab GmbH.

Fig. 11: Agarose gel electrophoresis: Check of terminator integration in pBS0E-xylR-PxylA (pBS0EX) by Colony PCR of transformed E. coli DH10β cells, exemplified by part BhBglA.
Oligonucleotides for amplification can be found on the Experiments page. Numbers 1-4 correspond to chosen colonies. The correct PCR product has a size of 1664 bp. The plasmid without terminator served as control (1561 bp). Negative control (NC) displayed no band at all. 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder (NEB) served as marker (M). Colony 2 was verified by sequencing and contained the correct insert sequence. Results for all parts are documented on the respective Parts Registry Pages (links can be found on the Contribution page).
Tab. 5: Replicative expression plasmids with additional B0014 terminator and corresponding E. coli DH10β strains.
Construct DNA Concentration [ng/µl] Plasmid No. E.coli No.
a b c d

Activity Assays of Secreted and Intracellular Enzyme Candidates

Phase 4: Spore Surface Display

Cloning Enzyme Candidates fused to Anchor Protein into pBS1C

After choosing enzymes for spore surface display, we finally entered project phase 4 in which we aimed to immobilize enzymes on Bacillus spores. In order to express target genes only under sporulation, a sporulation-dependent promoter PcotYZ was chosen. In order to anchor the target enzymes on the spore surface, they were fused to the N-terminus of the anchor protein CotY. We first tested N-terminal fusions, but due to limited time capacities we did not manage to test C-terminal fusions as well. Moreover, different linkers were analyzed: L1 – a short flexible linker, L2 – a long flexible linker and L3 representing a rigid linker. All details about construct design are documented on the Design page.

First, all biological parts including enzyme candidates with varying linkers (Fig. 12) as well as the promoter PcotYZ, the terminator B0014 and the anchor gene cotY were amplified by PCR (Fig. 13). Plasmids generated in phase 2 (Subcloning, Tab. 2) served as templates for PCR of enzyme candidates with addition of linkers by oligonucleotides. Promoter and anchor genes were amplified from genomic DNA of B. subtilis W168 and the terminator from a plasmid provided by the laboratory collection of Prof. Thorsten Mascher.

Fig. 12: Agarose gel electrophoresis: PCR of parts for spore display constructs: exemplary part BhBglA with varying linkers (L1-L3).
Oligonucleotides for amplification can be found on the Experiments page. Correct PCR products have a size of 1394 bp, 1418 bp and 1421 bp, depending on the linker (L1-L3) added by oligonucleotides. 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder (NEB) served as marker (M). PCR products were purified by gel extraction resulting in DNA concentrations of 137.0 ng/µl (BhBglA-L1), 138.5 ng/µl (BhBglA-L2) and 162.9 ng/µl (BhBglA-L3), respectively. Results for all parts are documented on the respective Parts Registry Pages (links can be found on the Contribution page).
Fig. 13: Agarose gel electrophoresis: PCR of parts spore display constructs: PcotYZ, cotY and B0014.
Oligonucleotides for amplification can be found on the Experiments page. Amplification of PcotYZ results in a band of 238 bp, L1/L3-cotY displays a band of 514 bp, L2-cotY 544 bp and B0014 140 bp. 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder (NEB) served as marker (M). PCR products were purified resulting in DNA concentrations of 155.7 ng/µl (PcotYZ), 99.4 ng/µl (L1/L3-cotY), 143.8 ng/µl (L2-cotY) and 52.2 ng/µl (B0014).

Subsequently, parts were assembled via Overlap PCR by complementary overhangs which were designed and added by oligonucleotides (Fig. 14). All Overlap PCR products of BsEglS, BhBglA, PpBglB and BhrPET could be constructed. However, difficulties occurred during cloning of larger enzyme candidates AtCelO and AtCelS, whose parts could not be assembled in time, probably due to wrong assembly caused by similarity of overhangs with some sequences in the parts. Out of the exoglucanases only one Overlap PCR product was successfully constructed: PcotYZ-AtCelO-L2-cotY-B0014.

Fig. 14: Agarose gel electrophoresis: Overlap PCR of spore display constructs, exemplified by enzyme candidate BhBglA with varying linkers (L1-L3).
Oligonucleotides for amplification can be found on the Experiments page. Correct PCR products have a size of 2211 bp, 2265 bp and 2238 bp, depending on the linker (L1-L3). Other weak bands are probably caused by unspecific binding of oligonucleotides. 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder (NEB) served as marker (M). Overlap PCR products were purified by gel extraction resulting in DNA concentrations of 155.8 ng/µl (L1), 135.4 ng/µl (L2) and 111.7 ng/µl (L3). Results for all parts are documented on the respective Parts Registry Pages (links can be found on the Contribution page).

Afterwards, Overlap PCR products were cloned into the vector backbone pBS1C enabling genome integration into the amyE locus in B. subtilis (Radeck et al. 2013). For that purpose, inserts as well as pBS1C were digested with EcoRI and PstI, whereas inserts were purified by PCR clean up and the vector by gel extraction (Fig. 15) using the HiYield® PCR Clean-up/Gel Extraction Kit (see Experiments page for detailed protocols).

Fig. 15: Agarose gel electrophoresis: Restriction (Res) of the integrative vector pBS1C with EcoRI and PstI.
The digested plasmid backbone results in a strong band at 6128 bp. The weak band at 1102 bp represents the RFP insert being cut out of the vector. The large band was purified by gel extraction and resulted in 35.2 ng/µl DNA. 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder (NEB) served as marker (M).

After ligation, the plasmids were transformed into chemically competent E. coli DH10β cells and transformants were selected by ampicillin resistance (100 μg/ml ampicillin) encoded on the vector backbone (Fig. 16). However, no colonies grew on the plates (LB + ampicillin), probably due to very low transformation efficiency. As we already encountered these problems during phase 3 of our project, we repeated the restriction of pBS1C with purification by PCR clean up instead of gel extraction (DNA concentration: 25.0 ng/µl, 29.2 ng/µl). Using this approach, we did not get rid of the original insert containing RFP, but colonies with religated plasmids appear pink on the plate due to the RFP insert and can therefore be distinguished from correct transformants. Transformation plates of spore display plasmids based on vector purification by PCR clean up are shown below (Fig. 16).

Fig. 16: E. coli DH10β transformants on LB + ampicillin plates, based on pBS1C purification by PCR clean up.
Negative control (NC) containing no DNA showed no growth at all. Positive control (PC) containing pBS1C resulted in pink bacterial lawn. Religation control (RC) containing the digested pBS1C led to growth ≈ 400 pink and 20 white colonies. Transformation with plasmids pBS1C-PcotYZ-BhBglA-(L1/L2/L3)-cotY-B0014 resulted in ≈ 300 colonies each, of which approximately half appeared white and half appeared pink. However, white colonies are not necessarily correct as the religation control showed few white colonies as well (barely visible in the photos).

White colonies were analyzed by Colony PCR and agarose gel electrophoresis (Fig. 17). If they displayed a band with the correct size of the insert, these colonies were chosen for plasmid isolation and verification by sequencing. All plasmids of BsEglS, BhBglA and BhrPET with three varying linkers were successfully generated. For PpBglB, only the constructs with linkers L1 and L3 could be built. The PpBglB-L2 assembly product resulted in white transformants with correct insert size which were subsequently sequenced, but none of the inserts had the correct sequence. After repetition of ligation, E. coli transformation and Colony PCR, no correct colonies could be found anyway. Unfortunately, we could not manage to generate this construct in time. Upon exoglucanases, only the AtCelO-L2 plasmid could be constructed, due to cloning difficulties already explained above.

Fig. 17: Agarose gel electrophoresis: Insert amplification of pBS1C by Colony PCR of transformed E. coli DH10β cells, exemplified by BhBglA constructs.
Oligonucleotides for amplification can be found on the Experiments page. Numbers 1-4 correspond to chosen colonies. Correct PCR products have a size of 2272 bp, 2326 bp and 2299 bp, depending on the linker (L1-L3). Two colonies of the religation control (RC) were tested as well, whereas RC1 appeared white on the plate containing an unknown insert, and RC2 appeared pink on the plate probably containing an RFP insert. The negative control displayed no band at all. 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder (NEB) served as marker (M). Colonies 2 (BhBglA-L1), 1 (BhBglA-L2) and 1 (BhBglA-L3) were verified by sequencing and contained the correct insert sequence. Results for all parts are documented on the respective Parts Registry Pages (links can be found on the Contribution page).

Ultimately, these plasmids had to be transformed into our target host B. subtilis using the normal wildtype W168 this time. The protease deficient strain WB800N was not required for the spore display approach since proteins are not secreted in this case. Transformants were selected by chloramphenicol resistance (5 μg/ml) encoded on the pBS1C vector backbone (Fig. 18).

Fig. 18: B. subtilis W168 transformants on LB + chloramphenicol plates.
Negative control (NC) containing no DNA showed to no growth at all. Transformation with exemplary plasmids pBS1C-PcotYZ-BhBglA-(L1/L2/L3)-cotY-B0014, which were linearized prior to transformation, resulted in ≈ 400-500 white colonies each.

The successful integration into the genome was verified via starch assay (Fig. 19). Four colonies per construct were transferred onto replica and starch plates. In case of successful integration into the amyE locus, the native amylase of Bacillus is not produced correctly resulting in the inability to degrade starch. Correct transformants displayed no halo around the cells, in contrast to the wildtype W168 as control whose amylase is functional leading to a clear halo. Two biological duplicates were chosen for cryo conservation.

Fig. 19: Starch assay of transformed B. subtilis W168 cells, exemplified by spore display constructs of BhBglA with varying linkers (L1-L3).
Numbers 1-4 correspond to chosen colonies. W168 served as control and displayed a bright halo. In contrast, no halo was visible for W168 strains with integrated spore display constructs (BhBglA-L1, BhBglA-L2, BhBglA-L3). Results for all parts are documented on the respective Parts Registry Pages (links can be found on the Contribution page).

In the end, we successfully generated 12 of 18 planned spore display plasmids (six enzyme candidates with three linkers each) as well as their corresponding E. coli and B. subtilis strains (Tab. 6), whereby the latter were used for subsequent activity tests.

Activity Assays of Enzymes Immobilized on B.subtilis Spores

Tab. 6: Spore display plasmids, E. coli DH10β and B. subtilis W168 strains.
Construct DNA Concentration [ng/µl] Plasmid No. E.coli No.
a b c d


Project Summary

In conclusion, we successfully managed our two strategies, induced expression as well as spore surface display. In the reference approach called induced expression, all enzyme candidates were successfully cloned into both replicative and integrative expression plasmids allowing overexpression of target genes. Having encountered some difficulties at initial activity assays, we finally developed functioning assays for endoglucanases, exoglucanases β-glucosidases and PETases. Whereas enzyme activity could be detected for endoglucanases (BsEglS, BpEglA, AtCelA?), β-glucosidases (BhBglA, PpBglB) and PETase (BhrPET), no activity of constructed exoglucanases (AtCelO, AtCelS) could be detected (REASONS?). DIFFERENCES REPLICATIVE AND INTEGRATIVE?

However, functional enzymes were chosen for our final strategy called spore surface display. Promising enzymes were fused to an anchor protein out of the Bacillus spore crust, whereby flexible and rigid linkers were tested. Spore display plasmids of the endoglucanase (BsEglS), β-glucosidases (BhBglA and PpBglA, except PpBglB-L2) and PETase (BhrPET) were successfully generated. However, we did not manage to construct exoglucanases in time (except AtCelO-L2), due to difficulties occurred during cloning. Ultimately, B. subtilis spores with immobilized enzymes were analyzed and the endoglucanase BsEglS, the β-glucosidase BhBglA as well as the PETase BhrPET has been shown to be active AND STABLE?. Moreover, reusability assays were performed providing promising results in regard to sustainability of our project.

The entire laboratory work is visualized in a timeline on the Lab Timeline page, providing an appealing summary of all lab activities we carried out during this summer.

Project Achievements

During our project, we managed to obtain many successful results, but we also encountered some difficulties leading to unsuccessful results, summarized below.

Successful Results:

Induced Expression
• Generation of replicative and integrative expression plasmids as well as E. coli and B. subtilis strains for all 10 enzyme candidates
• Endoglucanases (BsEglS, BpEglA, AtCelA?), β-glucosidases (BhBglA, PpBglB) and PETase (BhrPET) are functional in B. subtilis
Spore Surface Display
• Generation of spore display plasmids as well as E. coli and B. subtilis strains for chosen enzymes (BsEglS, BhBglA, PpBglB, BhrPET)
• Endoglucanase (BsEglS), β-glucosidase (BhBglA) and PETase (BhrPET) are active on B. subtilis spores
• B. subtilis spores with immobilized enzymes can be reused several times?

Unsuccessful Results:

Induced Expression
• Generation of B. subtilis WB800N deletion strains (ΔeglS, ΔbglH) to remove background activity failed • No detection of enzyme activity for exoglucanases (AtCelO, AtCelS) SPORE SURFACE DISPLAY
• No construction of spore display plasmids for exoglucanases (AtCelO and AtCelS, except AtCelO-L2) • We did not manage to degrade actual textile fibers in time


Considerations for Replicating Experiments

In both of our strategies, induced expression as well as spore surface display, we only tested clone 1 of our generated B. subtilis strains in one replica. However, we always stored biological duplicates (clone 1 and 2) of these strains, providing the possibility to test both clones in the future. Moreover, three independent experiments for each strain must be performed to provide three technical replicates.
All information and protocols required for replicating experiments are documented on the Experiments page. In case future iGEM teams would like to reproduce our experiments and need additional details, please do not hesitate to contact us (E-Mail angeben?, Prof. Mascher angeben?).

Future Plans

With regard to cloning, all remaining spore display constructs must be generated, including PpBglB-L2, AtCelO-L1, AtCelO-L3 as well as all three AtCelS constructs. Moreover, we only constructed N-terminal fusions of the enzymes to the anchor protein. Additionally, C-terminal fusions can be tested in future experiments as well. All following transformation experiments and activity assays need to be performed. However, the activity assay for exoglucanases must be further developed since we still had difficulties in detecting any activity of enzyme candidates?. If it turns out that the tested exoglucanase candidates AtCelO and AtCelS are not functional in B. subtilis, other enzymes have to be found by literature research.

Finally, when one active enzyme of each category (endoglucanase, exocglucase, β-glucosidase, PETase) have been identified, these enzymes can be immobilized on one spore by fusing them to different anchor proteins of the spore coat. Many spore coat proteins, e.g. CotY, CotB, CotC and OxdD, have already been used for protein immobilization (Zhang et al. 2019, Lin et al. 2020), making the B. subtilis spore a 3-dimensional immobilization platform. However, it is still unknown whether this approach will lead to functioning enzymes because the immobilized proteins might interact and inhibit each other resulting loss of activity. Nevertheless, the enzymes BhBglA, BsEglS as well as BhrPET are promising candidates for that strategy.
When this approach was successful, we need to test the degradation of actual textile fibers. For that purpose, extensive experiments have to be performed regarding pretreatment of textile waste and analyzing the degradation ability of our spores.

While thinking about upscaling of our project from lab scale to industrial scale, we would first need to modify our spores to lack the ability of germination, in order to make them safe platforms for industrial use. The LMU Munich iGEM 2012 team already managed to engineer B. subtilis spores which are incapable to germinate by replacing responsible genes with antibiotic resistance cassettes. Thus, we could transform their deletion strains with our spore display constructs in future experiments. In case we are able to build B. subtilis spores unable to germinate and carrying active enzymes at lab scale, our project can finally be transferred to industrial scale testing these spores in large bioreactors (see Entrepreneurship page).


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