September 2023

First members decide to form a team

November 2023

Research on different topics
Meeting with Dr. Marko Brankatschk (lipid research)
Workshops: Dresden Exist, All you can ask
Meeting with Dr. Kai Ostermann (yeast specialist) and Dr. Susann Auer (plant disease)
Start searching for project ideas

December 2023

Meeting with Dr. Manuel Pfeifer (forensic genetics)
First team subgroups established

January 2024

Meeting with Prof. Dirk Lindemann (viruses, immunology)
Presentation and meet-up of the previous iGEM team DRIP of TU Dresden

February 2024

Meeting with Dr. James Sáenz (minimal cells)
Official registration of our iGEM team
Presentation pitches in front of the team
Prof. Thorsten Mascher becomes our PI
Data management course with Dr. Susann Auer
Meeting with Prof. Thomas Walther (bioprocess engineering)

March 2024

Pitches in front of Prof. Thorsten Mascher, Prof. Nils Kröger and Dr. Nicole Poulson
Final team responsibilities voted
First productive weekend
Focus on textile waste degradation as project
Meeting with Prof. Thorsten Mascher
Start Phase 1: Literature research

April 2024

Analytica Munich
Meeting with Prof. Thorsten Mascher
Clothes exchange party
Kick-off day of ReFiBa
Bonding Fair Dresden
Girls Day
Start collaboration with iGEM Düsseldorf
Meeting with Prof. Christiane Liers (fungal biotechnology)
Meeting with Prof. Tobias Gulder and Dr. Anke Matura (biochemistry)

May 2024

iGEM European Meetup Bielefeld
Inventorization of leftover materials from the previous iGEM team
Meeting with Dr. Anett Werner (enzymology)
Meeting with Dr. Christoph Loderer (enzymology)
Decision on enzyme candidates: endoglucanase, exoglucanase, β-glucosidase, PETase
Start Phase 2: Subcloning
Lab safety instruction

June 2024

Sustainability Week Dresden
Long Night of Science and Science Slam
Board of Director Meeting – CMCB
Meeting with Prof. Thorsten Mascher
Village selection
Meeting with Martin Hielscher (steam explosion)
Dr. Christoph Loderer becoming 2nd PI
Start Phase 3: Induced expression

July 2024

Attending sustainability lecture Tuwii
Pubquiz about textiles
Meeting with Prof. Markus Schubert (process engineering)
Conversation with Boer Group Recycling Solutions
Conversation with textilhandel-cotton-n-more

August 2024

Booth at Louisenfest
Clothing flea market
30 years Faculty of Biology booth
Conversation with OTTO company
Card game design
Conversation with Rifò Lab
Conversation with Kleiderkammer Familienleben e.V.
Bakteriopolis with giving lectures to classes in Leipzig
Start Phase 4: Spore surface display

September 2024

Promotion Video Upload
Bakteriopolis Dresden
Safety talk with Dr. Ulrike Scholz, Johannes Kautz and input from Dr. Udo Mücke
First spores with active immobilized enzymes produced

October 2024

Presentation Video
Grand Jamboree in Paris