




RNA contains information of life. Understanding RNA can help us better understand metabolism, bio-factory, disease and so on. We developed RNAssay, a molecular tool that are hopeful to carry out in situ RNA sensing, which can achieve different functions with different collocation of basic gene, reporter gene and ogRNA. According to our investigation and experiment, we propose at least three possible applications for our project: in situ detection of multigene expression, strain security system and in vivo dynamic monitoring of splice variants, corresponding to three different types of end users and different requirements.


The end users of in situ detection of multigene expression are researchers in lab and enterprise managers of cell-factory. Researchers can use RNAssay as qPCR or other tools to analyze the RNA level of target gene, guiding further experiment design. And enterprise managers can use RNAssay to analyze and predict the production of its factory in real time. To make it as helpful as qPCR, it should meet the requirement of high precision, high accuracy and high sensitivity and low detection limit.


The end users of strain security system are mainly enterprise managers of cell-factory and culture preservation center (eg: China General Microbiological Culture Collection Center). Applying the security system can help them better protect the key culture, which is good for both profit and reputation. A good strain security system should meet the requirement of high stability and high cryptographic strength.


The end users of in vivo dynamic monitoring of splice variants are researchers in lab and enterprise managers of disease detection. Utilizing our system can better distinguish different splice variant in the form of mature mRNA. The key requirement of the system should be high resolution ratio and general applicability.


Figure 1: Different end users and requirements for three applications


In situ detection of multigene expression


Proposed Implementation


Here, we propose two possible implementation plan: standardized plan and personalized plan.


For standardized plan, we learn from the case of protein tags like FLAG. We'll provide standardized sensor with specific ogRNA that target to a special RNA sequence, namely, target sequence. When users are designing their plasmid, they can choose to attach one of the standardized tag sequences (target sequence + 2A peptide sequence) to the 5' end of the gene that require in situ detection. And chassis microorganisms are also provided, which has been transformed with optimized adar and sensor that are inducibly expressed. Researchers need no extra operation to make their gene visible in RNA level, with only one transformation of the target gene.

对于标准化方案,我们借鉴了蛋白质标签(如FLAG)的做法。我们将提供标准化的传感器,其中包含特定的ogRNA,用于靶向特殊的RNA序列,即目标序列。当用户设计他们的质粒时,他们可以选择将其中一个标准化的标签序列(目标序列 + 2A肽序列)附加到需要原位检测的基因的5'端。同时,我们还提供经过改造的底盘微生物,这些微生物已经转化了可诱导表达的优化adar和传感器。研究人员无需额外操作即可在RNA水平上使他们的基因可见,只需进行一次目标基因的转化即可。

For personalized plan, one can design customized sensor, which can be achieved automatically with RADARS Guide Design Tool. Unlike the standardized plan, the chassis microorganisms provided will only carry adar gene, since the sensor is customized. So researchers will need one extra operation to transform the sensor, unless they load the sensor and their target gene onto a single plasmid.


Once the plasmids are successfully transformed, researchers are able to characterize the target gene by ELISA reader, fluorescence microscope or flow cytometer. And for bio-manufacturing enterprises, they can periodically fetch some sample from the fermentation tank to carry out further characterization.


Figure 2: Illustration for implementation plan of in situ detection of multigene expression


Future Work


To achieve the aforementioned implementation plan, some further study need to be done.


1.Reduce cytotoxicity of ADAR


According to our experiment result, we discover that the ADAR enzyme may somehow suppress the growth of yeast. So extra modification to ADAR are necessary. One possible mechanism for the cytotoxicity of ADAR2 may be that ADAR2 edits the mRNA of the transcription initiation protein Bdf2p, inhibiting cell growth. And overexpression of the BDF2 gene can restore growth$^1$.


1.Construct standard sensor and standard chassis microorganism


2.Optimize the sensor design


Since a single gene can have multiple sensor options, a strategy to select the best sensor can be helpful. We have tried to use our dry lab model to solve the problem but apparently there are still long way to go.


Strain Security System


Proposed Implementation


To apply our strain security system, end users will need to carry out two more transformation to load this system (ADAR+Sensor) into their strain. Once the strain are loaded with our security system, it can only be thawed under certain environmental stress such as starvation and high temperature. And classical method like microbial replica plating can be useful for screening successful strains.


Figure 3: Illustration for implementation plan of our strain security system


Future Work


To be honest, our strain security system still lacks a lot to be truly implemented.


1.Expanding the scope of protection


During the human practice with EVOLYZER, we noticed that most strain stealing happens in the factory, or just right beside the fermentation tank. So our system can hardly eradicate strain stealing. We have to admit that its really hard to construct a truly useful strain security system. We believe a periodically suicide system could be helpful, and epigenetics can be utilized. One possible design we came up utilize the methylase and promoter methylation in human cell. As shown in Fig 3, the new design of strain security system contains four main part, mostly same as the previous design. One key different is the reporter gene of sensor has changed into a special methylase, which can methylate a specific promoter, thus inhibit the downstream expression of sensor, which consists of a suicide gene. And all the above situation will only happen with environmental stress (starvation/high temperature), otherwise the suicide gene will express normally and kill the cell. The main advantage of this system is that promoter methylation decreases with cell division, so once methylation only last for certain times. In another word, strain with this security system will need to treat with environmental stress periodically to survive.


Figure 4: Illustration for new design of strain security system


However, to date, no similar cases have been reported in yeast and no relavant molecular tool has been developed. From the design to truly apply into industry, there's still a long way to go.


In vivo dynamic monitoring of splice variants


Proposed Implementation


It has beem concluded that there are two main types of end users of in vivo dynamic monitoring of splice variants: researchers in lab and enterprise managers.


For researchers, it can be simply used in the same way of in vivo detection of multigene expression. The key point should be designing proper sensors that can distinguish different splice variant. For the general applicability, according to our dry lab result, approximately 20% of human splice variants can be distinguished by RNAssay, and our dry lab model will be useful to guide you design your own sensor. Besides fluorescent proteins, the reporter genes can be changed into other genes to achieve multiple functions.


For enterprise managers, cooperations can be made with hospitals. Since splice variants are significant cancer signals in some cases. The companies may collect samples from different hospitals and return test result, to help detect the risk of cancer. And different types of samples are needed to diagnose different types of cancer.


Figure 5: Illustration for RNAssay and next generation organ transplantation


Apart from disease detection, another hopeful application may relate to “next generation organ transplantation", which indicates stem cell reprogramming to culture organs for transplantation, avoiding autoimmune rejection. Tumorigenesis are key challenges in the field of stem cell reprogramming. We can use our RNAssay to capture cancerization signals from splice variants and initiate suicide procedure (Fig 5). And considering safety requirement, cre-loxp recombination system can be combined with RNAssay to remove the sensor, while adar is endogenous (Fig 6).


Figure 6: Illustration for new safety strategy


Future Work


1.Apply the system to human cell


We tested the potential for monitoring splice variants in yeast. However, due to the limitation of time and resources, we failed to test the system in human cells. Further work need to be done before its potential is truly demonstrated.


2.Test the limitation of RNAssay


Since there can be different junctions for different splice varient, and CCA sequence may locate in different position beside the junctions. Some questions need to be answered by experiment: what is the longest distance between CCA location and the junction, what is the best position for CCA sequence?

由于不同的剪接异构体可能有不同的连接点,且 CCA 序列可能位于连接点附近的不同位置,一些问题需要通过实验来回答:CCA 位置与连接点之间的最大距离是多少,CCA 序列的最佳位置是什么?



1 Eifler, T., Pokharel, S. & Beal, P. A. RNA-Seq analysis identifies a novel set of editing substrates for human ADAR2 present in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biochemistry 52, 7857-7869 (2013).

1 Eifler, T., Pokharel, S. & Beal, P. A. RNA-Seq analysis identifies a novel set of editing substrates for human ADAR2 present in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biochemistry 52, 7857-7869 (2013).