Human Practice




2.Integrated Human Practice

3.Education and Communication



Knowledge acquired on paper ultimately seems shallow still.
To thoroughly understand this, one must personally experience it all.
-- You Lu(Song Dynasty)

—— 陆游(南宋)



Paws of Curiosity: Mapping the RNA World

奇思妙想:探索RNA World

We are team Tsinghua-M 2024. As you can see from our logo, the curious cat symbolizes our spirit of exploration in Human Practice. Just as cats explore the world, our project is driven by curiosity, interest, and questions. Through education, collaboration, and interviews, we are dedicated to exploring the mysteries of the RNA world from the perspective of synthetic biology. We strive to combine cutting-edge scientific research with practical application scenarios, ensuring that our project not only has theoretical innovation but also practical value, bringing substantial contributions to society. Like that curious cat, we continuously leave our marks of exploration and change in the unknown RNA world.


Our project this year is concentrated on the development of applications related to the ADAR system. Human practice has played a crucial role in the evolution and design of our project.


Our integrated human practice commenced with an analysis of our stakeholders, focusing on two pivotal groups: businesses and academic research institutions. We structured our activities around the AREA cycle, synergizing it with the DBTL cycle to amplify the efficacy of our human practices. We pinpointed various communication targets across two primary sectors: advanced science and production application. This encompassed engagement with university professors, bioprocessing firms, brewing companies, and the general public. Furthermore, we engaged in profound discussions with our sponsors to comprehend the market potential for our project applications. These interactions have facilitated the optimization of our design and provided us with a clear grasp of the market for its practical application.

我们的integrated human practice始于对我们的利害关系人的分析,重点关注两个关键群体:企业和学术研究机构。我们围绕AREA循环构建我们的活动,并将其与DBTL循环相结合,以增强我们人类实践的有效性。我们确定了两个主要领域的多个沟通目标:先进科学和生产应用。这包括与大学教授、生物加工公司、酿酒公司和公众的接触。此外,我们与赞助商进行了深入讨论,以了解我们项目应用的市场潜力。这些互动有助于我们优化设计,并为我们提供了对其实际应用市场的清晰了解。

In education, we engaged in in-depth conversations with high school students, sowing the seeds of interest in synthetic biology. Through various conference exchanges, we learned from one another, absorbed suggestions from other teams, attempted to address issues for AIS-China, and engaged in profound cross-national communication with Munich 2024, who also utilized ADAR tools, experiencing diverse designs.

education方面,我们与高中生进行了深入交谈,播下了对合成生物学的兴趣种子。通过各种会议交流,我们相互学习,吸收其他团队的建议,尝试解决AIS-China的问题,并与Munich 2024进行了深入的跨国交流,他们也使用ADAR工具,体验了不同的设计。

Additionally, we conducted an entrepreneurship analysis aimed at our project stakeholders and created accessible comics to enhance inclusivity.


Throughout this journey of practice and exploration, many individuals have offered their assistance, contributing to the refinement of our project. We have witnessed the ripples our project and design have created in the market, observing a growing interest in RNAssay and synthetic biolog




Bridging Science and Society: An Enterprise-Driven Journey


In the early stages of the project, the team actively visited multiple enterprises for on-site tours and research, gaining in-depth insights into current market needs and technological application scenarios to ensure the design and implementation of the project have practical value.


In the later stages of the project, the team further engaged with more enterprises to conduct detailed needs analysis and application feedback, ensuring that the project outcomes genuinely meet the actual demands of the enterprises and have commercialization potential.


Scholarly Collaboration: Crafting Excellence Through Professional Insight


The team actively communicated with multiple university professors, inviting experts and scholars from various fields to provide professional review and guidance on the project. This included assistance with experimental design, data analysis, and project optimization, offering invaluable professional advice.


Through collaboration with professors from different academic backgrounds, the team was able to integrate multidisciplinary knowledge and skills, thereby enhancing the comprehensiveness and innovation of the project.


From Passion to Practice: Merging Scientific Frontiers with Real-World Impact


Team members possess a strong passion for scientific research and exploration, striving to align personal interests with team goals to continuously drive the project forward.


The team focuses on combining cutting-edge scientific research findings with practical application scenarios, ensuring that the project not only exhibits theoretical innovation but also has practical value, contributing substantively to society.


Integrated Human Practice

Integrated Human Practice

Our tool project has three application directions, which are colony Strain Securitysystems, splice variants(spliced isoforms), and brewing. We delve into these three application directions, exploring the project's application prospects from various perspectives such as market, science, producers, and consumers. We constantly improve our plans and continuously enhance the feasibility of our project's applications, continuously expanding our project's influence and interactivity with the outside world.


We first analyzed the stakeholders of our project, focusing on those with high power and high interest. We then selected the most important stakeholders to engage in human practice activities.


Fig. Stakeholder analysis

图 Stakeholder分析

Fig. Power-Interest Grid analysis

图 权力-利益矩阵分析

We use the AREA cycle to organize integrated human practices. Following the ASSESS-RESEARCH-EVALUATE-ACT cycle, we continuously improve the execution details of integrated human practices, enhancing their effectiveness in advancing the project. Additionally, our integrated human practices play a crucial role in the project's DBTL cycle, including validating certain concepts and guiding new designs.


Fig. Diagram illustrating the AREA cycle

图 AREA循环示意图

Fig. Diagram combining the AREA cycle with the DBTL cycle of the project design

图 AREA循环与DBTL循环的关系

Strain Security System - Application

工业菌株防盗门 - 实际应用

EVOLYZER is also one of our sponsors. At the early stage of project design, we visited EVOLYZER company to explore the practical needs in several areas: RNA content detection, gene lock systems, and splice variant detection. From our discussions, we learned that there is a significant demand for gene lock systems in biological production, which plays an important role in patent protection and stimulating innovation.


Fig. the laboratory of EVOLYZER

图 衍微的实验室

After completing the concept validation of the ADAR system in yeast, we plan to visit EVOLYZER again for further discussions.


Members of the iGEM Tsinghua-M team reported the project progress to Mr. Chen Bo, the general manager of Yanwei Technology, including an overview of the project, experimental progress, and optimization plans. During the Q&A session, the prevalence of strain theft, the duration of patent protection, strategies to avoid patent leakage, and methods of stealing strains and key genes were discussed.


Through the activity, we know that the market has a serious problem with strain theft, with a patent protection period of 20 years. Companies face challenges such as difficulty in providing evidence, some strains cannot be patented, the punishment for theft is light and limited to a single link, and the possible ignorance of upstream and downstream organizations. In addition, companies use methods such as adding inducers to avoid patent leakage, strain theft is usually carried out by insiders, and gene sequences may change in different environments. Mr. Chen Bo also suggested adding multiple mechanisms to achieve strategic integration, using yeast self-destruction, shearing, and transposition to amplify the effects of RNA variation, and considering environmental confidentiality measures such as light-controlled expression.


In summary, through this exchange, we have become more familiar with the current market situation of security doors, and have also received specific suggestions for the direction of our project, from which we have greatly benefited.


Fig. Our team members are communicating with Mr. Chen in EVOLYZER

图 我们的队员在和衍微进行交流分享

Strain Security System - Advanced

防盗门 - 基础突破

To improve the design of the strain security system and to achieve more efficient multi-gene detection, we consulted with Professor Zhang Shuyi from the School of Pharmacy, Tsinghua University, who has in-depth research in the design of genetic circuits.


Professor Zhang suggested looking for a large yeast vector, determining a clear application scenario, and proposed considering promoters that can only initiate transcription after epigenetic methylation, to achieve reversible strain security system or the need to continuously add inducers to ensure the normal physiological state of the cells. He also suggested analyzing the relationship between gene expression and metabolic products, collecting data, and combining machine learning to establish a predictive model.


The Strain Security system application team can update the project design, incorporating the idea of methylation promoters. At the same time, the team learned that the project should have practical significance and a clear research direction, and by in-depth analysis and data collection, it can add depth and breadth to the research.


Fig. assistant professor Zhang Shuyi, picture from his official personal homepage on Tsinghua University's website.


Monitoring of splice variants - Application

剪接异构体 - 实际应用

To evaluate the potential of the ADAR system in animal models of splicing-related diseases, we initially conducted a literature review. We found that progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) in cats is caused by a CEP290 gene mutation, IVS50 + 9T > G. This mutation creates a new splice site and causes a frameshift mutation, which ultimately disrupts the production of the CEP290 protein and leads to the development of PRA. Based on this finding, we proposed using plasmids containing sensors to detect the effects of this mutation in mammalian cells, given that mammalian cells possess endogenous ADAR activity.

为了评估ADAR系统在剪接相关疾病动物模型中的潜力,我们最初进行了文献综述。我们发现猫的进行性视网膜萎缩(PRA)是由CEP290基因突变IVS50 + 9T > G引起的。这种突变创造了一个新的剪接位点并导致移码突变,最终破坏CEP290蛋白的产生,导致PRA的发展。基于这一发现,我们提出使用含有传感器的质粒在哺乳动物细胞中检测这种突变的影响,因为哺乳动物细胞具有内源性ADAR活性。

To validate this approach, we reached out to a professor specializing in veterinary medicine via email. Through this discussion, we recognized that cultivating animal cells or tissues and introducing plasmids into these cells might present more challenges compared to our current yeast cell system. He suggested that we consider extracting RNA from cells and performing in vitro assays on the extracted RNA, which could be more practical at this stage. Additionally, he highlighted that PRA in cats serves as an excellent model for studying splicing-related diseases.


These advice inspired us to consider designing a cell-free system for in vitro RNA detection, which would mitigate the difficulties associated with animal cell or tissue culture and enhance the flexibility of our detection method.


Monitoring of splice variants - Advanced

剪接异构体 - 基础突破

To investigate the academic value of a real-time detection system for the content of splicing isomers and explore its application potential in disease diagnosis and treatment, we interviewed Mr. Yan Chuangye from the School of Life Sciences at Tsinghua University.


In the interview with Yan, we gained an in-depth understanding of the biological significance and molecular mechanism of splicing isomer phenomena. Yan elaborated on the diversity and complexity of splicing isomers in eukaryotic organisms and their key role in the regulation of genetic information expression. In addition, Yan discussed the association between splicing isomers and the occurrence of cancer, as well as the differences in splicing mechanisms between humans and yeast. These discussions provided valuable academic perspectives and research directions for our project.


Yan pointed out that abnormal expression of splicing isomers is related to a variety of diseases, including but not limited to cancer. Therefore, developing a system capable of real-time monitoring the content of splicing isomers is not only of significant academic value but also helps in early disease diagnosis and personalized medicine. Yan also emphasized the importance of in-depth research on splicing mechanisms, which may provide new strategies for treating diseases related to splicing abnormalities. In addition, Yan suggested that we consider the tissue-specific and stage-specific expression of splicing isomers in our project, as well as their mechanisms in disease occurrence.


Fig. Associate Professor Yan Chuangye, picture from his official personal homepage on Tsinghua University's website.


Improvement of Beer Flavor - Advanced & Application

改善啤酒风味 - 基础突破与实际应用

We first communicated with Professor Xi Jingying from the School of Environmental Science. After reviewing our design, Professor Xi deemed it generally feasible but pointed out several potential issues in practical implementation:


1. Our system is primarily intended for detecting the relative levels of RNA encoding enzymes involved in flavor compound synthesis. However, this approach may have limited practical value. First, the synthesis of flavor compounds often involves many enzymes, so measuring the RNA levels of just one or a few enzymes in a pathway provides limited insight and may not offer significant theoretical support for brewing techniques or genetic modification. Second, compared to methods like spectroscopy or chromatography for measuring the concentration of flavor compounds directly, this approach is less straightforward. In response to the second point, we clarified that flavor compounds and RNA operate at different levels, and the latter is closer to the fundamental process of flavor compound production, thus having some potential value.

1. 我们的系统主要用于检测编码参与风味化合物合成酶的RNA的相对水平。然而,这种方法可能具有有限的实用价值。首先,风味化合物的合成通常涉及许多酶,因此仅测量一个或少数几个酶的RNA水平,这是较为有限的,可能不会为酿造技术或基因改造提供重要的理论支持。其次,与直接测量风味化合物浓度的光谱法或色谱法等方法相比,这种方法不够直接。针对第二点,我们指出,风味化合物和RNA在不同层面上起作用,后者更接近风味化合物生产的基本原理,因此具有一定的潜在价值。

2. The microorganisms used in Moutai production are largely natural and have undergone hundreds or even thousands of years of artificial selection. Therefore, the company may be reluctant to accept genetically engineered microorganisms.

2. 用于茅台酒生产的微生物大多是天然的,并且经历了数百甚至数千年的人工选择。因此,该公司可能不愿意接受基因工程微生物。

Fig. Professor Xi Jingying, picture from his official personal homepage on the website of Tsinghua University School of Environment.


We followed up by asking Professor Xi to inquire with Moutai about two questions: 1. What is the company's acceptance level of using genetically engineered microorganisms in production? Are they completely opposed, or is there room for experimentation? 2. If our system can accurately measure the relative RNA levels of certain enzymes, would the company be willing to use this tool for data collection?

我们通过席劲瑛教授向茅台咨询了两个问题:1. 公司对在生产中使用基因工程微生物的接受程度如何,他们是完全反对,还是愿意尝试?2. 如果我们的系统能够准确测量某些酶的相对RNA水平,公司是否愿意使用这个工具进行数据收集?

A technical representative from Moutai responded from the perspective of the enterprise. For the first question, Moutai’s acceptance level of genetically engineered microorganisms in the brewing process is zero. For the second question, the representative stated that it would depend on whether our system offers advantages in measurement speed and accuracy compared to existing RNA detection devices, and whether it is more efficient than directly measuring enzyme activity or key metabolite levels, as our approach is relatively indirect. Based on our design principles, the RNAssay should offer better accuracy and convenience than current RNA detection technologies like qPCR. However, our system still faces challenges such as instability in accuracy and potential cytotoxicity of the proteins used, though it may outperform qPCR in the future.


The representative also pointed out that companies are generally less interested in basic research. They are more concerned with whether a technology can provide valuable applications, such as detecting or monitoring fermentation status. Therefore, if we aim to collaborate with companies to solve practical problems, it would be better to adopt a problem-oriented approach. Our detection method may not be suitable for Moutai's traditional solid-state fermentation process but could be more applicable in fields like biopharmaceuticals or biorefining, particularly for closed fermentation tanks. Another possible application could be anaerobic digestion scenarios in wastewater treatment, where our system could monitor methane production by measuring the RNA expression of methane-related enzymes in real time.


Regarding our system itself, the representative offered practical advice, highlighting that our system's main advantage is time savings. In actual production, taking a small sample for testing and disrupting the cells is not unacceptable, so if our system can significantly reduce time, it could attract interest.


Improvement of Beer Flavor - Survey

改善啤酒风味 - 社会问卷

Purpose of the Survey


During our visit to GenScript ProBio, their team inspired us with the idea that the ADAR system could potentially play a role in modifying Saccharomyces cerevisiae (brewer's yeast) to produce new flavors in wine. As a result, one of our project designs involves the genetic modification of brewer's yeast using synthetic biology techniques to create innovative alcoholic beverages with unique flavors. Our goal is to develop products that are both market-driven and innovative. In addition to literature reviews and corporate research, we designed and conducted a questionnaire survey aimed at gathering consumer opinions and expectations for such innovative products, to guide our product development and marketing strategy.

在我们访问GenScript ProBio时,他们的团队启发我们ADAR系统可能在改造Saccharomyces cerevisiae(酿酒酵母)以在葡萄酒中产生新风味方面发挥作用。因此,我们的一个项目设计涉及使用合成生物学技术改造酿酒酵母,以创造具有独特风味的创新酒精饮料。我们的目标是开发既符合市场需求又富有创新性的产品。除了文献综述和企业研究外,我们设计并进行了问卷调查,旨在收集消费者对这类创新产品的意见和期望,以指导我们的产品开发和营销策略。

Survey Content


1. Methodology and Sample

1. 方法与样本

The questionnaire was distributed both online and in person, ensuring the representativeness of the sample. The content covered demographic characteristics, drinking habits, knowledge of synthetic biology and genetic modification, as well as expectations and acceptance of new flavored wines.


2. Demographic Analysis

2. 受众分析

The distribution of gender and age provides an initial profile of the target consumers, with females and those aged 31-40 representing a significant portion of the respondents.


Fig. Demographic Analysis - Age

图 受众分析 - 年龄

Fig. Demographic Analysis - Gender

图 受众分析 - 性别

3. Analysis of Drinking Habits and Frequency

3. 饮酒习惯和频率分析

The data on drinking habits and frequency indicate that most respondents tend to drink moderately.


Fig. Analysis of Drinking Habits and Frequency

图 饮酒习惯和频率分析

4. Awareness and Acceptance of Technology

4. 关于酿酒工艺中使用生物技术的了解和接受程度

Respondents’ knowledge of synthetic biology and genetic modification is relatively low, but their acceptance of new flavored wines is relatively high.


Fig. Scoring standard

图 打分标准

Fig. Awareness and Acceptance of Technology

图 关于酿酒工艺中使用生物技术的了解和接受程度

5. Expectations for New Flavored Wines

5. 对于啤酒新风味的期待度

Consumers’ expectations for new flavored wines center on taste, flavor, and uniqueness. Desirable characteristics include a mellow, refreshing, sweet, and fruity flavor. Additionally, reducing alcohol content and enhancing unique flavors are key consumer concerns.


Analysis and Insights


1. Demographic Analysis

1. 受众分析

The demographic analysis revealed that respondents aged 31-40 constitute a large proportion. This finding suggests that this particular age group may have a higher interest and demand for innovative alcoholic products. Therefore, our product development and marketing strategies should focus specifically on this target audience to ensure our products appeal to and meet their needs.


2. Analysis of Drinking Habits and Frequency

2. 饮酒习惯和频率分析

The survey results show that most respondents prefer moderate drinking. This trend indicates that, when designing products, we should consider offering options with lower alcohol content or at least provide products with varying alcohol levels to accommodate different consumer preferences. Furthermore, the emphasis on moderate drinking suggests that our product design should strike a balance between health and enjoyment, which could increase the market appeal of the products.


3. Awareness and Acceptance of Technology

3. 关于酿酒工艺中使用生物技术的了解和接受程度

Although respondents’ awareness of synthetic biology and genetic modification is generally low, their acceptance of new flavored wines is relatively high. This suggests that consumers are open to innovative products, even if they may not fully understand the underlying technology. This finding underscores the importance of educating and communicating with consumers during product promotion, raising awareness of how synthetic biology and genetic modification can contribute to the creation of unique and high-quality wines.


4. Expectations for New Flavored Wines

4. 对于啤酒新风味的期待度

Consumers' expectations for new flavored wines mainly focus on taste, flavor, and uniqueness. Desired characteristics include a mellow, refreshing, sweet, and fruity profile. Additionally, reducing alcohol content and enhancing unique flavors are important areas of focus for consumers. These expectations provide clear direction for our product development. We should prioritize these aspects in the formulation and production process to ensure the new products meet consumer expectations.




In conclusion, the survey results have provided valuable insights for our project, guiding both product development and marketing strategy. Our target consumer group tends to favor moderate drinking and is open to new flavored wines. In product development, we should focus on lower alcohol content, unique taste and flavor profiles, and increase consumer awareness of synthetic biology and genetic modification through education and communication. By adopting these strategies, we can create innovative alcoholic products that meet market demand and stand out as unique offerings.


Sponsor's Discussion on Project Design and Application


Discussion with CABIO




Click here to know more about CABIO


CABIO is one of our sponsors. To gain more practical guidance for our application design, we visited CABIO to discuss the current progress of our project and several potential application directions. We also had the opportunity to tour their laboratory facilities.


During our discussion with CABIO, we received comprehensive feedback and suggestions that spanned both foundational experiments and application design.


Fig. Our teammates are communicating with Mr.Liu from CABIO

图 我们的队员在与嘉必优进行交流

System Design


Considering the time delay between the introduction of ADAR plasmids and subsequent detection, it is advisable to introduce the ADAR plasmid in advance or replace the ADAR gene's promoter with an inducible promoter that can be activated prior to detection.

In terms of sensor design, given the limited preparation time before the competition, it may be more practical to develop sensors targeting the yeast genome or specific genes. The focus should be on establishing design principles and patterns for these sensors.

If we aim to develop a detection tool similar to qPCR, we may need to use it in conjunction with real-time monitoring instruments, such as plate readers or flow cytometers.

Integrating results from wet lab experiments can help validate and refine dry lab models, leading to a more robust experimental design.





Wet Lab Experiment Design and Results


When analyzing confocal microscopy imaging results, it is important to exclude the effects of background fluorescence from the cells. Furthermore, compared to fluorescent proteins, using luciferase can provide a more stable and reliable signal under confocal microscopy, thereby improving the accuracy and reproducibility of the results.

When using flow cytometry to detect cell fluorescence, it is beneficial to simultaneously assess cell health and status to determine the impact of ADAR on the cells.



Application Design


The suggestions we received provided significant insights that could influence our application approach:

The demand for multi-gene detection is primarily in the fields of biopharmaceuticals and upstream R&D in industrial production, with lower demand in actual production processes. This suggests a need to adjust our focus in application design to better align with market demands.

Regarding gene lock technologies, existing designs are relatively easy to bypass, especially with advances in whole-genome sequencing technologies, where genetic information is rarely secure. However, there is a significant market potential for developing more robust gene lock solutions.

For splice variant detection, our current design does not cover all possible splicing forms. A more comprehensive approach is required, especially to address abnormal splicing events related to branch sites.

Mr. Liu from CABIO also proposed a novel application direction: using this system to manipulate yeast metabolic pathways during fermentation to produce wines with different flavors.

Inspired by the insights from CABIO, we are now investigating the potential applications of the ADAR system in brewing and the detection of diseases associated with abnormal splicing in animals.







Fig. Our teammates are communicating with Mr.Liu from CABIO

图 我们的队员在与嘉必优进行交流

Discussion with EVOLYZER


Fig. EVOLYZER, logo using is permitted by EVOLYZER


Click here to know more about EVOLYZER


EVOLYZER is one of our sponsors of us. To promote the development and industrial application of the project tool—a tool based on ADAR enzyme for RNA editing, the iGEM Tsinghua-M team, in order to explore corporate needs and seek expert guidance, sent some members to visit, learn, and exchange at EVOLYZER.

1. Communication Process

1. 交流过程

SessionA: Project Progress Report


Members of the iGEM Tsinghua-M team introduced the project progress to Mr. Chen Bo, the general manager of Yanwei Technology, focusing on three aspects: overall overview, experimental progress, and optimization plan. In the first part, the team members highlighted the mechanism and specific applications of the team's RNA editing project, and elaborated in detail on its application ideas in the "Strain Security system design." In the second part, experimental progress, the team members demonstrated the feasibility of the RNA editing system at the levels of transcription, translation, and expression interaction through experimental results of qPCR, Western Blot, and fluorescence characterization. In the third part, the optimization plan, the team members expressed their expectations for the design of system optimization, including replacing the promoter to increase the expression of ADAR, and changing the number of MS2 on gRNA to improve selectivity.

SessionB: Q&A


Q1: Are there many cases of market strain theft?
A: The number of patents protecting the strains themselves is not large, and the concept of "strain theft prevention" emerged relatively late. However, the theft of strains is indeed a significant issue. It is alarming that a complete theft industry chain has already been formed internally, with an even open market for pricing targeting specific university laboratories. Moreover, companies also encounter other problems, such as the difficulty for the plaintiff company to provide evidence, and some strains cannot be included in patents. In addition, the scale of punishment for stealing strains is very small and is often limited to a single link. The upstream and downstream cooperative organizations are presumed to be unaware. In summary, both external supervision and internal mutual supervision are weak, and there has been no good solution so far.


Q2: How long is the patent protection period for microbial strains?
A: The patent term is generally twenty years.


Q3: How do companies avoid patent leaks caused by the theft of strains?
A: Generally, companies can accept the method of continuously adding inducers like IPTG to the reaction system to regulate the expression of key proteins, and the cost is not very high; or they can add other substances that have restrictive or regulatory effects, to some extent avoiding being deciphered through sequencing.


Q4: How are strains stolen? How are key genes stolen?
A: The process of stealing strains is actually not complicated. It might be as simple as walking around the factory area, and the bacteria could be carried away on one's body. Stealing strains from the refrigerator is relatively rare, and most of the people who steal strains are insiders. It is highly likely that key genes are stolen through sequencing for gene sequencing. However, the gene sequence is not unchanging. For example, the S9114 Bacillus subtilis strain will naturally change its gene sequence under different environments and process treatments in different fermentation factories, and the yield will naturally increase. This means that there may be cases where the marked detection is a certain strain, but there are also differences in actual use, which is more complex.


Q5: Do you have any suggestions for improvement on our project?
A: Consider adding multiple mechanisms to achieve strategy integration. You could utilize yeast's self-destruction, shearing, and transposition to amplify the effects of RNA variation. Additionally, you might consider photocontrol, such as allowing colonies to express specific substances only under a certain sequence of light exposure, and not being able to do so outside of this environment. To enhance environmental secrecy, you could also place the light source inside the fermentation tank, so that those who steal the yeast cannot deduce the cultivation conditions through the factory environment. Furthermore, the yield of compounds by yeast is not high. If not limited by laboratory constraints, you might consider other microbial strains.


2. Laboratory Visit

2. 实验室参观

After the interview concluded, the team members, proceeded to visit the company's laboratory and the internal facilities of the factory for observation and learning. This gives us a better understanding of the actual production.


Fig. EVOLYZER's laboratory

图 衍微的实验室

Our Macro Interactive Influence


Communication with Other Teams


In our interactions with CCiC as well as the Beijing iGEM team, and online exchanges with AIS-China, we discussed the progress of our respective projects, shared the issues we encountered and the final solutions we found, Even shared different perspectives on the same article.. We had a collision of ideas, and each group also absorbed the experiences of each other.


Fig. Our members at CCiC, picture from our WeChat platform

图 我们的队员在CCiC上进行汇报,图源我们的微信公众号

Educational Popularization of Synthetic Biology and RNA Detection


We visited the Bayi School in Beijing and found that high school students lack a systematic understanding of synthetic biology. However, in our enthusiastic exchanges, we felt their thirst for knowledge and curiosity. We introduced our project progress in a more accessible way, received many direct but crucial questions and shortcomings, and also allowed us to constantly reflect on and improve our project.


Fig. Our members at Bayi School, picture from our WeChat platform

图 我们的队员北京八一中学,图源我们的微信公众号



[1] Narfström, K., Holland Deckman, K. & Menotti-Raymond, M. The domestic cat as a large animal model for characterization of disease and therapeutic intervention in hereditary retinal blindness. J. Ophthalmol. 2011, 906943 (2011).
[2] Travor, M.D. Preclinical models of retinitis pigmentosa. Methods Mol. Biol. 2023, 181–215 (2023).

[1] Narfström, K., Holland Deckman, K. & Menotti-Raymond, M. The domestic cat as a large animal model for characterization of disease and therapeutic intervention in hereditary retinal blindness. J. Ophthalmol. 2011, 906943 (2011).
[2] Travor, M.D. Preclinical models of retinitis pigmentosa. Methods Mol. Biol. 2023, 181–215 (2023).



Activity 1: Visiting Bayi School for Presentation and Interaction


On May 23, 2024, we came to Bayi School to share our insights on synthetic biology, discuss our projects, and have a productive exchange with the students.


Topic1. Synthetic Biology: The Integration of Science and Technology

主题1 —— 合成生物学:科学与技术的融合

In our Synthetic Biology presentation, we introduce to our audience the dynamic integration and connection of multiple disciplines, such as biology, engineering, and computer science. We explain how we are defining and redefining this discipline, continuously merging its foundational concepts to design and construct innovative biological systems.


We also introduce the audience to the forefront of gene-editing technologies like CRISPR-Cas9, which we have been instrumental in introducing and utilizing. We provide detailed insights into how these technologies are revolutionizing synthetic biology, demonstrating their transformative impact. We discuss the advancements they are driving in biomedicine and agriculture, showcasing our commitment to using these tools for the betterment of human health and environmental sustainability.



Fig. Our team member is sharing her ideas about Topic1

图 我们的组员就主题1进行分享报告

Topic2. Engineering Mindset: The Practical Approach of Synthetic Biology

主题2 —— 工程思维:合成生物学的实用方法

In our Synthetic Biology presentation, we introduce to our audience how we embrace an engineering mindset, which is crucial for the design and optimization of biological systems. We explain how this mindset informs our approach to constructing biological systems through standardization, modularization, and systematization.


Moreover, we introduce to them the key engineering principles that underpin synthetic biology. We elucidate how principles such as standardization, decoupling, and abstraction guide us in designing and implementing complex biological systems more effectively. We clarify that standardization ensures consistency and reliability, decoupling allows for the independent optimization of system components, and abstraction helps us manage complexity by focusing on the essential features of the system.


We also share with our audience our active engagement with these principles and practices, demonstrating our commitment to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in synthetic biology. We position ourselves not as mere observers in this scientific endeavor but as architects, meticulously crafting biological systems that are both innovative and functional. Through our actions, we are shaping the future of biological engineering, one principle at a time, and we invite our audience to join us on this transformative journey.



Fig. Our team member is sharing his ideas about Topic2

图 我们的组员就主题2进行分享报告

Topic3. Project Introduction: Real-world Examples of Synthetic Biology

主题3 —— 项目介绍:合成生物学的实际应用

3.1 Synthetic Biology in Agriculture

3.1 合成生物学在农业中的应用

- Show how synthetic biology is used to improve crops, increase yield, and enhance disease resistance.

- 展示如何利用合成生物学改良作物、增加产量和提高抗病能力。

- Discuss how these technologies help address global food security and climate change challenges.

- 讨论这些技术如何帮助解决全球粮食安全和气候变化的挑战。

3.2 Synthetic Biology in Healthcare

3.2 合成生物学在医疗健康中的应用

- Introduce the application of synthetic biology in drug development and disease treatment, such as personalized medicine and regenerative medicine.

- 介绍合成生物学在药物开发和疾病治疗中的应用,如个性化医疗和再生医学。

- Discuss how these technologies improve patient treatment outcomes and quality of life.

- 讨论这些技术如何改善患者的治疗效果和生活质量。

3.3 Synthetic Biology in Environmental Science

3.3 合成生物学在环境科学中的应用

- Show how synthetic biology technologies are used for environmental monitoring and pollution control.

- 展示如何利用合成生物学技术进行环境监测和污染控制。

- Discuss how these technologies promote ecological protection and sustainable development.

- 讨论这些技术如何促进生态保护和可持续发展。


Fig. Our team member is sharing her ideas about Topic3

图 我们的组员就主题3进行分享报告


Fig. Our team members are sharing their ideas about Topic3

图 我们的组员就主题3进行分享报告

Topic4. Introduction and Q&A session: about Our RNA Editing Tool Project

主题4 —— 介绍和问答环节:关于我们的RNA编辑工具项目

In our journey through synthetic biology, we have a particular focus on projects centered on RNA editing tools and their potential applications. We are committed to introducing these tools, demonstrating how they can play a pivotal role in future scientific research and industrial fields. Not only do we explain the basic principles of these tools, but we also delve into their innovative applications and the challenges they face.


During our interactions, middle school students are encouraged to ask questions about concepts, tools, and difficulties. Through answering and exchanging ideas, we stimulate the audience's enthusiasm for scientific exploration and nurture their curiosity about the unknown world.


This engagement is not just about imparting knowledge; it's about inspiring and igniting a passion for science. We believe that through our guidance and the participation of our audience, we can collectively advance scientific progress and venture into uncharted territories.



Fig. Q&A session

图 问答环节


Fig. Q&A session

图 问答环节

Activity 2: Some students from Bayi School visit our laboratories at Tsinghua University


On May 25th, Bayi School students were granted a unique opportunity to delve deeper into the world of university-based scientific research. Their visit to Tsinghua University, under the guidance of the iGEM team, was an eye-opening experience. The students explored the laboratories, observing multiple experiments in progress and gaining a hands-on understanding of the experimental equipment and technology applications. This immersive experience allowed them to appreciate the intricate workings of a research environment.


Our Tsinghua-M team members shared their current research projects, providing detailed explanations of the scientific principles, the stages of research, and the challenges they are facing. This comprehensive overview enabled the students to grasp the full scope of scientific projects, from conceptualization to execution. The students were able to see firsthand how scientific research is conducted in a university setting, which is crucial for understanding the practical aspects of academia.



Fig. Students from Bayi School visiting our lab

图 北京八一学校学生参观我们的实验室


Fig. Students from Bayi School visiting our lab

图 北京八一学校学生参观我们的实验室



Beijing Regional iGEM Teams Exchange Meeting


To foster collaboration among iGEM teams and deepen our understanding of various projects through exchange, we hosted an interschool conference featuring five teams from four universities in Beijing: Tsinghua University, Peking University, Peking University Health Science Center, and Beijing Institute of Technology. During the discussions, we exchanged ideas and insights about each other's projects. A participant from Peking University provided valuable feedback on our dry lab model, which was of great assistance to our work.


Fig. Beijing Regional iGEM Teams Exchange Meeting

图 北京地区iGEM团队交流会

Discussion with AIS-China


AIS-China learned that our project involves RNA detection and wanted to explore whether our technology could be applied to detect a specific RNA fragment in their project. After an in-depth discussion, we confirmed that the RNA fragment they intended to detect was about 20bp in length, whereas our RNA sensor's detection lower limit is approximately 210bp. This meant that our technology could not meet their needs.


This exchange deepened our understanding of our project, particularly regarding the selection of RNA detection targets and the applicability of our technology. We realized that RNA length and specificity are critical considerations when designing and optimizing RNA detection technologies, which provided us with valuable insights for future development.


Fig. Discussion with AIS-China

图 与AIS-China的讨论

The Conference of China iGEMer Community (CCiC)


The Conference of China iGEMer Community (CCiC) provided an excellent platform for iGEMers in China to exchange ideas, and we took this opportunity very seriously. We engaged in in-depth discussions with teams from China Agricultural University, Nanjing Normal University, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Dalian University of Technology, gaining insights into the projects of many iGEM teams across China. Additionally, we participated in roundtable discussions organized by the host, where we witnessed the profound impact iGEM has on its participants.


During the award ceremony, we were honored to receive the Best Presentation Award, Best Poster Award, and Best Project Award, which served as a significant source of encouragement and motivation for our team.


Fig. The Conference of China iGEMer Community (CCiC)

图 中国iGEMer社区会议(CCiC)

Communication with Munich 2024

和慕尼黑大学队伍Munich 2024的交流

Munich 2024 is another iGEM team of this year, who are also dedicated to develop useful molecular tools based on ADAR. They got to know us through our wiki and we quickly noticed each other.

Munich 2024是今年另一支iGEM团队,他们也致力于基于ADAR开发有用的分子工具。他们通过我们的维基页面了解到我们,我们很快就注意到了彼此。

We held an online meeting with them and exchanged the design and results with each other. This precious international communication help us to realize the significance and potential of ADAR. We realized that both UAG and AUG are important codons, which can well cooperate with ADAR.


Fig. Communication with Munich 2024

图 和慕尼黑大学队伍Munich 2024的交流

Entrepreneurial Project Analysis Report

Entrepreneurial Project分析报告

Demand Analysis


Fig. Organizations that may have a demand for our project.

图 可能对我们的项目有所需求的单位

1. Academic Research Institutions

1. 学术研究机构

Specific Needs: There is a requirement for professional-grade microbial strain protection solutions to ensure the security of sensitive biological materials and research outcomes.


Existing Solutions: Standard biosafety equipment and protocols may not be suitable for all types of research applications or laboratories with highly specialized needs.


Disadvantages: Current solutions may not provide a sufficient level of security, especially in preventing the illegal transfer and use of strains.


Ultimate Needs: There is a need for a solution specifically designed for research environments that can comprehensively safeguard the security of biological materials and research findings.


2. Large-Scale Biotech Companies

2. 大型生物技术公司

Specific Needs: Customized and scalable strain theft prevention for complex R&D and production.


Existing Solutions: Generic biosafety products requiring custom development for specific needs.


Disadvantages: High custom development costs and lack of flexibility for new R&D requirements.


Ultimate Needs: Customizable, scalable, cost-effective strain theft prevention solutions.

最终需求:Customizable, scalable, cost-effective strain theft prevention solutions.

3. Small to Medium-Scale Biotech Companies

3. 中小规模生物技术公司

Specific Needs: Comprehensive protection of microbial strains from unauthorized use or theft, safeguarding intellectual property.


Existing Solutions: Adding substances to strains for a certain level of protection against sequencing.


Disadvantages: High costs and complex logistics for substance addition.


Ultimate Needs: Economical, reliable solutions with intrinsic anti-theft mechanisms like self-destruction under specific conditions.


Market Analysis


1. SWOT Analysis

1. SWOT 分析

Fig. SWOT Analysis

图 SWOT分析

S - Strengths

S - 优势

High Confidentiality: Post-theft inutility due to colony death or gene absence.


Technological Advancement: Innovative, hard-to-imitate biotechnological methods.


Legal Protection: Patent protection for related technologies or mechanisms.


W - Weaknesses

W - 劣势

R&D Challenges: Technical hurdles requiring interdisciplinary expertise.


Operational Complexity: Complex biological operations and precise control needed.


Maintenance Costs: Continuous investment in funds, equipment, and personnel.


O - Opportunities

O - 机会

Market Demand: Growing need for high-confidentiality strains in various biotech sectors.


Technical Cooperation: Partnerships for joint development of confidentiality tech.


Policy Support: Government support for biosafety and IP protection.


T - Threats

T - 威胁

Technological Cracking Risk: Potential for advanced tech to be compromised.


Ethical and Legal Issues: Controversies and varying legal restrictions on techniques.


Market Competition: Other companies developing alternative confidentiality technologies.


2. PEST Analysis

2. PEST 分析

Fig. SWOT Analysis

图 SWOT分析

P - Political

P - 政策

Scientific Research Support Policies: Funding and incentives for high-tech fields.


Regulatory Protection: Legal safeguards for intellectual property.


E - Economic

E - 经济

Adequate Funding: Financial support for research and commercialization.


Market Potential: Significant opportunities in the growing biotech industry.


S - Social

S - 社会

Demand from Research Institutions and Enterprises: Drive for IP protection in biotech.


Intellectual Property Awareness: Positive social attitudes towards IP protection.


T - Technological

T - 技术

Innovation Drive: Advances in biotech and IT for enhanced confidentiality measures.


Technological Integration: Improved efficiency and security with new tech integration.


Marketing Channels


Fig. Marketing Channels

图 营销渠道

1. Marketing Channels Analysis

1. 营销渠道分析

Exhibitions and Trade Shows: Showcase products, engage with potential customers, and gather feedback.


Presentations and Seminars: Demonstrate expertise and promote product features through educational content.


Direct Mail and Email Marketing: Send personalized product info and promotions to target customers.


Digital Marketing: Increase online visibility through SEO, online ads, and social media.


Social Media Marketing: Post product info and interact with the audience on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.




For the "inclusivity" section, members of our team designed a short story based on the basic principles of RNAssay called "The Adventures of the Cat", which was caricatured and translated into different languages. In this way, we have made it easier for people of different countries and ages to understand the principles of the project in a more accessible way.


Comics in Different Languages




世界の果てには、終止子の扉があると言われています。扉が開くと、中に山積みにされていた宝物たちが、まばゆい光を放ちながら虹をつくり、空を横切っていきました。 無数のネコ王国の民がこの門を開け、この無尽蔵の財宝を手に入れようと山を越えてやってきました。何百年もの間成功した猫はいませんでしたなぜなら──あの奇妙な錠です。通常の猫の爪には3つの「隙間」がありますACCロックの隙間はUAGで、両者は一致しません。 ある日、猫の戦士RNAssayも世界の果てに来ました。そっと爪をかけてみましたが、残念ながら、鍵はびくともしません。しかし、Rさんはあきらめませんでした。彼はひらめいて、ADARという猫の爪切りを取り出しました。ADARを使って錠の形状を丁寧に修正し、真ん中のAをIに修正しました。それが終わると、Rさんはまた爪をかけました。すると不思議なことが起こりました。かちり、と鍵がひらいて、まぶしい光が、ドアの中からさし出しました。

世界の果てには、終止子の扉があると言われています。扉が開くと、中に山積みにされていた宝物たちが、まばゆい光を放ちながら虹をつくり、空を横切っていきました。 無数のネコ王国の民がこの門を開け、この無尽蔵の財宝を手に入れようと山を越えてやってきました。何百年もの間成功した猫はいませんでしたなぜなら──あの奇妙な錠です。通常の猫の爪には3つの「隙間」がありますACCロックの隙間はUAGで、両者は一致しません。 ある日、猫の戦士RNAssayも世界の果てに来ました。そっと爪をかけてみましたが、残念ながら、鍵はびくともしません。しかし、Rさんはあきらめませんでした。彼はひらめいて、ADARという猫の爪切りを取り出しました。ADARを使って錠の形状を丁寧に修正し、真ん中のAをIに修正しました。それが終わると、Rさんはまた爪をかけました。すると不思議なことが起こりました。かちり、と鍵がひらいて、まぶしい光が、ドアの中からさし出しました。



Die legende besagt, dass am ende der welt ein beendetes tor liegt. Wenn die türen geöffnet werden, wachsen da berge Von schätze, die bunt leuchtenden lichtern emporragen, regenbogen bilden sich und schweben quer über den himmel. Tausende Von elvis-unterbewohnern Kamen her und versuchten, die tür für den unerschöpflichen schatz zu öffnen. Aber in tausenden Von jahren schaffte es keine katze. Denn das seltsame schloss. Es gibt drei "leerräume" : ACC; Und die lücke, die geschlossen war, war eine UAG, die nicht zu einer ag gehörte. Mit der katze und dem helden RNAssay ging die welt zu ende. Er hat ganz leicht die klauen zu einem schloss gehalten, leider flattert das. Aber kleiner R gibt nicht auf. Der film drehte sich und legte eine katze mit krallen raus ADAR. Er hat durch ADAR das schloss gründlich bearbeitet und aus der mitte ein großes A gemacht. Nachdem die kleine R fertig ist, legt sie die krallen wieder an. Jetzt geschieht etwas ganz wundervolles! Das schloß schloß zusammen, ein donnerschlag, und der grelle lichtblitz schoß durch die tür.

Die legende besagt, dass am ende der welt ein beendetes tor liegt. Wenn die türen geöffnet werden, wachsen da berge Von schätze, die bunt leuchtenden lichtern emporragen, regenbogen bilden sich und schweben quer über den himmel. Tausende Von elvis-unterbewohnern Kamen her und versuchten, die tür für den unerschöpflichen schatz zu öffnen. Aber in tausenden Von jahren schaffte es keine katze. Denn das seltsame schloss. Es gibt drei "leerräume" : ACC; Und die lücke, die geschlossen war, war eine UAG, die nicht zu einer ag gehörte. Mit der katze und dem helden RNAssay ging die welt zu ende. Er hat ganz leicht die klauen zu einem schloss gehalten, leider flattert das. Aber kleiner R gibt nicht auf. Der film drehte sich und legte eine katze mit krallen raus ADAR. Er hat durch ADAR das schloss gründlich bearbeitet und aus der mitte ein großes A gemacht. Nachdem die kleine R fertig ist, legt sie die krallen wieder an. Jetzt geschieht etwas ganz wundervolles! Das schloß schloß zusammen, ein donnerschlag, und der grelle lichtblitz schoß durch die tür.



La légende raconte qu’au bout du monde, il y a une porte de la fin des fils. Quand la porte fut ouverte, la montagne de trésors à l’intérieur brillait d’un éclat multicolore, formant un arc-en-ciel qui traversait tout le ciel. De nombreux habitants du royaume des miaouls ont traversé les montagnes pour tenter d’ouvrir cette porte et acquérir ce trésor inépuisable. Mais depuis des milliers d’années, aucun chat n’a réussi. Parce que - la serrure étrange. Il y a trois «vides» dans les pattes d’un chat normal: ACC; Et l’espace dans la serrure est UAG, les deux ne correspondent pas. Un jour, le guerrier chat RNAssay arrive aussi au bout du monde. Il pose doucement ses pattes sur la serrure, qui, malheureusement, ne bouge pas. Mais le petit R n’a pas abandonné. Il a eu un coup d’âme et a sorti une pelle à pattes de chat - ADAR. Il A sérieusement modifié la forme de la serrure avec ADAR, en changeant le A central en I. Quand cela a été fait, le petit R a reposé ses pattes. C’est alors que quelque chose d’étonnant s’est produit! La serrure «claquait» et une lumière éblouissante s’échappait de la porte.

La légende raconte qu’au bout du monde, il y a une porte de la fin des fils. Quand la porte fut ouverte, la montagne de trésors à l’intérieur brillait d’un éclat multicolore, formant un arc-en-ciel qui traversait tout le ciel. De nombreux habitants du royaume des miaouls ont traversé les montagnes pour tenter d’ouvrir cette porte et acquérir ce trésor inépuisable. Mais depuis des milliers d’années, aucun chat n’a réussi. Parce que - la serrure étrange. Il y a trois «vides» dans les pattes d’un chat normal: ACC; Et l’espace dans la serrure est UAG, les deux ne correspondent pas. Un jour, le guerrier chat RNAssay arrive aussi au bout du monde. Il pose doucement ses pattes sur la serrure, qui, malheureusement, ne bouge pas. Mais le petit R n’a pas abandonné. Il a eu un coup d’âme et a sorti une pelle à pattes de chat - ADAR. Il A sérieusement modifié la forme de la serrure avec ADAR, en changeant le A central en I. Quand cela a été fait, le petit R a reposé ses pattes. C’est alors que quelque chose d’étonnant s’est produit! La serrure «claquait» et une lumière éblouissante s’échappait de la porte.



Легенда гласит, что в конце мира есть врата, которые закрывают сыны.Когда дверь была открыта, горы сокровищ сияли ярким светом, создавая радугу, охватывающую все небо. Дети бесчисленных мяу-элвис прошли через горы, чтобы попасть сюда, чтобы попытаться открыть эту дверь и получить это безграничное сокровище.Но за тысячи лет ни одна кошка не преуспела. Потому что... этот странный замок.Лапа нормальной кошки имеет три "пробела" : ACC;И брешь в замке для UAG, оба не совпадают. Однажды, воин котов, эрнасэй, также прибыл на край света.Он мягко кладет когти на замок, который, к сожалению, не открывается.Но малышка р не сдалась.У него возникла идея и он вытащил лопату для кошачьих когтей-адар.Он серьезно изменил форму замка с помощью ADAR, чтобы превратить среднюю A в I.После того, как малыш р закончил, он снова запустил когти.И тогда случилось что-то чудесное!Замок "щелк-чао" захлопнулся и ослепительный свет вышел из двери.

Легенда гласит, что в конце мира есть врата, которые закрывают сыны.Когда дверь была открыта, горы сокровищ сияли ярким светом, создавая радугу, охватывающую все небо. Дети бесчисленных мяу-элвис прошли через горы, чтобы попасть сюда, чтобы попытаться открыть эту дверь и получить это безграничное сокровище.Но за тысячи лет ни одна кошка не преуспела. Потому что... этот странный замок.Лапа нормальной кошки имеет три "пробела" : ACC;И брешь в замке для UAG, оба не совпадают. Однажды, воин котов, эрнасэй, также прибыл на край света.Он мягко кладет когти на замок, который, к сожалению, не открывается.Но малышка р не сдалась.У него возникла идея и он вытащил лопату для кошачьих когтей-адар.Он серьезно изменил форму замка с помощью ADAR, чтобы превратить среднюю A в I.После того, как малыш р закончил, он снова запустил когти.И тогда случилось что-то чудесное!Замок "щелк-чао" захлопнулся и ослепительный свет вышел из двери.



据说在世界的尽头有一扇终止子之门。当门打开时,堆积在里面的宝物散发出耀眼的光芒,形成彩虹横跨天空。 无数的猫王国子民翻山越岭来到这里,试图打开这扇门,获取这无穷无尽的财宝。数百年来,没有一只猫成功过,原因在于——那个奇怪的锁。普通猫爪有三个"间隙"ACC,而锁的间隙是UAG,两者不匹配。 有一天,一位名叫RNAssay的猫战士也来到了世界尽头。他轻轻地用爪子试了试,但遗憾的是,锁纹丝不动。然而,R先生并没有放弃。他灵光一闪,拿出了一个叫做ADAR的修剪器。他用ADAR小心翼翼地修改了锁的形状,将中间的A改成了I。完成后,R再次用爪子试了试。于是不可思议的事情发生了。咔嗒一声,锁开了,耀眼的光芒从门内透了出来。

据说在世界的尽头有一扇终止子之门。当门打开时,堆积在里面的宝物散发出耀眼的光芒,形成彩虹横跨天空。 无数的猫王国子民翻山越岭来到这里,试图打开这扇门,获取这无穷无尽的财宝。数百年来,没有一只猫成功过,原因在于——那个奇怪的锁。普通猫爪有三个"间隙"ACC,而锁的间隙是UAG,两者不匹配。 有一天,一位名叫RNAssay的猫战士也来到了世界尽头。他轻轻地用爪子试了试,但遗憾的是,锁纹丝不动。然而,R先生并没有放弃。他灵光一闪,拿出了一个叫做ADAR的修剪器。他用ADAR小心翼翼地修改了锁的形状,将中间的A改成了I。完成后,R再次用爪子试了试。于是不可思议的事情发生了。咔嗒一声,锁开了,耀眼的光芒从门内透了出来。