Sustainable Development

1. Introduction
2. The Sustainability Profile Assessment Tool (SPAT)
3. 3D printing
4. Conclusion
5. Sources


Realizing how important it is to maintain an unbroken producer-consumer relationship in a manufacturing process, we started working on better understanding the actors involved in the process and also started thinking about how we could improve each part of the process. Using a new survey method, we were able to assess the qualities of each producer in a supply chain model, and we also designed a 3D printed box in which we can hold a cream containing the anti-itching active ingredient which stands in the center of our project and will degrade over time without harming the environment.

Being aware of global problems, the UN launched 17 Sustainable Development Goals in 2015. These goals display a wide variety of tasks and problems which need to be solved, are set to be achieved by 2030. In order to accomplish these goals, the humanity needs entire cohesion. Not only governments and large companies, smaller firms and even residents are required to take action. When planning to launch a new product, we also decided to commit ourselves to sustainability. Our aim is that our company won’t become sustainable. It will be born to be.

The UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals | (accessed 2024-09-26).

The Sustainability Profile Assessment Tool

An introduction to the Sustainability Profile Assessment Tool
The first steps of our work were to study current best practices. During our research, it has become clear that using green ingredients, or making a recyclable packaging is not what sustainability is all about. First of all, sustainability is a term with many dimensions (environmental, ethical and social, and economic) which all need to be taken into account. Secondly, sustainability has to be addressed throughout the entire life cycle of a product, from design to post-consumer use. We also came across, that a tool would be useful to measure a company’s sustainability. With this in mind, we decided to create the Sustainability Profile Assessment Tool which aims to do just that.
These are the parts of the life cycle of cosmetic products that SPAT aims to measure.

Description of the Main Factors in a Sustainability Profile Assessment Tool for Pharma-Cosmetics Industry Factories

The pharma-cosmetics industry is under increasing pressure to adopt sustainable practices due to environmental concerns, regulatory requirements, and consumer demand for eco-friendly products. Developing a Sustainability Profile Assessment Tool for factories within this sector involves evaluating several key factors that contribute to the overall ecological footprint and social impact. By thoroughly assessing these factors, factories in the pharma-cosmetics industry can identify strengths and areas for improvement in their sustainability practices. Presenting the results in a radial diagram provides a visual representation of performance across all factors, facilitating strategic decision-making and transparent communication with stakeholders.

Presented as a radial diagram for clarity and comparative analysis, the following are the main factors to consider:

0. Basic questions
These questions assess the size of a company. These questions are not evaluated but might give essential information when considering the results.

1. Supply Chain Sustainability
This factor assesses the environmental and ethical aspects of sourcing raw materials. It examines the sustainability practices of suppliers, including responsible sourcing, fair trade compliance, and the use of renewable resources. Evaluating the supply chain ensures that the origins of ingredients align with sustainability goals, minimizing negative environmental impacts from extraction to delivery.

2.Energy Consumption and Emissions
Factories consume significant amounts of energy, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. This factor evaluates energy efficiency measures, the proportion of renewable energy used, and strategies implemented to reduce carbon footprints. By optimizing energy use and investing in clean energy sources, factories can significantly lower their environmental impact.

3.Waste Management
Waste generated during production processes poses environmental challenges. This factor looks at waste reduction initiatives, recycling programs, and proper disposal methods. Effective waste management minimizes pollution, conserves resources, and complies with environmental regulations, contributing to a cleaner and safer environment.

4.Water Usage and Management
Water is a critical resource in the pharma-cosmetics industry for both product formulation and equipment cleaning. This factor evaluates water conservation efforts, efficient usage practices, and wastewater treatment systems. Sustainable water management ensures the preservation of water resources and reduces the risk of contaminating local waterways.

5. Product Design and Packaging
Sustainable product design focuses on minimizing environmental impact throughout a product's lifecycle. This factor assesses the use of eco-friendly materials, biodegradable or recyclable packaging, and formulations that are safe for consumers and the environment. Innovations in product design can reduce waste and promote a circular economy.

6.Compliance and Certifications
Adherence to environmental laws and industry standards is essential for legal operation and consumer trust. This factor examines compliance with regulations, as well as the attainment of certifications like ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Systems) and ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety). Certifications demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement and responsible management.

7. Social Responsibility
Sustainability extends beyond environmental concerns to include social impacts. This factor assesses labour practices, employee welfare programs, community engagement initiatives, and policies promoting diversity and inclusion. Social responsibility enhances brand reputation and contributes positively to society.

8. Innovation and Continuous Improvement
The commitment to ongoing sustainability efforts is crucial. This factor evaluates investments in research and development for sustainable technologies, processes, and products. Emphasizing innovation ensures that a factory remains competitive while reducing its ecological footprint over time.


1. Supply Chain Sustainability

2. Energy Consumption and Emissions

3. Waste Management

4. Water Usage and Management

5. Product Design and Packaging

6. Compliance and Certifications

7. Social Responsibility

8. Innovation and Continuous Improvement

Questions and Answer Options for Assessing Sustainability Factors

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Conversion Table for Sustainability Assessment Questions

Below is the conversion table allocating each question by factor, listing the answer options, and providing the conversion rule to a 0-20 raw-score scale.

Factor 1: Supply Chain Sustainability
  1. Percentage of suppliers with sustainability certifications
    Answer Option Score
    A) Less than 25% 5
    B) 25% - 50% 10
    C) 51% - 75% 15
    D) Over 75% 20

  2. Environmental impact assessments of suppliers
    Answer Option Score
    A) Not at all 5
    B) For a few key suppliers 10
    C) For most suppliers 15
    D) For all suppliers 20

  3. Local sourcing of raw materials
    Answer Option Score
    A) Less than 25% 5
    B) 25% - 50% 10
    C) 51% - 75% 15
    D) Over 75% 20

  4. Policy on ethical sourcing
    Answer Option Score
    A) No policy 5
    B) Policy under development 10
    C) Policy implemented partially 15
    D) Policy fully implemented 20

  5. Collaboration with suppliers on sustainability
    Answer Option Score
    A) No policy 5
    B) Policy under development 10
    C) Policy implemented partially 15
    D) Policy fully implemented 20

Factor 2: Energy Consumption and Emissions
  1. Percentage of renewable energy consumption
    Answer Option Score
    A) Less than 10% 5
    B) 10% - 30% 10
    C) 31% - 60% 15
    D) Over 60% 20

  2. Implementation of energy efficiency measures
    Answer Option Score
    A) No measures taken 5
    B) Planning stages 10
    C) Implemented in some areas 15
    D) Comprehensive measures 20

  3. Monitoring and reporting emissions
    Answer Option Score
    A) Not monitored 5
    B) Monitored but not reported 10
    C) Monitored and internally reported 15
    D) Monitored and publicly reported 20

  4. Targets for reducing emissions
    Answer Option Score
    A) No targets 5
    B) Considering targets 10
    C) Targets set but not yet achieved 15
    D) Targets set and on track or achieved 20

  5. Participation in carbon offsetting
    Answer Option Score
    A) No participation 5
    B) Planning to participate 10
    C) Participating minimally 15
    D) Actively participating 20

Conversion Rule:

Calculating Factor Averages:

Example Calculation for Factor 1:

This average score of 13 out of 20 indicates a moderate level of supply chain sustainability performance.

If answer E (not applicable) is given:
This answer is not taken into account during evaluation. That means, if a company gives answers A, B, C, D and E in one factor, the average will be 12.5 points ((5+10+15+20)/4).

The Original Prompt:
Please give a cca. 4000 characters long description what main 6-8 factors should be evaluated when we would like to create a Sustainability Profile Assessment Tool for pharma-cosmetics industry role players (mainly factories). One factor e.g. can be the evaluation how the product chain from ingredients towards the final products on the shelves of drug/cosmetic stores has an effect on the ecological footprint. We would like to present these factors as a radial diagram. On a separate document we also would like to ask you to create 5-7 questions and answer options of them for each factor above which are appropriate to assess the factors from above. All the answers should be proper to be converted to a 0-20 raw-score scale. We will calculate an average from the questions for each of the 6-8 factors. Finally in a third document please give the conversion table containing each question allocated by factors, the answer options and the conversion rule for the question.

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Analysis of firms taken the questionnaire and improvements based on an expert’s advice

Analysis of the SPAT questionnaire:
We sent the Hungarian translated form of the questionnaire to 33 companies in total. 2 companies have replied to us and taken the questionnaire. The results of the analysis of these companies can be seen on the following diagram:

Company 1 might have achieved lower levels of integration of sustainability into their product chain. The results displayed that in 3 factors the firm received the minimal 5 points. Almost all factor points were below or at 10, which only display basic or the lowest compliance with regulations or sustainability implementation. However, in Factor VII., which is social responsibility, the company received 17 points, in which the company might have implemented extensive measures.

Company 2 might have achieved higher levels of compliance or integration of measures. The lowest points were 9 in two factors (Factor I and VII), which mean that the company is close to achieving basic compliance in these sectors. Points between 10 and 14 were given in five factors, which mean basic or moderate compliance, or that the sustainability measures are in initial or partial stages. The highest achieved points were 18 in Factor III, that means the company might have introduced very advanced measures on waste management.

The opinion of Dr. Edina Pallagi PhD. about the questionnaire
We had an interview with Dr. Edina Pallagi, an expert in the field of pharmacology, who also owns a cosmetic company.
We also asked her to give us her opinion on the questionnaire with some useful advice. Based on that, we modified the SPAT survey.

Advice Modification
Add questions that might help to determine a company's size Questions added (Factor 0)
Add a "not available" or "not relevant in our case" answer to the question Answer added (Answer E). This option is not aviable in Factor 0.

The analysis of the two previous companies was performed before applying these modifications.

3D printing

During our research into packaging materials, we decided to make our very own 3D printed jar.

We chose PLA as a material. PLA, or polylactic acid is a thermoplastic polyester, made from environmentally friendly ingredients, such as sugar cane or corn starch. It is highly endurable, and a cheap, widely used 3D printing material. On top of all that, it is also biologically degradable. So after usage, the product can either be recycled, or if recycling is not an option, it can be degraded easily. We are also planning to launch a refillment program when the product will be available.

We were aiming to achieve the most optimal size of the bottle, in order to reduce material use and costs. We cooperated with other members in the project to calculate us the most efficient dimensions:
0,00005 m³=π*r²*R--> 0,00005 m³/ π*r²=R
A(r)=2*π*r(0,00005 m³/π*r2)+2*π*r²
A(r)=0,0001 m³/r+ 2*π*r2
A’(r)=-0,0001 m³/ r2 +4*π*r
0,0001 m³/ r2 = 4*π*r
0,0001 m³= 4*π*r3
r=∛(0.0001 m³)/(4 π)
r=0,011996 m
r=0,00005 m³/π*(0,0001 m³/4*π)2/3
h=0,03993 m
r: radius (m)
h: height (m)
A: surface area (m²)

Our experiment with PLA:
The purpose of the experiment was to examine the bottom layer of the jar suitable for storing the finished ointment, in order to examine the permeability of the materials stored in it. Before the prototype jar was completed, it became necessary to test the permeability of the PLA plastic sheets in order to make a container suitable for storing the product.
For the experiment, we tested the permeability of 5 pieces of PLA plastic sheets of different thicknesses - 1 mm - 2 mm - 3 mm - 4 mm and 5 millimetres - using filter papers with a diameter of 15 centimetres. For each measurement, we performed 3 measurements per filter paper with an analytical balance, and then calculated their average in order to estimate the most accurate result.

The layout of the experiment

The plates were made with various Craftbot brand 3D printers, plant-based filament (PLA), Tinkercad editing software.

In the layout of the experiment, hand cream was applied to the plates of different thicknesses - a material similar to the viscosity and density of the developed product - and the permeability of the plates was tested with the filter papers placed under them. In addition, we created a control group consisting of a filter paper whose purpose was to examine the humidity of the room where the experiment took place, as well as the ability of the filter paper to absorb humidity, so we could infer from the weight of the other filter papers whether leakage had occurred.

The measurements were taken for a week. After the first measurements, the second measurements took place the following day. After the second measurements, the remaining measurements were taken at 2-day intervals.

The data obtained during the measurements

It should be mentioned that the filters were only sensitive to the humidity of the environment, they absorbed water vapour, they did not let cream through, even at a thickness of 1 mm. There was no cream seepage in several days, the weight of the filters only increased due to the humidity.

The weight change of the filters

We also made adjustments to the data. We adjusted the weight of the filters under the plates with the weight difference of the control filter compared to its first measurements. The results were the following:

The weight change of the control filter compared to its first measurement

The corrected weights

The weight of the filters corrected by the weight change of the control filter

Overall, both extremes, both 1- and 5-millimeter-thick plates can be suitable for the bottom of the cream jar but taking into account the possible mechanical influences and the life of the jar, 3 millimetre thickness would be recommended; considering material and energy use and sustainability, this is the most reasonable compromise. Because of this, the thickness of the bottom layer was chosen to be 3.2 mm.

The fitting of the top:
Our initial plan during the design of the jar was that threads would fit the top. We quickly rejected it, as they would mean huge material loss. Eventually, the top and the bottom of the jar would fit with two plain surfaces sliding into each other precisely. It might also ease refillment, which we also plan to implement, when the product will be available.

3D model of the jar

And in reality

Our work has provided us with much information on how to launch a sustainable product. For example, we became aware of various methods, which might be implemented into our production. Added to that, the complexity of sustainability has also driven us to many dilemmas. Sometimes we came across contradictions between the different aspects (for example between environmental and financial) of sustainability. We have also understood that our world is constantly changing. Continuous effort needs to be taken to research new methods and implement them into our production. Our further work will be driven by commitment and responsibility, and we are hoping to contribute to a better future.

United Nations. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals. United Nations.

Martins, A. M.; Marto, J. M. A Sustainable Life Cycle for Cosmetics: From Design and Development to Post-Use Phase. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy 2023, 35 (35), 101178.

TWI. What is PLA? (Everything You Need To Know).