

The aim of our work is to model the diffusion of the enzyme through the skin and to determine the velocity of the enzyme reaction.

Enzyme diffusion through the skin
To construct the model, we'll make the following simplifying assumptions:

  1. Homogeneous Skin Tissue: The skin is considered as a homogeneous medium without distinct layers.
  2. Constant Diffusion Coefficient: The diffusion coefficient D of the active ingredient in the skin is constant.
  3. First-Order Elimination: The elimination (metabolism or clearance) of the active ingredient from the skin follows first-order kinetics.
  4. Semi-Infinite Medium: The skin is treated as a semi-infinite medium, meaning it extends infinitely in depth compared to the penetration depth of the active ingredient.
  5. Constant Surface Concentration: The concentration of the active ingredient at the ointment-skin interface remains constant over time after application.

The primary mechanism for the penetration of the active ingredient into the skin is diffusion, which is described by the second law of Fick:


Solution for the differential equation:


To apply this model practically, parameters need to be estimated experimentally:

Plotting for t with fixed x:



Plotting for x with fixed t:



Velocity of enzyme reaction – with fixed enzyme concentration
Two different enzymes were used: DAO and HNMT
The velocity of the enzyme reaction can be described with the following equation:


Solution to the differential equation:

Plotting [S](t) for DAO enzyme:

Plotting [S](t) for HNMT enzyme:

Velocity of enzyme reaction – with [E](t)=C(t)
The equation is the same as the previous one, but instead of taking [E] as a fixed value, now [E] is a function of time.

Solution to the differential equation for [S](t):

Plotting for [S](t):



Note: For the plottings we have taken k as a unit (1) due to lack of data.

