Our project focuses on the design of a novel transcriptional regulator protein, the development of a protein engineering workflow that can drive future design efforts, and advancing molecular dynamics simulations for protein-DNA and protein-ligand interactions. Additionally, we have deepened our understanding of the modular nature of the TetR family of proteins.
We created a new protein design workflow that targets an underexplored area of protein engineering: designing a protein based on a ligand, rather than the other way around. This approach opens up possibilities for designing systems that detect difficult-to-identify ligands. The in silico design allowed us to generate multiple protein models efficiently, reducing both economic and time costs.
Moreover, the development and mutation of this protein enabled us to further investigate the modularity of this protein family and to elucidate the mechanisms of binding and separation for DNA and ligands. This discovery paves the way for the creation of new transcriptional regulators responsive to different ligands, marking a valuable technological advancement.
We hope these contributions will aid future rational protein design efforts and expand the possibilities for developing novel transcriptional regulation proteins based on the TetR family. Looking ahead, the integration of neural network technologies could enhance the development of these proteins by leveraging existing models.