Studies have shown that people are over-consuming sugar on a daily basis.
56% of Chinese consumers consume excessive sugar every day, while the number has gone beyond 68% globally.
Moreover, children consume far more sugar than the recommended amount for adults.
This causes most noncommunicable diseases in the world
By the end of 2022
the world had over 1 billion obese patients.
Over 529 million people
globally now suffer from diabetes, marking a severe health crisis.
2 billion adults have permanent tooth decay, while 514 million children are afflicted with deciduous tooth decay.
Which is the cost of sweetness...
In response to the severity
the World Health Organization has proposed guidelines for healthy sugar intake.
Free sugars refer to
monosaccharides and
disaccharides added to foods, as well as
naturally occurring sugars in honey, syrups, and fruit juices.
To ensure fundamental
well-being, keep free sugar
intake below 10% of total energy consumption.
For optimal health outcomes, it is advised to decrease free sugar intake further to less than 5% of total energy intake.
The global food industry should embark on a sweet revolution, striving towards a “sugar-free and low-sugar” future!
take the spotlight as the top choice for the masses.
For decades now, people
have embraced Aspartame as a
sweetener in their favorite treats,
revolutionizing the taste of these beloved snacks.
As a natural sweetener, Erythritol, takes the beverage industry by storm,
featured in staples like
Coca-Cola and Juicy
fruit drinks.
In 2023, the World Health Organization classified Aspartame,
an artificial sweetener, as belonging to the
"carcinogenic risk category".
Recent reports have also highlighted that
Erythritol can enter the bloodstream and
potentially increase the risk of blood clots.
These developments have aroused
widespread concern among the public.
We find a sweet protein
in Thaumatococcus daniellii Benth
Thaumatococcus daniellii Benth
- FDA safety certification
- No calorie production
- 3000 times sweeter than sucrose
Thaumatin will bind to
the sweet-taste receptors
T1R2 and T1R3 in human tongues,
eliciting a delightful sweet sensation.
Nonetheless, the production of Thaumatin
fails to meet the demands of the market.
Small plant quantity
Complex extraction
Our solution “Fruit + Biopower”
Build an Automated Production Line
Fruit Choosing tomato as the chassis enables
the direct extraction of Thaumatin from its
juice, eliminating the need for additional
extraction steps and thereby reducing
production costs.
Biopower Fruit-specific expression system:
This system precisely controls the timing
and location of gene expression to ensure
efficient expression and storage of Thaumatin.
Biopower Storage and targeting system:
Directs the accumulation of Thaumatin in the
vacuoles of fruit cells by adding a specific
signaling peptide to the N-terminus of the
Thaumatin protein.
Health Concepts
We've modified tomato fruit, a pioneering step in fruit modification. In the future, we hope to replace the excess sugar in fruits with Thaumatin, making sugary fruits available to people with diabetes and obesity!
Fruit can automate sugar production and storage, deriving nutritional sweeteners through simple juicing, which is convenient for beverages, sweets, pharmaceuticals and other foods.