- Overview -
Our project aims to improve the quality of life by using sugar substitutes to promote a healthier lifestyle and create an environmentally friendly and sustainable solution for addressing obesity and diabetes issues, providing a new choice for the fields of diet, healthcare, and medicine. To achieve this goal, we have conducted a series of comprehensive activities and continuously improved the project based on professional knowledge and public preferences, making it more reliable and popular. These activities can be divided into four parts: research, experts interviews, communication, and education. They are closely interconnected, contributing to our team's research, deepening our understanding of the project background, and expanding potential impact.
- Research -
With the increasing emphasis on healthy eating and reducing sugar intake, Tagatose as a new type of sugar substitute has attracted significant attention in the market, known for its intense sweetness, low calorie content, and tooth-friendly characteristics.
· Initial Questionaire


To better implement our project and understand the public views and needs regarding sugar substitutes, we first conducted in-depth background research and market surveys. By clarifying the research objectives and methods, we established an important analytical foundation for positioning Tagatose in the market and understanding individual needs. Furthermore, we conducted a preliminary questionnaire survey to assess the obesity status and sugar intake of teenagers, collecting systematic and reliable data. These findings revealed that respondents generally hold an optimistic attitude and are willing to accept sugar substitutes, laying a solid groundwork for our project implementation. Overall, we collected 208 questionaires.

The results of our questonaire.


  • The majority of respondents (54%) believe that the primary cause of obesity is the consumption of high-calorie diets. And lack of physical activity is also seen as a significant factor, with 27.7% of respondents attributing obesity to this cause.
  • And obesity surely cause some problems. The most commonly cited challenge associated with obesity is psychological dissatisfaction with oneself, which indicates a significant impact on mental health. Physical discomfort is also a major concern for many, followed by difficulties in physical activity and choosing clothing. And what is more, negative comments from others are also a notable concern, suggesting that social stigma plays a role in the difficulties faced by obese individuals.
  • When talking to the preferred type of beverage, Milk teais the most preferred beverage, indicating a high consumption trend among respondents. And Fruit tea and bottled juice also show significant popularity, with a moderate preference for carbonated beverages.
  • To our surprise, according to our survay, a significant portion of respondents consumes high-sugar beverages either once a day or every two or three days. Fewer respondents consume these beverages multiple times a day, with a notable number reporting that they hardly drink high-sugar beverages, suggesting some level of health consciousness in the sample.


The data suggest that while there is a high preference for sugary beverages like milk tea, there is also a significant awareness of the negative health impacts of high-calorie diets and lack of physical activity as major contributors to obesity. The challenges associated with obesity are primarily psychological and physical, indicating that addressing both the dietary habits and the mental well-being of individuals could be crucial in tackling obesity. Additionally, while many still consume high-sugar beverages regularly, there is an emerging trend towards healthier drinking habits.
· Social survey offline distribution at Shenzhen Central Book City


In July, our team conducted a comprehensive social survey at Shenzhen Central Bookstore in China, focusing on the local residents' understanding and attitudes towards artificial sweeteners.


We chose to conduct this research activity in Shenzhen Central Bookstore with the aim of understanding modern people's attitudes towards artificial sweeteners. We not only want to explore the impact of sugar on the health and psychology of contemporary people, but also aim to understand the level of acceptance of artificial sweeteners. Shenzhen Central Bookstore, as the largest bookstore in Shenzhen, attracts a diverse range of people, which will help us to understand the opinions of different types of people on artificial sweeteners, providing more comprehensive data support for our research.

The questionnaire includes four key questions:

  • Awareness of obesity: Asking participants to define obesity and subjectively classify weight into obesity levels. Do they think obesity will cause problems for themselves?
  • Dietary health: Understanding participants' daily intake of beverages and high-sugar foods.
  • Attitude towards artificial sweeteners: Exploring participants' views and acceptance of artificial sweeteners.
  • Attitude towards accepting foods that have been modified through fermentation, genetic engineering, and other means: Asking participants if they are willing to accept food synthesized using metabolic engineering microorganisms.



Our survey has successfully collected sufficient data, providing valuable insights into the psychological health status of Shenzhen residents. The research findings reveal an notable pattern:
  • Perception of Obesity: The majority of people have a negative attitude towards obesity, focusing on body management and not intentionally gaining weight.
  • Attitude towards Sugar Substitutes: Surprisingly, they hold a positive attitude towards sugar substitutes and believe that they help control weight. Our survey indicates that people are willing to use sugar substitutes to aid in weight control, especially patients with diabetes who are willing to use sugar substitutes to enjoy delicious food without significantly affecting blood sugar levels.
  • Curiosity about Product Origins: Although most people have limited knowledge of synthetic biology, they are willing to try products that are non-toxic and harmless.


Our team conducted a social survey on sugar substitutes at the Shenzhen Central Book City, focusing on the local residents' awareness and attitudes towards sugar substitutes. The questionnaire included four key questions: perception of obesity, dietary health, attitude towards sugar substitutes, and attitude towards accepting foods altered through different methods. The survey showed that most people hold a negative attitude towards obesity but a positive attitude towards sugar substitutes, believing they can help in weight control. Particularly, diabetic patients are willing to use sugar substitutes to enjoy delicious flavors without affecting blood sugar levels. Although with limited knowledge of synthetic biology, most people are willing to try non-toxic and harmless products. This survey provides valuable insights into the psychological well-being of Shenzhen residents, revealing their views on sugar substitutes and their concern for health, as well as their willingness to adopt healthier alternatives.
- Experts -
· Overview
All the experts we encountered—professors, industry professionals, and technical experts—played a pivotal role in shaping the direction and success of the project. Their diverse knowledge, deep insights, and practical experience provided us with valuable guidance throughout the process. Each suggestion they offered was carefully considered and seamlessly integrated into our overall strategy, enhancing both the conceptual framework and the practical execution of the project. By leveraging their expertise, we were able to overcome key challenges, streamline processes, and ultimately deliver a more comprehensive and well-structured outcome. Their contributions were instrumental in elevating the quality and effectiveness of our work.
· Interview With industry professionals


The goal of our interview was to gain insights into the current development status of synthetic biology companies, as well as to understand the perspectives and views of industry professionals on synthetic biology-based sugar substitutes. To this end, we interviewed Dr. Mou from a Shenzhen-based synthetic biology company, who currently serves as a senior research scientist at the firm. Through our conversation with Dr. Mou, we aimed to not only gather insights from a frontline researcher in the field but also to understand the company's strategies, challenges, and innovations in terms of technology development, market applications, and future prospects. This interview provided us with valuable perspectives, helping us gain a more comprehensive understanding of the current state and future potential of the synthetic sugar substitute sector.


  • Regulatory Approval as a Key Factor for Industrialization: Dr. Mou emphasized that for food additives, securing regulatory approval is the most critical factor for successful industrialization. Without it, the path to commercialization can be long and uncertain. He pointed out that choosing tagatose as the focus of our research is highly advantageous, as it has already been approved for use in food products in several countries. This significantly shortens the commercialization timeline and increases the potential for market success.
  • Emerging Focus on Glycoproteins in Sweeteners: Dr. Mou also highlighted the growing interest in glycoproteins as an alternative sweetener. He suggested that in future research, we consider exploring the applications of glycoproteins, as they are gaining considerable attention in the industry and could open new avenues for innovation.
  • Opportunities for Optimizing Tagatose Synthesis: There is still room for further optimizing the synthesis of tagatose. Dr. Mou advised that by screening for more efficient enzymes and modifying the glucose uptake pathway, there may be significant potential to increase the production yield of tagatose. This could enhance the scalability and efficiency of our project, making it more commercially viable.


Our interview with Dr. Mou, a senior research scientist from a leading Shenzhen-based synthetic biology company, provided us with valuable insights into the development status and future potential of synthetic biology-based sugar substitutes. Dr. Mou shared key perspectives on the importance of regulatory approval in the commercialization of food additives, emphasizing that our focus on tagatose is strategically advantageous due to its prior approval in several countries. This accelerates its path to market and enhances its commercial viability. The interview not only deepened our understanding of the synthetic biology landscape but also provided actionable advice to strengthen our research and industrialization efforts.

· Inverview With technical experts

Interview with Dr. Yang


The purpose of our discussion with Dr. Yang, a researcher at the Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a former member of the Peking University iGEM team, was to gain valuable insights into both the iGEM competition and our ongoing project. Dr. Yang shared his extensive knowledge about the competition’s key aspects, providing us with guidance on best practices and strategic advice for participation. Additionally, he listened carefully to the details of our project and offered a series of thoughtful recommendations aimed at refining our research approach. This interaction was designed to enhance our understanding of the competition while receiving expert feedback to improve the quality and impact of our project.


- >Optimizing Purity and Recovery Rates: Dr. Yang emphasized the importance of increasing the purity and recovery rate of the final product. He encouraged us to explore different separation methods to achieve higher efficiency and quality in tagatose production.
- Presentation Improvement: He pointed out that some aspects of our project explanation were not sufficiently clear. He advised us to provide more detailed and precise explanations to enhance our communication, particularly when discussing technical content.
- Connection with Experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Dr. Yang also introduced us to a number of experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, aiming to facilitate further optimization of our research through their expertise and collaboration. This network will be crucial for refining our project and advancing its technical capabilities.


Our interview with Dr. Yang was highly informative and provided us with valuable insights into both the iGEM competition and the optimization of our project. Dr. Yang not only shared his experience as a former iGEM team member but also offered practical advice on improving our research. He highlighted the need to enhance the purity and recovery rate of tagatose, suggesting that we explore alternative separation methods to boost the efficiency and quality of our production process. Dr. Yang also provided constructive feedback on our presentation, pointing out areas where our explanations could be clearer and more detailed, especially when discussing complex technical aspects. His suggestions will help us communicate our project more effectively in the future. This interaction was pivotal in helping us identify areas for improvement and strengthening the technical foundation of our work.

Interview with Dr. Tan


The purpose of our discussion with Dr. Jing Tan, a biology teacher from Shanghai Datong High School, was to gain constructive feedback on our research results from an educational and foundational perspective. Dr. Tan provided valuable guidance not only on the biological principles underlying our project but also offered insights into improving our presentation skills and writing clarity. By engaging with Dr. Tan, we aimed to refine both our scientific approach and our ability to effectively communicate our findings, ultimately enhancing the overall quality of our project.


- Focus on Experimental Results and Core Objective: Dr. Jing Tan emphasized the importance of not only exploring the experimental process but also staying focused on the results. She advised us to consistently align our findings with the original design and overarching goal of the project, ensuring that our research contributes meaningfully to the field of biology and potentially benefits everyday human life.
- Enzyme Activity Monitoring: Dr. Tan recommended a more detailed monitoring of key enzyme activity and a deeper analysis of the physiological state of cells.
- Optimization of Reaction Conditions: Dr. Tan suggested that we study the effects of various reaction conditions, such as pH, temperature, and reaction time, on the purity of the final product. Identifying the optimal conditions will improve the efficiency and outcomes of our experiment.


Our discussion with Dr. Jing Tan was highly beneficial, as she provided insightful feedback on multiple aspects of our research. Dr. Tan emphasized the importance of aligning experimental results with the core objective of the project, urging us to ensure that our work contributes to the broader field of biology and has practical relevance to daily life.
· Interview With an entrepreneurial expert


The purpose of our visit to Mr. Lin, a seasoned entrepreneur, was to gain expert guidance on structuring and writing a compelling business plan. Mr. Lin provided us with a comprehensive overview of the key components that make up a business plan, detailing the content that should be highlighted in each section and the critical points to consider. By engaging with Mr. Lin, we aimed to enhance our understanding of how to effectively present our project’s value proposition, financial projections, and market strategy, ultimately strengthening the overall quality of our business plan.


- Market Potential Assessment: Lin provided valuable insights on evaluating the market prospects of tagatose, especially in the food and pharmaceutical sectors. He offered commercial advice on how to analyze market demand and suggested focusing on these factors to guide decision-making and enhance the project's relevance to industry trends.
- Industry Trend Analysis: He encouraged us to explore the broader industry trends related to tagatose, offering a framework to understand its applications in various sectors. This strategic analysis can inform future research directions and ensure our work aligns with emerging needs in synthetic biology and biotechnology.
- Detailed Cost Structure Analysis: Lin also recommended a comprehensive breakdown of production costs, advising us to focus on key cost factors during production. He suggested that enhancing production yield would significantly improve the practical application and commercialization of our research.


Our meeting with Mr. Lin provided us with crucial guidance on writing an effective business plan. He explained the importance of each section, from assessing market potential and analyzing industry trends to detailing cost structures. His insights helped us better understand the commercial prospects of our tagatose research, especially in the food and pharmaceutical sectors, and highlighted the need to align our project with industry trends.
- Education -
· Overview
Education plays a crucial role in promoting synthetic biology, and we are more than happy to share our understanding and experiences to lead others into the world of synthetic biology. At the same time, we aim to raise awareness about our project through this opportunity for promotion. To achieve our goal, we are utilizing large entertainment platforms and a combination of online and offline methods to promote ourselves, including creating a TagTang Synthetic Biology platform on Xiaohongshu to popularize interesting tidbits of knowledge, such as physiological and biochemical information about sugar substitutes, as well as tips on managing weight and diet to prevent and control diabetes.To attract a wider audience, we have also conducted public speeches at Shenzhen International School. This not only serves as an external promotion of our project, but also as a valuable opportunity to gather information and enhance our outreach. Additionally, we have conducted online demonstrations for anyone interested in synthetic biology, iGEM, or our project. Our goal is to provide better solutions for different types of individuals (such as fitness enthusiasts and those in need of sugar control), making synthetic biology more relevant to human life.
· Social Media


To help more people understand diet health, we have established a topic-oriented public account on Xiaohongshu and Wechat, exploring the close relationship between sugar substitutes and diet health as well as synthetic biology with internet users. We aim to help them not onlyunderstand diet health but also learn about synthetic biology. We explain to everyone how we connect health and biology together.


  1. Understanding Synthetic Biology
    • a. What are synthetic biology laboratories like?
    • b. Concepts of synthetic biology
    • c. How can synthetic biology be linked to sugar substitutes?
  2. Advantages of Sugar Substitutes
    • a. Background of sugar substitutes
    • b. What are the advantages of tagatose?
    • c. How can tagatose benefit modern food health and medical care?
  3. How can tagatose benefit modern food health and medical care?
    • a. Overview of iGEM
    • b. Detailed project description
    • c. Results achieved so far
    • d. Discussion on potential advantages, challenges, and ethical/safety considerations.



On these public platform, our whole team is involved in the construction. We cover everything from molecular biology experiment techniques popular science to utilizing genetic engineering to synthesize tagatose from scratch in Escherichia coli. We share the application prospects and latest developments in synthetic biology, explore the advantages of sugar substitutes in diet health and medical care fields. Additionally, we also share the daily experiment situation, maintaining a rigorous academic atmosphere while also showcasing the fun side of our laboratory life. This platform records our experimental ideas and demonstrates the cohesion and team spirit of our group.
· Online Presentation:


On August 29th, our team participated in the Shanghai Normal Unversity Biological Workstation to raise awareness about the current state of synthetic biology, iGEM and the obesity issue. During this event, we introduced the development status of synthetic biology, the challenges posed by obesity, and our research progress on synthesizing tagatose using E. coli as a chassis. Professors Ma Weimin, Wei Lanzhen, and Dr. Guo Zhenghong from Shanghai Normal University attended the event.


- Synthetic biology is seen as a fascinating field, and competitions like IGEM are considered very engaging. Many believe that such competitions will help promote the popularization and future development of synthetic biology.
- Many participants found this to be a very interesting topic, with numerous people noting that they have personally experienced the growing obesity issue in China. They believe that using sugar substitutes to mitigate obesity to some extent is of great significance.
- At the same time, some questions were raised: Is tagatose the only sugar substitute among all options? How does it differ from xylitol, which is commonly consumed today? What advantages does tagatose offer?


In this event, we successfully promoted the field of synthetic biology, shedding light on its current developments and potential applications. We also gained valuable insights into the public’s perception of the growing obesity issue. Many participants expressed their concerns about the increasing prevalence of obesity in China and showed great interest in our research on using synthetic biology, specifically the production of tagatose through engineered E. coli, as a potential solution. Additionally, several professors provided us with critical feedback and suggestions. They encouraged us to further explore the differentiation between tagatose and other sugar substitutes like xylitol, and to emphasize the unique advantages of tagatose in reducing calorie intake while maintaining taste and functionality. Their insightful questions have motivated us to delve deeper into the comparative analysis of sugar substitutes, which will be crucial in refining our research and effectively communicating its real-world impact.

- Communication -
· Overview
The purpose of communication is to share information, opinions, and ideas, enhance mutual understanding and communication, promote academic establishment and development. Through iGEM exchange meetings, teams can exchange information and listen to each other, promoting cooperation, problem-solving, friendship, expanding knowledge and experience etc. These activities include Conference of China iGEMer Community, meet up with the Shenzhen University team, visits to the Synthetic Biology Center, Zhenhe Intelligent Manufacturing, and visits to Shenzhen Polytechnic University.
Conference of China iGEMer Community


The purpose of participating in the Conference of China iGEMer Community is to gather iGEM teams from China and discuss topics related to synthetic biology, exchange ideas, share experiences, and strengthen collaboration within the iGEM community in China. This conference aims to promote the development of synthetic biology research, foster innovation, and build a network of individuals and teams interested in advancing the field of synthetic biology.


- Gaining Insight into the Latest Trends in Synthetic Biology and Biotechnology. We had the opportunity to hear presentations and discussions on cutting-edge advancements in synthetic biology and biotechnology. These included innovations in gene editing, metabolic engineering, and the development of novel biosynthetic pathways. This gave us valuable insight into where the field is heading, helping us align our research with the latest trends.
- Expanding Networks and Fostering Collaborations:The conference provided a unique platform for networking with teams from various universities. By engaging in discussions with other teams, we identified potential collaborators for future projects and formed valuable connections with like-minded researchers. Which promoted our further collaboration with iGEM team of University of Shenzhen.


We communicated with iGEM teams from different universities, introducing our projects to each other, understanding each other's ideas and innovations. We discuss the bottlenecks encountered during the experimental process and learn from their experiences and methods. Under the leadership of our team captain, we explained our experimental ideas and project innovations, and discussed how to better promote the progress of scientific research projects together.

· Meet up with the Shenzhen University iGEM Team


The primary objective of meeting with the Shenzhen University iGEM team was to engage in face-to-face discussions with a highly skilled and experienced group. We aimed to learn from their experimental approaches, understand the innovative aspects of their project, and exchange ideas. By presenting our own challenges and questions, we sought their professional advice and gained valuable insights from their competition experience. This interaction was designed to foster mutual learning, inspire creativity, and help both teams improve their projects.


- Identifying and Addressing Our Own Deficiencies: Through interactive discussions with the Shenzhen University team, we were able to identify gaps in our own project and approach. Their feedback highlighted areas where we could improve, providing us with actionable insights to strengthen our work. This process of self-reflection and external critique is invaluable for personal and project development.
- Key Questions Raised During the Discussion: During our discussion, the Shenzhen University iGEM team posed several important questions that challenged us to think more critically about our project:
  • How do you evaluate the sweetness of tagatose?
    This question prompted us to think about the practical applications of our research and how we measure success in terms of product quality and user experience.
  • What is the current conversion rate of tagatose?
    They encouraged us to focus on optimizing the efficiency of our tagatose production, a crucial aspect for scaling the project in the future.
  • How is tagatose intended to be used in real-world applications?
    This practical question led us to consider the broader commercial viability and market applications of our project. Aferter that we thinke that using tagatose in drinks could be a good way.
  • Why did you choose the arabinose promoter instead of a constitutive promoter?
    This technical query pushed us to justify our choices in gene regulation and to explore alternative methods that could improve the consistency and efficiency of our expression system. Actually that is very important, because we want to produce a sugar but we used another sugar as inducer, which is not reasonalbe.
- Sparking Experimental Inspiration through Brainstorming: The exchange stimulated new experimental ideas and approaches. The collaborative brainstorming sessions allowed us to challenge each other’s ideas, which enhanced our ability to think creatively and articulate scientific concepts clearly. This intellectual exchange will positively influence the way we approach our research moving forward.


Meeting with the Shenzhen University iGEM team was an essential experience for our development, especially in terms of refining our public speaking skills within the field of synthetic biology. The interaction provided us with the opportunity to identify our own weaknesses while benefiting from the expertise of a highly accomplished team. The open dialogue not only helped us address immediate challenges but also enriched both teams through shared knowledge and collaborative learning. This mutual growth will contribute to our progress in the competition and in our scientific endeavors, as we continue to integrate their feedback and apply the insights gained.
· Visiting the Shenzhen Synthetic Biology Center


The purpose of visiting the Shenzhen Synthetic Biology Center was to gain a more hands-on, intuitive understanding of the concepts, applications, and latest developments in synthetic biology. By experiencing cutting-edge research firsthand, we aimed to deepen our understanding of the basic principles and advanced technologies that are shaping the future of this field. The visit also provided an opportunity to explore how synthetic biology is being applied commercially, helping us bridge the gap between scientific research and its real-world applications in industry.
Gaining Insights into the Latest Research Techniques in Synthetic Biology: At the center, we were introduced to state-of-the-art research techniques and methodologies that are driving innovation in synthetic biology. We learned about advancements in gene editing, metabolic pathway optimization, and bioengineering tools that are enhancing the efficiency and precision of synthetic biology research. This deep dive into new technologies allowed us to better understand the potential of emerging research tools and how they could be applied to our ongoing projects.
Understanding the Recent Breakthroughs in Synthetic Biology: The visit gave us an up-close look at the latest discoveries and breakthroughs being made in the field. We had the chance to explore groundbreaking projects focused on applications like microbial engineering, sustainable biomanufacturing, and the creation of new biological systems. This exposure to recent advancements opened our eyes to the vast potential of synthetic biology to address global challenges, from healthcare to sustainability.
Access to Industry Experts and Collaborations: In addition to gaining technical knowledge, the visit facilitated introductions to several leading industry professionals and biotech companies. The center connected us with potential collaborators who have expertise in areas critical to our research. These connections are expected to play a key role in helping us navigate more complex challenges that may arise in our experiments, offering specialized advice and access to advanced equipment. This expanded network will be crucial as we move forward with scaling our production processes and exploring commercial possibilities.


During the visit to the Shenzhen Synthetic Biology Center, Professor Kun provided a comprehensive overview of the center’s latest research, cutting-edge experimental equipment, and the key topics being explored in synthetic biology. This exposure not only helped us update our experimental approach but also inspired us to think creatively about new applications. One outcome of the visit was the conceptualization of a 3D-printed bioreactor, a potential innovation that we plan to incorporate into our research. The combination of new knowledge, technical resources, and industry connections gained during the visit has equipped us with the tools and inspiration to push the boundaries of our current project and explore future commercial opportunities in synthetic biology.

· Visit Zhenhe Intelligent Manufacturing


Zhenhe Intelligent Manufacturing is dedicated to providing innovative intelligent manufacturing solutions by integrating cutting-edge digital technologies with traditional manufacturing processes. Their goal is to deliver highly efficient and automated production systems to help clients streamline their operations. During our visit, they offered invaluable support with our fermentation equipment, enabling us to better understand how technological advancements can be seamlessly integrated with synthetic biology. This experience provided a clear example of the potential synergy between advanced technology and biological research, enhancing both the precision and efficiency of our project.


Resolving Equipment-Related Challenges for Small-Scale Fermentation: During the visit, the company's experts answered several critical questions related to our fermentation equipment. They provided detailed explanations on how to optimize its performance for small-scale production, especially in areas such as pH monitoring, temperature control, and automation of nutrient feeding. This technical guidance laid a strong foundation for improving the consistency and accuracy of our tagatose fermentation process.
Experiencing the Impact of Technology in Synthetic Biology: The company showcased the power of automation and digitalization in biotechnology. Through hands-on demonstrations of their advanced systems, we experienced firsthand how these innovations could significantly enhance the precision and scalability of our experiments. This exposure deepened our understanding of how intelligent manufacturing technologies can revolutionize synthetic biology by making processes more efficient, reproducible, and scalable.
Gaining Insights into Biotechnology Commercialization: During the visit, we also learned about the company’s commercialization strategies and how they bring innovative biotech products to market. This exposure to the business side of biotechnology provided valuable insights for our own entrepreneurial aspirations. It gave us a better understanding of the steps required to transition from lab-scale research to a commercial product, which will be useful as we explore the potential commercialization of our project in the future.


During the fermentation process of Tagatose, we encountered many challenges, such as how to detect pH value using the fermenter and how to control temperature. During the visit to the company, we had detailed discussions with the designers, which helped us address some meaningful issues and make our project more closely integrated with technology.

· Visit Shenzhen University of Advanced Technology


Shenzhen University of Advanced Technology is dedicated to providing high-quality education and nurturing innovative talents to meet the demands of Shenzhen's rapidly developing economy and the surrounding regions. With a modern campus outfitted with state-of-the-art facilities and advanced laboratories, the university supports both teaching and cutting-edge research. Shenzhen University of Advanced Technology has established strong cooperative relationships with numerous domestic and international universities and institutions, offering opportunities for academic exchanges and collaborative research. Our visit to Shenzhen University of Advanced Technology aimed to leverage these resources to enhance the quality of our projects, provide fresh insights, and utilize the university's high-caliber academic platform for further development.


- In-depth Guidance on CRISPR-Cas9 Technology: During our visit, we received detailed explanations on the latest advancements in CRISPR-Cas9 technology. The professors not only clarified how this gene-editing tool could be applied to our specific research on tagatose production but also provided insights into optimizing its efficiency. They highlighted potential modifications to our approach that could streamline our experimental process and yield better results.
- Strategies to Increase Production Yield: One of the key issues we faced was the stagnation in our tagatose production yield. The experts at Shenzhen Polytechnic University offered practical solutions to this problem. They suggested exploring alternative pathways in metabolic engineering and recommended adjusting certain parameters in our bacterial cultures to enhance production efficiency. These strategies, coupled with targeted genetic modifications using CRISPR, provided us with a clearer path forward in optimizing our project.
- Promoting the Overall Progress of Our Project:The guidance and feedback we received during our visit helped us identify critical areas where our research could be improved. By applying the newly acquired knowledge of CRISPR technology and production strategies, we have a stronger foundation to advance our project. This visit not only resolved immediate technical hurdles but also equipped us with long-term strategies to ensure continuous progress and innovation in our research.


During the mid-term phase of our experiment, we faced challenges in increasing tagatose production and had difficulty identifying effective solutions. Our visit to Shenzhen University of Advanced Technology proved invaluable, as professors offered a wealth of insightful suggestions. They provided specific guidance on utilizing CRISPR-Cas9 technology to potentially improve our experimental outcomes and recommended businesses and experts who could further assist with our research challenges. This visit gave us a clearer understanding of how synthetic biology and advanced technologies like CRISPR can be perfectly integrated to drive scientific progress. We left with a renewed sense of direction and several actionable strategies to overcome our bottlenecks and advance our project.
