Our team consists of enthusiastic students and dedicated teachers from various colleges at Southwest University, Chongqing. Though we come from different backgrounds, with diverse personalities, majors, and expertise, we have come together to collaborate on the AFp project, forming strong bonds along the way. Each member contributes their unique strengths, showcases their talents, and fulfills their responsibilities with passion. We take great pride in the fact that this diverse and dynamic team has successfully completed the project.
Principal Investigator
As the Principal Investigator, Dr. Yi Wang provides overall guidance for the project. With years of experience in molecular biology, Dr. Wang is committed to fostering innovation and supporting the team in their efforts to develop antifungal peptides.
Bioinformatics (WIKI Developer)
Yuhong is a core member of the bioinformatics and wiki team, specializing in web development. His passion for combining biology and technology ensures that the team's progress is presented clearly and professionally.
Junior Design
As a member of the iGEM Art Design Team, Xingyu explores innovative designs to communicate scientific concepts clearly. She brings creativity and passion to the team.
Team Leader Biotechnology
As the team leader, Yening coordinates both project management and lab experiments. Her leadership ensures smooth progress while contributing directly to antifungal peptide research.
Junior Biology
Hao focuses on graphic design, ensuring that the research results are visually presented in the best possible way. His creativity brings the team's work to life.
Sophomore Chemistry
Qiyao is responsible for video editing and animation design, contributing to the project’s promotional efforts with her multimedia skills.
Junior Molecular Biology
Qiuhan is focused on molecular biology research, conducting vital experiments to help validate the efficacy of antifungal peptides in the lab.
Junior Biochemistry
Yurong is an essential team member working on peptide synthesis and testing. Her attention to detail ensures the success of lab experiments.
Sophomore Computer Science
Dezhi is responsible for developing AI models that predict the efficacy of antifungal peptides, using cutting-edge machine learning techniques.
Junior Biomedical Engineering
Rongkang contributes to the project by designing and engineering peptide delivery systems, ensuring practical applications of the research.
Junior Structural Biology
Chen applies his expertise in structural biology to study the interactions between antifungal peptides and fungal cell membranes.
Sophomore Bioinformatics
Hongyu is involved in data analysis, helping the team interpret experimental results and optimize peptide designs using computational tools.
Role: Experiment Group
Discipline: Biology & Bioinformatics
Guanhong Wu is responsible for experiment design and analysis in the experiment group.
Role: Experiment Group
Discipline: Molecular Biology
Jiaying Jiang focuses on the molecular experiments and data collection for the team.
Role: Experiment Group
Discipline: Synthetic Biology
Zishan Wang specializes in synthetic biology and is involved in the experiment validation processes.
Role: Wiki Group
Discipline: Computer Science & Web Development
Yixuan Wei is responsible for the design and development of the project wiki, ensuring seamless navigation and user experience.