
In our antimicrobial peptide (AMP) screening project, safety has always been our top priority. This year, we implemented several measures to achieve integrated safety across all aspects of our project. Our safety efforts are primarily divided into three parts:

  • Safety in Experimental Design: We identified potential safety and ethical issues from the perspective of biological ethics and made multiple attempts at risk management.
  • Laboratory Safety: We strictly adhere to government and institutional regulations regarding laboratory safety, employing dual insurance measures to prevent accidents.
  • Safety in Future Applications: We are responsible for the safety of our audience, conducting relevant mouse experiments to validate the drug's feasibility.
Safety and Ethical Concerns

In the screening, synthesis, and validation experiments for antimicrobial peptides conducted using deep learning models, we believe that the project poses no threat to existing organisms on Earth. As we are directly performing in vitro protein synthesis, no genetic modification of any organisms is involved. Our discussions with experts in medical synthetic biology have clarified many safety and ethical issues that require attention.

Figure 1

From a biological ethics perspective, Professor Liao Guojian pointed out that our experiments involve the use of laboratory animals—Kunming mice—for modeling and validating the safety and efficacy of antimicrobial peptides. It is essential to standardize the breeding and management of experimental animals while adhering to principles of animal protection, welfare, and ethics.

Mitigation Measures: In response to ethical concerns regarding experimental animals, we insist on reviewing the necessity of animal experiments, comprehensively assessing the purpose, expected benefits, and potential harm or mortality to the animals. We prohibit meaningless breeding, abuse, and killing of experimental animals and halt any experiments that lack scientific significance or social value.

Laboratory Safety

In accordance with Southwest University regulations, all members operating in wet laboratories have passed the laboratory safety examination and obtained safety certificates. The examination covers laboratory operational precautions, basic knowledge, signage, and emergency response procedures.

Figure 2
  • Emergency evacuation routes are posted, with fire safety equipment and first aid supplies readily available.
  • Electrical hazards are strictly prohibited, and all chemicals must comply with safety regulations.
  • The laboratory ventilation system operates effectively, with fume hoods and clean benches regularly maintained.
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE) is mandatory when entering the laboratory, and contaminated PPE must not leave the lab.
  • Eating and drinking are prohibited in the laboratory.
  • Hazardous and general waste is stored separately and appropriately labeled, with all biological waste disinfected before disposal.
Safety in Future Applications

The aim of screening antifungal peptides is to develop new means for treating fungal infections. Based on this application prospect, the team has designed hemolysis and mouse experiments to preliminarily validate the safety of the drug and determine its feasibility as a future medication.

Figure 3
Figure 4

Thanks to our risk awareness, corresponding safety measures, training implementation, and supervision during operations, our experiments proceeded smoothly throughout the project without any incidents.