For our homepage color scheme, we utilized the darkest color (#27296d) as the background and the lightest color (#f5c7f7) for text, ensuring strong contrast and readability. Intermediate shades (#a393eb and #5e63b6) were used for illustrations and design elements, maintaining a cohesive and visually appealing aesthetic. This palette unifies the overall design.
Project Logo: Our project logo, featuring a drug in the center, represents our therapeutic direction. The shield in the background symbolizes the safety of antifungal peptides, while the scattered peptide structures highlight that our project focuses on peptides.
Team Logo: Our team logo portrays a SWUer with a protein background, representing both our identity from Southwest University and the nature of our research project.
Our animation design reflects the function of antimicrobial peptides—defense and healing. Medical symbols, soft colors, and a determined expression give the character a protector role while remaining approachable for educational purposes. The character resembles a pill, fitting its health-related theme.
Our team, based at Southwest University, focuses on unlocking biological secrets, especially in the sericulture industry. Inspired by "Dream of the Red Chamber," our silk team uniform is designed using "ya qing" as the main color and gold as the auxiliary. It incorporates moire patterns symbolizing good luck, happiness, and success.
Each team member's uniform is personalized with line drawings reflecting their unique characteristics and appearance, forming a distinctive logo for our iGEM team.
We've created cultural and creative products, including stationery with a main color scheme of Southwest University Blue, to share with those actively engaged in research and cultural promotion. In Chinese culture, the pen is a symbol of knowledge and wisdom, and for us, it represents the continuity of team spirit.
We incorporated the unique beauty of Southwest University into our badges and presented them as gifts to research partners. The slogan "Unique southwest, learn the world" reflects both the uniqueness of the region and our team's qualities. We also designed cute versions of the team members as badges to highlight our team’s identity.
For a detailed look into our art and design process, explore our full report here: