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Cycle0: Plasmid Design


    Through the introduction of carbonic anhydrase(CA), calcium carbonate precipitation regulator (CCPR) and the calcium carbonate binding peptide-chintin binding domain (Cabp-Chbd) genes, Vibrio natriegens is able to fix carbon dioxide and mineralize it.


Number Name Description
BBa_K5397999 CARP Coral acid-rich proteins (CARPs) not only bind Ca2+ stoichiometrically but also precipitate aragonite in seawater at pH levels of 8.2 and 7.6 through electrostatic interactions with protons on bicarbonate ions. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that at least one type of CARP has evolved from a gene fusion event.
BBa_K5397987 CaBP-ChBD CaBP-ChBD significantly promotes carbonate biomineralization on a chitin substrate.


    We would verify expression of CA, CCPR, and Cabp-Chbd by observing fluorescence. And we would verify the expression of sucrose by measuring its concentration.


Cycle1: Culturing


    We cultivated Vibrio natriegen using 2216E medium with varying NaCl concentrations to determine optimal salinity. Additionally, we used M9 medium with sodium formate as the main carbon source and sucrose as a supplement to study its growth.


Tunr1 Tunr2 Tunr3
A:2216E A:20g/L sodium formate. A:40mM sucrose + 0mM sodium formate.
B:2216E + 1.5% NaCl B:6g/L sucrose + 4g/L sodium formate. B:40mM sucrose + 50mM sodium formate.
C:2216 + 3% NaCl C:4g/L sucrose + 6g/L sodium formate. C:40mM sucrose + 100mM sodium formate
D:2216E + 4.5% NaCl D:Blank (M9 medium). D:40mM sucrose + 150mM sodium formate.


    By measuring OD and modeling, we obtained the growth curve of Vibrio natriegens. The results confirmed that V. natriegens can utilize sodium formate as the sole carbon source; however, its growth was not as robust as in the experimental group that included sucrose as a supplementary carbon source.


    By measuring OD and modeling, we confirmed that Vibrio natriegens can utilize sodium formate as the sole carbon source, though growth was weaker compared to the group with sucrose supplementation. No growth occurred without carbon sources, so a mixed carbon source group was used as a control. V. natriegens requires adaptation in M9 medium with formate before efficiently using sodium formate alone.

Cycle2:Stain Transformation


    Literature shows two common transformation methods for Vibrio natriegens: chemical and electroporation. Since most studies use electroporation, we adopted this method, experimenting with different voltages and using LBV2 medium and recovery solutions. Details are provided in the protocol section. experiment_protocol


    Details are provided in the notebook section. experiment_notebook
    Voltage(KV) Medium
    0.7~1.3 LB3,LBv2,BHIv2


    We used ampicillin-resistant plates for validation. We plated 20 µL on an antibiotic-free plate and 80 µL on an ampicillin-resistant plate to serve as a negative control. Additionally, we measured the fluorescence intensity of mCherry to confirm the successful transformation of the strain.


    We finally find the best transformation condition:
    Voltage(V) Concent(ms) Electroporaton Buffer Recover solution
    1100~1200 2.5~3.0 680mM Sucrose+7mM K2HPO4 BHIv2+680mM Sucrose

Cycle3: Expression Validation


    The expression validation process includes three main components: protein extraction, chitin quality assessment, and fluorescence detection. Protein extraction will utilize overnight-cultured strains supplemented with chitin, while chitin quality will be assessed after adding kanamycin. Fluorescence detection will evaluate target gene expression.


    The purpose of this table is to clearly summarize key experimental procedures for easy reference and comparison, ensuring consistency in execution. >
    Procedure Details
    Protein Extraction entrifuge at 8000 g for 10 min (4 °C), resuspend in PBS, sonicate (30% power, 2 min), centrifuge at 12000 g for 20 min (4 °C), detect protein via SDS-PAGE.
    Chitin Quality Assessment Add kanamycin (100 µg/mL), filter through 0.45 µm and 0.22 µm membranes, dry at 60 °C, weigh for calcification rate.
    Fluorescence Detection Grow to log phase, take 200 µL samples every 10 min, measure mCherry (Ex 580 nm/Em 620 nm) and EGFP (Ex 488 nm/Em 510 nm) over 240 min.


    Verify the target protein's presence using SDS-PAGE. Evaluate chitin quality based on membrane weight measurements, and use fluorescence detection to assess mCherry and EGFP expression levels.


    Analyze SDS-PAGE results to understand protein extraction efficiency, assess chitin quality through calcification rates, and evaluate gene expression using fluorescence detection to optimize future protocols.


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