Buffer S |
Buffer SP1 |
Buffer SP2 |
Buffer SP3 |
Buffer DW1 |
Wash solution |
Elution buffer |
Absorption column |
Collection tube |
Centrifuge |
EP tube |
a.Check that RNase A has been added to Buffer SP1.
b.Check whether 100% ethanol has been added to the Wash Solution.
c.Check whether Buffer SP2 and SP3 are precipitated.
a.Place a Miniprep column into a collection tube.
b.Add 500 μL Buffer S to the adsorption column, centrifuge at 12,000 ×g for 1 min, discard the liquid in the collection tube, and put the column back into the collection tube.
3) Take 5 mL of overnight cultured bacterial, centrifuge at 8,000 ×g for 2 min to collect bacterial, discard the supernatant.PrimeStar Max Premix (2×) |
Primers |
Template DNA |
ddH2O |
PCR Thermal Cycler |
Pipettes and Tips |
PCR tube |
a.Thaw all reagents on ice and keep them on ice throughout the setup.
b.Prepare a master mix for the number of reactions plus one extra to account for pipetting errors. The master mix should include the following per 50 μL reaction:
Reagent | Volume (µL) |
PrimeStar Max Premix (2×) | 25 |
Primer F | 1 |
Primer R | 1 |
DNA template | 1 (~10 ng) |
ddH2O | 22 |
Total | 50 |
Primer name | Sequence |
plyV12C-R | agtggtggtggtggtggtgctcgagttatttgaaagtaccccacgcctc |
plyV12C-F | gggtcgcggatccgaattcatgctaaatgggggatcaacaccccc |
plyV12C-pET28a-F | gcgtggggtactttcaaataactcgagcaccaccaccaccaccactgaga |
plyV12C-pET28-R | tgatcccccatttagcatgaattcggatccgcgacccatttgctgtccac |
tailspike-F | gtggtggtggtgctcgagttaggctaacgtcagacgagtatagc |
tailspike-R | tcgcggatccgaattcatgagttcaggatgtggggatgtactatctc |
tailspike- pET28a-F | ctgacgttagcctaactcgagcaccaccaccaccaccactgagatccgg |
tailspike- pET28a-R | ccccacatcctgaactcatgaattcggatccgcgacccatttgctgtcca |
gp17-R | ggtggtggtgctcgagttaaacatcttcaaccgcaat |
gp17-F | tcgcggatccgaattcatggctaatgttataaaaactgtactaacata |
gp17- pET28a-F | attgcggttgaagatgtttaactcgagcaccaccaccaccaccactg |
gp17- pET28a-R | ttttataacattagccatgaattcggatccgcgacccatttgctgtc |
Process | Temperature | Time | Cycle |
Pre-Denaturation | 98℃ | 2 min | 1 |
Denaturation | 98℃ | 10 sec | |
Annealing | 70℃ | 30 sec | 30 |
Extension | 72℃ | 2.5 min | |
Final Extension | 72℃ | 10 min | 1 |
Hold | 4℃ | until samples are removed | 1 |
Agarose Powder |
TAE or TBE Buffer |
Loading Dye |
GelRed (Beyotime- D0139) |
Trans15K DNA Marker |
Microwave oven |
Gel Casting Tray and Comb |
UV Transilluminator |
Electrophoresis Apparatus |
a.Dissolve Agarose: For a 1% gel, weigh out 1 gram of agarose in 100 mL of 1X TAE buffer. And heat the mixture in a microwave until the agarose is completely dissolved. Be cautious of boiling over.
b.Cool the Agarose: Allow the molten agarose to cool to about 50-60°C before pouring. Add 10 µL GelRed and mix thoroughly.
2) Casting the Gela.Set Up the Gel Tray: Place the gel tray in the casting stand and insert the comb to form wells.
c.Pour the Agarose Solution: Pour the cooled agarose solution into the gel tray, ensuring no bubbles form. Allow the gel to solidify at room temperature for 20-30 min.
d.Remove the Comb: Carefully remove the comb once the gel is set.
3) Add Loading Dye: Mix DNA samples with loading dye to a final concentration of 1X.a.Place the Gel in the Electrophoresis Tank: Position the gel in the electrophoresis apparatus and cover it with 1× TAE buffer until the gel is fully submerged.
b.Load the Samples: Carefully pipette the DNA samples and the DNA ladder into the wells of the gel.
c.Run the gel at 150 V for 25 min
5) Visualizing the DNA: Place the gel on a UV transilluminator to visualize the DNA bands. And capture images of the DNA bands Documenting ResultsWash Solution |
Buffer B2 |
Elution Buffer |
Column with collection tube |
Centrifuge |
Razor Blade |
Microcentrifuge Tubes |
Pipettes and Tips |
a.Visualize the DNA Bands: Place the agarose gel on a UV transilluminator and identify the DNA band of interest.
b.Excise the DNA Band: Using a clean razor blade, carefully cut out the DNA band from the gel. Minimize the amount of excess agarose around the band. Place the excised gel slice into a clean microcentrifuge tube.
2× ClonExpress Mix |
Linearized Vector |
Gene fragment |
PCR Tube |
Pipettes and Tips |
PCR Thermal Cycler |
Reagent | Volume (µl) |
Linearized Vector | [0.02 × length bp] ng |
Gene fragment | [0.04 × length bp] ng |
2× ClonExpress Mix | 5 |
ddH2O | - |
Total | 10 |
Competent Cells |
SOC Medium |
LB Agar Plates with Antibiotics |
Water Bath |
Incubator |
Pipettes and Tips |
PCR Master Mix |
Primers |
PCR Tube |
Sterile Pipette Tips |
PCR Thermal Cycler |
Reagent | Volume (µl) |
PCR Master Mix (2×) | 5 |
Primer F | 1 |
Primer R | 1 |
DNA template | 1 |
ddH2O | 2 |
Total | 10 |
Process | Temperature | Time | Cycle |
Pre-Denaturation | 95℃ | 2 min | 1 |
Denaturation | 95℃ | 10 sec | 30 |
Annealing | 70℃ | 30 sec | |
Extension | 72℃ | 2.5 min | |
Final Extension | 72℃ | 10 min | 1 |
Hold | 4℃ | until samples are removed | 1 |
LB medium |
Kanamycin |
Shaker Incubator |
Beyotime His-tag Protein Purification Kit (Denaturant-resistant), P2229S |
Sonicator |
50 mL Centrifuge Tubes |
Centrifuge Tubes |
Pipettes and Tips |
a.Resuspend the cell pellet in 10 mL lysis buffer provided in the Purification Kit. Use non-denaturing condition for tailspike protein and denaturing condition for plyV12 and gp17 protein.
b.Lyse the cells by sonication on ice (30 sec on, 30 sec off, for a total of 15 min).
c.Centrifuge the lysate at 12,000 ×g for 30 min at 4°C to remove cell debris. Take 100 µL of supernatant as a sample for subsequent analysis, and transfer the remaining supernatant to a new, clean centrifuge tube.
2) Protein Bindinga.Take 1 mL of well-mixed 50% BeyoGold™ His-tag Purification Resin and add it to the column. Add 0.5 mL of lysis buffer, mix to equilibrate, and discard the liquid. Repeat the equilibration 1-2 times and discard the liquid.
b.Add the cell lysis supernatant to a column containing Purification Resin
c.Incubate the mixture at 4℃ with gentle shaking for 1 hour to allow binding.
3) Protein Washa.Open the cap at the bottom of the purification column and let the liquid flow out by gravity. Collect approximately 100 µL of the flow-through for subsequent analysis.
b.Wash the resin 5 times, each time adding 0.5-1 mL wash buffer. Collect approximately 100 µL of the flow-through wash buffer each time for subsequent analysis.
4) Protein Elution: Elute the target protein 6-10 times, each time using 0.5 mL elution buffer. Collect each elution fraction into different centrifuge tubes. The collected elution fractions are the purified His-tagged protein samples.15% SDS-PAGE Color Preparation kit, C671104 |
Tris-Glycine-SDS buffer |
Protein Ladder |
Loading Buffer |
SDS-PAGE Gel Casting System |
Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 Stain Solution |
Destaining Solution |
Gel Imaging Systems |
Aurochlorohydric acid (HAuCl4) Solution: 10 mg/mL |
Sodium Citrate Solution: 10 mg/mL |
Potassium Carbonate Solution: 100 mM |
1% Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) |
Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) |
Round-Bottom Flask |
Magnetic Stirrer and Stir Bar |
Shaker |
Spectrophotometer |
Microplate |
a.Add 100 mL of ultra-pure water to a round-bottom flask.
b.Add 1 mL of 10 mg/mL HAuCl4 solution to the flask. And place the flask on a magnetic stirrer and heat the mixture to boiling, allowing it to reflux.
c.After the mixture reaches boiling, add 1 mL of 10 mg/mL sodium citrate solution to the flask.
d.Continue stirring and heating until the solution turns a deep purple-red color, indicating the formation of gold nanoparticles.
e.Continue heating and stirring for an additional 10 min to ensure complete reaction.
f.Remove the flask from the heat and allow the solution to cool to room temperature. Store the solution at 4°C in the dark for future use.
2) Protein Conjugation with AuNPsa.Adjusting pH of AuNPs Solution: Take 1 mL of the AuNPs solution prepared in the previous steps. Then gradually add 7-8 μL of 100 mM potassium carbonate solution to adjust the pH to 8.0. Monitor pH carefully.
b.Add 100 μg of PBP protein to the pH-adjusted AuNPs solution. Incubate the mixture on a shaker at room temperature for 30 min to allow protein binding.
c.Centrifuge the mixture at 12,000 rpm for 5 minutes at 4°C. Then carefully discard the supernatant to remove unbound protein.
d.Add 1% BSA solution to resuspend the pellet and incubate at room temperature for 30 min to block any remaining binding sites on the AuNPs.
e.Centrifuge again at 12,000 rpm for 5 min at 4°C and discard the supernatant.
f.Resuspend the AuNPs@PBP pellet in 333 μL of PBS buffer.
g.Store the conjugated AuNPs@PBP solution at 4°C for future use.
3) Measurement of AuNPs@PBP Absorbancea.Scan the full wavelength range to determine the maximum absorption peak of the AuNPs@PBP solution using a spectrophotometer.
b.Note that AuNPs typically have a maximum absorption peak at 530 nm. Successful conjugation with PBP protein should result in a red shift of 2-3 nm in the absorption peak.
AuNP suspension |
Carbon-coated copper grids (300 mesh) |
Potassium Carbonate Solution: 100 mM |
Ultrapure water |
Micropipette (0.5-10 μL) |
Forceps |
Filter paper |
Desiccator |
Talos F200x TEM (Thermo Fisher, USA) |
a.Sonicate the AuNP suspension for 5 min to ensure homogeneous dispersion.
b.Dilute the AuNP suspension with ultrapure water (concentration should be approximately 0.1-1 mg/mL).
c.Place a 5 μL droplet of the prepared AuNP suspension onto the carbon-coated side of the grid.
d.Allow the sample to adsorb for 60 sec.
e.Gently touch the edge of the grid with a piece of filter paper to remove excess liquid.
f.Be careful not to touch the center of the grid where the sample is deposited.
g.Place the grid in a desiccator for 30 min to ensure complete drying.
a.Load the prepared grid into the TEM according to the instrument's guidelines.
b.Operate the TEM at an accelerating voltage of 80-200 kV, depending on the instrument and sample requirements.
c.Capture images at various magnifications to observe the size, shape, and distribution of the AuNPs.
Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) |
Bacterial culture |
Smartphone with camera |
RGB analysis software or app |
Fresh lettuce and apples from a local supermarket |
a.Cultivate the target bacteria to achieve an OD600 of 1 (approximately 10^9 CFU/mL).
b.Collect the bacterial cells by centrifuging the culture and discard the supernatant.
c.Resuspend the bacterial pellet in PBS and adjust the suspension to an OD600 of 1 (approximately 10^9 CFU/mL).
d.Perform serial dilutions in PBS to achieve concentrations ranging from 10^3 to 10^9 CFU/mL.
2) Add 200 μL of each bacterial dilution to 100 μL of AuNPs @ PBP solution and incubate the mixtures at room temperature for 30 min. Include appropriate controls, such as pET28a empty vector controls, to validate the assay specificity and accuracy.a.Assemble the smartphone and lightbox setup. Ensure the lightbox is equipped with a white LED light tube and black curtains to minimize external light interference.
b.Place the centrifuge tubes containing the supernatant in the lightbox. Capture images of the samples using the smartphone camera.
5) Data Analysisa.Extract the RGB values from the captured images using the RGB analysis software or app.
b.Generate a standard curve based on the RGB values corresponding to known bacterial concentrations.
c.Import the standard curve into the app for subsequent analysis.
LB solid medium |
near-infrared light (808 nm) |
thermal imaging camera (TIC) |
a.The bacterial solution was diluted to a concentration of 10^6 CFU/mL and reacted with the above AuNP@PBP detection method for bacteria.
b.After the above detection part was reacted for 30 min at room temperature, the sample tube was irradiated under near infrared light (NIR) with a wavelength of 808 nm and a power of 2 W for 10 min (at a distance of 8 cm).
c.The temperature rise of the samples after NIR treatment was monitored using a photothermal camera.
d.Plates were coated with the irradiated samples and incubated at 37°C overnight
e.Bacterial survival was determined by plate counting method.