
Due to the general lack of knowledge about endometriosis leading to many women feeling overlooked and the normalization of their symptoms, we decided to raise public awareness and knowledge about the disease. At the same time, we wanted to foster interest in synthetic biology, to help pave the way to find solutions to problems such as endometriosis.

We wanted to accomplish this in two ways, a generalized approach and a specific one. Our generalized approach consisted of using our social media to spread facts about the disease and synthetic biology. While our specific approach consisted of preparing educational material to teach classes for students in primary- and high school.

From the beginning, we knew, that we wanted to teach classes for high school students because we believed that they had an appropriate age for the subject of endometriosis and a knowledge base that allowed us to delve into the subject of synthetic biology. However, we also found that 53% of women suffering from endometriosis who answered our survey believed that such education be instated at the ages of 12-14. Considering their feedback, we realized that we should also prepare material for primary school students, and perhaps even their parents.

So, we began with our work towards the general public as well as students both older and younger.


  • August 12, 2024
    Meeting with Magnus Malling
    We were contacted and had a meeting with Magnus Malling, an education coordinator at the Faculty of Science, SDU, to collaborate on an event scheduled for September 6th for ninth graders from Højby Friskole. This event aimed to spark an interest in synthetic biology and science.
  • August 13, 2024
    Meeting with Lise-Lotte Hofmann Frisch
    We met with Lise-Lotte Hofmann Frisch, head of education at Nyborg Gymnasium, to gather input and ideas on how to create engaging and effective educational materials for students.
  • August 16, 2024
    Meeting with Karina Ramgaard
    A meeting was held with Karina Ramgaard, a teacher at Midtfyns Gymnasium, to discuss developing educational content. We also explored the possibility of leading lessons ourselves for their two 3rd-year classes. During the meeting, we discussed ways of tailoring the materials to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes, while ensuring they align with the curriculum and meet the needs of the students.
  • September 6, 2024
    Outreach Event with Højby Friskole
    The ninth graders from Højby Friskole visited SDU as part of SDU Outbreak, an outreach event organized by Magnus Malling. The event was designed to spark interest in synthetic biology. Students were introduced to synthetic biology and key concepts like PCR and restriction enzymes. They performed hands-on activities, including running PCR experiments, working with restriction enzymes, loading gels for electrophoresis, and analyzing their results. We also presented our project on using synthetic biology to develop a possible treatment for endometriosis. A flyer about endometriosis was given to students to share with their parents.
  • September 23, 2024
    First Teaching Module at Midtfyns Gymnasium
    We held our first set of two teaching modules with the two 3rd-year classes from Midtfyns Gymnasium to teach them about synthetic biology and endometriosis. We provided a compendium of educational material, including in-depth information about both topics. Small activities were incorporated throughout to engage the students and deepen their understanding.
  • September 25, 2024
    Second Teaching Module at Midtfyns Gymnasium
    We conducted the second set of two teaching modules with the two 3rd-year classes from Midtfyns Gymnasium. In this module, students engaged in casework, choosing a problem themselves and exploring solutions using synthetic biology. They conducted research, developed solutions, and presented their findings to the class.

Social media

Before delving into preparing specific educational materials, we wanted to do our part in spreading knowledge to the general population. To reach a broader community with our initiative, we launched two series of posts on our social media platforms, primarily Instagram. We intend to continue to raise awareness of these topics even after the project concludes, as this is something we care strongly about.

Educational Material for Parents: Empowering Parents with Knowledge

Our surveys and interviews conducted in collaboration with the Danish Endometriosis Association ‘Endometriose Fællesskabet’ highlighted the importance of educating parents as well. This understanding emerged as a crucial component of our initiative, emphasizing that informed parents can play a significant role in supporting their children and fostering awareness about endometriosis.

To address this need, we created an informative flyer aimed at educating parents about endometriosis, its symptoms, and resources where they can learn more. This resource seeks to equip parents to better support their children and seek appropriate care if they experience related symptoms.

During our following events, we handed out flyers to students for them to take home and share with friends and family.

We believe that the flyer would reach its full potential if distributed alongside other educational material by the school during sexual education classes aimed at parents of students.

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