3D Printing Protocol

3D Print Instructions

In designing the armature for the Healios, it was a key design variable to possess 3 degrees of freedom (DOF) to enable the device to reach any part of the body that may need attention. The 3D model was produced via SOLIDWORKS design. Each component was designed as a SOLIDWORKS Part and later put into a SOLIDWORKS Assembly. The assembly consisted of all armature components: Base, Arm 1, Arm 2, Arm 3, and Lamp Joint. This method allowed us to simulate the armature’s range of motion and ensure all joints were aligned before manufacturing. The part files will then be converted into gcode, which can be read by Oklahoma State University Endeavor lab’s in-house PLA 3D printers and produced.

Arm 1 Arm1.SLDPRT
Arm 2 Arm2.SLDPRT
Arm 3 Arm3.SLDPRT
Lamp Joint Lamp_Joint.SLDPRT
Lamp Base Lamp_Base.SLDPRT
Entire Lamp Assembly Lamp_Assembly1.SLDASM

Part Instructions:

  1. Base: The base was created by sketching a rectangle to the desired dimensions, extruding it, fileting the edges, and then rotate-patterning it once to create the cross beam. The female thread part in the center is made by first cutting a hole and then utilizing the Hole Wizard tool to create the threading.
  2. Arm 1: Begin by sketching a circle, which will then be extruded to your desired length, and then cut a hole through the center where the bolt and nut will go to apply compression and lock the joint at the desired location. The leg of the joint can be made by extruding another circle perpendicular to the joint and lofting the two together with the arm's profile and the joint's end. For creating the male thread at the end of the leg, utilize the Hole Wizard once again to create it.
  3. Arm 2: repeat the process for Arm 1, except create a joint at both ends of the leg.
  4. Arm 3: same process as Arm 2.
  5. Lamp Joint: In designing the arms, similar methods were used in creating the male part for Arm 1. In creating the lamp joint, the above methods were used, as well as Dome. Sketch a circle and extrude it, insert a dome on the face, and set it to the desired dimensions. Then, hollow the feature and cut holes where the screws are to be placed. Sketch semi-circle arms around the screw holes and extrude a shrunken version atop it to create arms that will attach the joint to the lamp joint. Use the above processes to create another dome joining the arms which attach to the screw holes and create a joint using the above methods and merge it with the dome. See the Healios model to better follow along with the above instructions.

Figure 1: Healios Lamp Model