
For those who have never encountered synthetic biology, it is a very difficult subject to understand. When facing different groups, it’s impossible for us to use the same method to explain the connotation of synthetic biology. The core of our research project is to improve the production efficiency of tagatose, thereby reducing the market price of sugar substitutes such as tagatose and providing people with healthier choice of sweeteners. Similarly, it is difficult for us to use a single method to explain this to different groups of people. Therefore, we designed various focal points and methods to introduce people to the knowledge of synthetic biology and tagatose when carrying out the education section. The content is as follows:

Target group Features Focus on Methods
Preschoolers Low concentration Limited comprehension Strong hands-on skills Basic understanding: Simple explanation of sugar substitutes and tagatose • Presentation on basic knowledge of sugar substitutes
• Using clay to make sugar-related foods
• Drawing a lollipop with a foam ball
Primary school students Initially formed scientific concepts Desire to explore science Strong desire to learn about the unknown world Basic knowledge of biology •Popularization about bacteria
•"Questionnaire" by students
• Poster campaign
• Fermentation experiment
Junior high school students Greater curiosity about science Certain aesthetic and hands-on skills Basic knowledge of synthetic biology •Popularization of basic synthetic biology
• Dried flower combined EP tube activity
High school students Certain scientific knowledge base Unique insights into synthetic biology Knowledge and application of synthetic biology principles • Deeper popularization of synthetic biology
• Poster campaign
• Collage poetry
University students Strong professionalism Strong desire for in-depth understanding Cutting-edge research and innovative applications of synthetic biology •Lectures on applications of synthetic biology
Students in underprivileged areas Limited resources Need to innovative teaching methods Basic knowledge of sugar substitutes and tagatose Interactive teaching •Dental and dietary health knowledge
• Sugar and health quiz game
Ordinary people Different backgrounds, limited time, but concerned about health and quality of life Have a general understanding of science Only receive knowledge in fragmented time Get most of knowledge from the Internet Integrating knowledge points and broadening knowledge Higher accessibility Using popular language, emerging popular science methods •Bilibili promotional video
•WeChat offical account tweets
•Distribution of tri-fold leaflets
•Knowledge popularization podcast
Elderly group High concern for health Slower acceptance of new things Health benefits of sugar substitutes and tagatose, especially for blood sugar control • Popularization of knowledge about sugar substitutes
• Distribution of tri-fold leaflets
Hearing impaired community Learn through visual information Rely on sign language or written text Using sign language to popularize science •Sign language knowledge on synthetic biology, sweeteners and tagalog
Visually impaired community Learning through hearing and touch Podcast Using Braille for science popularization •Knowledge popularization podcast
•Braille book
Individuals with disabilities Knowledge comprehension ability is not as good as that of ordinary people Other methods are needed to assist comprehension Basic knowledge of sugar substitutes and tagatose Popular language •Presentation about basic knowledge of sugar substitutes
•Making biological or sugar models with twist sticks
‘Awaken Interests’——Preschool
Qiaolin Summer Nursery

In the curious gaze of the children at the Qiaolin Summer Nursery, we launched a journey of presentation on sugar substitutes and health. During this activity, we aimed to introduce the concept of healthy eating to the children in a gentle and inspiring manner, and let them learn about sugar knowledge in life through hands-on practice through clay modeling activities.

Figure 1 Group photo of the participants

Purpose: The main purpose of this activity was to educate children about the role of sugars in the diet, help them recognize the potential health effects of excessive intake of traditional sugars, and introduce the advantages of sugar substitutes as a healthy alternative. We hoped that we could stimulate children's interest in healthy diets and guide them to make wiser sweet choices through the presentation.

Content: The presentation focused on the classification of sugars, the differences between sugar substitutes and traditional sugars, the benefits of sugar substitutes for blood glucose and body weight management, and tagatose, a relatively rare sugar substitute on the market that we used synthetic biological methods to research. With vivid examples, We explained to children why choosing sugar substitutes is crucial to health in plain language.

Figure 2 Lecture activity

Interaction: The clay shaping session allowed children to transform their newly acquired knowledge into works of art in their hands. Inspired by the instructors, children used clay to create various sugar-related or synthetic biology-related shapes, such as fruits, desserts, DNA double helix structure and so on. This process not only exercised children's practical ability, but also deepened their understanding of sugar knowledge.

Figure 3 Clay shaping session

Meaning: This publicity activity was a sweet journey of knowledge. Not only did we teach children healthy knowledge of sugar, but more importantly, we created a joyful time filled with imagination and creativity together. We looked forward to continuing to open the door to more knowledge and explore the wider world with children in the future. Through this activity, we hoped to sow the seeds of healthy diets in children's hearts, allowing them to take root, sprout out, and thrive over time.

Reflection: After this activity, we realized that it was necessary to simplify scientific concepts to match children's comprehension ability and use creative activities that children enjoyed to help them understand the knowledge points, so that they could better absorb the knowledge.

Summer Care Class in Baima Community

In this sunny summer, we were fortunate to visit the Summer Care Class in Baima Community and spent an educational and interesting morning with the children, with science of sugar substitutes. Through presentations and interactive activities, we added a dose of health and wisdom to the children's summer vacation, allowing them to learn important life knowledge in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.

Figure 4 Group photo of the participants

Purpose: The goal of this presentation was to enrich the experience of the children in the Summer Care Class in Baima Community in multiple dimensions. Our core goal was to educate children about healthy diets, especially the advantages and importance of sugar substitutes compared with traditional sugar. We hoped to spark their interest in a healthy lifestyle and cultivate good dietary habits from an early age. Through presentations and interactive learning, we wished that children would understand the impact of nutritional choices on health and encouraged them to make wiser food choices in their daily lives.

Content: The presentation covered the scientific principles, health benefits and applications of sugar substitutes in daily life. We elaborated on the advantages of sugar substitutes compared with traditional sugars, such as low calories and GI. We also explained why sugar substitutes only account for a small portion of the market share compared to ordinary sugar—mainly due to the cost. This led to our project: modifying the production pathway of tagatose to increase its yield and reduce its price, making sugar substitutes accessible to a broader audience.

Figure 5 Lecture activity

Interaction: Our featured activity was to make lollipops with colorful foam balls. Under the guidance, children used their imagination and creativity to make colorful lollipops. In the process, they exercised their hand-eye coordination and artistic creativity, then further deepened their understanding of sugar. During the activity, the children asked questions about the difference between sugar substitutes and ordinary sugar, such as: Will the color of the product made with sugar substitutes have a darker color than those made with ordinary sugar? Can sugar substitutes be identified by their packaging? Are the bright colors of the lollipops due to the addition of sugar? Questions like these were exactly what children of this age real thoughts about sugar substitutes. We also brought the pop-up books made by our team and told the children the story of tagatose in the form of storytelling.

Figure 6 Making lollipops with foam balls

Figure 7 Reading pop-up books

Meaning:The significance of the presentation was far more than just imparting knowledge. It stimulated children's interest in healthy diets and cultivated their scientific literacy. Through such activities, we hoped that children could develop a correct understanding of sugar substitutes and establish correct health concepts from an early age.

Reflection:Overall, this presentation was successful, but there was not enough participation in the process. We realized that we needed to pay special attention to the children's concentration problem. In order to better suit the children's short attention spans, we needed to adjust the pace of the activities to make them more compact and varied. At the same time, we planned to add more interactive and visual aids, such as animation and storytelling, to enhance the children’s engagement.

‘Grow Curios’——Primary School
the Experimental Primary School of Nanjing Tech University

Galileo once said, "All reasoning must come from observation and experimentation." In order to stimulate children's curiosity about the natural world and biological phenomena, and to cultivate their interest in exploring science, we visited the Experimental Primary School of Nanjing Tech University, with the goal to guide students in developing preliminary scientific thinking through observation, questioning, and simple experiments.

Figure 8 Group photo of the participants

Purpose:In the contemporary society of rapidly renewing knowledge, synthetic biology, as an emerging discipline, carries the hope of addressing future challenges. We hope that through this presentation, children will come to realize that bacteria are not only tiny inhabitants of the natural world but also powerful tools for technological innovations. By understanding synthetic biology, children can gain insight into how science is inextricably linked to life, inspiring their courage and wisdom to explore the unknown.

Content:The presentation began with the shape, size and structure of bacteria, guiding children into the wonderful world of microorganisms. We introduced the basic principles of synthetic biology to modify bacteria, and demonstrated its potential to solve problems in environmental, medical health in plain language. From specialized enzyme genes that degrade plastics to microbial factories producing artemisinin, and modern applications of sugar-producing bacteria, each bit of knowledge introduces the children to a different realm of biological world.

Figure 9 Lecture activity

Interaction:In addition to traditional knowledge explanations, we also carefully designed a small experiment called "yeast fermentation". It allowed children to observe the production of carbon dioxide by yeast in the fermentation process, making abstract scientific concepts lively and interesting. Through the experiment, the children not only learned the theoretical knowledge, but also experienced the fun and sense of accomplishment of scientific experiments. This kind of edutainment effectively enhances students' interest in learning.

Figure 10 Yeast fermentation experiment

Meaning:Through this presentation, we hope the seeds of science we planted in the children's hearts can take root and sprout, eventually blossoming into exploration and innovation with them growing up. In the future, the love and pursuit of science will become their most valuable treasure no matter where they go.

Figure 11 Special questionnaire

Reflection:Through this primary school presentation, we realized that science popularization activities should not only impart knowledge but also inspire interest and cultivate abilities. In future presentations, we will further optimize the content and format, adding more interactive and practical components to make the dissemination of scientific knowledge more vivid and effective. The presentation at the Experimental Primary School of Nanjing Tech University was a successful attempt and a new starting point. We look forward to bringing more scientific knowledge to more children in the future, allowing them to roam in the ocean of science, explore the unknown and create the future.

‘Navigate Knowledge’——Middle School
LiRen Middle School

On this vibrant spring day, we entered the grounds of LiRen Middle School,fueled by our passion for science and curiosity about the unknown. Here, we met a group of energetic students and embarked on a fascinating journey together into the world of synthetic biology. This presentation was an attempt to pass on knowledge and inspire young souls. We hoped that through this event, we could establish a bridge between students and synthetic biology, enabling them to discover themselves through explorations and to shape their future through these discoveries.

Figure 12 Group photo of the participants

Purpose:We hoped that the seeds of synthetic biology would take roots and sprout in the students' hearts, allowing them to realize that synthetic biology is not just a discipline, but also a tool for exploring the world and solving problems.

Content:The presentation revolved around the fundamental contents and applications of synthetic biology. We introduced the basic concepts of the field and deeply discussed its practical applications across various domains, providing the students with a comprehensive understanding of this subject.

Figure 13 Lecture activity

Interaction:We creatively combined commonly used laboratory EP tubes with dried flowers to make pendants, allowing the students to experience the fusion of science and art through hands-on activities and enjoy the pleasure of creation.

Figure 14 EP tube combined with dried flower activity

Meaning:At the middle school level, students were gradually forming their worldviews and interests. Learning about synthetic biology could spark their interest in science and guide them to explore the mysteries of life sciences.

Reflection:The promotion activities was a great success, but we were well aware that science education is a long-term and challenging task. We will continue to work hard, constantly exploring and innovating, to provide students with higher-quality science education, helping them better understand the world and explore the future.

‘Elevate Minds’——High School
JiangPu Senior High School

With the rapid development of science and technology today, synthetic biology, as a rapidly developing new discipline, is attracting more and more attention. In order to help high school students better understand the cutting-edge developments in this field, we went to JiangPu Senior High School and conducted an innovative science popularization activity.

Figure 15 Group photo of the participants

Purpose:As an emerging discipline, synthetic biology is rapidly developing and influencing our daily lives. However, for many high school students, this field is still relatively unfamiliar. In order to familiarize students with the latest scientific advancements and to spark their interest in biology, we decided to conduct a biological science popularization presentation on campus. The purpose of this activity is to popularize the basic knowledge of synthetic biology, help students gain a preliminary understanding of the importance and application prospects of this subject. At the same time, it aims to broaden their academic horizons and provide more options for their future studies.

Content: This presentation covered the fundamental principles and widespread applications of synthetic biology. We introduced how synthetic biology techniques can be used to solve real-world problems, such as producing medicines and environmentally friendly materials (更正规)through genetic engineering. Additionally, we shared our team's research projects and achievements in this field, demonstrating the enormous potential of synthetic biology.

Figure 16 Lecture activity

Interaction: In addition to imparting theoretical knowledge, we also organized a special collage poetry activity. The flexible and creative nature of collage poetry provided students with space to unleash their imagination and expressive capabilities, integrating the 'cut and connect' concept of synthetic biology with literary creation, making the activity more vivid and interesting.

Figure 17 Collage poems made by students

Meaning: This presentation not only exposed students to cutting-edge scientific knowledge but also stimulated their strong interest in synthetic biology. Under heavy academic pressures, such science activities provided students with a relaxed and enjoyable way of learning, helping them to better understand the world. It also provided new perspectives and possibilities for their future studies and career planning.

Feedback: This event was remarkably successful. Many students said that this presentation gave them a strong interest in synthetic biology, and they hope to continue to learn and understand this field in the future; some students also said that the science and technology displayed in the event provided them with a fresh understanding of biology, breaking their stereotypes about traditional biology.

Figure 18 Perceptions of the event by high school students

Reflection: The response to this event showed that many people are curious about synthetic biology, but lack in-depth understanding. This reminded us that we need to strengthen scientific communication and public education to help the public better understand and accept synthetic biology technology, improving people's acceptance of synthetic biology in the future, and thus promote its rational application in society.

Advance practice——University
Nanjing Tech University

In today's era of rapid scientific and technological life, synthetic biology, as an emerging interdisciplinary discipline, is gradually revealing the mystery of the integration of life science and engineering. It not only represents a revolution in the field of biotechnology, but also is a key force to promote social progress and solve global problems. We held lectures in universities to lead everyone into the world of synthetic biology and explored how to achieve a deep understanding of nature and innovative applications in this field by redesigning and building biological systems.

Figure 19 Photo of synthetic biology lecture

Purpose:Our purpose was to stimulat students' interest in the latest progress in biotechnology and cultivat their understanding of the future potential of this field.

Content:The content of the lecture included the basic knowledge of synthetic biology, such as the principle and application of gene editing technology CRISPR-Cas9, and how to design and build new biological systems through synthetic biology. We discussed in detail the practical application cases of synthetic biology in drug production, improved crops, biofuel production, and environmental monitoring, so that students could understand how these technologies were developed in the laboratory and eventually transformed into actual products or solutions.

Meaning: It not only provided students with a platform for an in-depth understanding of synthetic biology, but also made students realize the potential and challenges of synthetic biology in solving global problems through practical cases. Through lectures, students could better understand the interaction between science, technology, and society, and how, as future scientists and decision-makers, they could responsibly consider their impact on society and the environment while ensuring scientific and technological progress.

‘Embrace Wisdom’——Elderly group
Presentation at Lao Hu Qiao Community Center

In this era of rapidly changing information, imparting knowledge to the elderly is especially important, as they are a valuable part of our society. Their health and well-being directly impact the happiness index of the entire community. With a focus on caring for the elderly, we visited the Lao Hu Qiao Community Center for the elderly.

Figure 20 Group photo of the participants

Purpose:The primary goal of this presentation was to introduce the elderly to the concept of sugar substitutes, enhancing their understanding of healthy diet, particularly the benefits of sugar substitutes in maintaining stable blood sugar levels and promoting overall health. We aimed to help them learn how to enjoy sweetness while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Content:The presentation covered the basic concepts and types of sugar substitutes, and how they serve as safe alternatives to traditional sugar. We explained in detail the low impact of sugar substitutes on blood sugar and their advantages in reducing caloric intake. Additionally, we discussed the application of sugar substitutes in the food industry and how to choose healthy foods containing these substitutes.

Figure 21 Lecture activity

Meaning:This presentation was highly significant for the elderly, as it not only enhanced their understanding of sugar substitutes and their health benefits, but also boosted their sense of social participation and quality of life. Moreover, it made a positive contribution to building a healthy and inclusive community environment. Through this interaction, we provided the elderly with practical knowledge about healthy diets, encouraged them to continue learning and actively engaging in managing their health, which was also a manifestation of social well-being.

Reflection:This presentation taught us the importance of paying closer attention to the unique needs of the elderly when conveying messages. For example, using larger fonts, more visuals, and a slower speaking pace can help ensure that messages are clearly conveyed. We hope that in this era of rapid information dissemination, the elderly will not be left behind and can keep pace with the changes of the times.

‘Inspire Inclusion’——Disabled group
Tongxin Community Home for the Disabled

"People with disabilities are a group with special difficulties that need extra care and attention." In order to extend the special care, we went to the Tongxin Community Home for the Disabled to conduct a publicity activity.

Figure 22 Group photo of the participants

Purpose:We focused on the science and health benefits of sugar substitutes, aiming to highlight the importance and opportunities of healthy eating choices for this group. The significance of the presentation was not only to impart knowledge, but also to show deep care and support for the disabled community, ensuring that they were not neglected on the road to a healthy life. Through this interactive experience, we hoped to inspire a wider social resonance and jointly created an environment of inclusion and understanding.

Content:We began with a basic understanding of sugar substitutes, explaining how they serve as low-calorie or no-calorie alternatives without compromising on sweetness, thus providing a healthier dietary option. We discussed the various types of sugar substitutes, their effects on blood sugar levels, and how to find them in food. We also explored why sugar substitutes like tagatose were rare on the market, with the main reason being cost. Only by achieving the desired low-cost mass production could it become the first choice for enterprises and bring more benefits to society. We hoped that through this project, we could find a method to produce tagatose in high yield, making it more accessible to people.

Figure 23 Lecture activity

Interaction:Our team members led a craft activity using twist sticks. At first, when the team members explained and demonstrated the method, everyone was hesitant to try it. Later, with the continuous encouragement and help of our team members, each of them completed very well, not only made a display of samples, but also played their own imagination to create their own works.

Figure 24 Twizzle stick manual session

Meaning:Through education and interaction, we not only empowered individuals with disabilities to make smarter dietary choices, but also showcased society's respect for their equal participation. In addition, the event spurred action, promoted healthy lifestyles, and collected valuable feedback to optimize future educational practices and jointly create a more caring and supportive social environment.

Feedback: After the presentation, an woman approached us and told us that her mother suffers from Diabetes mellitus type 2. She inquired about when the price of tagatose and other sugar substitutes might decrease. Then revealed to us that her mother loves sweet foods but rarely consumed items with a lot of sugar due to her diabetes. She earnestly hoped that our research into new production methods could reduce the market price of sugar substitutes, making sweetness no longer a burden.

Reflection: The presentation was a positive attempt. It not only improved the disabled community's awareness of healthy eating, but also provided us with valuable experience. We considered the feedback and suggestions seriously, and continuously optimized the activity design to ensure that we could provide health education activities that were more in line with the needs of the disabled community. Through these efforts, we hoped to continue contributing to the health and well-being of the disabled community.

‘Dream Architect’——volunteer teaching area
the Jinzhuang School of Sui County

In this sweltering summer, we set off for the Jinzhuang School of Sui County, Shangqiu City, Henan Province, with a full heart of enthusiasm and a sense of responsibility, to carry out a significant teaching support activity. As volunteers, we were well aware of the importance of education for children, especially in remote areas, where the transmission of knowledge was even more precious. The aim of this teaching support activity was to promote a healthy lifestyle and nutritional knowledge through lectures, to enhance the students' awareness of health, and also to hope that our arrival could bring a refreshing breeze to the children here, allowing them to take a firm step on the road to knowledge.

Figure 25 Group photo of the participants

Purpose:The aim of this presentation was to promote healthy lifestyles and nutrition knowledge, assisting students in enhancing their awareness of healthy diet and dental protection. We hoped that through this activity, students would learn how to maintain oral health through proper diet and daily habits, while introducing tagatose products, emphasizing its role in healthy diet.

Content:The lecture content primarily encompassed the essentials of a healthy lifestyle and nutritional knowledge, including the fundamental aspects of dental health, methods for preventing common dental issues, and the selection of nutritious foods. We delivered the message of the importance of a healthy life to the students through engaging and entertaining presentations, assisting them in grasping how to preserve their physical well-being through proper daily routines.

Figure 26 Lecture activity

Interaction:To increase the entertainment of the activity and the students' sense of involvement, we specially designed a question-and-answer segment to encourage students to participate actively.

Figure 27 Rush session

Reflection:We recognized the heightened significance of delivering health education in remote areas. As students in these regions had limited avenues to access health information, our presentations offered them valuable learning opportunities and knowledge resources. Moving forward, we intended to continue embodying humanitarianism, striving to deliver knowledge and care to an even greater number of students in remote areas.

Silent Knowledge——Sign Language

To help more people understand synthetic biology and our research project, our team meticulously produced a series of sign language videos. We firmly believed that the brilliance of science should not be hindered by any barriers. Hence, we hoped that these sign language videos could open a window to the world of science for the hearing impaired individuals, so that they could comprehend the work we did and the underlying scientific principles without obstacles.

We distilled scientific knowledge into clear and understandable forms, then translated these contents into sign language and produced sign language videos. These videos were divided into five main sections: the introduction of synthetic biology, ethical questions, the science on the table, the truth about additives, and finally, the introduction of tagatose and our project.

In the first and second sections, we explained the complexities of synthetic biology in a straightforward manner, showcasing its miraculous applications in daily life. We not only discussed how synthetic biology can change the world but also examined the ethical challenges caused by its development, shared our unique insights.

In the upcoming third and fourth sections, we turned our attention to the field of food, and explained the basic of food science to the deaf community, particularly the use of food additives. We emphasized the importance of maintaining a scientific and rational attitude, helped them to correctly understand and dealed with food additives, and eliminated misconceptions and fears.

Lastly, we focused on tagatose, detailing its numerous benefits in the health sector and the current state of the tagatose industry.

In the future, we will promote these sign language videos to enable more deaf and mute friends to enjoy barrier-free scientific education. We will also explore more ways of knowledge dissemination that transcend language and auditory barriers. We believe that the seeds of science will take root in every mind, inspiring more people to pay attention to the cause of information accessibility. Let the light of science illuminate every corner, and no one should be excluded from knowledge because of their disabilities.

Figure 28 Some of the tweets we put out

Combined knowledge——Sign language teaching

Our team has been committed to promoting sign language to promote communication and integration between the hearing impaired and society. In order to let more friends understand and learn sign language, we worked hand in hand with other teams to carefully produce a series of sign language teaching videos and post them on their respective public accounts. The videos covered key keywords for each team project and detail how these keywords were expressed in sign language.

Our goal was to make sign language learning intuitive and easy for everyone to grasp. Through these videos, we hoped to build a more inclusive and understanding social environment where sign language serves as a bridge to connect different groups.

Figure 29 Tweets produced by individual schools

Touchable Knowledge——Braille book

In our project, we not only focused on increasing the production of tagatose, but also strove to popularize scientific knowledge to more groups. We recognized that visually impaired groups often encounter barriers in accessing scientific knowledge. These individuals frequently lack access to the latest scientific developments due to the high cost of producing braille books. Therefore, we decided to create a book for the visually impaired, designed to introduce synthetic biology and scientific knowledge related to tagatose in an accessible format, ensuring that they could also have the opportunity to access emerging knowledge.

We distilled scientific knowledge into a simple and easy-to-understand language, then translated it into the form of Braille dots, and finally printed the knowledge on paper with Braille writing tools. This Braille book was divided into five chapters: an introduction to synthetic biology, ethical questions, food safety, the truth about additives, and an overview to tagatose and our project. In the first two chapters, we provided a brief overview of what synthetic biology is and what role it plays in daily life. We also offered our own thoughts on the ethical impacts and problems posed by the development of synthetic biology. In the following third and fourth chapters, we focused on food, providing visually impaired individuals with knowledge about food and encouraging them to maintain a scientific and rational attitude towards food additives. Finally, we briefly introduced the benefits of tagatose in the field of health and the current status of the tagatose industry, which led to our contribution to the increase in tagatose production.

Through this project, we not only provided a new way for the visually impaired groups to obtain scientific knowledge, but also encouraged more people to pay attention to the need for information accessibility. In the future, we plan to distribute this Braille book to a broader audience of visually impaired individuals and continue exploring other accessible methods to disseminate synthetic biology knowledge.

Figure 30 Some pictures for our braille book

‘Lively communicator’——pop-up book

For many children, verbal descriptions alone are not enough to help them fully grasp new concepts, and illustrations often seem too monotonous. Therefore, our team chose to design pop-up book to enable more people to understand the content of our project through engaging narratives. Focused on our main subject—tagatose,we created a pop-up book which was divided into two themes. The first theme addressed ‘what tagatose is’, and the second explored ‘what can tagatose be used for’.

Although tagatose has significant benefits, it is not well-known due to its expensive cost. We aimed to use the pop-up book to broaden understanding of tagatose and its advantages. In the first theme ‘what tagatose is’, we focused on three groups that had restrictions on sugar intake: children concerned about cavities, fitness enthusiasts, and the diabetic community. The pop-up book vividly explained the reasons why they need to control sugar intake for their perspective and outlines the advantages of tagatose, such as its low calorie content yet similar taste to sucrose.

In the second theme ‘what can tagatose be used for’, we engaged children with the cooking process that they are more interested in. Using materials like clay and twisting sticks, we illustrated the process of making various desserts with tagatose and the final products. This approach also vividly conveyed the role of tagatose in these recipes. For example ,we let tagatose "speak" itself about its role at different stages, so that more people can understand its benefits.

Pop-up book can disseminate knowledge in a more vivid and engaging way. We hope our pop-up book will help more people recognize and understand tagatose, so as to help more people.

Figure 31 Excerpts from our pop-up book

Figure 32 The children were reading our pop-up book

Synthetic Biology Bioethics Manual

Synthetic biology has shown infinite potential in the process of continuous development, but the leap in technology is also accompanied by ethical considerations. Therefore, NJTECH-CHINA-A cooperated with CJUH-JLU-China(Organizer)https://2024.igem.wiki/cjuh-jlu-china/collaboration and other teams to complete the synthetic biology ethics manual.

In the manual, our team was responsible for writing the ethical considerations of food additives. Food additives are widely used in daily life. Nevertheless, conventional food additives are increasingly posing challenges. The efficient production and the safe use of food additives have prompted us to regulate the ethical issues of food additives. In order to solve these problems and establish a standardized food additive production and use system, we analyzed from three aspects: safety assurance and food testing, allergy problems of food additives , differences in the use standards of food additives, establishing an ethical safety system and use standards for food additives.

‘Treasure Map’——Tri-fold brochure

To better promote our project, our team produced a detailed tri-fold brochure. This brochure was designed to help everyone gain a more comprehensive understanding of the knowledge of sugars and sugar substitutes, as well as the specifics content of our project.

In the brochure, we thoroughly introduced the basic concepts of sugar and its widespread application in daily life. We also explored the types of sugar substitutes and their importance in the food industry, helping everyone understand the advantages and potential health impacts of using sugar substitutes as alternatives to sugar. To more effectively show the relationship between sugar intake and health, we created various charts. Through these diverse visual presentations, we hoped to intuitively demonstrate the effects of sugar on the human body, the health problems that might arise from excessive sugar intake, and how to control sugar consumption through a scientific diet, thereby aiding everyone in better understanding and managing their dietary health. From here, we introduced tagatose, a natural sweetener with low calories, high sweetness, and a low glycemic response, suitable for diabetics and those needing to control their weight. We elaborated on its sources, properties, and applications in food. Finally, we extended to our research project, which was committed to improving the stability and conversion rate of tagatose, making its production process more efficient and economical, and showcasing our team's specific research work and phased achievements in the field of synthetic biology.

We widely distributed this tri-fold brochure through various channels such as campus activities, academic exchanges, to let more people understand our research project and the advantages of tagatose. We hoped that through these efforts, we could enhance public awareness and understanding of healthy diets and synthetic biology.

Official Account

We created the exclusive official account of NJTECH-CHINA-A in March 2024. During this period, we introduced knowledge about sugar and synthetic biology to the public. We also compiled our communications, presentations, and interviews into tweets, which were published online for everyone to learn from, reference, and discuss. Moreover, we also added a column on sugar substitutes, exploring which foods they can be added to, and how they can be added to make foods healthier.

Figure 33 Some of the tweets we put out


We uploaded the small classroom videos explained and produced by the team members of our team on Bilibili, which efficiently and interestingly introduced the knowledge about synthetic biology, food safety and food additives to the audience.We also produced sign language columns about our synthetic biology, sugar substitutes, and health so that people with hearing impairments could better understand them.

Figure 34 The related video we posted on Bilibili


In collaboration with NNU-CHINA, OUC-Haide, SDU-CHINA, and HUBU-China, we jointly produced podcast contents related to synthetic biology and each team's projects, which were published on the NetEase Cloud platform. We were responsible for the parts of popularizing knowledge about synthetic biology and tagatose. Through the effort, we hoped to engage the public's field of vision and catch the audience's ears in a more novel way to enhance the influence of the projects.

Figure 35 Audio we published on the NetEase cloud platform

Figure 36 Bedtime Story