Team Member Contributions

Ling Jiang PI Tasks: Other, Safety, Conceptualization, Fundraising Specific tasks: Supervision- He supervised all of the work our team did. Safety- Ensure that our work is carried out under the condition of compound safety regulations. Conceptualization-Helped us come up with the initial idea for the project. Fundraising - He raised funds and in-kind donations from Bayer and our university to support the project.
Wei Liu PI Tasks: Conceptualization, Safety, Other Specific tasks: Supervision- He supervised all of the work our team did. Safety- Ensure that our work is carried out under the condition of compound safety regulations. Conceptualization-Helped us come up with the initial idea for the project.
Yang Sun PI Tasks: Safety, Conceptualization, Other Specific tasks: Supervision- He supervised all of the work our team did. Safety- Ensure that our work is carried out under the condition of compound safety regulations. Conceptualization-Helped us come up with the initial idea for the project.
Liying Zhu PI Tasks: Conceptualization, Safety, Other Specific tasks: Supervision- He supervised all of the work our team did. Safety- Ensure that our work is carried out under the condition of compound safety regulations. Conceptualization-Helped us come up with the initial idea for the project.
Zhi Zhou PI Tasks: Safety, Conceptualization, Other Specific tasks: Supervision- He supervised all of the work our team did. Safety- Ensure that our work is carried out under the condition of compound safety regulations. Conceptualization-Helped us come up with the initial idea for the project.
Lin Li student leader Tasks: Investigation,Data Curation and Analysis,Notebook/record keeping,Writing ,Experiment Specific tasks: Investigation - Complete the investigation of gene mining, soluble expression, mutation and determine the experimental protocol.Data Curation and Analysis- Collect and organize all liquid phase data, protein glue pictures and optical density data in the experiment. And do analysis.Notebook/record keepingWriting - Design experiments and plan the experiments that need to be done each day. All experimental phenomena were recorded and analyzed.Writing - Organize all writing tasks, complete the writing of projects, parts and results, revise all materials and upload them.Experiment-Responsible for mutation and soluble expression related experiments
Zeyu Yan student leader Tasks: Model,Writing Specific tasks: Model- Did the tasks of protein homology modeling, molecular docking, and binding free energy calculations. Used AlphaFold2 for structural predictions and Discovery Studio for docking simulations.Handled the prediction of single-point mutations and the analysis of combined mutations, providing crucial insights into the potential enhancements in enzyme activity. Writing- Writing the modeling attribution content, ensuring accuracy and clarity in explaining the modeling process.
Yufan Zhou student leader Tasks: BackgroundResearch,Proiect Administration,Visualization,Writing Specific tasks: Background research-Made and released questionnaires, collected the feedback of the test takers on tagatose, sorted out and analyzed. Project management- Coordinated the management of all human activities in the project to ensure that this part of the project could be completed efficiently within the specified time. Visualization-Drew the team logo, made promotional posters, completed the drawing part of the wiki, and participated in the production of promotion video. Writing-Wrote and reviewed the content of the student member section of the wiki.
Jiaqi Zhang student member Tasks: Wiki Coding Specific tasks: Wiki Coding-Write all wiki web code alone in the development of more than 20 sub-pages of the project website, including experimental, student member, digital and analog sections.
YongYe Wu student member Tasks: Model,Game code,Writing Specific tasks: Model-Completing the protein homology modeling and molecular docking, using AlphaFold2 for structural predictions.Game code-Helping the student member team publicize our project. By designing a small igem game, let everyone be more interested in the project.Writing -Revising and checking the modeling section of the paper.
Keying Wu student member Tasks: Model Specific tasks: Model-My task is to predict and rationally design protein structures, predict enzyme kinetic parameters using pre-trained language models, and optimize protein solubility through neural networks.
Yuting Lu student member Tasks: Writing,Experiment Specific tasks: Experiment- Was ved in multiple plasmid construction and was responsible for related experiments of the biosensors.Writing -Project objectives , description experimental content of biosensors, notebook of biosensors, engineering of fermentation optimization.
Yue Dai student member Tasks: Background Research ,Writing Specific tasks: Background Research-Investigated the current production situation of tag sugar, understood the project background, and clarified the production needs. Writing-wrote the experiments and protocol.
Ying Zhang student member Tasks: Experiment,Writing Specific tasks: Experiment- Participating in the construction of biosensors and optimizing media for fermentation optimization.Writing-Project Objectives , Description of Fermentation Optimization,Notebook of Biosensor; Engineering of Fermentation Optimization .
Yi Cao student member Tasks: Experiment,Writing Specific tasks: Experiment-Plasmids associated with BS2 were constructed and taken for testing and data analysis.Writing-ContributionAnd BS2-related part parts
Xujie Yan student member Tasks: Background Research,Writing Specific tasks: Experiment- Was ved in multiple plasmid construction and was responsible for related experiments of the biosensors.Writing -Wrote the background
Heyu Liu student member Tasks: Writing ,Experiment Specific tasks: Experiment- Related expression of molecular chaperones in soluble expression and plasmid construction of some solubility-enhancing tags.Experiments-Sort out the EcN white paper, the preface of the description objective part of soluble expression and the solubility-enhancing tag part of description, objective, and experiment notebook
Yuan Fang student member Tasks: Experiments,Writing Specific tasks: Experiment-Performed the experiments on the mutated part.Writing-Description and experimental notebook mutation section writing
Chenxi Lu student member Tasks: Experiment,Writing Specific tasks: Experiment- Five kinds of plasmid containing molecular chaperone soluble expression.Writing-Project objectives of molecular chaperone, description-experimental content-molecular chaperone, notebook-soluble expression.
Yuhao Sun student member Tasks: Public Engagement, Visualization, Writing Specific tasks: Public Engagement-Participated in student member activities; Visualization-Responsible for the animation and subtitles of the promotion video; Writing-Involved in the writing of student member documents.
QianSui Gu student member Tasks: Background Research,Writing,Public Engagement,Visualization Specific tasks: Background Research-Responsible for several parts of the student member group, including background research, writing, public engagement, and visualization. Writing-Edited project-related tweets, such as event notes and science trivia. Public Engagement-In charge of initiating and participating in a number of presentations, covering all age groups, explaining about the project according to the age group and doing a number of craft activities. Visualization-Created several required presentations and other tasks.
Meihuan Hu student member Tasks: Writing,Public Engaement Specific tasks: Writing-Participated in the preparation of the manuscript of the website, the design of the tweets of the WeChat official account, and the preparation of manuscripts and posters for various communication activities. Public Engaement-Participated in the publicity of the project.
Hongyu Zhu student member Tasks: Public Engaement,Preservation video clipping,Translating,Poster producting,Shooting Specific tasks: Public Engaement-Participated in outreach activities targeting various age groups and social sectors, including elementary school students, middle school students, and preschool children. Shooting-Be responsible for taking photos during these events. Preservation video clipping-Contributed to the editing and production of the preservation video, as well as the design of posters and brochures. Translating-Assisted in writing and translating some of the project documents.
Yao Chen advisor Tasks: :Conceptualization Specific tasks: Conceptualization-Help us refine our project plan, especially in the model section.
Rui Long advisor Tasks: Background Research, Conceptualization, Safety Specific tasks: Background Research - Guide and help us with background research .Safety - He is a master's degree candidate. Working in the same laboratory with us, he will supervise whether our experimental operation meets the safety standards. Conceptualization - Help us refine our project plan.
Mengyu Li advisor Tasks: Background Research, Conceptualization, Safety,Instrument usage. Specific tasks: Background Research - Guide and help us with background research Safety - She is a master'sdegree candidate, Working in the same laboratory with us, she will superyise whether ourexperimental operation meets the safety standards.Conceptualization - Help us refine our projectplan.
Li Yang advisor Tasks: Background Research, Conceptualization, Safety,Instrument usage Specific tasks: Background Research - Guide and help us with background research Safety - She is a master'sdegree candidate, Working in the same laboratory with us, she will superyise whether ourexperimental operation meets the safety standards.Conceptualization - Help us refine our projectplan.
Jie Zhang advisor Tasks: Conceptualization, Background Research, Safety Specific tasks: Background Research - Guide and help us with background research Safety - He is a master's degree candidate. Working in the same laboratory with us, he will supervise whether our experimental operation meets the safety standards. Conceptualization - Help us refine our project plan.
Jiaqi Ji advisor Tasks: Background Research, Conceptualization Specific tasks: Background Research - Guide and help us with background research Conceptualization - Help us refine our project plan.
Gongrui Meng advisor Tasks: Background Research, Conceptualization Specific tasks: Background Research - Guide and help us with background research Conceptualization - Help us refine our project plan.