- Overview -
This year, our team contributed 9 basic parts and 6 composite parts. Our basic parts include a temperature-sensitive promoter for regulating gene expression and several functional parts related to monooxygenases, widely used in gene regulation and metabolic engineering. In parallel, we constructed several composite parts with the aim of converting caffeine into xanthine, thereby supplying cells with IMP in the absence of the guaB gene. These parts provided a solid foundation for key experiments in our project and advanced our team’s exploration in the field of synthetic biology.
- Composite Parts  -
We successfully constructed 6 composite parts in E. coli DH5α. These composite parts include temperature-sensitive regulation systems (Y38-DpnI-TrrnB and Y38-mCherry-TrrnB), components related to monooxygenase function (pBAD-ndmD-T7Te, pJ23107-ndmBCAE-TrrnB), and a part for guaB knockout (guaB-U-KAN-D). These parts were built to facilitate precise gene regulation and metabolic engineering applications.
- Basic Parts -
To achieve the goals of our project, we constructed 9 basic parts, including a temperature-sensitive promoter (Y38) for regulating gene expression, and several functional parts related to monooxygenases (ndmD, ndmA, ndmB, ndmC, ndmE). Additionally, we designed parts for guaB gene knockout (guaB, guaB-UP, guaB-DOWN). These basic parts form the core tools for our metabolic engineering and gene regulation efforts.