Sustainable Development Goals

Describe how you have evaluated your project ideas against one or more of the SDGs.

Our Responsibility

As young scientists, we see it as our responsibility to protect the world we live in. This has been an important aspect that we have kept in mind all throughout the duration of our project - from brainstorming for ideas to the labwork and our human practices. We made sure to talk to experts and stakeholders in order to achieve the best possible results: a biosensor, that will hopefully one day help keep our environment clean. In the following we will explain exactly how our project can help to meet the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.

Antibiotic Resistance

The dissemination of antibiotic residues in water represents a substantial catalyst for the emergence of antibiotic resistance, thereby complicating the efforts to combat infectious diseases (SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being). Even low concentrations of antibiotics in water exert selective pressure, thereby enabling resistant bacteria to flourish and disseminate. These bacteria have the capacity to transfer resistance genes to other microorganisms, thereby accelerating the spread of antibiotic-resistant infections. These infections are increasingly difficult to treat and have the potential to drive up healthcare costs. The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified antibiotic resistance as a significant global health concern, emphasizing its potential to impede the attainment of universal health coverage and health security. Global studies revealed the pervasive presence of antibiotic-resistant genes in surface waters, underscoring the heightened risk to public health through contaminated drinking water and food sources. [2, 3, 20, 32, 33]

Toxicity of Heavy Metals

The presence of heavy metals in water sources presents a significant public health hazard, undermining the global effort to ensure clean water and sanitation for all (SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation). For example, exposure to lead can result in a range of adverse effects, including neurological damage and developmental delays in children. Similarly, exposure to mercury and cadmium can lead to a variety of chronic diseases, such as cancer and kidney damage. The persistence of these metals in the environment exacerbates their impact, as they bioaccumulate in food chains, increasing human exposure risks and threatening food safety (SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being, SDG 15: Life on Land). [1, 32, 34, 35, 36, 41]

Impact on Aquatic Ecosystems

The impact of heavy metals and antibiotics extends beyond human health to aquatic ecosystems, where they disrupt biodiversity and ecosystem services, impeding progress toward SDG 14: Life Below Water and SDG 1: No Poverty. [32]
Heavy metals have the potential to accumulate in aquatic organisms, such as fish and shellfish, and to biomagnify up the food chain. This consequently elevates the probability of heavy metal poisoning in humans who ingest contaminated seafood, which can result in significant health complications. The presence of antibiotics in water can disrupt the microbial communities that are essential for nutrient cycling and organic matter decomposition. This can result in the proliferation of harmful algae, a reduction in biodiversity, and the collapse of local fisheries, which in turn threatens livelihoods and food security (SDG 1: No Poverty). Moreover, contaminants have a detrimental impact on critical habitats, including coral reefs, mangroves, and wetlands. These ecosystems serve as nurseries for a multitude of marine species and act as natural barriers that protect coastlines from erosion and storms. The degradation of these habitats not only diminishes biodiversity but also reduces the resilience of coastal communities to climate change, thereby further complicating efforts to achieve sustainable development. [32, 37, 38]

Contamination of Agricultural Products

The utilization of contaminated water for irrigation can result in the accumulation of heavy metals and antibiotic residues in crops, thereby posing a risk to food safety and undermining the pursuit of sustainable agriculture (SDG 2: Zero Hunger). [32]
The irrigation of soil with contaminated water results in the accumulation of heavy metals, which in turn reduces soil fertility and agricultural yields. The absorption of these metals by crops cultivated in contaminated soil represents a direct risk to human health via the food chain. The absorption of antibiotic residues in irrigation water by crops, particularly leafy vegetables and root crops, can result in chronic exposure to antibiotics, thereby contributing to the development of antibiotic resistance in human pathogens. [32, 39, 40, 41]

Threats to Water Treatment Processes

The presence of heavy metals and antibiotics presents a significant challenge to water treatment processes, potentially impacting the safety and availability of clean water (SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation). [32]
The presence of heavy metals in water can impede the functionality of filtration systems, thereby reducing the efficiency of water purification processes and facilitating the formation of carcinogenic disinfection byproducts (DBPs). The presence of antibiotic residues in water treatment systems has been demonstrated to promote the development of biofilms harboring resistant bacteria, thereby compromising the safety of drinking water and increasing treatment costs. [32, 42, 43]

Long-Term Environmental Persistence

The persistence of heavy metals and certain antibiotics in the environment gives rise to prolonged exposure risks and environmental degradation, thereby posing a significant challenge to efforts to sustainably manage natural resources (SDG 15: Life on Land). [32]
Heavy metals persist in soils, sediments, and water bodies for decades, rendering contaminated environments hazardous over extended periods and endangering multiple generations. The persistence of certain antibiotics in the environment contributes to the proliferation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and the contamination of groundwater, a vital resource for numerous communities (SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation). [1, 5, 11, 32, 41]

  • [1] Tchounwou, P.B., Yedjou, C.G., Patlolla, A.K., & Sutton, D.J. (2012). Heavy Metal Toxicity and the Environment. In: Luch, A. (eds) Molecular, Clinical and Environmental Toxicology. Experientia Supplementum, vol 101. Springer, Basel. doi: 10.1007/978-3-7643-8340-4_6
  • [2] World Health Organization. (2014). Antimicrobial resistance: global report on surveillance. Geneva: WHO
  • [3] Jose Luis Martinez. (2009). Environmental pollution by antibiotics and by antibiotic resistance determinants. Environmental Pollution, Volume 157 (Issue 11), Pages 2893-2902. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2009.05.051
  • [5] Klaus Kümmerer. (2009). Antibiotics in the aquatic environment – A review – Part I.  ChemosphereVolume 75, (Issue 4), Pages 417-434. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2008.11.086
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  • [35] ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry). (2022). Toxicological profile for Mercury. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service.
  • [36] ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry). (2012). Toxicological profile for Cadmium. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service.
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