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The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent a collection of 17 interlinked global objectives designed to provide a comprehensive framework for achieving a "shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future." This agenda, established by the United Nations in 2015, aims for completion by the year 2030 and serves as "an urgent call for action by all countries." In response to this call, GreatBay-SCIE has resolved to contribute to these goals through Dienamite, thereby fostering the development of a green and healthy planet that benefits the entire human family.[1]

What goals are GreatBay-SCIE working towards?
Dienamite is intricately linked to conservation and sustainability, as it seeks to develop a pesticide for controlling spider mites that is harmless to humans, environmentally friendly, and non-lethal to other species, while also being easy to produce. Throughout the year, GreatBay-SCIE has diligently worked to assess both the positive and negative impacts our project may have on the Sustainable Development Goals, specifically Zero Hunger (SDG 2), Good Health and Well-being (SDG 3),Industry Innovation and Infrastructure(SDG 9), Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12), Clean water and sanitation (SDG 6) and Quality Education (SDG 4).

Fig.1| The diagram summarizes the goals GreatBay-SCIE is focusing on this year.

Zero Hunger

Fig.2| SDG2, Zero Hunger

Why goal 2?

Food is one of the most fundamental requirements for sustaining human life. However, it is increasingly threatened by pests such as spider mites on a global scale. References show that about 10% of host plants infested by red spider mites are crops[2]. Over 4000 crops including hops, strawberries, apples, tomatoes, and various ornamental plants, have been targeted victims.[3][4] In China specifically, spider mites have been identified in 27 provinces and pose a significant threat to crops.[5] Consequently, to ensure an adequate supply of high-quality food for the growing population, using pesticide that diminish spider mite population is essential. However, relying on traditional pesticides often leads to resistance in spider mites due to their short life cycle and rapid reproduction.[6] Thus, an innovative pesticide that could efficiently control the mite’s population and protect the crops is an urgent need. Therefore, GreatBay-SCIE has chosen to focus on Subgoal 2.1, which aims to end hunger and ensure access to safe, nutritious, and sufficient food for all individuals, as well as Subgoal 2.4, which seeks to ensure sustainable food production systems and implement resilient agricultural practices.[7]

Positive long-term impact:How does Dienamite contribute to SDG 2?

Dienamite represents a groundbreaking solution capable of effectively reducing the population of red spider mites while simultaneously enhancing crop production through its key components: 7-Epizingiberene (7epiZ), 9-hydroxy-zingiberene (9HZ), 9-hydroxy-10,11-epoxy zingiberene (9H10epoZ), mite and spider venom peptide, and harpin protein. 7epiZ, 9HZ and 9H10epoZ, has been shown to repel and eliminate mature spider mites, and significantly decreasing their reproductive rate.[8] The Spider Venom Peptide, which comprise various peptides targeting the NaV, CaV, and KV ion channels in the mites, demonstrate considerable efficacy in eradicating spider mites without inducing rapid resistance.[9] Moreover, given that traditional pesticides target site 7, the potential for cross-resistance is effectively mitigated.[10] Mite venom peptide is believed to possess similar, yet more specific functionalities compared to spider venom peptide, due to their analogous structures.[32] Additionally, Harpin protein activates the plants’ immune systems and promotes growth following infection.[11]Consequently, Dienamite is capable of protecting thousands of plant species before, during, and after an extreme polyphagous pest infection, thereby fostering a more sustainable agricultural process and contributing to the overarching goal of eradicating hunger.

Fig.3| Project overview diagram for Dienamite. The three substances are placed segregatedly inside substitution packs and utilized separately at different stages.

In order to raise awareness regarding zero hunger and the significance of efficient and safe pesticides, GreatBay-SCIE undertook visits to farms to advocate for the importance of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 to both the global community and our daily lives. Furthermore, GreatBay-SCIE emphasized several critical criteria that must be considered when purchasing pesticides and promoted Dienamite.

Fig.4| A group photo of GreatBay-SCIE members interviewing farmers.

Good Health and Well-being

Fig.5| SDG3,Good health and Well-being

Why goal 3?
Pesticides are defined by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as "any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest.”[12] While regulatory bodies in various countries establish appropriate usage levels to control their toxicity, these substances remain inherently hazardous to human health and can lead to a multitude of health issues. These include cancer, diabetes mellitus, respiratory disorders, neurological disorders, reproductive (sexual/genital) syndromes, and oxidative stress, which may result from direct exposure to pesticides or pesticide residues in food. [13] Alarmingly, it is estimated that approximately 385 million cases of unintentional acute pesticide poisoning occur annually, with around 44% of farmers experiencing poisoning each year. [14] The threat extends beyond agricultural workers, as pesticide residues are detected in the food chain, affecting a wide range of products consumed by the general population, including meat, fish, vegetable oils, nuts, various fruits and vegetables, and even contaminated water. [15,16] The lipophilic nature of most pesticides allows them to bioaccumulate in the human body, potentially leading to adverse health effects.[15] In light of these pressing concerns, GreatBay-SCIE is committed to contributing to Goal 3.9. This goal aims to substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses resulting from hazardous chemicals, as well as from air, water, and soil pollution and contamination. [17]

Positive long-term impact:How does Dienamite contribute to SDG 3?
Dienamite effectively addresses this issue due to its decomposition properties and lack of toxicity toward humans. The spider venom peptides present in Dienamite, including rCtx-4, Hxtx-Hv1h, and Cs1a, have been demonstrated to be safe for humans and beneficial insects, such as bees, because these peptides primarily disrupt the receptors and ion channels of the red spider mite.[18][19][20] The mite venom peptides are suggested to have similar and more specific targeting capabilities and harmlessness to humans due to their structural similarities to spider venom peptides. Additionally, Zingiberene and harpin protein are also safe for humans.The protein product decomposes in the environment, preventing any pesticide residue from remaining on food or plants. Zingiberene is a fat-soluble compound that does not dissolve in water and is challenging to retain as a residue on plants. Furthermore, it volatilizes, thereby rendering the plant non-toxic. As a result, Dienamite could contribute to Goal 9 because it protects the safety of both planters and consumers. Moreover, Dienamite promotes human safety by fostering a healthy planet and ecosystem.

Fig.5| Dienamite is safe for mammals and beneficial insects due to its specificity to spider mites, as well as its degradability and volatility.

GreatBay-SCIE and the Centers for Disease Control engaged in a discussion regarding the threats posed by common pesticides to human health. The professor at the Centers emphasized the significance of this health issue. Additionally, he expressed appreciation for the concept of developing safer and more precisely targeted pesticidessuggesting that Dienamite could play a significant role in sustainable developemtn goal 3, health and well-being.

During interviews with individual flower growers and farmers, GreatBay-SCIE identified that many are unaware of the potential harms posed by common pesticides. Consequently, GreatBay-SCIE developed comprehensive leaflets outlining the proper usage of pesticides and effective methods for the elimination of spider mites. These leaflets were subsequently distributed to the flower market to enhance awareness regarding pesticide safety and promote understanding of SDG 3. The electronic version of the leaflet is attached below.

Fig.7| Photos of the leaflets educating about pesticide safety and spider mite elimination.

Fig.8| Group photos of GreatBay-SCIE members and interviewees in the flower market.

Industry Innovation and Infrastructure

Fig.9| SDG9, Industry Innovation and Infrastructure

Why goal 9?
The majority of chemical pesticides are synthesized through chemical processes. However, these processes can result in multi-hazard accidents, including fires, explosions, and toxic releases.[21] A notable incident occurred in Xiangshui, China, in 2019, where a fire triggered a series of explosions and toxic emissions, leading to damage to 78 facilities and resulting in 716 injuries.[22] Furthermore, it is important to note that over 96% of commodity chemicals and downstream products, including chemical pesticides, are derived from fossil fuels.[23] Research indicates that chemical production accounts for approximately 5% of global carbon emissions, which significantly contributes to the greenhouse effect and other pressing global environmental challenges.[24] Consequently, Dienamite is committed to Goal 9.4, which focuses on upgrading infrastructure and retrofitting industries to enhance sustainability. [25]

Positive long-term impact:How does Dienamite contribute to SDG 9?
Dienamite aligns with Goal 9 due to its utilization of carbon-free feedstock and its emphasis on safety. The primary source of Dienamite is glucose, which is primarily derived from starch obtained from corn, sweet potatoes, and wheat. This approach offers a higher level of sustainability compared to fossil fuels. As biosynthesis process does not produce carbon dioxide and the process is inherently carbon-free, it significantly mitigates the potential for carbon emissions. Additionally, Dienamite is produced using synthetic biological techniques that present a lower risk of compromising safety when compared to chemical synthesis production, which frequently involves uses of acids, fire and toxic chemicals. Overall, Dienamite demonstrates the feasibility of safer and more sustainable methods in the chemical industry.


To raise awareness among the public and Dienamite's customers regarding the significance of Goal 9, GreatBay-SCIE shared articles on its subscription accounts and organized a flower grower conference that introduced the concept of synthetic biology. This conference covered its definition, practical applications, and various benefits. Some flower growers remarked that they were surprised by the multiple applications of synthetic biology and had never considered that it could be utilized for large-scale production.

Fig.11| A group photo of GreatBay-SCIE members and the flower growers.

Fig.12| A photo of flower growers visiting the syn-bio lab at Link Spider Technology.

To enhance the understanding of SDG 9, GreatBay-SCIE conducted an interview with Professor Glenn King, a co-founder of Vestaron. Professor King acknowledged the significance of industrializing biosynthesis products and expressed his appreciation for Dienamite's value. Furthermore, he recognized the potential of the synthetic biology industry "to lead the way to a safer, more sustainable future for agriculture."

Fig.13| The group photo of GreatBay-SCIE and Professor Glenn King during an online interview.

Responsible Consumption and Production

Fig.14| SDG12,Responsible Consumption and Production

Why goal 12?
Pesticides are widely used in both agricultural and plantation sectors, leading to a significant accumulation of packaging waste, primarily composed of plastic. This waste poses a serious environmental threat, as plastics can take anywhere from 20 to 500 years to decompose into smaller fragments, and they never truly disappear. [26] Research has shown that nano- and microplastics have detrimental effects on plant growth, seed germination, and nutrient absorption.[27] Moreover, plastic production is responsible for approximately 4.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions.[28] In light of these challenges, Dienamite is dedicated to Goal 12.5: By 2030, we aim to substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse.

Positive long-term impact:How does Dienamite contribute to SDG 12?
To support Goal 12, Dienamite utilizes reusable plastic—specifically polyethylene (PE)—for packaging. While degradable plastics have been widely promoted, the necessary conditions for decomposition are often unattainable, and cannot be completely degraded, as highlighted in an interview with Mr.Qin and professor Guo. Moreover, complete bio-based plastics are not moldable and cannot be used to produce bottles. 跳转HPTherefore, our focus is on reusing plastics, a strategy that has the potential to reduce carbon emissions by up to 80% compared to traditional plastic production methods. Each new product GreatBay-SCIE create contains up to 50% recycled PE sourced from garbage sorting centers. To streamline the recycling process, both the watering can and the brand are designed to use a single material: PE. By championing and implementing the principles of recycling and reusing plastics, GreatBay-SCIE aspire to make a meaningful contribution to responsible production and consumption.

Fig.15| Waste plastics will be collected at designated recycling centers, where they will be thoroughly cleaned and repurposed by ECO RECYCLING facilities. The resulting bottles will subsequently be dispatched to production facilities for packaging.

To deepen the understanding of the functionality of the plastic recycling process and its contribution to SDG 12, GreatBay-SCIE conducted an interview with the ECO RECYCLING factory. During this in-person interview, GreatBay-SCIE was notably impressed by the diverse range of materials—beyond plastics—that the factory successfully recycled and commercialized, including gold and other specialty metals. This experience further solidified GreatBay-SCEI's commitment to utilizing recycled plastics for the packaging of Dienamite, thereby enhancing awareness and promoting activities related to Sustainable Development Goal 12.

Fig.16| Photo of GreatBay-SCIE members visiting ECO RECYCLING.

Fig.17| Photo of GreatBay-SCIE members visiting ECO RECYCLING.

Negative Impact

It is essential to acknowledge that our project may have potential negative long-term impacts on the Sustainable Development Goals.

The production of biosynthesized components may face significant challenges in achieving mass production, which could adversely affect Goals 2 and 3. The pricing of our products may negatively influence farmers' purchasing decisions. Large-scale agricultural operations may choose not to utilize Dienimite due to the accumulated unaffordable costs. Consequently, Dienimite cannot demonstrate its contribution if it remains unused.

Although the biological production of Dienimite avoids chemical hazards, potential threats still exist. Workers may experience discomfort or illness if they come into inappropriate contact with the model organism E. coli. Consequently, Goal 9 may experience negative impacts.

Furthermore, our product may not achieve the desired positive impact on SDG 12, as its packaging is still composed of plastic, thus failing to address the fundamental issue of plastic waste. Additionally, a lack of public understanding regarding the importance of proper waste classification exacerbates this problem. Such misclassification can complicate the sorting process for plastics, resulting in increased costs.

Based on the potential negative long-term impacts discussed, several early actions and regulations should be implemented:

  1. A more affordable plan for mass production should be considered.
  2. Proper factory safety precautions and regulations should be established.
  3. Support for government policies promoting waste classification should be encouraged.


Goal 6, Clean water and Sanitation
Fig.18| SDG6, Clean water and Sanitation

Pesticides and fertilizers are the primary drivers of water contamination, accounting for an alarming 16% of pollution due to their pervasive leaching into rivers, seas, and runoff from agricultural land. [29] These noxious substances pose a grave threat to the delicate balance of plant and animal life by disrupting the intricate food chain, depleting the essential dissolved oxygen in water bodies, and rendering water sources unfit for consumption.[30] Consequently, Dienamite has the potential to contribute to subgoal 6.3: improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing release of hazardous chemicals and materials.[31] As outlined in SDG 2, Dienamite is composed of decomposing peptides and fat-soluble zingiberene. Its inherent degradability and volatility may significantly decrease the presence of chemical hazards in water sources by reducing the amount of these hazards entering the water, thereby contributing to the achievement of the subgoal. Furthermore, Dienamite could also support subgoal 6.1: to achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all.[31] This objective can be attained, as the substances of Dienamite specifically target red spider mites while remaining non-toxic to human health.

GreatBay-SCIE conducted an interview with Mr. Jiang, the founder of Yanhua Yongle Biotechnology Company, to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of SDG 6. Mr. Jiang underscored the critical importance of pesticide sustainability by highlighting that water can become contaminated by pesticide residues resulting from wastewater. Furthermore, he expressed his commitment to collaborating with his team toward this objective and conveyed his optimism regarding Dienamite's future development.

Fig.19| The group photo of GreatBay-SCIE members and Mr. Jiang during the online interview.

SDG 4, Quality Education
Fig.20| SDG4, Quality Education

GreatBay-SCIE has also made strides towards the goal of quality education in subgoals such as: 4.4 By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills. Although the concept of synthetic biology is increasingly prevalent in modern life, there are still individuals who lack a clear understanding of it. Moreover, GreatBay-SCIE believes that synthetic biology will become a popular and prosperous industry. Therefore, GreatBay-SCIE has established several initiatives to introduce the basic concepts and knowledge to future generations, thereby creating a foundational understanding and expanding their career choices.

GreatBay-SCIE conducted a two-hour course on the fundamental concepts of synthetic biology and DNA for sixth graders at the Qiaoxiang Experimental School. The kids were excited to dive into this new field, particularly during the segment focused on the inheritance of DNA, where they were captivated by the marvels of biology and synthetic biology. Moreover, several students said they wanted to become synthetic biology scientists in the future.

Fig.21| The group photo of GreatBay-SCIE members and students at QiaoXIang Experimental School.

Fig.22One slide from the PowerPoint presentation of the lesson.

GreatBay-SCIE has established an iGEM club at the Shenzhen College of International Education to deliver lectures on advanced concepts in synthetic biology for senior high school students. Furthermore, GreatBay-SCIE conducted laboratory sessions to illustrate the typical activities undertaken by synthetic biologists. This initiative stimulated the students' curiosity, with many expressing a desire to participate in iGEM next year and engage more deeply with the field of synthetic biology.

Fig.23| The photo of a GreatBay-SCIE member leading a lab during an iGEM club lab session.

Fig.24| One slide from the PowerPoint presentation of the lesson.

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