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Safety in Project Design

Dienamite is composed of three primary components: spider venom peptides (SVPs), zingiberene, and harpin protein.

During our initial research, aiming to exterminate red spider mites, SVP, a type of venom peptide particularly effective at disrupting neuronal receptors and voltage-gated ion channels, caught our attention. With high specificity, SVPs are highly toxic to spider mites, and are non-toxic to mammals and pollinators. Meanwhile, we surprisingly discovered that the teams NCTU_Formosa( and UAM( incorporated SVPs in their project.

We also conducted gene alignment for the genome of P. Persimilis, a predatory mite with widespread commercial use that consumes only spider mites, to obtain more specialized venom peptides , thus gaining a novel venom peptide MVP. MVPs are even more specific to spider mites and pose a reduced risk to non-target organisms. After confirming the specificity and thus safety of the SVP and MVP, we designed our DNA sequence and synthesized them through gene synthesis companies, after which we assembled them and transform them into selected chassis.

After our check-in form was approved by iGEM, we sent our successfully expressed SVPs and MVPs to Professor Huang of SCAU. He followed the principles of testing according to the Guideline for laboratory bioassay of pesticides provided by NY/T 1154.13-2008 and tested the contact toxicity of our SVPs and MVPs on female Tetranychus urticae, a representative of spider mites.

Meanwhile, we also fully investigated the processes and requirements for pesticide registration: toxicological, environmental, pharmacodynamic and pesticide residue evaluations must be carried out before our product can be officially sold on the market. With great hopes of launching our product on the market, we will test the toxicity and decomposition of our venom peptides according to the regulations of the government.

Lab Safety

Firstly, we ensured lab safety through lab rules: our lab is divided into living, experimental and contaminated areas. There are strict regulations restricting activities in each area. Agarose electrophoresis can only be conducted in the contaminated area with specialized apparatus. Microorganism-contaminated liquids are sterilized using 84 disinfectant before disposal, while contaminated solids such as agar plates undergo ultra-high temperature sterilization before disposal.

Our safety is further ensured under three aspects of protection: pre-training, physical protection and supervision. To successful and safe experiment processes, all of our members underwent thorough training on organism handling, apparatus usage. Also, we were fully informed the potential dangers and methods of dealing with them during experiments before engaing in the actual lab experiments. In addition, we are provided with a detailed protocol outlining various procedures, which serve as a reference during experiments, thus reducing the chances of accidentally making mistakes. Personal protective equipment, such as gloves, goggles, and lab coats, is required for all team members entering the experimental area, protecting against chemical exposure. Further ensuring our safety, we are also under the supervision of our instructor under all experiment conduction.

Fig.1| Experiment area of our lab

Safety in Human Practice

Privacy and respect in human subject research

Ensuring the safety of interviewees in human practice activities is paramount. At GreatBay-SCIE, we adhere stricly to privacy and ethics protocols in China to prevent any negative impacts on research participants. Our approach involves respectful and ethical communication, with a strong emphasis on maintaining participants' privacy.

Before conducting interviews, our interviewers meticulously prepare questions that are both relevant and considerate of the participants' comfort. These questions are shared with the subjects in advance, and the interviews are conducted only after obtaining their explicit consent. A privacy agreement is included in the interview outline to provide clear guidelines on information disclosure and ensure transparency.

Depending on the preferences of the interviewees, the content of the interviews is either published on our wiki or anonymized. This careful approach not only protects the participants but also enhances the integrity and credibility of our research.

Fig.2| privacy protocol included in the interview question list that is sent to the interview subject.

Safety in Education

We also set up lab sessions in our ECA on campus, during which we not only aim to let the students experience the charm of synthetic Biology in person, but also enable them to develop safety awareness for lab practices. In each lab session, the team member in charge of this experiment teaching must include risk assessments and corresponding safety measurements in the compilation of the experiment protocol. After passing the team’s approval, the protocol with detailed safety precautions will be distributed to the participants of the lab. Also, the whole process will be supervised by our team members, thus further ensuring safety during lab practices.

Fig.3| lab session in ECA under monitor and instruction by our team members to ensure lab safety.

No.3, Antuoshan 6th Road, Xiangmihu Street, Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong province, China

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