

As members of the GEC-Guangzhou team, we have conducted a series of experiments focusing on three major systems: a sensing system, a therapeutic system, and a suicide system. These systems were developed and tested using engineered E. coli strains, with each system designed to address specific functional goals within our project.

Sensing System

The sensing system aimed to develop a mechanism in E. coli capable of detecting Initially, we designed a sensing system targeting tetrathionate, incorporating a plasmid with inducible promoters to express mRFP (red fluorescent protein) as the reporter gene. After conducting experiments with varying tetrathionate concentrations, we found that the response was insufficient and inconsistent, leading to a decision to shift our focus toward developing a thiosulfate sensor. In the new system targeting thiosulfate, we constructed a more sensitive plasmid incorporating improved promoters and downstream linkage to LacZ. LacZ enzymatically breaks down X-gal, producing a visible blue product that allowed for easier detection and measurement of the sensor’s performance. Extensive tests were conducted with different concentrations of sodium thiosulfate demonstrating a robust, dose-dependent increase in fluorescence and colorimetric output.

Daily Summary Plan for Sencing System Experiment (June 1- July 4, 2024)

Date Experiment Details Notes
June 1, 2024 Synthesis and Plasmid Construction of TtrS/R Synthesize the Tetrathionate operon (TtrS/R) and clone it into a plasmid. Verify sequence using gel electrophoresis. Successful synthesis and plasmid extraction. Next step: cloning into different vectors.
June 2, 2024 Cloning of TtrS/R with mRFP into pSB1A3 Perform double digestion of TtrS, TtrR, mRFP, and pSB1A3, followed by ligation of fragments into the pSB1A3 plasmid. Successful ligation, next step: sequencing for verification.
June 3, 2024 Sequencing Verification and Transformation Verify accuracy of plasmid through sequencing, then transform into E. coli DH5α. Sequence verified, successful transformation observed with colony formation.
June 4, 2024 Amplification and Colony PCR Amplify E. coli DH5α colonies, extract plasmid, and perform colony PCR to verify correct insertion of TtrS/R-mRFP. PCR showed clear bands confirming correct insertion.
June 5, 2024 LB Media Preparation and Plasmid Extraction Prepare solid and liquid LB media and extract plasmid DNA from previously cultured E. coli DH5α. Successful media preparation and plasmid extraction (150 ng/µL).
June 6, 2024 Preparation of Tetrathionate Solutions Prepare 1 M sodium tetrathionate stock solution and serial dilutions (0 µM to 1000 µM). Standard solutions prepared successfully.
June 7, 2024 Transformation of E. coli BL21 with TtrS/R-mRFP Transform E. coli BL21 with the TtrS/R-mRFP plasmid for sensor development. Successful transformation, colonies observed on ampicillin plates.
June 8, 2024 Culture Amplification and Glycerol Stock Storage Amplify E. coli BL21 cultures and prepare glycerol stocks for long-term storage. 10 glycerol stocks stored at -80°C.
June 9, 2024 Growth of E. coli in Tetrathionate Media Culture BL21 in LB with varying tetrathionate concentrations (0 µM to 1000 µM) for fluorescence testing. Cultures ready for fluorescence testing.
June 10, 2024 Fluorescence and OD600 Measurements Measure fluorescence and OD600 to assess sensor response to tetrathionate concentrations. Strong positive correlation between tetrathionate levels and fluorescence intensity.
June 11, 2024 Data Analysis and Validation Analyze fluorescence data and validate the sensor's response to tetrathionate. Consistent data across replicates, strong sensor response confirmed.
June 12-14, 2024 Report and Presentation Preparation Summarize experimental results, prepare the report, and create a PowerPoint presentation on sensor development and results. Initial draft of the report and PPT presentation completed.
June 15, 2024 Gene Synthesis and PCR for Thiosulfate Sensor Synthesize the Thiosulfate operon, extract the plasmid, and amplify gene fragments (ThsS, ThsR) via PCR. PCR products observed with correct band sizes on gel electrophoresis.
June 16, 2024 Restriction Digestion and Ligation Perform restriction digestion and ligation of Thiosulfate genes into pSB1A3 plasmid. Efficient ligation, ready for transformation into E. coli.
June 17, 2024 Transformation into E. coli DH5α Verify plasmid by sequencing and transform into E. coli DH5α for amplification. Transformation successful, colonies observed.
June 18, 2024 Transformation into E. coli BL21 Transform the Thiosulfate Sensor plasmid into E. coli BL21 for expression testing. Transformation successful, ready for sensor testing.
June 19, 2024 Initial Testing of Thiosulfate Sensor Test sensor response in E. coli BL21 by measuring fluorescence in response to thiosulfate concentrations. Significant increase in fluorescence at higher thiosulfate levels.
June 20, 2024 Design of Optimized Thiosulfate Sensor B Redesign promoter and RBS sequences to optimize sensor expression. New sequences submitted for gene synthesis.
June 21, 2024 Material Preparation for Sensor B Construction Prepare LB media, organize data, and ensure necessary materials are available for Sensor B construction. Lab ready for further experiments upon delivery of new DNA sequences.
June 22, 2024 Assembly of Thiosulfate Sensor B Integrate new promoter and RBS sequences with the thiosulfate operon into the pSB1A3 plasmid using Gibson Assembly. Gibson Assembly successful, plasmid extracted.
June 23, 2024 Transformation of Thiosulfate Sensor B Transform Sensor B plasmid into E. coli DH5α and extract for sequencing verification. Successful transformation and plasmid verification.
June 24, 2024 Transformation of Thiosulfate Sensor B into BL21 Transform the verified Sensor B plasmid into E. coli BL21 for functional testing. Multiple colonies observed, ready for functional sensor testing.
June 26, 2024 Dose-Dependence Analysis Evaluate dose-dependent fluorescence response of Sensor B to thiosulfate concentrations. Sensor B shows enhanced fluorescence at higher thiosulfate concentrations.
June 28-30, 2024 Data Compilation,Graphing,Statistical Analysis Writing the report no
July 1, 2024 Design and Construction of Thiosulfate Reporter System Designed the LacZα gene sequence regulated by the thiosulfate operon for β-galactosidase expression. Cloned LacZα into the pSB1A3 plasmid. Transformation into E. coli DH5α and sequencing successful
July 2, 2024 Transformation of pSB1A3-LacZα into BL21 Extracted the pSB1A3-LacZα plasmid and transformed it into E. coli BL21 for β-galactosidase activity testing. Multiple colonies observed on LB plates
July 3, 2024 Standard Curve Preparation for ONPG Assay Prepared standard solutions for p-nitrophenol (12.5-300 nM) and measured OD400 values to generate a standard curve for future β-galactosidase activity measurements. Standard curve successfully generated
July 4, 2024 ONPG β-galactosidase Assay Conducted ONPG assay to quantify β-galactosidase activity in BL21 cells containing pSB1A3-LacZα across different thiosulfate concentrations (0 to 1 mM). Successful assay, β-galactosidase activity measured

Lab notebook - Sensory system(Total 56 pages)

Therapeutic System

Our therapeutic system focused on constructing plasmids capable of expressing therapeutic proteins, such as hEGF (human epidermal growth factor), in E. coli. The goal was to optimize the expression and secretion of hEGF using engineered secretion pathways. Various plasmid constructs were created, including those with inducible promoters controlling the expression of hEGF. The experiments included testing the protein's secretion levels in the bacterial cultures and assessing the biological activity of hEGF on mammalian cell lines. ELISA assays confirmed the presence of secreted hEGF, and subsequent activity tests showed significant positive effects on cell growth and viability, validating the system’s potential as a therapeutic tool.

Daily Summary Plan for Therapeutic System Experiment (July 10 - 30, 2024)

Date Experiment Details Notes
July 10, 2024 Plasmid Synthesis and Preparation Synthesis of pSB-PEA plasmid (with hEGF and secretion elements) and pSB-PE control plasmid. Prepared LB medium, ampicillin plates, and competent cells (E. coli DH5α, EcN). All materials and competent cells prepared for transformation.
July 11, 2024 Transformation of pSB-PEA into E. coli Transformed pSB-PEA and pSB-PE into E. coli DH5α and E. coli Nissle 1917. Plates incubated overnight for colony formation.
July 12, 2024 Colony Selection and Plasmid Extraction Selected colonies, performed plasmid extraction, and verified via PCR for gene insertion (hlyB, hlyD, hEGF). Correct PCR bands confirmed plasmid construction.
July 13, 2024 Plasmid Ligation and Amplification Amplified pSB-PEA plasmid, performed double digestion, and ligated hEGF and secretion elements into the plasmid backbone. Ligation product ready for transformation.
July 14, 2024 Failed Transformation Attempt Transformation of pSB-PEA into E. coli DH5α failed, no colonies observed. Planned adjustments: increased ligation time and fresh competent cells.
July 15, 2024 Successful Transformation into E. coli DH5α After adjusted ligation and transformation, colonies successfully formed on ampicillin plates. Proceed to plasmid extraction and verification.
July 16, 2024 Plasmid Verification and Amplification Amplified bacterial cultures, extracted plasmids, and verified gene insertion via PCR. PCR results confirmed correct plasmid insertion.
July 17, 2024 Failed hEGF Expression Induction Attempted to induce hEGF expression but no secretion detected via ELISA. Plan to optimize sodium thiosulfate concentration.
July 18, 2024 Re-induction of hEGF Expression Adjusted sodium thiosulfate concentration and repeated induction, successfully detected hEGF secretion in extracellular samples. Highest hEGF levels observed in EcN/pSB-PEA.
July 19, 2024 Intracellular hEGF Detection Detected intracellular hEGF via ELISA in induced strains (EcN/pSB-PEA and EcN/pSB-PE). Intracellular hEGF confirmed, especially in EcN/pSB-PEA.
July 20, 2024 hEGF Activity Test on 293T Cells Prepared EcN-derived hEGF samples and began treatment of 293T cells. Initial setup, CCK8 assay to follow the next day.
July 21-22, 2024 293T Cell Viability Detection CCK8 assay on 293T cells treated with hEGF, but no significant improvement in cell viability was detected. Adjust concentration and incubation time.
July 23, 2024 Optimized 293T Cell Viability Assay Retested 293T cell viability with optimized hEGF concentrations and incubation time. Significant improvement in cell viability for EcN/pSB-PEA group.
July 24-26, 2024 Data Analysis and Graph Generation Organized and analyzed data from ELISA and CCK8 assays, generated graphs showing hEGF expression levels and cell viability. Clear evidence of hEGF expression and its impact on cell viability.
July 27-30, 2024 Report Writing and Presentation Preparation Compiled experimental data into a report and prepared a PowerPoint presentation. Finalized report and presentation for submission.

Lab notebook - Treatment system(Total 29 pages)

Suicide System

The suicide system was designed as a safety mechanism to control bacterial growth. It employed the mazE-mazF toxin-antitoxin system, where the toxin gene mazF was activated by an arabinose-inducible promoter, while the antitoxin mazE was controlled by a rhamnose-inducible promoter. Upon activation, mazF expression led to cell death unless counterbalanced by mazE expression. The system was rigorously tested through growth inhibition assays, which measured OD600 to track bacterial survival under various induction conditions. The results confirmed that the system functioned as intended, with induced expression of mazF leading to significant bacterial cell death, providing an effective biocontainment strategy.

These three systems—sensing, therapeutic, and suicide—form the core of our project, each playing a critical role in demonstrating the versatility and safety of engineered bacterial systems for potential applications in environmental sensing and therapeutic delivery.

Daily Summary Plan for Suicide System Experiment (August 1-15, 2024)

Date Experiment Details Notes
Aug 1, 2024 Preparation of Competent Cells Prepare competent E. coli BL21 cells using the calcium chloride method. Keep the cells on ice throughout the procedure
Aug 2, 2024 Construction of Recombinant Plasmid Perform double enzyme digestion on pSB1A3-mRFP plasmid and the synthesized PRha gene. Ligate the digested products to create the recombinant plasmid pSB1A3-PRha-mRFP. Ensure efficient digestion and ligation, run agarose gel to confirm digestion
Aug 3, 2024 Transformation and Screening of Positive Colonies Transform the pSB1A3-PRha-mRFP recombinant plasmid into competent E. coli BL21 cells. Plate on LB-ampicillin plates and incubate overnight at 37°C. Include positive and negative controls during transformation
Aug 4, 2024 Colony PCR for Positive Colony Screening Perform colony PCR on selected colonies to confirm successful insertion of the PRha-mRFP cassette. Extract plasmids from positive colonies using a plasmid mini-prep kit for further testing and storage. Select 4-6 positive colonies for PCR, ensure high plasmid yield for downstream experiments
Aug 5, 2024 Rhamnose-Inducible Promoter Testing Inoculate a 1:100 dilution of overnight cultures into M9 medium supplemented with ampicillin and 0.4% glucose. Add varying concentrations of rhamnose (0.1%-1%). Incubate at 37°C for 5 hours, then measure OD600 and fluorescence using a microplate reader. Ensure all samples are mixed well and include appropriate controls (no rhamnose and varying rhamnose concentrations)
Aug 6, 2024 Fluorescence Data Analysis Analyze the normalized fluorescence (Fluorescence/OD600) data to assess the effect of rhamnose on gene expression. Compare results for different concentrations. Plot the results to visualize dose-response to rhamnose
Aug 7, 2024 Construction of Suicide System Plasmid Clone the mazE (antitoxin) and mazF (toxin) genes into the pSB1A3 vector under rhamnose and arabinose promoters, respectively. Sequence the plasmid to verify successful cloning. Ensure correct assembly and sequence verification
Aug 8, 2024 Transformation of Suicide System Plasmid Transform the suicide system plasmid into E. coli BL21 and plate on LB-ampicillin agar. Incubate at 37°C overnight. Check transformation efficiency by colony count
Aug 9, 2024 Colony PCR Perform colony PCR on selected colonies to verify the presence of the mazE-mazF system. Use specific primers for mazE and mazF
Aug 10, 2024 Suicide System Testing Inoculate 1:100 dilutions of confirmed positive colonies into M9 medium with ampicillin, 1% rhamnose, 0.2% arabinose, and 0.4% glucose. Monitor OD600 hourly over 5 hours to assess the impact of the suicide system on cell growth. Ensure OD600 measurements are consistent across samples
Aug 11, 2024 Growth Curve Analysis Analyze the OD600 data to evaluate growth inhibition caused by the mazE-mazF system. Compare growth with and without inducers. Plot growth curves for comparison
Aug 12, 2024 Re-transformation & Additional Testing An errors occur during colony PCR or testing, re-transform the suicide plasmid and repeat necessary tests (colony PCR, growth assay). Focus on troubleshooting any issues in cloning or transformation
Aug 13, 2024 Induction Optimization Test different concentrations of rhamnose and arabinose to optimize the induction of the suicide system. Measure OD600 at regular intervals to track the system's effect on bacterial growth. Analyze how varying inducer concentrations affect growth
Aug 14, 2024 Data Compilation & Analysis Compile all collected data from fluorescence measurements, OD600 readings, and PCR results. Perform statistical analysis to confirm significance of results. Prepare figures and graphs for presentation.
Aug 15, 2024 Final Report & Presentation Preparation Summarize all experimental results. Prepare a detailed report with all figures, growth curves, and statistical analysis for the suicide system. Ensure all documentation is clear and ready for submission

Lab notebook - Suicide system(Total 38 pages)