


In the work of our iGEM team , we are faced with some of the challenges that future iGEM teams will also face. In order to help them, we created some documents to record some of the techniques and key points of the task through our own experience during this time.

Scientific research

We chose Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 (EcN) as our chassis organism due to its unique advantages, particularly its modified lipopolysaccharide (LPS) structure, which prevents the production of endotoxins. Additionally, E. coli has a well-characterized genetic background, with its genome fully sequenced, allowing precise genetic engineering strategies. The gene manipulation technology for E. coli is also mature, making it easy to insert, knock out, or modify genes. Moreover, E. coli can be cultured in simple conditions, making it suitable for large-scale fermentation and genetic engineering applications.

Our project focuses on developing intelligent engineered probiotics for the precise detection and treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Through three core systems—sensing, therapeutic, and suicide systems—we achieve an integrated approach from diagnosis to treatment. The sensing system detects inflammatory markers —— thiosulfate in the gut and indicates inflammation through color changes. The therapeutic system promotes the repair of intestinal mucosa by secreting epidermal growth factor (EGF). The suicide system ensures that the engineered bacteria automatically die after completing their tasks, preventing long-term survival in the body or the environment, thereby ensuring biosafety.The advantages of our project make it highly applicable for future iGEM teams working on projects related to intestinal health, whether for detection or treatment purposes. We hope that future teams can benefit from and build upon our designs!

Figure 1 E. coli diagram
Team building

The iGEM team in the future needs to have good teamwork ability. The first and most important thing is that we need to set goals to break down difficult tasks into simple steps. The second point is that each team member should have his/her own task and complete it responsibly. Participate in regular team meetings to discuss progress and follow team leader's instructions for improvement.

In addition, when cooperating with team partners, we need to determine the time and place and timely communication, and we can learn from experts in some fields as well.

HP and Education

These efforts provide valuable experience for future iGEM teams, especially when addressing complex public health issues like IBD. By aligning our project with public needs, we gained insights into the real challenges and requirements of patients, which gave clear direction for designing synthetic biology solutions. IBD, being a common yet often overlooked disease, brings long-term difficulties to patients. Our direct communication with them not only made the design more targeted but also made us aware that treatment solutions must consider the patients' living conditions and psychological burdens. Furthermore, through interdisciplinary collaboration with biomedical experts and doctors, our project underwent both scientific and clinical validation, ensuring the reliability and applicability of our design. This collaborative approach serves as a model for future iGEM teams, showing how incorporating medical expertise can enhance the clinical relevance of a project, particularly when developing solutions related to gut health. For future teams, such interdisciplinary interaction can help shorten the pathway from lab to clinical application, while ensuring the designed biological systems effectively address public health concerns.

Adds a new document to an existing part(BBa_K914003)

The rhamnose promoter (BBa_K914003) designed and validated by the GEC-Guangzhou team offers a valuable tool for future iGEM teams aiming for precise, dose-dependent gene expression control.

Figure 2. The genetic circuit of the suicide system.

In our experiments, the promoter was demonstrated to effectively regulate gene expression in E. coli BL21 cells, showing a clear, scalable response to varying concentrations of L-rhamnose. This functionality makes it particularly useful for projects requiring tight regulation of gene expression, such as metabolic pathway optimization, biosensors, or controlled activation of synthetic circuits. Additionally, the well-documented experimental validation ensures that future teams can confidently integrate BBa_K914003 into their projects, knowing its performance is reliable across a range of applications.

Figure 3. Rhamnose-inducible reporter strain response to varying L-rhamnose concentrations.


The GEC-Guangzhou iGEM team has made significant contributions that can benefit future teams through innovative scientific research, effective team-building strategies, and impactful human practices. By utilizing E. coli Nissle 1917 (EcN) as a chassis organism, we have highlighted its potential for safe and effective genetic engineering, particularly in intestinal health-related projects. Our work on the rhamnose-inducible promoter (BBa_K914003) has demonstrated its reliable, dose-dependent gene expression control, making it a valuable tool for future projects involving metabolic pathways, biosensors, and synthetic circuits. Additionally, the design of a rhamnose-induced suicide system offers a crucial safety feature for projects requiring controlled bacterial growth and self-destruction.

Beyond our technical achievements, we have emphasized the importance of teamwork, collaboration, and education. We hope that by documenting our methods, challenges, and successes, future iGEM teams can build upon our work, especially in areas related to gut health and biosafety. The systems and tools we’ve developed, such as the rhamnose-inducible suicide system, provide a strong foundation for future synthetic biology applications.