
Our great emphasis on safety runs through the process of experiments and human practice.

In terms of laboratory safety, we followed the relevant laws and regulations of China, and the of synthetic biology industry. In addition, we have made our own laboratory rules and were strictly abide by them. What’s more, our team members all have passed the exam of laboratory safety at the request of the school, so that we all have theoretical knowledge reserve. Also, we made sure that our experiment is safe through avoiding dangerous materials, and there are professionals responsible for security to supervise the whole process.

For human practice safety, first, all the pictures and information we used have been allowed by themselves or are public information. All the activities we held or joint had asked our PI and the local government for allowance and obeyed ethics and laws.

Laws and Regulations

In the field of safety, We are committed to complying with the relevant laws and regulations in force in the China. On safety, we have more than once had a discussion and study of collective laws and regulations. We obey the law strictly and all actions are required by law. Our team has always attached great importance to laws and regulations. It is essential not only for the proper functioning of the project, but also for the development of synthetic biology as a whole.

The laws and regulations we followed:

"Biological Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China"
"Regulations for the implementation of the Drug Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China"
"Regulations on the biosafety management of pathogenic microorganism laboratories"

Lab Safety

In the field of laboratory safety, we had a dedicated member to oversee the safe conduct of the entire experimental process, and there are professionals responsible for security to supervise the whole process. Before starting the experiment, every team member read the lab’s guidelines. In particular, in our first year in Central South University, the college requested every student to pass the laboratory safety exam, which has relationship with our graduation, so that even students who don’t need to do wet work in the lab are familiar with the rules.

What’s more, through our whole experiment, we avoided the dangerous materials and animal experiments.

Human Practice Safety

As an iGEM team, we highly value ethical responsible research with human subjects. We carried out our research with diligence and according to the ethics and laws in China. (For detailed information, please visit the ETHICS AND LAW in our wiki.)

All the information involved personal privacy we mentioned and researches we took has got their allowance. What’s more, the activities we held and joint has been allowed by the local government.

For educational activities, we have communicated well with the relevant school in advance and got the welcome of the students to make sure that our team would not take inconvenience to them.