The Human Practices (HP) team in the B.A.R.B.I.E 4.0 Project integrated our scientific research with societal needs. This involved developing a bioengineered protein-based water filter combined with advanced biosensors capable of detecting even the smallest micro and nanoparticles of plastics (MNPs). Additionally, we have engaged with regulatory institutions and considered public needs to ensure our solution is effective and aligned with community expectations.

Our primary goal is to connect the B.A.R.B.I.E 4.0 project with different segments of society, such as students, teachers, researchers, government authorities, companies, and the general population. From the initial project design to its final execution, we continuously reflect on the project's positive and negative societal impacts, ensuring that societal feedback shapes the development and refinement of our solution.

Our team is based at the Brazilian Research Center for Energy and Materials (CNPEM), the largest scientific investment in Brazil's history. As the national laboratory, CNPEM is a pillar of scientific and technological advancement for the country. However, we identified a pressing issue: the excessive plastic pollution and waste disposal within the CNPEM community and the nearby Barão Geraldo region in Campinas, where the center is located.

We have focused on creating a continuous dialogue between our team, field experts, government, and the local community of CNPEM and Barão Geraldo itself. To achieve this, we implemented a closed feedback loop, ensuring that the insights and feedback from stakeholders are integrated into each stage of our project development. This collaborative and reflective approach has been essential in driving responsible and sustainable solutions for the plastic pollution challenge we are addressing. Additionally, through this process, we were able to work on several issues that emerged during the project development which shaped our design and strategy.

Furthermore, we have exchanged knowledge and perspectives with stakeholders to encourage sustainable and responsible plastic consumption practices and push for the regulation of microplastics in drinking water in Brazil while promoting internal discussions to fuel the implementation of our product. In this way, our work in Human Practices was founded in four main areas: Integrated Human Practices, Legislation, Public Engagement, and Implementation.

Overview of B.A.R.B.I.E. Human Practices

Figure 1. Overview of B.A.R.B.I.E. Human Practices.


Integrated Human Practices: The B.A.R.B.I.E. 4.0 project placed Integrated Human Practices (IHP) at its core, ensuring that every stage of development was shaped by societal and environmental needs. By continuously engaging with diverse stakeholders such as environmental engineers, sanitation authorities, local communities, and biotechnology experts — we ensured that our solution to MNPs contamination in drinking water was both innovative and grounded in real-world concerns. Feedback from these stakeholders prompted a shift in our approach: initially focused on water treatment plants in the iGEM Design League 2023 project, we adapted the project to develop a more accessible, cost-effective domestic filtration system. This decision expanded the project’s reach, demonstrating how our work evolved based on stakeholder input and reflecting a deep commitment to creating a solution that is responsible, inclusive, and feasible.

Every step was informed by interdisciplinary collaboration, background research, and thoughtful integration of stakeholder perspectives, resulting in a project that aligns with public interest and adheres to iGEM’s values of social responsibility and scientific integrity.

Mission: “To bridge science and society with purpose, ensuring the B.A.R.B.I.E. 4.0 project transforms innovative ideas into responsible actions, creating a lasting, positive impact on both people and the planet for a sustainable future.”

Legislation: The Legislation Front of the B.A.R.B.I.E. 4.0 project is driven by the urgent need to regulate MNPs in drinking water. With growing global concerns about the harmful effects of MNPs on health, oceans, and climate, we are committed to advancing policies that address this crisis. Our goal is to initiate discussions with researchers specializing in MNPs and government officials, such as Campinas City Councillor Luiz Rossini and federal deputy Nilto Tatto, to support legislation that sets clear standards for monitoring and removing microplastics from drinking water, as well as establishing a safe limit for MNP intake. In this regard, we have requested a public hearing to bring together experts and promote a discussion of the urgent need for legislation in this regard, aligning our efforts with international treaties and Brazil's national goals. Our project is designed to not only develop technological solutions but also to engage with the legal frameworks that can protect public health and ensure long-term sustainability.

Mission: “To bring the issue of MNPs into the political spotlight, pushing for comprehensive legislation that regulates microplastics in water, ensuring that science and policy work together to safeguard both public health and the environment.”

Public Engagement: The Public Engagement in the B.A.R.B.I.E. 4.0 project is an important part of the iHP core dedicated to creating a bridge between science and society. Our goal is to ensure that the wider community is informed and actively involved in addressing the environmental crisis caused by MNPs. We have built a platform for public involvement through educational initiatives, outreach activities, and campaigns that promote sustainable behavior. Whether it's through interactive events like “Fishing for Microplastics” during the Open Science event at CNPEM, water donation for the Rio Grande do Sul community during the flood crises, or informative workshops for young scientists at the national laboratory, we aim to make the topic of plastic pollution relatable and actionable for everyone. By engaging with the public at all levels, we empower communities to take meaningful steps in reducing their environmental footprint and inspire lasting behavioral change.

Mission: "To engage and empower communities to actively participate in sustainable solutions, ensuring that our project transforms public awareness into tangible action for a cleaner, healthier planet."

Implementation: The Implementation Front of the B.A.R.B.I.E. 4.0 project focused on designing an accessible and sustainable bioengineered filter capable of removing MNPs from drinking water. After thoroughly reviewing existing MNP remediation methods, we integrated membrane filtration with bioremediation techniques, employing the plastic binding proteins (PBPs) for plastic capture. This bioactive layer was strategically placed within the filter’s structure, designed for easy incorporation into common household filters. In addition to technical development, we emphasized environmental responsibility by using recyclable materials, such as polypropylene (PP) for the filter casing, stainless steel for some components, and activated carbon for filtration layers. These materials ensure durability while maintaining sustainability. We drew inspiration from existing models, such as IBBL water filters, which already consider the use of recyclable and sustainable materials. Additionally, we are exploring ways to recycle the filter’s components, including proteins and captured MNPs. Our next steps include testing the filter prototype and seeking partnerships with industry to ensure successful implementation.

Mission: “To transform scientific innovation into practical, accessible solutions that address environmental challenges, ensuring that our technology not only reaches the public but also promotes sustainability and public health.”

Schematization of how Integrated Human Practices interact with other fronts

Figure 2. Schematization of how Integrated Human Practices interact with other fronts to achieve a continuous feedback loop.


What are Micro and Nanoplastics?

Microplastics and nanoplastics (MNPs) have become one of the most pressing environmental and public health challenges of our time, due to their widespread presence and persistence in nature. Plastics, synthetic polymers predominantly derived from petroleum or natural gas, are favored in modern society for their plasticity, durability, and cost-effectiveness, making them highly versatile in various applications. However, these same properties also contribute to their slow degradation, leading to long-lasting pollution. The breakdown of larger plastic items into smaller particles, through natural weathering processes or human activities, results in the formation of microplastics, ranging from 1 μm to 5 mm, and nanoplastics, which are even smaller, with dimensions under 1 μm.

The scale of plastic pollution further exacerbates this issue. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), global plastic consumption has doubled over the past two decades. Unfortunately, the majority of plastic waste ends up in landfills, is incinerated, or escapes into the environment, with only 9% being recycled. Brazil is the largest plastic producer in Latin America and the fourth-largest globally, where approximately 11 million tons of plastic are produced annually, yet only 1.28% is recycled. This vast amount of improperly discarded plastic gradually breaks down into microplastics, further contributing to environmental degradation and posing serious public health risks.

Classification of plastic particles by their size

Figure 3. Classification of plastic particles by their size and size references, from macroplastics to nanoplastics.

What are the Effects of MNPs on the Environment?

The environmental implications of MNPs are extensive and complex, covering a range of ecological, health, and socio-economic concerns. These tiny particles have been found in some of the most hidden places on Earth, from the deepest underground caves to the highest peak of Mount Everest. Their small size allows them to be ingested by a wide variety of organisms, from plankton to larger fish and even terrestrial animals.

Once in the environment, MNPs can release toxic additives such as phthalates, bisphenol A (BPA), heavy metals, and persistent organic pollutants (POPs), which are often present in plastics. They also have the capacity to absorb harmful chemicals from their surroundings, such as pesticides and industrial pollutants. This dual role as both a source and a vector of toxins means that MNPs can significantly alter the chemical composition of the habitats they invade, leading to detrimental effects on local biodiversity.

When ingested by marine life, MNPs can accumulate in tissues, leading to bioaccumulation (the accumulation of substances, such as pesticides or other chemicals, in an organism). As smaller organisms are consumed by larger predators, the concentration of toxins increases, posing risks not only to wildlife but also to human health. The potential for MNPs to enter the human food chain, particularly through seafood consumption, raises significant public health concerns.

Schematization of causes and effects of microplastics in aquatic environment

Figure 4. Schematization of causes and effects of microplastics in the aquatic environment.

How do MNPs Affect Public Health and Quality of Life?

For humans, the growing presence of MNPs is alarming. They can enter the body through ingestion, inhalation, or absorption, and have been linked to a variety of health concerns, including gastrointestinal obstructions, immune system suppression, respiratory issues, and cardiovascular diseases. Recent research has also indicated a potential link between MNP accumulation and the development of atherosclerosis, strokes, and heart attacks, as these particles have been found embedded in arterial plaques. Studies show that individuals with micro and nanoplastics in their carotid arteries are 4.5 times more likely to experience cardiovascular events. For comparison, diabetes increases this risk to 4.8 times.

A critical issue in this field is the lack of comprehensive data on the long-term health impacts of MNP ingestion. Although studies have shown that microplastics can serve as vectors for toxic substances and even pathogens, the exact pathways and mechanisms through which they affect human health are still under investigation. The scarcity of data on exposure levels, combined with the potential for bioaccumulation, makes this an urgent area for further study.

Safe Water is a Universal Right

Water is the essence of life, and in 2010, the United Nations (UN) recognized access to clean water as a fundamental human right, essential for a life of dignity. Yet, despite this recognition, millions of people around the world still struggle to access this basic necessity. The reality is harsh: around 2.2 billion people globally lack safe drinking water. In regions like Sub-Saharan Africa, issues such as poor governance, widespread poverty, and increasing population pressure make this situation even more critical. Even in developed nations, where resources are more abundant, water quality is threatened by industrial pollution and excessive use of pesticides, as seen in parts of Europe and North America.

In Brazil, a country blessed with around 12% of the world’s freshwater reserves, access to clean water remains a complex and contradictory issue. Despite this natural abundance, millions of Brazilians still face difficulties in securing safe water, particularly in vulnerable regions where infrastructure is lacking. The country’s vast regional disparities highlight this problem: while urban areas in the Southeast enjoy more developed water systems, places like the Semi-Arid Northeast and riverside communities in the Amazon still suffer from severe water shortages. Studies show that almost 35 million Brazilian citizens do not have access to clean water and 100 million people do not have wastewater collection services in the country, exposing the gap between availability and distribution.

Mismanagement of water resources plays a critical role in this crisis. Periodic water shortages, such as the 2014–2015 São Paulo water crisis, during which the Cantareira system’s capacity dropped to less than 4%, underscore the fragility of even well-developed water systems. This crisis was aggravated by insufficient planning and a lack of investment in sustainable infrastructure, revealing how vulnerable Brazil’s water supply is to both human and environmental factors.

Another pressing issue is the contamination of water sources. In many parts of Brazil, untreated wastewater, industrial waste, and excessive pesticide use in agriculture are significantly degrading the quality of available water. According to the National Water Agency (ANA), more than 50% of Brazilian municipalities discharge untreated sewage directly into rivers and lakes. This poses serious public health risks as well as threatens biodiversity and diminishes the quality of life for millions.

Addressing these issues requires more than technical solutions — it demands a compassionate approach that prioritizes equity, sustainability, and the human right to water. Only through collective global and national efforts can we ensure that this essential resource is available to all, protecting not only human health and dignity but also the future of our planet.

Conventional Water Filters

Conventional household filters, such as activated carbon and ceramic models, have significant limitations in removing emerging contaminants like MNPs, heavy metals, and chemical residues. While effective at filtering larger particles and chlorine, these filters fail to block microscopic pollutants, giving a false sense of security for the population. Studies have shown that microplastics are commonly found in treated water and pass through conventional filtration systems, exacerbating environmental contamination.

Heavy metals like lead and mercury, prevalent in urban and industrial areas, are also problematic. Activated carbon filters, without advanced technologies like reverse osmosis, are ineffective in removing these pollutants. While reverse osmosis is more effective, its high cost makes it inaccessible to most households, especially in Brazil, where many families rely on cheaper, less efficient systems.

In Brazil, the lack of specific regulations for household filter efficiency worsens the issue, particularly regarding MNPs removal. Despite comprehensive water legislation like the Brazilian Law of Basic Sanitation (Law No. 11.445/2007) and the Marco Legal do Saneamento Básico (Law No. 14.026/2020), regulations for emerging contaminants like microplastics are almost nonexistent. The Ministry of Health’s Portaria No. 5/2017, which sets drinking water standards, does not address MNPs as a contaminant or even part of the process water composition, so it does not have the tolerance range that this could be ingested by humans.

This regulatory gap leaves consumers dependent on manufacturers of filters that are not required to prove their effectiveness against these invisible pollutants. As a result, most filters sold in Brazil fail to protect against modern contaminants, increasing public exposure to poorly understood risks. Given rising urbanization and water pollution, Brazil urgently needs more accessible filtration technologies and stricter regulations to ensure safe drinking water and protect the nation's water resources.

Presence of MNPs in Drinking Water

The largest source of plastic ingestion is drinking water with plastic found in water (groundwater, surface water, tap water, and bottled water) all over the world. However, it is not the only route. There are three main routes of entry for MNPs to get in contact with the human body: inhalation, ingestion, and through skin. Although all three routes contribute to the total amount of MNPs to which humans are exposed, ingestion is considered the main source of exposure. In a study where the percentage of microplastics in bottled water samples was evaluated, all samples were found to contain plastic. The contamination of drinking water by MNPs shows significant regional variations. In one study, it was observed that the concentration of plastic fibers in tap water was about twice as high in countries such as the United States and India compared to Europe and Indonesia, suggesting a significant disparity in water quality between regions.

A concerning factor is that conventional Water Treatment Plants (WTPs) are not able to effectively remove MNPs, especially those smaller than 10 µm. In one study, it was found that between 65% and 87% of the MNPs present in treated water were smaller than 10 µm, suggesting that WTPs do not adequately eliminate these smaller particles. Furthermore, the removal efficiency of MNPs in these plants varied between 41.2% and 59%, with polypropylene (PP) being the most prevalent type of plastic found. These findings suggest that, despite efforts to treat drinking water, many MNPs remain in the water that reaches households, increasing human exposure.

Additionally, the presence of MNPs in drinking water exacerbates inequality in access to clean water, as advanced filtration systems capable of removing these particles are often excessively expensive. Lower-income communities may be disproportionately affected, lacking the resources to protect themselves from potential contaminants.

In this way, the persistence of MNPs in ecosystems and their potential for bioaccumulation makes them an urgent interdisciplinary challenge. Preventing and mitigating their effects requires collaborative efforts across scientific, regulatory, and social spheres. It demands a deeper understanding of the environmental and biological issues of MNPs, innovative remediation technologies, and substantial changes in how society produces, uses, and disposes of plastic. Only through such holistic approaches can we hope to mitigate the growing risks posed by microplastics and nanoplastics to both the planet and human health. Further research is needed to quantify these risks, and policy actions must ensure equitable access to safe drinking water.


The B.A.R.B.I.E 4.0 project was developed to address the growing problem of MNPs in drinking water. Our team pursued an innovative solution using bioengineering and technology to detect and remove these harmful particles from domestic filtration systems. More than just an average scientific project, B.A.R.B.I.E 4.0 was deeply guided by Integrated Human Practices (IHP), where society's needs played a central role at every stage. From the outset, we understood the importance of a strong understanding of the social and environmental implications of plastic pollution. Thus, the team maintained continuous dialogue with various stakeholders — environmental engineers, sanitation authorities, local communities, and biotechnology experts. These interactions shaped the design of both the biosensor and the eco-friendly filter.

Evolution to B.A.R.B.I.E 4.0

Last year, we participated for the first time in the iGEM Design League competition, which involves mostly in silico approaches to solve a local problem, and is focused on teams from Latin American countries. It was during this competition that we first proposed the B.A.R.B.I.E project, which at the time stood for "Bioengineered Approach for Removal of Microplastics through Bioremediation and Innovative Electromagnetics". Our efforts were rewarded when we won the iGEM Design League Grand Prize, becoming the first Brazilian team to achieve this — a remarkable milestone and huge honor for all of us.

For this season, we introduced B.A.R.B.I.E 4.0, expanding the project’s scope and applicability. In light of this, we made significant adjustments, with one of the most notable changes being the implementation site and the strategy for capturing microplastics. The project’s central goal is to improve people's quality of life by addressing the proven health impacts caused by microplastics, particularly their presence in drinking water. Throughout the project, we focused on ensuring that our approach was as practical and feasible as possible, aiming for a solution that could be implemented in real-world scenarios.

Initially, in B.A.R.B.I.E 1.0, we planned to introduce an additional filtration step in Brazil's water treatment plants (WTPs) to filter microplastics from tap water. In B.A.R.B.I.E 4.0, we shifted the power to act to individuals, empowering consumers to be more aware of the water they drink daily. This approach brings the solution closer to the end user and offers several benefits. Last year, during discussions with water distributors, like SANASA in Campinas, we encountered certain resistance to changing established treatment processes, highlighting how rigid WTP infrastructure can be. Government officials also expressed hesitation, as there are no legal limits for microplastic contamination in WTPs. Moreover, water from WTPs still contains various contaminants that could compromise our filter’s effectiveness, as these systems are not closed or tightly controlled, introducing numerous unpredictable variables. As a result, we opted to incorporate our filtration step as part of a conventional domestic filter, aiming for greater accessibility and feasibility, with the impacted population at the heart of our design.

Additionally, the project was conceived to be multi and interdisciplinary, involving areas such as electronics, electrochemistry, synthetic biology, computing, and machine learning. All these disciplines operated under the principles of the scientific method, designing experiments to test both the initial hypotheses and new questions that emerged during the process. This allowed us to integrate the concepts from these diverse fields into the project's methodology.

Finally, in line with our environmental concerns, we strictly adhered to laboratory practices to avoid contributing to the problem we are trying to address: the presence of microplastics in water. We researched the best methods for disposing of materials contaminated with microplastics and developed a detailed notebook documenting all experimental procedures, including both successful and unsuccessful results, maintaining transparency and honesty throughout. Beyond wet lab practices, we also implemented sustainable procedures in the dry lab, where we often run molecular dynamics simulations, which are energy-intensive. To balance sustainability with comprehensive molecular analysis, we carefully optimized these simulations to reduce energy consumption while maintaining scientific rigor.


Throughout the development of the B.A.R.B.I.E 4.0 project, we collaborated with experts across various fields to ensure our solution was both scientifically viable and aligned with real-world needs. In this section, we present how each stakeholder's contributions shaped our project. For each expert, we outline who they are, what feedback they provided, and how their insights influenced the direction and refinement of our work.

By incorporating feedback from researchers specializing in water filtration, microplastic detection, and nanotechnology, we were able to make critical adjustments to our design and methodology. These interactions highlight the importance of the Integrated Human Practices (IHP) — ensuring that our project evolves through a continuous dialogue between science, industry, and societal needs.

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Textile companies

In line with our concept of an integrated study through feedback loops, the second point we focused on was understanding whether any analyses or studies had been conducted regarding the origin of microplastics, based on the reverse logistics system. Since one major source of microplastics is synthetic fabrics, we made several attempts to contact companies in the textile sector across the state of São Paulo. Unfortunately, we did not receive any responses from these companies.

Technical visit to water and sewage treatment in Campinas SANASA

On the other hand, when analyzing the fate of microplastics once released into the environment, we reached out to companies involved in water and wastewater treatment to determine if any existing processes or procedures addressed the remediation of this contaminant. After our meeting with Luiz Rossini and Rogério Menezes, we contacted SANASA, the company responsible for water and sewage treatment in Campinas, and sought to arrange a technical visit to their treatment plants and laboratories. Our goal was to understand their processes for treating effluent and raw water, and how laboratory tests identify contaminants like microplastics. However, due to internal bureaucratic hurdles, we encountered resistance, making it impossible to proceed with the visit or further contact with the company.


The B.A.R.B.I.E 4.0 project was developed to address the world problem of MNPs in drinking water. Our team sought an innovative solution using bioengineering and technology to detect and remove these harmful particles from domestic filtration systems.

From the outset, we acknowledged the importance of a profound awareness of the social and environmental implications of plastic pollution. Thus, the team maintained continuous dialogue with various stakeholders: environmental engineers, sanitation authorities, local communities, and biotechnology experts. These interactions shaped the design of both the biosensor and the eco-friendly filter.

How did Integrated Human Practices Participate in the Development Process of the Hardware?

One of the first issues identified in our interactions was the limitation of conventional sensors in detecting plastic nanoparticles. Experts alerted us to the ineffectiveness of traditional sensors in identifying particles smaller than 100 nm, a crucial challenge considering the significant threat of micro and nanoplastics to human and environmental health. Recognizing the importance of making a positive social impact, we initially planned to use a microfluidic sensor. However, to ensure accessibility and applicability in remote and underserved areas, we decided to restructure the design. We opted for a sensor coupled with a portable potentiostat that requires only small water sample quantities. This change not only broadened the sensor's viability but also took into account equity in access to water quality monitoring tools.

In response to the limitations of conventional sensors, we incorporated a machine learning system to enhance accuracy in detecting micro and nanoplastics. This technical innovation improved the sensor's performance and ensured that our solution met public health requirements, protecting consumers from particles that could go unnoticed.

Furthermore, the integration of techniques from electronics, electrochemistry, synthetic biology, and computing exemplifies a conscious effort at interdisciplinarity, inspiring other teams and researchers at the CNPEM to adopt an integrated and scientific approach in their projects. Thus, our project aims to improve quality of life by addressing the proven damages caused by microplastics, especially in drinking water. By enhancing society's capacity to monitor these contaminants, we are contributing to a safer and healthier environment, aligned with responsible and sustainable human practices. We carefully evaluated the contributions of experts to ensure the sensor's efficacy and safety. Researchers' observations on microplastic contamination and collaboration with those responsible for the electrode architecture were fundamental in refining our design. These interactions ensure that our project is not only innovative but also ethical and impactful, reflecting best practices in human and technical integration. See more at our Hardware Page.

How did Integrated Human Practices Participate in the Development Process of Bioinformatics?

Bioinformatics played a crucial role in the project's success, especially in creating plastic-binding proteins that underpin the ecological filter. Since the beginning of the season, we engaged with academic and research groups to ensure that our bioinformatics pipeline was robust, scalable, and replicable.

Collaborations with researchers such as Marcos Lorenvice, PhD from the Brazilian Nanotechnology National Laboratory (LNNano) and Matheus Cardoso, PhD from the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLs), both national laboratories held at the CNPEM campus, were fundamental. Researcher Marcos Lorenvice emphasized the importance of advancing scientific knowledge before technological development, which led us to reevaluate and improve the initial stages of the project. Researcher Matheus Cardoso provided us with crucial articles on nanobiotechnology and interactions between particles and proteins, which were crucial for sample characterization and sensor methodology.

Additionally, discussions with microplastics specialists from University of São Paulo helped us understand that the application of the filter would not be limited to domestic filtration. The need for extremely controlled environments, such as laboratories and industrial applications, revealed the importance of capturing microplastics in ultrapure water. This broadened our vision for future expansions of the project, allowing for the adaptation of the system for particle filtration in air and other scenarios. Also, in all these meetings, we aimed to reduce the complexity and costs of the project to make it accessible and viable for all other iGEM teams and anyone else interested. Compared to the previous project, which required complex adaptations of water treatment stations, we adjusted the methodology to prioritize the comprehensiveness and viability of the filter. This approach ensured that the B.A.R.B.I.E 4.0 project's impact was maximized, benefiting as many people as possible. In the bioinformatics and modeling phase, we faced the challenge of running costly molecular dynamics that required high-performance computing. Considering the associated energy costs, we carefully planned the simulations to balance sustainability and energy efficiency. This conscious approach not only ensured the technical viability of the project but also aligned execution with responsible and sustainable practices. Throughout all phases of the project — from sensor conception and hardware development to implementation and bioinformatics design — IHP were at the core of our decisions. Interactions with stakeholders allowed for adjustments and improvements in every aspect of the solution, ensuring that B.A.R.B.I.E 4.0 was not just a technological innovation but a real and tangible response to environmental and social concerns. We believe that the impact of the project transcends the field of engineering, offering a solution that improves public health, reduces plastic pollution, and promotes a more sustainable future for the next generations. See more at our Modelling Page.

How did Integrated Human Practices Participate in the Development Process of the Wet Lab?

From the beginning, we recognized that the impact of our research goes far beyond the laboratory, directly influencing society and being influenced by it. Beyond scientific discoveries, our team has always considered the ethical implications of our experiments and the role of stakeholders in defining and guiding our actions. These factors have been central to the evolution of our project, not only in its conception but also in its execution and the decisions made along the way.

One of the main objectives in developing the project was to make it accessible and efficient without compromising environmental responsibility. Initially, we planned to work with two separate proteins, which would increase the complexity and cost of the experiments. However, after receiving feedback from experts and assessing the practical implications, we decided to simplify the process by merging Barbie1/CBM with Spidroin, reducing costs and facilitating the large-scale implementation of the filter. This evolution of the project, in addition to optimizing resources, makes the product more accessible, thereby amplifying its positive social impact.

Another relevant point concerns our ethical responsibility in handling microplastics during experiments. Aware of the potential contradiction of generating pollution while trying to combat it, our team adopted strict protocols for disposing of contaminated materials based on sustainable practices. This commitment to ethics permeates all phases of the project, from the choice of materials and processes to the development of an experimental notebook that transparently documents each step — both successes and challenges faced.

The role of stakeholders has also been crucial in shaping the project's safety and transparency guidelines. Our dedication to completing the Safety Form, complying with CNPEM regulations, and adopting robust safety measures reflects the value we place on the integrity of our work and the well-being of all involved. Moreover, with an eye on scientific dissemination and engagement with society, we created educational ways to present our work at events such as Open Science, bringing the public closer to the impact and innovations brought about by our project. See more at our Engineering Page.

How did Integrated Human Practices Participate in the Development Process of Public Engagement (Awareness and Legislation)?

One of the main objectives of the B.A.R.B.I.E project was to reduce the generation of microplastics and engage in combating this issue through promoting awareness and direct involvement of the responsible public bodies.

Starting with awareness, the initial idea for the project was to enable a campaign aimed at reducing the use of single-use plastic cups within CNPEM, thereby decreasing the waste generated from their use. The campaign involved sending informative emails to employees, describing the dangers of plastic waste and encouraging the adoption of reusable alternatives, aiming for a positive reception when the actual removal would be implemented. However, we received some pushback from a portion of the center's employees, which highlighted how dependent we are on the convenience and ease provided by single-use plastic cups. This led us to seek a different approach to raising awareness about the problem, through partnerships with cooperatives directly dealing with the waste issue, resulting in a collaboration with the Igarapé Group. Therefore, with the goal of understanding how improper waste disposal is deeply rooted in society, the CNPEM-BRAZIL team, in collaboration with the Igarapé Group, organized a street cleanup on June 30, 2024, in the Barão Geraldo neighborhood of Campinas, São Paulo. This action received positive feedback from local residents who appreciated our efforts. The event drew attention to how the issue of microplastics is often unnoticed by those who generate the waste but is directly felt by those affected by it firsthand. This analogy holds true for the generation of microplastic particles. The problem with small particles, like micro and nanoplastics, is that the consequences are not immediate. Additionally, this partnership allowed us to conduct an awareness-raising lecture during Civil Engineering Week at the State University of Campinas, where, through an interactive activity on the roles of different sectors of society in combating waste, especially plastic, we realized how necessary public bodies are to act as intermediaries of the population's interests, further reinforcing our activities in the legislative front. See more at our Engagement Page.

The legislative activities were exactly intended to serve as an intermediary between companies and the public. Initially, our idea was to propose a law that would be implemented directly in Campinas, concerning the amount of microplastics present in the public water system. However, through meetings with Councilman Rossini, we realized that for this initiative to be effective, action from a higher body would be necessary. In other words, it would require an activity implemented on a federal scale for us to be effective in our proposals. This led us to seek out federal deputies who supported the cause and could help us move forward with this project on a larger scale.


What Motivated us?

As microplastics continue to contaminate drinking water and the environment, global concern is rising over their impacts on human health, oceans, and the climate crisis. In response, countries are meeting regularly to negotiate a Global Treaty against Plastic Pollution – an international agreement that addresses the life cycle of plastics, from raw material extraction to waste disposal and environmental remediation. Negotiations for this treaty began in March 2022, with completion expected by the end of 2024, involving national delegates, industry leaders, NGOs, advocacy groups, and scientists.

Brazil is actively engaged in these discussions and has announced plans to adopt several measures to mitigate the damage caused by plastic pollution. These include banning the production, use, and trade of plastics containing intentionally added microplastics, as well as setting targets for selective waste collection and safe recycling, with a focus on the socio-economic inclusion of waste pickers. This is particularly important, as recycling cooperatives often release large amounts of microplastics that are inhaled by their workers.

Our project aligns seamlessly with these efforts, addressing the critical issue of MNPs ingestion, which are related to both national and international concerns.

Why is Legislation Important to Regulate Microplastics in Drinking Water?

The absence of clear legislation regulating microplastics in drinking water means that the general population may unknowingly consume contaminated water. Internationally, some countries have already addressed this issue by implementing regulations and developing methods to detect microplastics in drinking water.

In the United States, California has adopted Senate Bill 1422/2018, which mandates the development of public policies for measuring and testing microplastics in drinking water, using a methodology currently being created by the California State Water Resources Control Board. Similarly, the European Commission is revising European Union law under Directive (EU) 2020/2184, which sets standards for the quality of drinking water and includes a framework for measuring microplastics.

Therefore, currently, international governments are still developing and studying clear methodologies for monitoring and removing MNPs from drinking water, as well as a safe limit value for ingesting these contaminants for regulatory purposes, as some studies point out. These uncertainties result from substantial data gaps, particularly in terms of exposure levels and the mechanistic understanding of microplastic toxicity. This highlights the urgent need for harmonized methodologies and more comprehensive data to inform the creation of regulatory standards. In light of this, we aim to initiate discussions and encourage further research to establish a maximum permissible level of MNPs in drinking water.

Our First Contact with a Government Authority

To address this gap, our initial idea was to propose a bill to establish a Brazilian regulation of microplastics in drinking water. In this way, our team has engaged with Brazilian government authorities at both local and national levels. The goal is for these authorities to continue developing and shepherding the bill through the legislative process, as passing new laws requires sustained effort over time.

In our discussions with Campinas City Councillor Luiz Rossini and Secretary of the Environment Rogério Menezes, we gained significant support for our project. They acknowledged the project's importance, especially since we were representing both the city of Campinas and Brazil in an international competition focused on combating microplastic pollution. As a result of this collaboration, we were invited to attend the launch of the Local Climate Action Plan of the city of Campinas, a pivotal event that outlined strategies for reducing the city’s carbon emissions. During this meeting, an overview of the city’s ambitious goal to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050 was presented. Key initiatives include expanding waste collection services to rural areas to prevent illegal dumping, reducing the amount of solid waste sent to landfills, and increasing urban solid waste recycling, which is expected to generate green jobs and promote the circular economy.

Participation of the CNPEM-BRAZIL Team in the inauguration of the Local Climate Action Plan

Figure 5. Participation of the CNPEM-BRAZIL Team in the inauguration of the Local Climate Action Plan for the city of Campinas, an event that aims to present the city's goals for mitigating climate effects by 2050.

Bill and Public Hearing: Our Efforts to Push Forward the Regulation of Microplastics in Drinking Water

After a few meetings to align objectives with Councillor Rossini, we realized that there are still many bottlenecks that need to be clarified. This includes defining an effective technique for detecting and removing microplastics from water, and defining a safe limit value of microplastics that can be ingested in a given period of time. These issues still need more in-depth studies and without this scientific basis, it is difficult to propose a bill defining all these points.

In addition, a bill involving this specificity requires the support of both government entities (such as basic sanitation regulators) and private entities (such as water treatment companies). To this end, we tried to contact SANASA to understand the water treatment process for the population of Campinas and the origin of those responsible for the bill we were trying to propose, but unfortunately, we didn't get a response.

As Councillor Rossini explained, he could not personally introduce the bill to the city council, because legislation that aims to regulate microplastics in drinking water must be addressed at the national level, our team initiated contact with the Brazilian federal deputy Nilto Tatto.

Therefore, we contacted the Advisory of Federal Deputy Nilto Tatto to ask for his support in advancing discussions on a bill aimed at regulating microplastics in drinking water. During our analysis of the main aspects that should be addressed, we came across Senate Bill No. 260/2024, presented in 2024. This bill proposes changes to Law 11.445 of 2007, which establishes the regulatory framework for basic sanitation in Brazil, recognizing microplastics as contaminants to be removed from water destined for human consumption. The bill requires regulatory entities to set progressive targets for the implementation of treatment systems that remove these contaminants from drinking water and wastewater. Although the Brazilian regulation does not establish a clear methodology for implementation, it marks a significant step in addressing contaminants in drinking water and, once approved, Brazilian authorities will have the opportunity to define this methodology in a clear way. The bill is currently awaiting inclusion on the agenda for discussion in committee.

Given this, under the guidance of Federal Deputy Nilto Tatto's assessors, we submitted a request for a public hearing to discuss microplastics and the urgent need for legislation on water quality standards. For this hearing, we invited experts from various fields, including solid waste management, water safety, environmental impacts of micro and nanoplastics, and biosensors - many of whom are affiliated with universities and research centers across the country. We are now waiting for the request for a public hearing to be approved and for the date of the event to be set, which is being delayed due to the local 2024 government elections.

Public Hearing Request


If Human Practices is the heart of the B.A.R.B.I.E. Project, Implementation is the engine, driving our research into real-world solutions that meet the community’s needs. Human Practices guide this process, ensuring we listen to and work with the community, experts, and authorities at every step.

Our Implementation section is focused on thinking about how our project would be applied in real life, demonstrating that it is likely and feasible to work. Through continuous dialogue, we adjust our approach to combat microplastic pollution in a way that’s practical, sustainable, and embraced by society. By incorporating this feedback, we ensure our solutions are both effective and responsible.

To learn more about how Human Practices drive the feasibility of implementation of our project, visit our Implementation page.


UN 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) we are tackling

Addressing the challenges posed by MNPs is crucial for fostering a sustainable future, as these issues are deeply intertwined with several global concerns. The importance of maintaining water quality, as outlined in Goal 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), emphasizes the necessity of protecting aquatic ecosystems from pollution. The World Health Organization has recognized the threat of microplastics in drinking water, urging nations to monitor and manage this contamination.

This commitment to sustainability is echoed in Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), which emphasizes the need for urban environments that minimize environmental impacts. Rapid urbanization often leads to increased waste generation and inadequate waste management systems, exacerbating the problem of plastic pollution. Developing infrastructure that supports effective waste management and encourages recycling can help mitigate the release of MNPs into the environment.

Additionally, Goal 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) advocates for sustainable practices that reduce waste and pollution. This involves promoting the circular economy, where materials are reused and recycled rather than discarded. Educating consumers about the impacts of single-use plastics and encouraging responsible consumption habits are critical steps in addressing the MNP crisis.

By understanding and mitigating the effects of MNPs, we contribute to a healthier environment and align our efforts with these critical SDGs. The interconnectedness of these goals highlights the importance of a holistic approach to environmental challenges. Collaborative efforts among governments, industries, and communities are essential to develop innovative solutions that are both effective and sustainable in the long term. Engaging in research, promoting public awareness, and supporting policy changes can drive meaningful progress in combating the MNP crisis.

The 3R’s: Reflective, Responsive, and Responsible

Our project is a strong reflection of iGEM’s core values, particularly in terms of social impact, innovation, and community integration. From the outset, we understood that to make a meaningful contribution, we needed to go beyond technical advancements and deeply engage with the broader social and environmental context of micro and nanoplastics. By addressing pressing local environmental challenges through sustainable practices and building robust partnerships with communities, stakeholders, and experts, we have developed a project that not only demonstrates scientific rigor but also delivers tangible, socially transformative results.

Responsive: In the B.A.R.B.I.E 4.0 project, being responsive means actively engaging with the community and key stakeholders throughout the entire process. We have built a dynamic feedback system that allows us to quickly adapt to changing needs and expectations. This interaction has shaped every phase of our project, helping us address real-world challenges in a timely and relevant manner.

Reflective: At every stage—design, build, and test—we reflect on how our project impacts society and the environment. This reflective approach has pushed us to not just focus on creating a solution, but to ensure that the solution is sustainable and beneficial in the long run. We continuously reassess our methods and results to ensure they align with our broader goal of improving public health and reducing environmental harm.

Responsible: Our commitment to responsibility goes beyond scientific results and achievements; it’s about making thoughtful decisions that protect both people and the planet. We have designed our solution to minimize waste, use eco-friendly materials, and promote practices that contribute to long-term environmental sustainability. In doing so, we ensure that our efforts result in meaningful, lasting change for the communities we aim to serve.

Learning from past iGEM team’s successes

Throughout the journey of the B.A.R.B.I.E. project, we found ourselves diving deep into the wikis of previous iGEM teams, each offering invaluable insights that shaped and refined our own approach and design. For this, we are profoundly grateful. Time and again, we researched projects from our Village (Bioremediation), those who had won special interest awards, or simply teams that inspired us with their creativity and dedication. We were captivated by the extraordinary innovations showcased each year, and in that amazement, we became enthusiastic admirers of teams with unique themes and groundbreaking projects.

This exploration ignited our passion, compelling us to advance our project while simultaneously immersing ourselves even more deeply in the world of synthetic biology. We dream that perhaps, one day, we might inspire other teams just as we have been inspired. As the English philosopher John Donne once wrote in his book Devotions upon Emergent Occasions, "No man is an island." Working together with our teammates, connecting with teams from around the world, and engaging in this experience, both scientifically and culturally, has been a privilege for which we are deeply thankful.

The collaborative nature of a scientific endeavor as vast as iGEM reminds us that no great achievement is the work of one person alone. Many hands, many minds come together, and we owe our deepest gratitude to all the teams whose work we reviewed, and who positively impacted the development of our project. Among them, some stand out as particularly influential, and for that, we extend our heartfelt thanks:


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