Integrated Human Practices

Program Background

Cancer has become a major public health problem worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, in 2020, there will be about 20 million new cancer cases globally, and the number of deaths due to cancer will be close to 10 million. And this trend is still worsening. According to a report released by the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in 2024, the number of new cancer cases globally in 2022 will again reach 20 million, and the number of deaths will remain close to 10 million. Therefore, the fight against cancer has become an urgent task.

Currently, there are various treatment methods for cancer, including surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy and hormone therapy. Surgery is usually used for the removal of early solid tumors, i.e., direct removal of tumor tissue through surgery. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy, on the other hand, kill cancer cells through drugs or radiation, but these methods often cause some damage to normal cells. As pharmaceutical science continues to advance, synthetic biology has shown unique advantages in the field of anti-cancer. Through genetically engineered microorganisms, such as yeast, synthetic biology is able to produce anti-cancer drugs efficiently and sustainably, thereby reducing dependence on natural resources and enhancing the stability of the drug supply chain.

In this field, Sulforaphane has received much attention for its broad-spectrum anticancer properties and low side effects. This molecule occurs naturally in cruciferous vegetables and is particularly abundant in broccoli. However, traditional methods of plant extraction are resource intensive and require large amounts of agricultural land, resulting in high production costs.

Our project aims to promote sustainable development while aligning with several goals of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda (SDGs). By utilizing innovative biological synthesis techniques for sulforaphane, we have revolutionized the production of this valuable compound, eliminating the need for direct extraction from broccoli. This not only conserves precious arable land but also plays a critical role in reducing deforestation and preventing land degradation, thereby addressing the challenges posed by climate change.

Moreover, we are committed to building a more efficient and sustainable food system by reducing dependency on natural resources. Through biotechnology, we are advancing responsible production (SDG 12) and biodiversity conservation (SDG 15), demonstrating the immense potential of a circular economy that integrates innovation with environmental protection.

Looking ahead, we believe that this initiative will not only accelerate the transition towards sustainable agricultural practices but also provide communities with solutions that prioritize the well-being of the planet and future generations. Each step reflects our commitment to inclusive and resilient development, driving the vision of harmonious coexistence between people and nature.

With this in mind, we have developed our project and incorporated our original 3R principles (Read more) into the design and implementation of the project in an attempt to improve the efficiency and sustainability of anticancer drug production through innovative approaches.

3R Principles

Our 3R principles of Responsibility, Refinement and Respect guide every step of the project. Responsibility is demonstrated by our deep consideration of social impact and responsiveness to industry needs; Refinement is demonstrated by our continuous improvement of the synthetic pathway and product purity of Sulforaphane; and Respect is demonstrated by fair treatment of stakeholders and protection of privacy. Through the 3Rs, we ensure that the technological innovation and social value of our projects are mutually reinforcing.

Survey on Urgency of Cancer Treatment

In order to investigate the urgency of cancer treatment and the main treatment modalities currently available, as well as to understand the acceptance of naturally sourced drugs by frontline physicians, we conducted field interviews.

Dr. Hongyan Li

Dr. Hongyan Li is the director of the Gastrointestinal Tumor Ward at XuanWu Hospital, focusing on cancer and immune-inflammatory diseases.

  • Colon Cancer Trends Colon cancer rates are rising globally, especially in Southeast Asia, with treatment shifting to targeted and immunotherapies.
  • Chemotherapy Limitations Chemotherapy has significant side effects that impact patients' quality of life, while precision medicine offers more tailored options.
  • Natural-Origin Drugs Natural-source anticancer drugs are showing potential but require further research on their mechanisms
  • Future of Natural Products Natural drugs are promising for cancer therapy, but clinical application and deeper research are still needed.
Hongyan Li

Dr. Yuxin Zhong

Dr. Yuxin Zhong, a visiting scholar at Harvard Medical School, specializes in surgical treatment of gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary-pancreatic tumors at the Cancer Hospital of CAMS.

  • Gastrointestinal Tumor Epidemiology: Gastrointestinal tumors account for over 25% of all cancer cases, with liver cancer being the most fatal.
  • Gastric Cancer Factors: Helicobacter pylori infection is a major cause of gastric cancer, especially in East Asia.
  • Gastric Cancer Treatment: Treatment includes surgery, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy, depending on the stage of the cancer.
  • Natural Compounds in Treatment: Natural compounds like curcumin show promise in enhancing chemotherapy while reducing side effects, but more research is needed.
  • Future of Natural Products: Sulforaphane, a natural compound, has potential in cancer treatment, though genetic and ethical concerns must be resolved before clinical use.
Dr. Yuxin Zhong

Dr. Zhijie Wang

Dr. Zhijie Wang, an expert in lung cancer molecular typing and genetic testing, specializes in comprehensive treatments including chemotherapy, molecular targeted therapy, and immunotherapy

  • Lung Cancer Epidemiology Lung cancer, especially non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), is common worldwide, with adenocarcinoma cases rising in low- and middle-income countries.
  • Natural-Origin Chemotherapy Natural products like paclitaxel are widely used in lung cancer treatment, offering fewer side effects and better patient quality of life.
  • Limitations of Chemotherapy Drug resistance, severe side effects, and high costs remain major challenges for current chemotherapy treatments.
  • Combination Therapies Paclitaxel, when combined with other drugs like cisplatin, has proven successful in improving treatment outcomes for NSCLC patients.
  • Sulforaphane in Chemotherapy Sulforaphane shows promise in enhancing chemotherapy effectiveness while reducing side effects, and clinicians are optimistic about its potential.

Dr. Zhen Wang

Dr. Zhen Wang, a specialist in thoracic tumors, focuses on the treatment of esophageal, mediastinal, and chest wall cancers.

  • Esophageal Cancer Treatment Treatment varies by stage, with early-stage patients typically undergoing surgery, while advanced cases require combined therapies including
  • Common Chemotherapy Drugs Paclitaxel, pyrimidines, and platinum drugs are common in esophageal cancer treatment, with paclitaxel showing improved efficacy and reduced toxicity over time.
  • Chemotherapy Limitations Predicting drug effectiveness remains difficult, and many patients face severe side effects, particularly those with malnutrition.
  • Sulforaphane Combination Sulforaphane (SFN) is expected to work synergistically with conventional anticancer drugs, offering potential improvement in treatment outcomes for esophageal cancer.
Zheng Wang

Through the interviews with the above doctors, we have learned that cancer treatment still faces many challenges, such as the serious side effects of chemotherapy drugs, drug resistance, and the high cost of treatment. Such problems not only affect the quality of life of patients, but also limit the effectiveness and popularity of treatment. Anti-cancer drugs of natural origin have received widespread attention due to their lower toxicity and potential therapeutic effects. The application of synthetic biology technology has opened new possibilities for the production and application of these natural drugs, which may revolutionize cancer treatment in the future. Therefore, further research and optimization of the production and clinical application of these natural drugs are not only of scientific significance, but also of great practical importance for improving the current status of cancer treatment.

We have gained an understanding of the current state of cancer chemotherapy, which confirms the demand for the outcomes of our project. This has given us the confidence to pursue the project, as it can bring new hope to patients and healthcare professionals alike.

Feasibility Study on the Use of Sulforaphane

Eng. Javier Pimentel

Eng. Javier Pimentel, a specialist in food engineering and education from the Matias Delgado University, focuses on interdisciplinary research in nutrition, chemistry, and biology.

  • Sulforaphane's Importance Sulforaphane is valued for its anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and natural antibiotic properties, but its presence in the diet is minimal.
  • Absorption Challenges Finding more efficient ways to absorb and utilize Sulforaphane is necessary due to its low dietary availability.
  • Nutrient Synergy Combining Sulforaphane with nutrients like Magnesium, Vitamin C, D3, and Omega-3 can enhance its effects and provide broader health benefits.
Eng. Javier Pimentel

Prof. Qipeng Yuan

The team interviewed Prof. Qipeng Yuan, an expert in synthetic biology at Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT), whose research focuses on metabolic engineering and scale-up production of natural products.

  • Therapeutic Potential Sulforaphane, a broad-spectrum anticancer compound, has shown inhibitory effects on various cancers in both animal and cellular experiments, significantly improving survival and quality of life in advanced cancer patients.
  • Advantages Over Chemotherapy Sulforaphane has fewer toxic side effects compared to traditional chemotherapy, even at high doses, making it a safer alternative.
  • Molecular Mechanism It enhances the body's immune response and prevents cancer cells from evading immune detection, effectively killing them.

Through detailed communication and discussion, we eliminated our doubts. As a compound with broad prospects, sulforaphane holds significant potential in the future of healthcare, and its acceptability among the public is high. Therefore, our project is completely feasible and full of promise.

Investigation of Production Status

In order to understand the current status of sulforaphane production, we conducted a survey on the current situation. Relying on plant extraction to meet the market demand for sulforaphane would pose significant challenges in terms of production scale. For example, in Xiangshui County, Jiangsu Province, approximately 100,000 mu (about 6,667 hectares) of land is used for broccoli cultivation.🔗 However, most of the broccoli is not harvested during its tender stage for consumption, but rather, the planting period is extended to harvest seeds. If we were to produce sufficient amounts of sulforaphane through traditional plant extraction methods, tens of thousands of acres of land would need to be dedicated solely to broccoli cultivation.

Based on available data, China produces approximately 10.7 million tons of broccoli annually ( The amount of arable land required to extract enough sulforaphane would be enormous, placing immense pressure on land resources and potentially leading to environmental issues such as soil degradation and water wastage. Therefore, the sustainability of this method is poor.

In contrast, biosynthesis technology significantly reduces the dependency on land. Compared to plant extraction, biosynthesis is not only more efficient but also more environmentally friendly, as it minimizes resource consumption and reduces the carbon footprint. This presents a much more viable solution for large-scale production.

The production of Sulforaphane (SFN) faces several critical challenges, as highlighted during the team's visit to Sichuan Kangdu Pharmaceuticals. Currently, two major obstacles have been identified:

  • Limited Source and Extraction Difficulty
  • Technological Bottlenecks

Sulforaphane (SFN) is mainly found in cruciferous vegetables, especially in broccoli sprouts. In order to understand the current production status of Sulforaphane, the team members went to Sichuan Kangdu Pharmaceuticals to learn more about the situation.

According to the introduction of the relevant person in charge, the production of Sulforaphane is mainly facing two major problems: limited source and difficult to extract. Although broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables are the main natural sources, their low content, the cultivation of which requires a large amount of arable land, and is affected by the season and climate, leading to unstable production. In addition, traditional extraction methods are inefficient, costly and chemically unstable, making production more difficult. Although fermentation technology and genetic engineering have shown potential, they are still not applied on a large scale to effectively solve the problem of insufficient production.

It can be seen that the production of Sulforaphane faces many challenges, including resource utilization, production stability, extraction difficulty and technical bottlenecks. To realize its large-scale application, breakthroughs in production technology are still needed.

fermentation1 fermentation2 fermentation1 fermentation2

Initiation of Project Design

Prof. Xiaolin Shen

Prof. Xiaolin Shen is from the School of Life Science and Technology at Beijing University of Chemical Technology.

  • We will optimize yeast promoters to improve Sulforaphane production.
  • Efficient promoter sequences will be identified through screening and simulation.
  • Metabolic engineering will enhance the Sulforaphane synthesis pathway.
  • P450 enzyme activity and stability will be optimized through protein engineering.
  • The goal is to build an efficient yeast production platform for Sulforaphane.

After designing our initial experimental plan, Professor Shen’s feedback was highly enlightening. We decided to conduct a new round of screening for promoters, while also using computational tools to optimize key nodes in the metabolic network, rather than arbitrarily combining elements. Additionally, improving overall efficiency through P450 enzyme modification became a new research goal for us.

Wet Lab Improvement

Researcher Yongjin Zhou

Researcher Yongjin Zhou leads the Synthetic Biology and Biocatalysis Innovation Special Zone at the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • Optimizing promoter combinations and enhancing metabolic pathways can significantly boost yeast yield and growth rate.
  • Codon optimization improves the expression efficiency of P450 enzymes despite challenges
  • Biosynthesis is superior to chemical synthesis and plant extraction for producing natural products and has strong industrial potential.
  • Promoter combinations and gene library construction can enhance yeast performance, though this approach is less common in yeast compared to E. coli.

Prof. Chun Li

Prof. Chun Li from Tsinghua University specializes in metabolic engineering and synthetic biology.

  • Suggested a modular design and dynamic regulation strategy for optimizing long metabolic pathways.
  • Recommended using gene editing technology to improve industrial fermentation conditions.
  • Proposed directed evolution and rational design to enhance P450 enzyme efficiency.
  • Emphasized the importance of biosafety design, including gene locks, to ensure safety and environmental friendliness in genetically engineered yeast.
chun li

Through in-depth exchanges with relevant experts, we learned that although yeast still faces some challenges in the application of synthetic biology as chassis cells, many of these problems are gradually being solved through optimized technical means. Researcher Yongjin Zhou pointed out that by optimizing promoter combinations and strengthening metabolic pathways, the yeast yield and the expression efficiency of key enzymes can be significantly improved, especially through codon optimization and other strategies, which have effectively solved the problem of p450 enzyme expression in yeast. Prof. Chun Li further emphasized that the combination of directed evolution and rational design methods can not only enhance the catalytic efficiency of p450 enzymes, but also ensure the safety and controllability of genetically engineered yeast through biosafety design such as gene lock.

Our initial experiments did not progress smoothly due to the complexity of pathway coordination, making it difficult to construct. After interviewing two experts, we designed a better modification plan by optimizing the codons of all enzymes specifically for Saccharomyces cerevisiae and using computer-aided rational design of protein substrate channels. This launched our work in dry lab experiments. We also held a special seminar in our team to address biosafety concerns.

Dry Lab Improvement

Prof. Xinxiao Sun

Prof. Xinxiao Sun from Beijing University of Chemical Technology provided insights on metabolic simulation challenges.

  • Traditional database approaches for metabolic pathways are limited and rely heavily on existing data.
  • Introduced a pathway design algorithm to create a new Sulforaphane biosynthesis pathway.
  • Used the Network Reducer algorithm to simplify the Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolic model, ignoring sulfur effects for initial simplification.
  • Converted the simplified model into SBML format with the SlimGEM algorithm and planned to use pFBA for identifying optimal reaction sequences.

Prof. Ulrich Schwaneberg

Prof. Ulrich Schwaneberg from RWTH Aachen University offered insights on optimizing enzyme function in yeast.

  • Addressed low enzyme efficiency, multicomponent system complexity, and instability of CYP450 enzymes.
  • Recommended improving enzyme hydrophilicity and substrate binding through molecular dynamics and rational design.
  • Suggested using a co-expression system for CYP450 enzyme and its reductase to enhance catalytic efficiency and stability.
  • Advised against over-optimizing a single enzyme system and focusing on enzymes validated in experiments.

Through in-depth exchanges with Prof. Sun Xinxiao and Prof. Ulrich Schwanberg, we further realized the challenges and solutions in metabolic simulation and enzyme function optimization. Prof. Sun pointed out that the traditional database method has limitations in pathway design and cannot fully cover all possible metabolic pathways. For this reason, we adopted a new pathway design algorithm to identify the optimal reaction pathway by simplifying the metabolic network model of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and combining it with analytical algorithms such as pFBA to preliminarily optimize the synthetic pathway of Sulforaphane. Prof. Schwaneberg, on the other hand, provided important suggestions for the enhancement of enzyme's catalytic efficiency, emphasizing on optimization of the CYP450 enzyme's substrate through molecular dynamics simulation and rational design channel and binding pocket structures, and enhancing enzyme stability and efficiency through co-expression systems. These valuable insights provide us with clear directions and strategies to further improve the design of stem experiments, especially in optimizing the function of CYP450 enzymes in yeast chassis, which will help us to continue to promote and optimize the project.

Our dry lab work was divided into two parts: metabolic simulation and protein engineering. Similarly, we encountered many issues during our exploration, but our discussions with two experts provided us with valuable insights. By simplifying the conditions of metabolic simulation and optimizing algorithms, we were able to predict many new pathways. In protein engineering, we focused on optimizing the hydrophobicity and hydrophilicity of substrate channels as the primary target.

Applied Research and Studies

After conducting the experimental part of the improvement, the team got the preliminary results and interviewed Eng. Javier Pimentel online to find out the current public acceptance of sulforaphane.

In response to questions about public acceptance of Sulforaphane, Eng. Javier Pimentel noted that Sulforaphane is popular as a natural antioxidant and anticancer molecule due to its versatility and natural origin. At the same time, he explained that with the growing public interest in health and natural remedies, Sulforaphane sulfide, a substance with significant health benefits, is becoming increasingly popular among consumers. Its natural presence in cruciferous vegetables has led to its wide acceptance as consumers tend to choose health supplements that are naturally sourced, have lower risks and fewer side effects.

In addition, Eng. Javier Pimentel mentioned that Sulforaphane are gradually gaining more trust in the global market as a daily dietary supplement due to their sound scientific basis and effectiveness.

As our experiments progressed smoothly, we gained a deeper understanding of the potential for sulforaphane to enter the market as a pharmaceutical or health supplement. Its origin from natural cruciferous vegetables could be a key marketing angle for future products.

Industrial Applications and Production

In order to understand the conditions and product costs of results transformation, as well as to solve the problem of energy accounting, team members went into the China Resources Shuanghe Biological Research Institute and interviewed the relevant person in charge, Mr. Changjing Chen.

Facing our questions about the transformation of results, Mr. Chen pointed out that the transformation of results is one of the biggest challenges in the industrialization of synthetic biology projects. Moving from the laboratory stage to industrialization requires effective technology transfer, including process optimization, designing large-scale production equipment, and ensuring the economic viability of the entire production process. For our Sulforaphane project, the optimization of the fermentation conditions and the design of the large-scale production equipment were crucial.

Subsequently, for our project, to ensure a smooth transition to industrial production of Sulforaphane, Mr. Chen suggested that we focus on a few key points during the lab phase: the process designed in the lab needs to be scalable to accommodate large-scale fermentation and extraction processes, and we should evaluate the cost of raw materials, energy, and equipment to ensure that it is economically viable for large-scale production.

Finally, to meet our vision of the future industrialization of the project, Mr. Chen introduced that for startups or academic teams to take their Sulforaphane project to industrialization, collaboration is an important means to accelerate technology development. Collaboration with large biotech companies can help accelerate technology transfer and marketing. During the collaboration process, clarifying the goals of the collaboration, choosing the right partner and setting clear terms of the collaboration can ensure its success. Through the cooperation, our Sulforaphane project will be supported by more resources and the industrialization process will be accelerated.

During our visit to CR Shuanghe Biological Research Institute, Mr. Chen Changjing answered our doubts about the landing of the project, i.e., the biggest challenge for the industrialization of synthetic biology projects lies in the transformation of results, especially in technology transfer, process optimization and economic evaluation. In order to ensure the success of a Sulforaphane project, the scalability of the process needs to be ensured at the laboratory stage, and the cost of raw materials and equipment needs to be evaluated. In addition, Mr. Chen suggested partnering with a large biotech company to accelerate technology development and marketing and to promote the industrialization of the project. Through the exchanges with Mr. Chen, we gained a new understanding of the project and learned what improvements are needed to take a specific project out of the lab and towards the social level.

factory photo

To further explore the guidance of actual technology, the team members visited Huaheng Biological Co., Ltd. to understand the whole life cycle technology from laboratory research to industrialized production. Huaheng Bio's technical experience provides valuable references for the industrial production of our Sulforaphane project, especially in the construction of strains, optimization of fermentation conditions, product extraction and isolation.

The production of Sulforaphane requires highly accurate process control and quality management. Huaheng Bio precisely controls the fermentation parameters through an automated monitoring system to ensure the consistency of the product quality. This process is in line with the production requirements of our Sulforaphane program, and through real-time monitoring and regular sampling, we can ensure the purity and stability of each batch of Sulforaphane.

In industrial scale production, GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) is an important standard to ensure product safety and quality. Huaheng Bio provides detailed technical guidance on equipment layout, personnel training and sterile environment control, which provides a clear framework for our industrialized production of Sulforaphane. By strictly adhering to GMP standards, we are able to maintain a high level of product quality in large-scale production.

factory1 factory1 factory1 photo

The commercialization of biotechnological achievements is a crucial issue. During our visits to two synthetic biology companies, we realized that achieving industrialization first requires attaining sufficient yields in the laboratory stage. Based on our calculations and comparisons with current plant extraction products on the market, if we achieve a fermentation tank yield of 2-3 g/L, we will have a significant advantage. This means we only need to achieve 200-300 mg/L in shake flasks. A detailed cost prediction and comparison showed that, once we meet this target, our costs could be only 5-10% of those of plant extraction, which is incredibly exciting and sets a clear path for our industrialization efforts.

Market Research

In order to further expand the influence of the project, accelerate the project out of the laboratory and better face the society, the team members went to the related company (Novo Nordisk China) and had the honor to interview the president of Hanchen Song.

During the communication with the manufacturer, we found that Sulforaphane has unique competitiveness in the market. The natural properties and multiple bioactivities of Sulforaphane provide a niche for Sulforaphane, despite the fact that there are already a number of therapeutic options available on the market. There is a strong demand for new anti-cancer drugs with low side effects, which provides favorable conditions for the promotion of Sulforaphane.

In terms of technical and economic feasibility, although the current production process of Sulforaphane still needs to be further optimized, it is expected that the synthesis efficiency and stability can be significantly improved through advanced means such as metabolic engineering and enzyme engineering, thus reducing the production cost. Manufacturers have shown great interest in this, and believe that with the maturity of the technology, it is expected to realize the large-scale production of Sulforaphane and rapidly occupy the market.

Overall, the results of the market research positively indicate that the project of Sulforaphane not only has huge market potential, but also has a clear path in the realization of the technology. As a next step, we will continue to optimize the production technology and accelerate its industrialization through strategic partnerships. At the same time, we will also continue to conduct market research to ensure that the project always keeps up with market demand and realize its wide application in the field of anti-cancer drugs. Through this series of efforts, Sulforaphane is expected to become a highly effective, safe and affordable cancer treatment option, providing patients with a brand-new therapeutic hope.

interview interview interview

After engaging in deep reflection and discussion with experienced pharmaceutical marketing experts, we developed a comprehensive plan for our future business strategy and marketing direction. You can visit our implementation page for more details.

Future Potential Applications and Sustainable Development

Our project aims to promote sustainable development while aligning with several goals of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda (SDGs). By utilizing innovative biological synthesis techniques for Sulforaphane, we have revolutionized the production of this valuable compound, eliminating the need for direct extraction from broccoli. This not only conserves precious arable land but also plays a critical role in reducing deforestation and preventing land degradation, thereby addressing the challenges posed by climate change.

Moreover, we are committed to building a more efficient and sustainable food system by reducing dependency on natural resources. Through biotechnology, we are advancing responsible production (SDG 12) and biodiversity conservation (SDG 15), demonstrating the immense potential of a circular economy that integrates innovation with environmental protection.

Looking ahead, we believe that this initiative will not only accelerate the transition towards sustainable agricultural practices but also provide communities with solutions that prioritize the well-being of the planet and future generations. Each step reflects our commitment to inclusive and resilient development, driving the vision of a harmonious coexistence between people and nature.

For more details on our implementation plan, including our commercial strategy for this drug, please see the following link: Implementation Plan

Reflection and Feedback

During this project, our team thoroughly explored the potential applications of Sulforaphane in cancer treatment. In conjunction with clinical doctors and experts, we conducted in-depth research and reflection on the combination of natural-source drugs and traditional cancer therapies. Through interviews with multiple experts, we learned that while various treatments are available for cancers such as colorectal, gastric, lung, and esophageal cancers, there remain significant challenges. Issues such as drug resistance, severe side effects, high treatment costs, and limitations of chemotherapy drugs are prevalent in clinical treatment, greatly impacting patients' quality of life and treatment outcomes.

From our discussions with clinicians, we gathered that they generally hold a positive view of natural-source anticancer drugs, particularly in their ability to reduce the toxic side effects of traditional chemotherapy drugs. This significantly improves patients' quality of life. Additionally, enhancing the yield and purity of Sulforaphane through synthetic biology not only provides a viable solution for large-scale production but also offers new hope for precision cancer therapy in the future. Our research suggests that combining Sulforaphane with existing chemotherapy drugs (such as paclitaxel and cisplatin) may enhance efficacy while reducing side effects.

After identifying the great potential of natural-source drugs for clinical application, our team screened potential candidates. First, we interviewed Eng. Javier Pimentel from El Salvador, an expert in food engineering and education, who has a rich background in both fields. Through this interview, the team recognized the immense potential of Sulforaphane as a natural-source drug. To further validate this idea, we visited Professor Yuan Qipeng at Beijing University of Chemical Technology and had an in-depth discussion on the current state and future prospects of Sulforaphane. Following this, we confirmed that our target drug would be Sulforaphane.

To understand the current state of Sulforaphane production, our team visited Sichuan Kangdu Pharmaceutical, where we learned that traditional extraction methods are inefficient, costly, and chemically unstable, increasing the difficulty of production. Although fermentation technology and genetic engineering have shown promise, they have not yet been widely applied, failing to effectively address the issue of low yield.

After conducting the aforementioned background research and understanding the production status of Sulforaphane manufacturers, we began designing our experiments. Under the guidance of Professor Shen Xiaolin from Beijing University of Chemical Technology, we designed an experimental approach utilizing synthetic biology strategies to optimize yeast chassis for the efficient production of high-purity Sulforaphane.

After conducting experiments and obtaining preliminary results, we sought further guidance for modifying our experiments. The team engaged in deep discussions with Researcher Zhou Yongjin from Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Professor Li Chun from Tsinghua University, Professor Ulrich Sulforaphane from RWTH Aachen University in Germany, and Professor Sun Xinxiao from Beijing University of Chemical Technology. These exchanges provided invaluable insights into multiple aspects, including the design of synthetic pathways, enzyme optimization, and metabolic network regulation.

Researcher Zhou Yongjin provided crucial guidance on yeast promoter optimization and metabolic pathway enhancement, helping us understand how to improve yeast production capacity and growth rate in complex synthetic pathways. His advice enabled us to maximize enzyme efficiency and stability, particularly in the optimization of heterologous expression of P450. He emphasized how enzyme localization and functional modifications could further boost the production capacity of the yeast chassis.

Professor Li Chun offered insights based on metabolic simulation and reaction pathway optimization, suggesting a more systematic approach to pathway design algorithms. His feedback helped us simplify metabolic pathways using enzyme genome-scale metabolic network models and optimize Sulforaphane biosynthesis pathways using computational tools like the SlimGEM algorithm. His guidance laid an important foundation for the project’s fundamental design.

Professor Ulrich Schwaneberg provided insights into molecular dynamics simulations and rational design, especially regarding the optimization of CYP450 enzymes and the modification of co-expression systems. He suggested using molecular dynamics simulations to predict the effects of enzyme modifications and optimize multi-component systems, thereby enhancing the catalytic efficiency of CYP450 enzymes in yeast chassis.

Professor Sun Xinxiao discussed the integration of metabolic pathways and systematic design issues, helping us understand how to improve Sulforaphane synthesis efficiency through phased pathway optimization. His suggestions regarding network simplification, simplified metabolic representations, and the introduction of computational models allowed us to enhance the overall efficiency of the project based on systemic optimization of the metabolic network.

To ensure the project’s viability, we once again invited Eng. Javier Pimentel to discuss the public’s acceptance of Sulforaphane and other relevant issues.

Our team not only explored the potential applications of Sulforaphane in cancer treatment from a theoretical and laboratory perspective but also clarified the project's practical feasibility and market potential through interactions with multiple industry and market experts. We had in-depth discussions with experts such as Chen Changjing from China Resources Double-Crane Biological Research Institute, Huaheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd., and Song Hanchen, President of Novo Nordisk China, receiving valuable guidance and feedback.

Chen Changjing pointed out that the biggest challenge to the industrial application of Sulforaphane lies in the conversion of research outcomes. The transfer of technology from the laboratory to large-scale production, particularly process optimization and economic feasibility assessment, is crucial for the project’s success. The fermentation conditions and large-scale equipment design for Sulforaphane production need to consider scalability from the laboratory stage to meet industrial production needs. Moreover, Chen emphasized the importance of cost control, particularly in the selection of raw materials, energy, and equipment, to ensure the economic viability of the production process.

To further enhance the project's industrial feasibility, we visited Huaheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd. to understand the entire life cycle management from laboratory research to industrial production. Through Huaheng Biotechnology's practical experience, we realized the importance of automated monitoring systems in controlling fermentation parameters and ensuring product quality consistency. This not only helps us precisely control the Sulforaphane production process but also provides a reference framework for GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) standards in large-scale production. By optimizing fermentation efficiency, energy consumption, and strict sterile environment controls, we can effectively reduce the production cost of Sulforaphane and enhance its market competitiveness.

In our discussion with President Song Hanchen, we learned that Sulforaphane holds unique competitive advantages in the market. With growing demand for low-side-effect anticancer drugs, Sulforaphane’s natural properties and multiple biological activities make it highly attractive in the market. Although current production processes still need optimization, Sulforaphane’s synthesis efficiency and stability are expected to improve significantly through metabolic engineering and enzyme engineering. This will not only help further reduce production costs but also pave the way for large-scale production of Sulforaphane.

Looking back on the entire project, we have innovated from laboratory research and also gained practical insights into market needs and challenges through expert interviews and market research. During the research process, the team deeply understood the gap between basic research and actual clinical applications, prompting us to continuously reflect on and improve our project design.

Our team has successfully bridged the gap between laboratory research and societal needs, deeply understanding the requirements of our target beneficiaries. This also informed our process design. In the final stage of the project, our goal is to produce Sulforaphane more efficiently through biosynthesis technology to help more cancer patients, particularly those who cannot tolerate intensive chemotherapy. Through extensive research, we aim to provide valuable reference materials for future researchers in this field and hope to continue advancing the development and application of anticancer drugs, ultimately benefiting more patients.

Privacy Policy

Welcome to our Sulforaphane Biosynthesis Project Platform. We highly value the protection of your privacy and data security as we conduct this project. To ensure that your privacy is fully safeguarded, we have established the following privacy policy:

Communication and Cooperation

In the course of the project, we focus on cooperation and exchange with all walks of life. Through open and transparent communication, we promote the popularization of synthetic biology knowledge and technological advancement, respecting and absorbing the wisdom of different fields, and injecting diversified strengths into solving the challenges of cancer treatment. We have promoted interdisciplinary knowledge exchange through multiple collaborations at home and abroad, providing more opportunities for audiences of different backgrounds to come into contact with synthetic biology.

We have also conducted numerous exchanges with a number of renowned universities at home and abroad, including Sichuan University, Beijing Normal University-Zhuhai, Zhejiang University (domestic), and Duke University (overseas). We focused on topics such as how to integrate human practices into synthetic biology projects, optimization of experimental methods, and website development. These interactions provided us with a deeper understanding of the ways in which synthetic biology can be integrated with human practices, as well as valuable suggestions on how to improve experimental design and science outreach.

Communicate with SCU-China


Communicate with Hi-ZJU-China


Communicate with BNUZH-China


Communicate with Duke


Our team actively participated in the Beijing iGEMer Conference organized by Beijing Normal University, the China iGEM Collaboration and Exchange Conference (CCiC) hosted by Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, and the Regional iGEMer Exchange Conference organized by Northwest University. These conferences provided us with valuable opportunities to directly communicate and share experiences with other iGEM teams across the country. Through these meetings, we engaged in in-depth discussions on technical challenges within our projects, explored potential collaboration opportunities, and exchanged ideas on promoting the advancement and broader adoption of synthetic biology.

Participate in conference held by Northwest University in China


Participate in conference(Beijing iGEMer) held by BNU-China

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Additionally, we were invited to attend the Salvador Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Conference, as well as international events such as the Beijing International Science Festival. These global academic exchange platforms provided valuable opportunities to showcase the latest developments of our sulforaphane project, especially in the areas of technology application and the commercialization of synthetic biology outcomes. By participating in these activities, we were able to collaborate with researchers worldwide, promote the industrial potential and market prospects of our project, and lay a foundation for further development.

Team members invited to the Congress of Biotechnology and Molecular Biology in El Salvador

invitation screen

Team members invited to Beijing International Science Festival


Team Members Invited to ARCST Conference


Collaboration and Educational

The “Biosyn Bridge” project, aimed at advancing synthetic biology education through global collaboration, has created a comprehensive platform integrating website development, interactive game design, and educational video production. Collaborations with universities around the world have enhanced the platform’s technical support and enriched its content. The interactive game “Biopochito,” organized by ARCST, increased user engagement. We also worked with Professor Javier Pimentel from El Salvador on a sulforaphane educational video, which was widely disseminated across various social media platforms, raising public awareness of health science. The project has received positive feedback globally, expanding its impact through cross-cultural collaboration. Moving forward, we plan to further expand our partnerships and content, continuing to advance synthetic biology education on a global scale.

Read more about Communication and Education🔗

Special edition - Pride Month

In honor of Pride Month this year, our team is excited to introduce a special edition of our team logo and uniforms. This initiative is part of our commitment to supporting equality and inclusivity for sexual minorities.

As scientific researchers and communicators, we recognize the importance of standing up for equality and embracing diversity in all forms. By updating our team logo and uniforms to reflect the vibrant colors of the Pride flag, we aim to show our solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community and promote a message of acceptance and respect.

This special edition is more than just a symbol; it represents our dedication to fostering an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and supported. We hope that this gesture not only highlights our commitment to equality but also inspires others to join us in advocating for the rights and dignity of all individuals.

We are proud to support Pride Month and stand together in our efforts to create a more equitable and inclusive world for everyone.

logo uniform

Special edition - mascot

Our logo draws inspiration from the biological characteristics of yeast, particularly its budding reproduction process. The rounded overall design, combined with the prominent budding element, vividly showcases the vitality and regenerative capabilities of yeast. This design not only reflects our project’s reliance on and innovation in biotechnology but also symbolizes the continuity and prosperity of life.

The bud-like feature in the logo pays tribute to yeast’s budding reproduction and represents our team’s commitment to environmental protection and health. The green color scheme symbolizes nature and sustainable development, conveying our dedication to reducing environmental pollution and lowering resource consumption through synthetic biology. As an eco-friendly chassis cell, yeast enables efficient biosynthesis, perfectly aligning with our project’s vision to promote healthier and more sustainable lifestyles through scientific innovation.

Our logo is more than just a symbol; it visually embodies our commitment to scientific innovation and environmental principles. It reflects our optimistic vision for future healthy living and encourages the public to recognize the positive role of biotechnology in environmental protection and human health. Through this design, we aim to showcase our proactive approach to technological innovation while expressing our commitment to making meaningful contributions to society and the environment.

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