


Biosafety in synthetic biology refers to the prevention of accidental or intentional release of biological agents that could pose a risk to human health, animal health, or the environment. It involves implementing measures to contain and control engineered organisms, ensuring safe handling and transportation, and preventing their unauthorized dissemination (Gomez, et al., 2019). In this section, we will detail our team's entry into various laboratories and outline the biosafety rules observed in the different departments where bacterial transformation was carried out while constructing our mercury biosensor. This includes the containment procedures for mercury spill risks, the validation process of results, and our anticipated methods for bacterial containment once our device has been constructed and used.


Our objectives in this section are to cover the following:


Ensure biosafety during the bacterial transformation process: Implement strict biosafety measures from the beginning of the bacterial transformation process, ensuring that all genetic manipulations are conducted in a controlled environment, minimizing the risk of exposure or accidental release of modified organisms.


Validate the biosensor  and device under controlled conditions with mercury parameters: Conduct validation tests of the device in a secure laboratory environment, ensuring that the device accurately detects mercury concentrations and that any mercury used does not cause spills. In case of a spill, have a mercury spill containment kit protocol in place, complying with biosafety standards.


Establish protocols for safe containment and disposal of the prototype: Develop and implement specific procedures for the effective containment of bacteria within the prototype and ensure their safe extraction and disposal once the device has been used, guaranteeing that no environmental contamination or biological risk occurr.

To achieve all our proposed goals, a "biosafety workshop" was conducted where the entire iGEM Bolivia team was informed about the risks and how to minimize them, from entering the laboratory to managing potential spills and their disposal.
When performing our objectives 1 and 2, strict biosafety protocols are essential to ensure safety and prevent contamination or accidental release of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Here is a list of the practices and a summary of what was covered in the workshop

Laboratory Classification and Access Control

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Containment Practices

Disinfection and Sterilization

Waste Disposal

Accident and Spill Response

Training and Competency

Documentation and Record Keeping

Disinfection and Sterilization

Waste Disposal

Accident and Spill Response

Training and Competency

Documentation and Record Keeping

Regulations on Mercury Waste Management

Based on current regulations, there are no specific rules regarding mercury disposal. Therefore, it is governed by existing general regulations. Since 1995, mercury has been classified as a hazardous substance (DS 24176), and its management is subject to the Regulation for Activities with Hazardous Substances. Additionally, in DS 24782 Title VI, “On Hazardous Substances,” in Annex I lists mercury as part of the list of toxic compounds. Additionally, Article 54 of this regulation states that for mining activities, a form must be completed and submitted to the Ministry of the Environment for an Environmental License. Similarly, it indicates that hazardous substances must be treated in systems that eliminate, neutralize, or reduce their hazardous nature before final disposal.

In summary, the regulation does not address scenarios beyond mining activities, so the project developed by the iGEM Bolivia team adheres to the current regulations in the country.

List of Hazardous Substances in Mining Activities

49-sodium hydroxide T,C
50-metallic magnesium T
51-Mercury and its compounds T
52-Methyl Isobutyl Ccarbinol T
53-sodium nitrate T
54-lead nitrate T
55-Oxygen E

Although Bolivian regulations on mercury spills may not be clear, we have implemented various containment measures based on laboratory biosafety protocols (Artisanal Gold Council, 2022). We briefly mentioned the mercury spill kit earlier, but we will now explain in more detail how this protocol was developed.

Handling Mercury Spills in the Laboratory

Handling spills in the laboratory requires training in basic procedures to follow in case such an incident occurs. For the iGEM Bolivia team, all members were trained through the “Biosafety Workshop.”

In the event of a mercury spill, the laboratory is equipped with all the necessary materials for spill management. Some of the available materials include:

  • Gloves
  • Masks
  • Pipette or dropper
  • Powdered sulfur
  • Cardboard
  • Absorbent paper
  • Ziplock bags
  • Glycerin


  1. Ventilate: Open windows and doors, and turn off the air conditioning.
  2. Evacuate: Remove all personnel from the area where the experiments are being conducted.
  3. Remove Metal Accessories: If wearing metal accessories, remove them as mercury reacts with metals.
  4. Wear Protective Gear: Put on a mask, eye protection, and gloves.
  5. Apply Sulfur: Use powdered sulfur to convert mercury into mercury sulfide.
  6. Treat Broken Material: Ensure that any broken glass or debris also has sulfur applied to its surface.
  7. Collect Glass: Use strips of cardboard to collect the broken glass and place absorbent paper towels over it.
  8. Dispose of Absorbent Paper: Place the absorbent paper towels into a ziplock bag.
  9. Ventilation: Keep the area ventilated for approximately 2 hours.
  10. Dispose of PPE: Dispose of personal protective equipment (PPE) and mercury waste in a black trash bag.

To ensure that we meet all biosafety guidelines in our objective 3, once the prototype is ready to be used and contains the bacteria inside, the following waste disposal protocol will be followed.

Waste and Disinfection Protocol for the Mercury Biosensor Device

1. Preparation and Initial Handling

2. Disinfection and Waste Disposal Protocol
Completion of Use

Handling the Bucket

Once the container holding our genetically modified bacteria (GMOs) has been removed from the device, it will be placed in a specialized transport vessel. This vessel will then be sent to a nearby health station, where the following disinfection and disposal protocol will be carried out to ensure safe handling and environmental protection.


Preparation and initial handling


Disinfection and waste disposal protocol


Handling the bucket


Vessel will be sent to a nearby health station for his proper disposal

Within the health center, the following step will be carried out:

1. Disinfection and Waste Disposal Protocol for the Mercury Biosensor Device

Preparation and Initial Handling

2. Disinfection and Waste Disposal Protocol

Completion of Use

Handling the Bucket

Bacterial Inactivation

Bacterial Disposal


Bacteria Treatment:

Bucket Disinfection

Disinfectant Application


Waste Disposal

Biological Waste

Waste Containers


Preparation of materials and equipment


Place the used sealed buckets in a container to be taken to the autoclave


Sterilization of the bacteria and waste disposal


Disinfection and rinsing of the bucket

Device Disinfection

Device Cleaning:



Disinfection and inspection of the device

By implementing these measures, our protocol helps to protect the environment and ensures that the biosensor is used safely and responsibly.


  • Artisanal Gold Council, 2022. Guía básica para el almacenamiento temporal, la manipulación y el transporte de mercurio.
  • Gómez-Tatay, L., y Hernández-Andreu, JM (2019). Bioseguridad y bioprotección en biología sintética: una revisión. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology , 49 (17), 1587–1621.
  • Leermakers, M., Lansens, P., & Baeyens, W. (1990). Storage and stability of inorganic and methylmercury solutions. Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 336, 655-662.
  • Zeng, X., Jiang, H., Yang, G., Ou, Y., Lu, S., Jiang, J., ... & Su, L. (2022). Regulation and management of the biosecurity for synthetic biology. Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology, 7(2), 784-790.