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Sanitary Napkin Market Research

Project Background

There are 3.95 billion women on earth and most of them will or have experienced menstrual cycles. The median number of lifetime menstrual cycles for women is 451.3 times, which equals 3,500 days spent menstruating (Chavez-MacGregor & Gils, 2007). During those times, women often experience fatigue and are easily irritated.

Menstrual periods spell greater challenges for the visually impaired. 38.5% of visually impaired women don’t know about menstrual hygiene management. Of the rest, 52.4% changed their sanitary pads less than four times a day, while pads should be changed every 3–4 hours, even with a light flow. Only 47.1% of the women managed their menstrual hygiene independently. Most of the women determined the start date of their menstrual cycle by noticing the smell of blood and determined the end date by monitoring the duration of their normal cycle. However, this is often inaccurate and may cause waste of sanitary napkins or leakage of blood. In conclusion, visually impaired women had difficulty in managing their menstrual periods independently and their menstrual hygiene practices were not at a desired level. (Özsoy, 2020)

Industry Overview

Sanitary napkins, or sanitary pads, are products that women use to keep themselves clean and comfortable during their menstrual cycle. They are designed to prevent leakage and are made of absorbent materials that transform liquid into gel. Sanitary napkins have existed for a very long time and are an indispensable object for women. They appear in a variety of sizes and shapes to meet various needs. The significance of sanitary napkins must be considered. They offer a hygienic and pleasant solution for women during their menstrual cycle. In addition to being simple to use and dispose of, sanitary napkins reduce the risk of infection and irritation and promote better hygiene practices. As with any commodity, the sanitary napkin market is accompanied by ethical concerns. These concerns include the use of harmful compounds, the lack of transparency in the manufacturing process, and the negative environmental impact.

The number of women (15-49 years old) who use sanitary napkins in China in 2017 exceeded 340 million. In recent years, the age group of women of sanitary napkin use has extended to both older and younger generations. Overall, the sanitary napkin market has a huge consumer group and the market size is growing steadily. From 2018 to 2022, the market size increased from ¥75.184 billion to ¥90.883 billion, with a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 4.86%. (观研天下, 2023)

The sanitary napkin market thrives due to several key factors:

  • Women's Health Awareness: Increased awareness about menstrual health and hygiene has driven the demand for sanitary napkins, promoting overall well-being.
  • Product Innovation: Continuous product innovation has led to the development of thinner, more absorbent, and comfortable sanitary napkins that cater to diverse needs.
  • Hygiene Concerns: Sanitary napkins offer a hygienic and convenient solution for menstrual care, addressing women's concerns about infections and discomfort.
  • Accessibility: Wider availability and affordability of sanitary napkins have ensured that more women have access to these essential products.
  • Education and Awareness Campaigns: Awareness campaigns and educational initiatives have reduced stigmas surrounding menstruation and promoted the use of sanitary napkins.
  • Government Initiatives: Government programs in some regions provide access to sanitary napkins at subsidized rates, further increasing affordability.
  • ESG initiatives: Many sanitary napkin companies have developed inclusivity or environmentally-friendly products and campaigned for their social responsibility. A significant number of customers will be attracted and pay for the “ESG premium”, in other words, the higher price due to ESG movements. Moreover, inclusivity campaigns can invite a wider range of customers and the first movers often take a significantly greater bite of the new markets.

There are also significant restraining factors, including:

  • Cultural Taboos: Cultural taboos and stigmas surrounding menstruation can inhibit open discussions and awareness about menstrual hygiene.
  • Environmental Impact: The disposal of non-biodegradable sanitary napkins contributes to environmental concerns, necessitating sustainable alternatives.
  • Cost Barriers: In some regions, the cost of sanitary napkins can be a barrier to access for lower-income individuals.

Special sanitary napkins targeting blind women’s specific needs present an important and valuable market. In 2020, around 55 percent of people living with blindness were women. This amounts to almost 24 million women. According to a Chinese consumer survey on sanitary napkins in 2020, about 56 percent of female respondents spent over 25 yuan on sanitary pads per month. (Zhang, 2022) The market potential stays at way more than 336 million worldwide.

Product Introduction

We have developed a blind-friendly sanitary pad that has terpenoid added, specifically catering to visually impaired users but also being helpful to other women.

SWOT analysis

  • Strength
    • Producing terpenes in yeast brings higher productivity than traditional plant generation.
  • Weakness
    • Possible allergy
    • Safety regulations
    • Some people may find the scent unfavorable.
    • More strict production requirements and research needs
  • Opportunity
    • Sanitary napkins targeting blind women will open a new market. There is currently few special products targetting this. The first innovator in this area will establish a first mover advantage over competitors.
    • Actions of social responsibility can attract more customers and justify higher profit margins.
  • Threat
    • igher prices, especially at the initial stage, may deter customers from the product.


观研天下. (2023). 中国卫生巾市场运营现状研究与发展战略分析报告(2023-2030年). 观研报告网. Retrieved July 26, 2024, from https://www.chinabaogao.com/baogao/202203/579148.html

Chavez-MacGregor, M., & Gils, C. H. v. (2007, May 22). Lifetime cumulative number of menstrual cycles and serum sex hormone levels in postmenopausal women. NCBI. Retrieved July 26, 2024, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2244694/

Özsoy, S. (2020, April 6). (PDF) Menstrual hygiene management among visually impaired women. ResearchGate. Retrieved July 26, 2024, from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340454519_Menstrual_hygiene_management_among_visually_impaired_women

Zhang, W. (2022, January 27). China: monthly spending on sanitary napkins 2020. Statista. Retrieved July 26, 2024, from https://www.statista.com/statistics/1199406/china-average-monthly-spending-on-sanitary-napkins/
