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Abstract: Phase 1: Preparation and Learning (Day 1 - Day 5) Phase 2: Gene Synthesis, Cloning, and Strain Construction (Day 6 - Day 15) Phase 3: Time-Course Experiments and Optimization (Day 16 - Day 25) Phase 4: Cold-Inducible and Suicide Systems Testing (Day 26 - Day 30) Daily notebook WHHS-China raw data


The notebooks provide a detailed timeline of a comprehensive iGEM project focused on engineering E. coli strains for glyphosate absorption and degradation. Key activities include the cloning of phnE1/E2 and phnJ genes to enhance glyphosate degradation, along with the construction of a strain expressing phnO for AMPA degradation. In addition, cold-inducible systems were designed, including a PcspA-mRFP reporter for temperature-sensitive fluorescence and a PcspA-mazF suicide system to induce cell death at low temperatures. Throughout the project, key molecular biology techniques—such as gene cloning, PCR, plasmid extraction, transformation, and ELISA assays—were used to measure strain performance, enzyme kinetics, and functionality under different conditions, culminating in the successful creation of engineered strains and detailed experimental results.

Phase 1: Preparation and Learning (Day 1 - Day 5)

Day Task Objective Steps Expected Results
Day 1 Study Experimental Procedures and Theory Familiarize students with all experimental steps and principles - Read related literature and protocols

- Discuss the experimental design

Students understand the purpose and methods of the experiment
Day 2 Learn Basic Molecular Biology Techniques Understand basic techniques such as PCR, plasmid extraction, and transformation - Train students in PCR, plasmid extraction, and digestion

- Watch instructional videos

Students acquire basic experimental skills
Day 3 Prepare Equipment and Materials Ensure that all equipment and reagents are ready - Prepare LB media, antibiotics, and PCR reagents

- Check lab equipment

Materials and equipment are ready
Day 4 Pilot Experiment Conduct a small-scale pilot experiment to ensure smooth workflow - Prepare LB media and test the quality

- Perform a small-scale plasmid transformation

Pilot test results are normal, preparing for full experiment
Day 5 Learn Data Analysis Software Understand how to analyze ELISA and enzyme activity results - Learn how to use software like GraphPad Prism for data analysis Students can analyze experimental data

Phase 2: Gene Synthesis, Cloning, and Strain Construction (Day 6 - Day 15)

Day Task Objective Steps Expected Results
Day 6 Synthesize and Optimize phnE1/E2 Genes Generate codon-optimized phnE1/E2 genes for expression - Order the synthesized phnE1/E2 genes

- Prepare the plasmid vector

Receive synthesized genes and plasmid
Day 7 Clone Genes into pSB1A3 Vector Complete cloning of phnE1/E2 genes - Use restriction digestion and ligation to clone the genes into pSB1A3

- Verify via agarose gel electrophoresis

Cloning confirmed with correct size bands
Day 8 Transform Plasmid Transform the plasmid into E. coli BL21 - Transform recombinant plasmid into E. coli BL21

- Plate on LB + ampicillin plates

Colonies appear on the plate, indicating successful transformation
Day 9 Colony PCR Verification Verify the positive clones via PCR - Select colonies and perform colony PCR to check for phnE1/E2 genes Positive PCR results confirm the presence of target genes
Day 10 Plasmid Extraction Extract plasmids for sequencing - Extract plasmids using a plasmid extraction kit

- Measure DNA concentration

High concentration of plasmid DNA obtained
Day 11 Sequencing Verification Confirm the correctness of the cloned genes - Send the plasmid for sequencing

- Analyze sequencing results

Sequencing confirms the correct gene sequence
Day 12 Strain Growth for Absorption Test Prepare the engineered strain for absorption testing - Inoculate positive clones into fresh LB media and grow overnight Active strain ready for absorption test
Day 13 Prepare Media Prepare LB media containing glyphosate - Prepare LB media containing 80 mg/L glyphosate and 50 µg/mL ampicillin Media is ready for upcoming experiments
Day 14 Initial Glyphosate Absorption Test Verify the engineered strain’s glyphosate absorption capability - Inoculate engineered strain into glyphosate media, take samples after 3 hours

- Prepare samples for ELISA

Samples are ready for ELISA testing
Day 15 ELISA Testing Measure the glyphosate concentration - Use glyphosate ELISA kit to measure absorption levels Absorption data obtained from ELISA

Phase 3: Time-Course Experiments and Optimization (Day 16 - Day 25)

Day Task Objective Steps Expected Results
Day 16 Glyphosate Absorption Time-Course Test Measure the time dynamics of glyphosate absorption - Take hourly samples, centrifuge

- Measure glyphosate concentration using ELISA

Data for the absorption time course
Day 17 Data Analysis and Optimization Analyze time-course results and optimize conditions - Analyze the absorption curve to identify the best absorption time

- Optimize conditions such as shaking speed and temperature

Optimal experimental conditions determined
Day 18 Repeat Absorption Experiment Confirm absorption efficiency under optimized conditions - Repeat glyphosate absorption experiment under optimal conditions Reliable and repeatable data obtained
Day 19 Construct phnE1/E2-phnJ Strain Add the phnJ gene to the engineered strain - Clone and transform the phnJ gene into the existing strain New phnE1/E2-phnJ strain constructed
Day 20 Test Glyphosate Degradation Ability Measure degradation efficiency of the phnE1/E2-phnJ strain - Perform glyphosate degradation experiment

- Measure degradation via ELISA

Glyphosate degradation efficiency data
Day 21 Construct phnO Strain Clone and transform the phnO gene into E. coli - Clone and transform phnO into E. coli phnO strain successfully constructed
Day 22 AMPA Degradation Test Test the AMPA degradation ability of the phnO strain - Prepare crude enzyme extract

- Measure AMPA degradation activity

AMPA degradation data obtained
Day 23 Repeat AMPA Degradation Test Ensure reproducibility of results - Repeat the AMPA degradation experiment Stable degradation data confirmed
Day 24 Enzyme Activity Test Measure the kinetic parameters of phnO enzyme - Perform enzyme kinetics experiment with different AMPA concentrations Km and Vmax data obtained
Day 25 Data Analysis and Report Writing Analyze all data and start writing the report - Analyze data using GraphPad Prism

- Begin writing the experimental results and conclusions

Data analyzed, and part of the report drafted

Phase 4: Cold-Inducible and Suicide Systems Testing (Day 26 - Day 30)

Day Task Objective Steps Expected Results
Day 26 Construct Cold-Inducible Reporter Strain Build a cold-inducible fluorescent reporter strain - Clone the cold-inducible PcspA promoter and transform into the vector Cold-inducible reporter strain successfully constructed
Day 27 Cold-Inducible Reporter Test Test reporter gene expression at different temperatures - Grow at 16°C, 25°C, and 37°C

- Measure fluorescence and OD600

Temperature-dependent fluorescence data
Day 28 Construct Cold-Inducible Suicide System Build a cold-inducible suicide system with the mazF toxin gene - Clone PcspA-mazF and transform into E. coli Cold-inducible suicide system constructed
Day 29 Suicide System Test Test the suicide effect at cold temperatures - Grow strain at 16°C and measure OD600 changes Confirmation of the suicide system’s functionality
Day 30 Final Report Writing and Presentation Preparation Complete the experimental report and prepare for the presentation - Compile all experimental data

- Finalize the report and prepare the presentation materials

Final report and presentation materials completed

Daily notebook

WHHS-China raw data

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