The goal of education is always to teach people more about synthetic biology and hopefully, inspire the next generation. This year, the question we wanted to answer, as a team, was:

How do we reach people at both the individual and community level?

We decided on approaching education this way since, as university students, we are intimately familiar with both types of outreach. Reaching people at a community level brings people together and can create a more lasting impact since those events tend to be in person and memorable while reaching people at an individual level is often easier and more informative for the individual. We decided to split our outreach between an online presence (which included YouTube videos and heavy social media presence) and community events (events hosted by Washington iGEM).
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Digital Presence

Youtube Videos

Our team discussed many ways in which we might reach our target audience at and individual level. Each member of our education and social media teams brought ideas to the table. In the end, we decided to expand our social media presence from just instagram to include some youtube videos as well. These videos were designed to discuss common techniques in synthetic biology in greater detail.

As we worked on these videos, our team noticed that while concept descriptions are great, it would be more impactful if the videos provided examples for the real world application of these concepts and techniques. Thus, our team decided to collaborate with 2024 university iGEM teams across the world to make that dream a reality. So, we did what we do best and set up meetings to interview these teams on their projects for 2024 and how our applications are really used in science.

Below are summaries of the topics covered in each video and a quick description of the iGEM team we collaborated with for that video:

Biosensors: In this edition of synthetic biology concepts, we discussed biosensors and how these recognition elements are utilized to detect and quantify targets. We collaborated with the CityU iGEM team from Hong Kong to introduce an emerging technology known as aptamer based biosensing. The adaptive nature of aptamers allows for a wider range of purposes than regular nucleic acid based biosensors. The CityU team is leveraging this technology to detect counterfeit cancer drugs, ensuring consumers are knowledgeable about the various cancer drugs on the market, which holds corporations accountable.

Protein Overexpression: In this video, we collaborated with Rochester iGEM to explain protein overexpression and its uses in synthetic biology. Protein overexpression is done by inserting plasmids with a strong promoter and a gene of interest to increase expression of that gene and to change cellular function. Rochester iGEM helped us explain the steps of this technique and also connected this technique to their 2024 project, which used overexpression of the alpha- and beta subunits of cytochrome b559 to increase the photosynthetic capabilities of cyanobacteria. By collaborating with Rochester iGEM, we heard another group’s explanation of this widely used synthetic biology technique and introduced a unique example of how protein overexpression and synbio tools as a whole can be used to address environmental issues.

Protein Design: For this video, we introduce the concept of protein design as it relates to synthetic biology. Beginning with an overview of the importance of proteins and their functions in the human body, we draw on general knowledge to emphasize the potential of protein design. Throughout the video, we draw on insight and expertise from the iGEM team at ASU whose project focuses on accessible methods of protein design. Their project provides the basis for an exploration of how both in-vivo and in-silico methods are used to design proteins as well as their prospective strengths. The video emphasizes where protein design can be improved, a specific focus of the ASU team, and how the field is evolving today.

Drug delivery: The drug delivery video focused on four common routes of administration: injections, oral delivery, inhalation sprays, and skin absorption. Since many viewers have first- or second-hand knowledge of drugs taken via different pathways, this video aimed to improve their understanding of how those drug delivery modalities affect the pathway and mechanism of action. We also explain the benefits and drawbacks of each method, equipping viewers with fundamental knowledge about routes of administration that we believe can be used to ask informed questions and critically evaluate new drug modalities and delivery systems. Recognizing that we asked ourselves similar questions while designing the implementation of our project for this year, we began collaborating with other iGEM teams to supplement our video with bases of their research projects and decisions on delivery methods. We hope to post a video incorporating all of the teams to make the fascinating work of these iGEM teams more accessible!

Map image by Tom-b, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Social Media

By utilizing the large reaches of a social media platform, we can reach a variety of audiences and interest them regardless of whether they are looking to explore a field of science, learn about a new technique of biotechnology, or simply find out what else can be touched on with synthetic biology. As the vast majority of teenagers use social media, we can highlight the individual level of reach that we want to achieve by posting in a more interactive method. This year, we decided to focus on Instagram as our primary social media platform. We found that this was a perfect platform on which we could tailor many of our posts to involve discussion-type questions that are designed to probe more thinking on the synthetic biology topics discussed.

However, an important thing to consider is that synthetic biology can cover a very wide range of topics to be discussed, leading to some difficulty for people to begin delving into more niche topics. Given this range, we are working to make more complex ideas in biology more accessible. We've expanded the scope of our social media post content to cover more details in a digestible manner for audiences to understand synthetic biology better and the technology involved. As a result of our heightened social media presence, we’ve utilized the easy and interactive mode of sharing information and maximizing the number of people our posts can reach.

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This year on our Instagram, we have 5 topics, also called “post series”, which we discuss in-depth and delve into over several posts. Below are descriptions of each post series and what our aims were for each one:


This starting post series sets the scene with fundamental and foundational biotechnology methods that prime the audience to understand more complicated methods better as we expand to more advanced synthetic biology topics. This post series starts off by introducing recombinant DNA and discussing how synthetic insulin is made. It then moves on to cover synthetic chromosome creation through Cloning Reprogramming and Assembling Tiled Genomic DNA (CReATiNG). Lastly, the biotechnology series features a post that explains the mechanisms behind CRISPR-Cas9 and RNA interference by explaining how anti-allergenic foods are created. The post series pushes audiences to continue exploring biotechnology in both academic and day-to-day settings by combining biotechnology methods and the things we experience every day.

Cancer Beginnings:

The Cancer Beginnings post series covers the fundamentals of cancer mechanisms and delves into its other applications. The series begins with a post on DNA methylation which explains its contribution to tumorigenesis. The next post covers CAR T-cell therapy, how it works, and its pros and cons as an emerging immunotherapy. As a whole, this post series covers fundamental mechanisms of cancer development that can be very informative and relevant in understanding how synthetic biology becomes involved in manipulating said mechanisms before audiences move on to comprehending the coming post series.


This post series explores the field of epigenetics, with a focus on how environmental factors, cancer development, inheritance patterns, and the potential reversibility of epigenetic changes shape our biology. The series explores how elements such as diet, pollutants, and lifestyle can influence which genes are turned on or off without altering DNA sequences. The series also looks into the crucial role epigenetics plays in cancer, highlighting how gene regulation can trigger or suppress tumor growth. Additionally, it examines the inheritance of epigenetic marks, considering how the experiences of one generation can impact future generations. A key theme is the reversibility of epigenetic changes in how it can be explored alongside emerging therapeutics, especially in treating diseases like cancer. Epigenetics is important in linking environment and genetics and can be distinguished from other similar content by how it makes the science normally found in research papers accessible to both read and understand.

Machine Learning:

The AI Post Series introduces people to how Machine Learning and Deep Learning are prevalent and essential in synthetic biology. The first post discusses what Machine Learning and Deep Learning are, how they are different, and the different methods within Machine Learning. The second post discusses the different Machine Learning algorithms that are most commonly used in synthetic biology. The third post discusses the applications of Machine Learning in different areas of synthetic biology. The last post discusses the common deep-learning algorithms in synthetic biology and their applications. AI is a field that is growing at tremendous speed and is important to learn about how it can be incorporated in a variety of ways within synthetic biology and other sciences.

Tissue Engineering:

This post series on tissue engineering focuses on showcasing the emerging field of tissue engineering. At the beginning of the series, it teaches the basics of tissue engineering, specifically the intersection between tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. The series continues to talk about the different elements of tissue engineering - cells, scaffolds, and growth factors. The post series also highlights new research and advancements made by scientists. As the series concludes, it discusses future challenges and risks in tissue engineering. This topic was chosen because of its potential to transform healthcare and profoundly impact individuals' lives. The field of tissue engineering continues to grow and has immense potential for extensive research.

Throughout the remaining season, we will also focus more on the YouTube videos we’ve created and upload reels based on these videos to further highlight the in-depth research and discussion we’ve put into these video topics. In the future, we also hope to expand by potentially reformatting our social media posts into journals where the information we’ve written can be compiled concisely and combined with the option to select a level of understanding to read through. The provided levels of understanding will be general – from a middle school level of biology, advanced – from a high school and higher level of synthetic biology, and expert – an academic level of clarification and discussion of the synthetic biology topics. We also hope to expand to different platforms and tailor the content to that platform. For instance, posting content on X (previously known as Twitter) with a more discussion-based focus on the featured topics to garner more interaction between our audience.

In-Person Events

Synbio Stories

The goal of SynBio Stories was to create a space to demystify synthetic biology for people of all backgrounds. As members of iGEM, we know how fascinating and exciting synthetic biology can be; we also know how intimidating it is. But it’s not just about the science- it’s about the incredible people driving innovation and change at the intersection of biology, technology, and engineering. It is easy to get overwhelmed with science and technology and forget that there are real people behind the curtain.

With this in mind, we set out to find members of the synthetic biology community to highlight the reality of what it means to be at the forefront of biology and technology.

We looked for speakers who were interested in discussing their personal stories to shed light on the human aspect of synthetic biology. Whether it was a long awaited personal achievement, overcoming a daunting obstacle, finding passion for a particular topic/cause, working through a difficult research problem, or even a hilarious biology-related moment, we wanted to show our audience that synthetic biology research is unique and accessible to everyone.

Most traditional STEM focused events like research symposiums, career talks, and expert panels place the spotlight on “pure” science, meaning just the results of research. They usually address the incredible innovation happening everyday in synthetic biology. That being said, the scope of expertise can be extremely daunting for a first year student, a member of the public, or anyone who thinks science just “isn’t their thing”. Listening to the personal stories of the actual people doing this incredible work reminds us that behind every breakthrough is a person who struggled, laughed, and persevered on their path.

Our primary target audience for SynBio Stories were first year and undecided students who are still in the early stages of their academic and personal careers. The beginning of this journey can be stressful and offering an accessible entry into the synthetic biology community is a great way to open doors for students. Because of this, we hosted this event near the beginning of the academic year when students are freshly arrived on campus and eager to try new things.

To gauge the impact of SynBio Stories, we conducted a post-event survey of participants. From this we learned that %80 of attendees were in their first year at the University of Washington and %73 knew little to nothing about synthetic biology before this event. This meant that we were reaching our target audience and introducing synthetic biology to a wider rane of people. After attending this event, when asked, “could you see yourself participating in the synthetic biology community?” %93 responded absolutely or almost absolutely. Additional questions supported that attendees found SynBio Stories both “much more accessible” and “much more relatable” than more traditional STEM presentations(ex. Research symposiums, career talks, ect.). This feedback allows us to see how this event was received and suggests that the storytelling format, which emphasizes the human beings within synthetic biology, is an approachable entry point to introduce new people to the field and empower them to see themselves as a part of the community.

Synbio Basics and Bioethics Discussion

This joint event was intended to also be an entry-level lesson on a very broad and complex topic and built upon last year’s curriculum, implementing both judging critiques and critiques by our advisors as to how best address the topics of “synthetic biology” and “Bioethics”. With this event, We gave a basic introduction to the concept of synthetic biology and introduced ethical theories and their reasoning, discussed how relevant bioethical considerations are placed on current Synthetic Biology research, and allowed the audience to engage with the given material.

Basics of Synthetic Biology Portion

The goals defined for the Basics of Synthetic Biology portion of the curriculum were to

  1. Define Synthetic Biology
  2. Consider why we use Synthetic Biology and what it means in practice
  3. Explain a few Synthetic Biology experimental concepts and techniques
  4. Promote thinking about why Synthetic Biology matters

Each of these goals was based on a question we wanted our audience to answer. They also reflected questions we had had when first learning about Synthetic Biology.

For the beginning of our synbio basics portion the key takeaway was to think about the intersection of engineering, biological systems, and new technologies in current scientific advancement. We discussed how synthetic biology is the collaboration of many fields and how those intersections are fluid and ever changing.

The second point we wanted the audience to consider was “How is Synthetic Biology used in current advances in technology?” We wanted to provide examples for lesser known uses of synbio, such as bioremediation and agriculture as well as more widely accepted uses such as Vaccine technology. This was provided, to expose the breadth and depth that Synthetic biology can and does cover in science and to get our audience thinking about how synthetic biology affects the world around them.

One realization we had while talking to friends and family who are not involved in biotechnology was, for many, science seems like a black box model involving complicated processes too difficult to explain. So to counter this narrative we zeroed in on the engineering process using the steps of Design, Build, Test, and Learn. By providing this framework of how real science works, we hoped Synthetic Biology would seem like a more approachable and accessible topic to our audience by encouraging them to connect Synthetic biology back to a common model.

We wanted to end this portion of our lesson by addressing the inevitable question: “Why does this matter?”. To answer this question, we provided examples from past iGEM projects done around the world. We discussed projects such as UNSW’s 2021 project (protecc coral) and Washington iGEM’s 2019 project (Immunosense) to exemplify the importance of Synthetic biology in the real world and what it is capable of. We ended this portion with an audience discussion about things they may be interested in seeing happen in synthetic biology or research interests they may have personally so they could reflect on their own interests in this broad field.

Bioethics Portion

We designed this portion of the presentation to encourage an audience of people interested in science to consider the ethical implications of how science is done and its effects on the world.

We began with defining what ethics, specifically bioethics, is. We began by asking the audience to define bioethics for us, to begin a dialogue. Then, we defined Kantian and Utilitarian theory while also providing a brief overview of the study of ethics and bioethics. This introductory section provides a brief glimpse into ethics as a study and why it is vital to science.

Additionally, we wanted students to share, both with the teaching team and amongst themselves, their thoughts. Three hypothetical bioethics cases were discussed:

  1. Is it morally right to test current medical advancements on animal subjects to prove safety and efficacy given the risk of death and serious injury?
  2. Suppose a biologist is working on a vaccination for HIV and during clinical trials the scientist discovers that in a very select population of people who have a certain genetic mutation (1 in 100,000) the vaccination will kill, there is no feasible way to test for this mutation before giving the vaccine and there is no other vaccination for HIV. Should the scientist continue clinical trials with the vaccine or should they destroy their work and start fresh, potentially setting back having a vaccine for years?
  3. Suppose a cure to a currently untreatable illness is developed. 500 doses are left over from clinical trials but due to lack of materials, other cures cannot be developed. They have been proven effective with arbitrarily minimal side effects, who do you believe should get that cure?

Designed to increase in difficulty and cover different areas of bioethics (General, Synthetic Biology research, and medicine), these scenarios were left purposefully vague for students to draw their own conclusions and make opinions from there. This was done so the education team leading the lesson could engage and ask the audience members about their reasoning. These questions, although designed to be decently accurate to real-world situations, do intentionally diverge from realistic paths occasionally for the sake of argument and ethical reasoning.

