You'd be surprised how much of your world is held together by something as small as a drop of glue. From everyday items like teabags to advanced adhesives utilized in the International Space Station, these substances are an integral part of our surroundings. Most commonly used adhesives are harmful. However, many conventional adhesives are made from synthetic chemicals, raising severe environmental and health concerns due to their toxicity and non-biodegradable properties [3]. Besides their environmental impact, adhesives are crucial in the medical industry: ECG sensor patches, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) patches for chronic pain, negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT). Medical patches, while convenient, still cause allergic reactions or skin irritations [1]. More specialized bandages, such as those used by patients with diabetes, are designed with specific purposes in mind. However, these plasters often have the drawback of peeling off prematurely - an issue that may seem minor but can create significant challenges for individuals managing diabetes.
In response to these concerns, the Vilnius-Lithuania 2024 iGEM team was inspired to develop a bacterial polysaccharide based adhesive, offering a more sustainable and environmentally friendly solution for the future (see Implementation).
Our adhesive-production systems are based on two natural metabolic pathways derived from Caulobacter crescentus and Hirschia baltica, which we successfully integrated into Escherichia coli, a microorganism widely utilized in biotechnology.
Adherence to sound engineering principles guided our team throughout the entire project, allowing us to maximize the efficiency and quality of the final product [2] (Fig. 1). In our approach, the "design" phase focused on problem identification, tool selection, and planning. The "build" phase involved assembling key components, while the "test" phase assessed their functionality. In the "learn" phase, we reviewed data to refine future iterations, continuously improving our designs.
The Vilnius-Lithuania iGEM 2024 team embarked on an ambitious journey to create a natural adhesive, venturing into uncharted scientific territory never before explored by researchers. Our team's development process encompassed several stages, from adhesive-production pathway assembly to the creation of industrially applicable E. coli strains. Through a process of ongoing iteration and evaluation, we improved our end product.
Experience our Odyssey of engineering: from the hurdles we conquered to the milestones we reached.
We decided to transfer the holdfast production pathway into Escherichia coli - as the most metabolically suitable organism, that is also well known in the industry. We came to a conclusion that using 3 strains - 2 from Caulobacter crescentus and 1 from Hirschia baltica will allow us to examine different properties of produced holdfast polysaccharide. This posed a challenge as the synthesis pathway consists of 12 proteins, which meant that we would need to engineer a system that would allow co-expression of a considerable amount of proteins. We choose to assemble 2 plasmids containing 6 genes each (Fig. 2), one for holdfast polysaccharide tetrad assembly, and the other - for polymerization and export apparatus of the produced holdfast tetrads to maximize protein expression.
Holdfast tetrad assembly is carried out by 6 proteins - hfsE, hfsG, hfsJ, hfsH, hfsK and hfsL, each carrying out their unique function for building the polysaccharide, increasing the holdfast stickiness and other physicochemical properties.
Since we were constructing plasmids containing 36 genes, we ruled out the possibility of synthesizing all of the genes due to time constraints, instead choosing to amplify them directly from the genome. This possessed a big challenge as the genomes of C. crescentus have a high GC% content, about 67%, providing a challenge for efficient primer design. Nevertheless, we selected to assemble 2 separate operons under controllable T7/lac promoter for efficient gene expression - (1) hfsE-hfsJ-hfsG and (2) hfsH-hfsK-hfsL for C. crescentus and (1H) hfsE-hfsG-hfsH and (2H) hfsJ-hfsL-hfsK for H. baltica (Fig. 3.).
This order of genes would allow us to maximize the holdfast production with proteins initiating the tetrad assembly - hfsE - having, in theory, the most substantial concentration and, simultaneously, “switching on” the holdfast assembly system. For this reason, we also have chosen a high copy plasmid.
Cloning six genes into a single plasmid required a high-throughput cloning method, leading to the selection of Golden Gate assembly (GG). For the purpose of minimizing error rate of produced fragments during GG assembly, we came to a conclusion that we will need to first insert one operon, e.g., (1) hfsE-hfsJ-hfsG, sequence the acquired plasmid, and insert the second operon, e.g., (2) hfsH-hfsK-hfsL ,for full plasmid assembly.
For cloning of the tetrad assembly operon we used - pET-Duet-1 (Novagen). Vectors and genes were amplified with primers designed for GG assembly (see Materials). Due to the high GC% content of the C. crescentus genome, we used Phusion Plus DNA polymerase which is often used for GC-rich template amplification [35]. But the designed primers produced multiple non-specific products after PCR amplification from the genome, leading to the need of gel-purification of acquired fragments (Fig. 4).
After amplifications and purifications, vectors and fragments composing one of the operons of our choice, were mixed in equimolar amounts with GG reaction components and incubated as described in protocol. The reaction was later transformed into E. coli Mach1 (Thermo Scientific) competent cells.
Unfortunately, after multiple unsuccessful plasmid assemblies from genomic fragments, we were unable to obtain any E. coli colonies.
We reasoned that unsuccessful cloning of operons was due to the fact that most of the fragments were of low purity. We had to use agarose gel purification because of the non-specific PCR amplification products. This method usually produces low quality products contaminated with extraction reagents. This in turn distorts the “real” concentration of purified products leading to Golden Gate reaction mixed in unequal molar quantities and subsequent misassembly of plasmids. For this we decided to increase the likelihood of the correct fragment by doing the PCR reaction from already purified PCR products. Since the already available PCR products had the same sequences as the ones we amplified from the genome, there was no need to redesign the primers.
We redid the assembly with PCR products amplified from PCR fragments. Although we expected less non-specific products, that was not the case and we had to use gel extraction yet again (Fig. 5).
Nevertheless, the acquired PCR fragments’ purity was higher, with some fragments having ideal 260/230 ratios. After this we repeated the Golden Gate assembly and transformation into E.coli Mach1 competent cells.
Despite several attempts at assembling plasmids from PCR fragments, we were ultimately unable to obtain any E. coli colonies.
Since we could not acquire any colonies and parallel assembly of operon for holdfast polysaccharide polymerization and export (described in cycle 2) showed that assembling from PCR amplified PCR fragments worked, we decided to change backbone of the plasmid from pET-Duet-1 (Novagen) to pRSF-Duet-1 (Novagen).
We redesigned some primers used for introducing IIS RE sites into the backbone as some of the sequences were identical to the primers used for assembly of operon for the other plasmids. All the subsequent steps were repeated the same way as in the 2nd iteration.
We were able to acquire colonies with one of holdfast polysaccharide tetrad assembly operons with pRSF-Duet-1 backbone. Colonies were screened with colony PCR and positive clones were further purified and checked with analytic restriction digest. Positive plasmids were sequenced by SeqVision. We were able to acquire plasmids containing (1) operon - hfsE-hfsJ-hfsG for C. crescentus and plasmids containing (1H) operon - hfsE-hfsG-hfsH for H. baltica.
Since our strategy worked for (1) operon assembly, we used it for (2) operon insertion into the acquired plasmid with the (1) operon.
Yet again we had to redesign only certain primers to introduce IIS RE sites into the backbone, as some sequences matched those used for assembling other plasmids. All subsequent steps were then repeated in the same manner as in the 2nd iteration.
After multiple attempts, we successfully obtained colonies containing the both holdfast polysaccharide tetrad assembly operons within the pRSF-Duet-1 backbone. Colony PCR was used to screen these colonies, and positive clones were further purified and verified through analytical restriction digestion. The confirmed plasmids were sequenced via whole plasmid sequencing by SeqVision. In the end, we successfully acquired plasmids containing the (1) operon - hfsE-hfsJ-hfsG and the (2) operon - hfsH-hfsK-hfsL for C. crescentus and plasmids containing (1H) hfsE-hfsG-hfsH and (2H) hfsJ-hfsL-hfsK for H. baltica. - half the system for the holdfast synthesis pathway.
Similarly to 1 cycle, we decided to assemble 2 separate operons under T7/lac promoter - (3) hfsA-hfsB-hfsD and (4) hfsF-hfsC-hfsI (Fig. 6). All of the proteins composing this system are responsible for polysaccharide polymerization and export. Proteins of the system are found in the membrane thus we came to a conclusion that using a low copy plasmid would decrease the probability of inclusion body formation [3]. Their formation would diminish the functionality of our system, as the proteins would not allow the polysaccharide to be exported outside the bacteria.
For cloning of the holdfast polysaccharide polymerization and export operons we used pACYC-Duet-1 (Novagen). For this assembly we also used the Golden Gate method. However, C. crescentus hfsA gene, due to the presence of one IIS RE cut site in the middle of the gene, had to be domesticated for Golden Gate assembly by site-directed mutagenesis.
The assembly was trickier with H. baltica, as the export apparatus gene - hfsB and polymerization gene - hfsF had multiple IIS RE sites, for this reason, we decided to order synthesized genes (IDT and Twist Biosciences) with mutated sites and simultaneously optimize the codons for expression in E. coli. All the other operons containing genes were amplified the same way as the others.
As in cycle 1, PCR amplification from the genome produced numerous nonspecific PCR products and were gel-purified. After this, vectors and operon fragments were mixed in equimolar amounts with Golden Gate reaction components and incubated as described in the protocol. The reaction was subsequently transformed into E. coli Mach1 competent cells.
Regrettably, despite several attempts at plasmid assembly from genomic fragments, no E. coli colonies were obtained.
We decided to apply the same strategy as the one described in cycle 1 iteration 2.
After amplifying and preparing the PCR fragments by our described strategy, they were mixed in equimolar ratios into a Golden Gate assembly mixture and afterwards transformed into E. coli Mach1 competent cells.
We managed to obtain E. coli colonies after the Golden Gate assembly mix transformation. The colonies were then tested with colony PCR. Proceeding the colony PCR, the positive clones were purified, analyzed with restriction digest and sequenced by whole plasmid sequencing by SeqVision. We successfully acquired plasmids containing (3) operon hfsA-hfsB-hfsD.
The same strategy was used to introduce the (4) operon into the (3) operon containing plasmids.
All the following steps were performed the same way as described in previous cycles.
After numerous tries, we managed to obtain colonies containing the entire holdfast polysaccharide polymerization and export apparatus in the pACYC-Duet-1 backbone. The colonies were screened and sequenced in the same way as in the previous iteration. After all, we successfully isolated plasmids containing the operon (3) - hfsA-hfsB-hfsD and the (4) operon - hfsF-hfsC-hfsI (4)- the other half of the holdfast synthesis pathway.
After obtaining both plasmids with full holdfast synthesis pathway, we had to optimize the expression of the whole system in E. coli. Previously, only three studies have tried to recombinantly express C. crescentus proteins in E. coli for unassociated research with our project's goal [4] [5] [6]. Since the E. coli strains and protein expression conditions were unrelated to each other and before our project, no one besides the 2009 iGEM ULB-Brussels team ever tried expressing more than 2 C. crescentus proteins in E. coli at the same time, we had no solid foundation for expression and chose to experiment with different E. coli strains and conditions.
Following consultation with our PI Rolandas Meskys, we decided to start with the E. coli KRX(DE3) strain. This strain offers high transformation efficiency and supports the production of target proteins in large quantities within a single host. Since, our system is placed under T7/lac promoter it is also suitable for our application, as this strain contains T7 RNA polymerase used for this promoter.
To test which conditions are the best for the whole system expression we first tried expressing separate plasmids with different IPTG concentrations - 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1 mM - and 0.1% rhamnose, as is used for the T7 RNA polymerase “activation” in KRX strain [7]. With full system, as we were not sure if the amount of metabolic burden introduced by our system would not promote the E. coli to silence or misfold the proteins and based on the fact that previous studies have used different expression temperatures for single proteins, we also decided to experiment with 3 different temperatures - 22°C, 30°C, 37°C - before and after gene expression induction.
In order to assess if the expression was successful, we ran SDS-PAGE samples before and after induction for all the expressions we did. First, we tested pACYC-(3)hfsA-hfsB-hfsD-(4)hfsF-hfsC-hfsI strain with protein expression for 3h at 37°C. As we saw, that some bands, corresponding to our proteins were appearing but we were not sure if they were our system proteins, therefore for pRSF-(1)HfsE-hsfJ-hfsG-(2)hfsH-hfsK-hfsL we used negative control with empty pRSF vector and expressed the proteins in the same conditions.
We saw that pRSF-(1)HfsE-hsfJ-hfsG-(2)hfsH-hfsK-hfsL operon proteins were also expressed with minimal IPTG concentration impact on protein amount. Thus, we decided that we will use lower IPTG concentrations for gene expression induction of the full system, as it is more cost-effective for upscale in the future. Unfortunately, full system expression at different temperatures and expression times did not provide clear bands of proteins in SDS-PAGE gel analysis, so we had to redesign our approach.
Since our first try with a more specialized E. coli strain did not work, we decided to get back to the basics and use one of the most widely used strains for recombinant protein expression - BL21(DE3). One of the previously mentioned studies used this strain for hfsH expression, so we knew that this strain could express at least one of the 12 genes in our system [4]. Besides, this strain does not require rhamnose for polymerase “activation” which, in theory, could decrease metabolic burden which we saw with KRX strain.
Like with the KRX strain, we decide to test separate plasmids first before testing the whole system. Since we saw that it was difficult to distinguish base E. coli proteins from our system proteins, we used negative control with empty plasmids. Moreover, because the IPTG concentration appeared not to make that big of an impact on the expression, we settled on IPTG concentrations of - 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 mM - in this way covering a wide range of them and accelerating the optimisation effort . We also decided to yet again test different expression temperatures - 37°C, 30°C, 16°C - before and after gene expression induction.
As in the 1 iteration we used SDS-PAGE analysis for samples before and after induction. Initially, we tested pACYC-(3)hfsA-hfsB-hfsD-(4)hfsF-hfsC-hfsI operon expression at 37°C for 3h, which did not give promising results, as we could not see distinguishable differences before and after induction. Nevertheless, we proceeded with pRSF-(1)HfsE-hsfJ-hfsG-(2)hfsH-hfsK-hfsL operon expression at the same conditions, which appeared to be working, as we could see stark differences between empty E. coli and our target system lysates. As with the expression in the KRX strain we could not see many differences between the IPTG concentrations.
So with high hopes we advanced with the whole system expression. After analyzing system expression at 37°C for 3h conditions, we saw that there were pronounced differences between the uninduced system and the system after 3 hours (Fig. 7). As with KRX expression, we saw that IPTG concentration used for gene expression induction did not make a big impact for overall expression.
Since the CB2 system was expressing, we went on to try different temperatures with the aim of further optimizing protein expression. Remarkably, decreasing the expression temperature to 30°C and expression overnight did not make a significant difference as the proteins were still expressed in similar amounts to that of 37°C. Expression of 16°C overnight produced some of the expected bands but not in the same capacity as expression at higher temperatures.
Sadly, proteomic analysis of samples induced by 0.5 mM IPTG from separate parts and the whole system, revealed that proteins responsible for holdfast polymerization - hfsC and hfsI - were not expressed. Nevertheless, as later experiments and bioinformatics analysis showed, these proteins were probably substituted by paralogous proteins found in E. colias the system without 2 parts was still producing a polysaccharide. Since we obtained these results a week before the freeze day deadline we were unable to reconsider our approach to the optimization in time. Although we reason that we should first test whether the separate proteins - hfsC and hfsI - are expressed and at what conditions before assembling new plasmids with different operon order or additional T7/lac promoter.
Once the system was successfully expressed in BL21(DE3) strain, we proceeded to optimize the expression further by testing another E. coli strain - C41(DE3). This strain is often used for toxic recombinant protein expression as it is reported to increase the efficiency of their production [8]. Additionally, this strain is often used for membrane protein production in large quantities [9]. Since half of the required proteins are integrated into the membrane, we reasoned that this strain could enhance the overall shed holdfast volume into the media by overexpressing polymerization and export apparatus’ proteins pACYC-(3)hfsA-hfsB-hfsD-(4)hfsF-hfsC-hfsI.
Yet again we decided to test separate system parts and the whole CB2 system with different IPTG concentrations - 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75 mM. Since we saw that the proteins were best expressed at 37°C in KRX(DE3) and BL21(DE3) strains, we settled on testing only this temperature.
SDS-PAGE analysis of cell lysates before and after gene expression induction revealed that proteins were expressed in separate parts of the system and the whole system. Regrettably, the quantity was visibly less than that seen in BL21(DE3) strain indicating that this strain is not suitable for efficient system expression.
Even though to this point we found E. coli strain with, in our perspective, sufficient system expression, we were determined to improve the expression even more. A study was conducted, where the C. crescentus hfsJ gene was expressed in E. coli Rosetta (DE3) pLysS strain, so we investigated it [5].
Since the genome of C. crescentus is encoded by high GC content, consequently, a considerable amount of proteins use rarer codons that are not often utilized by E.Coli. This causes problems in protein expression as E. coli cannot supply enough tRNAs during translation thus lowering the total produced amount of recombinant proteins. The Rosetta(DE3) strain addresses this issue by providing the pRARE plasmid, which supplies rare tRNA codons necessary for protein expression.Since the aforementioned study used this strain and managed to acquire substantial protein quantities, we decided to also test this strain for our system expression.
Since, we decided to use this strain, we had to carefully reconsidering our plasmid design, as the pRARE plasmid, native to Rosetta, contains the same antibiotic resistance - chloramphenicol - and the same origin of replication - p15A - as one of our system’s plasmids, coding polymerisation and export apparatus. This would make the transformation and subsequent expression impossible as the E. coli would simply lose one of the plasmids rendering the system useless (Fig. 8.).
For this we decided to change the aforementioned plasmids’ antibiotic resistance and origin of replication (ori) as this would be less complicated than assembling both operons into new backbone (Fig. 8). As a donor of new antibiotic resistance and origin of replication we choose pBAD-PhoCl2f plasmid, which was kindly gifted to us by VU LSC Institute of Biotechnology. This particular plasmid contains the ampicillin resistance gene and ColE1 origin of replication compatible with our pRSF operon and pRARE plasmid.
To save time we decided to utilize Golden Gate assembly for resistance/ori switching. We designed primers with IIS RE introduction which we previously used for operon assembly. As we have learned how to optimize the assembly from our first 2 cycles, we used the same strategy for this plasmid assembly.
To test the expression we used different IPTG concentrations - 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75 mM - and our standard expression temperature of 37°C with checking the total expressed protein amount after 3 hours by SDS-PAGE analysis.
We successfully acquired plasmids with new resistance/ori, which, after testing them with colony PCR, restriction analysis, were sequenced by whole plasmid sequencing by SeqVision. Since after transformation into competent Rosetta cells they grew without any problems on LB agar plates with 3 different antibiotics, we came to a conclusion that the resistance/ori switch worked.
As before, we started testing expressions by first expressing separate plasmids. Unfortunately, we saw very low or almost no protein expression in separate plasmids, leading to the same happening when we tried expressing the whole system. We reason that this might be due to increased metabolic strain on E. coli due to whole additional plasmid introduced into the system during expression. This E. coli strain might be suitable for specific C. crescentus protein expression but, sadly, is not fitting for our needs.
Considering that the C. crescentusCB2 system was expressing without major problems in E. coli BL21(DE3) strain, we thought that this would be a promising start for Hirschia baltica system expression. However, we were uncertain whether the nature of the proteins, which come from a high salt environment, would not cause problems for the E. coli as these kinds of proteins have a tendency to misfold and aggregate during expression rendering them toxic to the cell [10] [11]. Even so, since the proteins are closely related to C. crescentus hfs proteins, we reasoned that it would be possible to express the pathway.
As with C. crescentus we tested different IPTG concentrations (0.25, 0.5 and 0.75 mM). Since the 37°C temperature appeared to be optimal we proceeded with this temperature as our starting point. For expressed protein analysis we used SDS-PAGE on cell lysates before and after induction.
Due to time limitations we decided to start with expressing the system first and then proceed with separate system parts expression. After numerous tries to grow cultures for protein system expression we were only able to grow one culture to appropriate optical density for gene expression induction. Since it took almost 10 hours we decided to leave the culture overnight at 16°C and analyze the lysates from overnight expression.
Unfortunately, all of the cultures with the full H. baltica system either did not grow overnight or were of almost non existent optical density indicating that the culture died. Nonetheless, we prepared samples for SDS-PAGE gel analysis of samples before and after induction. Surprisingly, there were some bands corresponding to recombinant protein sizes appearing in the after induction lanes suggesting that parts of the system were expressing.
However, due to the unpredictable nature of the culture growth and weak expression of some proteins, we concluded that this was definitely not the right conditions for this system’s expression in E. coli. Because of the natural high salinity environment of the system’s proteins, we theorize, it might be impossible to express the system in E. coli as it seems that proteins are toxic to the cell. Although, it is plausible to try expressing this system in other host organisms used for expressing halophilic proteins [11] [12].
Our system was designed to allow for the free release of holdfast polysaccharides into the growth medium allowing for easy purification directly from there. Only one research group had done the purification before in the scope of C. crescentus holdfast chemical properties research [13]. We chose their method to purify the target polysaccharides. Afterwards, the purification outcome had to be tested using a dot blot assay suggested by the same research paper. We selected Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA) - primary lectin (Thermo Scientific), labeled with Alexa680, that selectively binds to N‐acetyl-D-glucosamine residues which are found in abundance in the holdfast polysaccharide [14]. This test would let us verify the presence of the holdfast in the purification samples as naturally, E. coli does not shed large amounts of any polysaccharides into the medium.
Purification was done following the protocol of holdfast purification from the media of C. crescentus without any changes. A dot blot assay was performed on the purified samples using WGA, and no alterations were made to the method proposed in earlier research.
After purification, the dot blot assay showed no conclusive results. Disappointingly, it seemed like there was no difference between the target and control samples. Detected N-acetyl-D-glucosamine is likely part of natural E. coli metabolism.
After observing unsatisfactory results in our blots, we hypothesized that an additional substrate might be required to initiate polysaccharide production. Since holdfast biosynthesis begins with the addition of glucose to the undecaprenyl phosphate (UndP) lipid carrier, we determined that glucose would be a fitting substrate for holdfast production enrichment. Previously, research studies have utilized glucose concentrations ranging from 0.25% to 2% w/v for various research purposes [15] [16] [17].
Since we observed that even small additions to overall metabolism lowered system expression, to avoid overloading bacterial metabolism, we decided to use 1% w/v glucose concentration. We choose to add glucose after 3 hours of expression, as it lowers expression levels by targeting lac operator [36].
We also considered temperature as a potential factor in optimizing holdfast production, referencing the growth conditions of Caulobacter crescentus. Typically, C. crescentus is cultured at 30°C, which prompted us to test this temperature [18] [19]. During the expression optimization phase, we observed that 30°C was still adequate for protein production in E. coli. Moreover, by reducing the temperature we expected to slow E. coli cell division, allowing more time for polysaccharide production.
We replicated the protein expression using previously optimized conditions. However, this time, 3 hours post-induction, a sterile glucose solution was introduced to the medium, bringing it to a final concentration of 1% w/v in the media. Simultaneously, the incubation temperature was lowered to 30°C immediately after the glucose addition. On top of that we lowered the shaking speed of the flasks following the methods used in other polymer production in E. coli [20] [21] [22].
Following the addition of glucose, the flasks were incubated overnight at 30°C. The next morning, we observed that samples containing the C. crescentus CB2 holdfast synthesis system had developed a distinct ring along the walls of the flask, specifically around the edge where the media reaches during shaking. No such prominent rings developed on the control group of flasks containing empty plasmids. (Fig. 9)After observing the results, we were uncertain about the nature of the formed rings. Consequently, we decided to conduct another dot blot assay to ascertain the location of holdfast production, storage and the nature of the formed rings. We examined various samples to determine where and if the polysaccharides were present (Fig. 10).
Dot blot assay for holdfast localization with Alexa Fluor 680 Wheat Germ Agglutinin (Thermo Scientific) primary antibodies. All samples contain equal amounts of cells and were taken after incubation overnight at 30°C with 1% glucose. 1. Cells from the media. 2. Supernatant from the media 3. Sample from the ring (in TES buffer) 4. Sonicated cells (in PBS) 5. Sonicated cells’ supernatant (in PBS).
There was no significant difference between the control and target samples in any other localizations tested in the dot blot assay. However, the newly formed ring had a substantial concentration of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, which was present in very small quantities in the other samples as E. coli possesses very low amounts of it naturally. Since holdfast contains a considerable amount of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, it is often used to test localization of holdfast in C. crescentus as it is the only holdfast saccharides that has available lectin that binds to it [23] [14] [24].
Based on our last iteration we understood that our polysaccharide forms only in the rings that appear after the expression and incubation overnight, thus, it was necessary to repeat the previous dot blot assay to understand more about the location of the holdfast. Additional sample preparation steps and a bigger variety of samples would give us a better grasp of the polysaccharide placement within the ring material. Additionally, after identifying the location of the holdfast, we could proceed with the purification process once more. Since we did not know what the rings contained we also had to find out if there were any living bacteria present.
We repeated the expression of the C. crescentus CB2 system proteins at optimal conditions and incubated the culture with 1% (w/v) glucose overnight at 30°C. Yet again, our cultures were forming rings in the same way as the previous iteration.
Rings from the flasks were sampled for dot blot assay with altered sample preparation and additional samples: intact ring, lysed cells, soluble lysate fraction, and insoluble lysate fraction.
In the previous iteration, it was noticed that our polysaccharides are found only in the ring, therefore, we performed holdfast purification from the formed rings. Material was scraped into a known volume of LB media, the same amount was taken from the control flasks because no substantial ring material was present.
We decided to make a few variations of the plates that would let us see if there are any morphological differences between living bacterial cells from the ring, bacterial cells that express proteins of interest, and bacterial cells that not only express proteins but also, in theory, produce holdfast. Following the ring formation, samples were resuspended in LB media and streaked on LB agar plates in 4 variations - 1) appropriate antibiotics, 2) antibiotics + 0.5mM IPTG, 3) antibiotics + 1% glucose, and 4) antibiotics + 0.5mM IPTG + 1% glucose and, incubated overnight at 30°C.
After overnight incubation at 30°C we observed colonies growing on all the plates, rings containing living bacteria that produce holdfast polysaccharides. There were no significant morphological differences noticed between the plates but the formed colonies were very liquidy in appearance.
Dot blot assay from previous iteration was repeated with the addition of more samples from the rings (Fig. 11)
The results from the previous iteration were successfully reproduced. Holdfast wasexclusively detected in the ring samples, with a majority appearing to be located within the lysed ring cells. This suggests that the synthesized polysaccharide remains attached to the bacterial cells rather than being secreted. Noticeably, CB2 system cells from the media contained almost no N-acetyl-D-glucosamine.
The former iteration showed that we could have been purifying polysaccharides from the wrong material, so we proceeded with the holdfast purification from the ring samples and repeated the dot blot assay. No difference between the control and sample was visible. There was a significant difference between the number of cells in the sample versus control purification which could have caused inconclusive results.
After not getting satisfying results from the purification, we figured that the problem could lie in the different amount of cells taken for purification at the beginning of it. Standard optical density methods can not measure cells with the holdfast because of their tendency to stick together in clumps. A different method is required to ensure that the purification begins with an equal amount of material between the control and target samples.
Earlier iteration showed that the holdfast polysaccharides are found only in the ring material. This might be a result of only part of the bacterial population producing a full set of holdfast synthesis pathway proteins. Trying to use bacteria found in the ring might let us get better protein expression and overall increase in holdfast production.
To address the optical density measurement issue, we determined that, in the absence of other spectrophotometric methods, a visual estimation of the cell quantity would be adequate for our needs. Holdfast synthesis was repeated and samples were taken for a third biological repetition of dot blot assay for polysaccharide localization detection. We repeated purification with a corrected control sample preparation method.
Cells from the ring were used for a standard holdfast synthesis pathway protein expression and incubation overnight with 1 % glucose. 12% SDS-PAGE analysis was run to verify the results.
Holdfast localization results were, once again, replicable. Dot blot assay for holdfast detection showed that holdfast is still located in the ring material formed after the standard expression.
But, to our disappointment, holdfast purification, even with the changed method, showed no conclusive results.
In addition, before and after induction samples from protein expression using ring bacteria were analyzed using 12% SDS-PAGE. It appears that we achieved better protein expression using bacteria from the ring in comparison with standard expression (Fig. 12). Although, the formed ring after incubation appeared to be the same to freshly expressed cells.
We observed that holdfast-producing cells often clump together and adhere to one another. This observation hinted at potential morphological differences between holdfast-producing E. coli cells and the control group. To investigate this further, we employed scanning electron microscopy (SEM), flow cell bright field microscopy and Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)were selected as methods of analysis.
Because we could not perform SEM by ourselves, we found a colleague in the Vilnius University Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Dr. Andrius Pakalniškis who kindly agreed to help. We prepared the samples for SEM using different techniques: drying them on silicon wafers in their native form or pre-washing them with PBS and ethanol before drying.
Flow cell bright field microscopy also required help and equipment from other scientists, we are very thankful to Dr. Marijonas Tutkus and his student Monika Roliūtė from Vilnius University Life Sciences Center who helped us with the experiments. After incubation of the flow cell with our bacteria we started with a 100 μL/min flow rate and increased it to 2.5 mL/min. and registered the data in video format for later analysis.
We also did not have the equipment for FTIR spectroscopy in our facility, so we contacted colleagues at the Vilnius University Center of Physical Sciences And Technology. Dr. Martynas Talaikis and Dr. Ilja Ignatjev agreed to collaborate and help us with the analysis. We prepared two types of samples to get the most information: dried intact bacteria and dried lysate debris.
For E. coli strain testing, we used C41(DE3), Rosetta(DE3) pLysS and HMS174(DE3), and repeated the expression conditions with different IPTG concentrations (0.25, 0.5 and 0.75 mM) with protein expression for 3h at 37°C. After the expression we added 1% glucose and left the flasks to incubate overnight at 30°C 170 rpm.
Scanning electron microscopy revealed that holdfast-producing cells have different morphology. Target cells appear bigger, with distinctly different cell envelope topology, and tend to form tight clumps in contrast with the control samples. After consulting with our colleagues in the VU LSC Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology we came to the conclusion that our cells are forming biofilm-like structures. The aforementioned formed rings are often observed in biofilm-forming bacteria, although not in such vast quantities and less “sticky” [25] [26] [27].
We compared our samples with available SEM pictures of biofilm-forming E. coli. It appears that our holdfast-producing bacteria form biofilm-like structures with tightly stuck-together bacteria with rhizoid-like structures in the places where the biofilm is broken apart (Fig. 13) [28] [29].
Our bright field experimental design was never done before, so we did not know what to expect from our acquired results. Disappointingly, flow cell experimentsdid not give us any anticipated results. Apparently E. coli naturally tends to unspecifically interact with flow cell glass slides and stick to it very firmly, there was no significant difference between control and target samples, consequently, we could not obtain any data about the force resistance of our polysaccharides. Nevertheless, we obtained another interesting piece of information - our holdfast producing bacteria is floating around in big conglomerates that are most likely pieces of biofilm, that we saw in SEM, when no such phenomenon was observed in the control sample (Fig. 14).
All vibrational modes from FTIR individually and collectively indicate the presence of polysaccharides in contrast to control samples (see Results).
After testing ring formation in different E. coli strains we saw that they were also forming rings after our proposed incubation conditions. Due to time constraints we did not perform dot blot assay but it is likely that the formed rings would also contain holdfast withN-acetyl-D-glucosamine.
Regulatory approval and adherence to quality standards in fields like pharmaceuticals and medical devices require a thorough understanding of the materials. Therefore, it is vital to determine the composition of the synthesized polysaccharide and learn more about the properties of adhesives. Furthermore, it would provide a stronger foundation for evaluating their suitability for consumer use.
Despite our research into the monosaccharide composition of C.crescentus holdfast, its exact structure still needs to be discovered [30]. It was unknown which sugar is transferred to the polysaccharide chain by glycosyltransferase hfsJ [31]. It was thought that it is N-acetylmannosaminuronic acid, but was never proved. Based on our bioinformatic analysis, hfsJ was similar to WecG protein in the ECA pathway in E.coli which is responsible for transferring this sugar [32]. By disabling the wecB gene in E.coli and thereby inhibiting the production of N-acetylmannosaminuronic acid, we could investigate whether this monosaccharide is a component of the C. crescentus holdfast.
We decided to knock out the wecB gene in E. colitocheckwhetherholdfastisstillforming. To test this, we performed protein expression experiments as described before.
We ended up using the Red/ET recombination system for efficient wecBgeneknockout in different protein expression E.coli strains: BL21(DE3), Rosetta(DE3), and HMS174(DE3). We used the DH10B cloning strain as a positive control.
We knocked out the wecB gene in E. coli and demolishedthesynthesisofN-acetylmannosaminuronicacid using a homology recombineering editing strategy. Due to contamination on LB plates of other strains, protein expression and polysaccharide formation were tested on only HMS174(DE3)ΔWecB.
We successfully disrupted thewecB gene in the E.coli strains BL21(DE3), Rosetta(DE3), and HMS174(DE3). The knockout was confirmed by examining cPCR fragments of the knocked-out region on agarose gel and nanopore sequencing. We evaluated protein expression and polysaccharide formation in HMS174(DE3)ΔWecB to assess the effect of the WecB deletion.The CB2 system proteins were produced in the cells but did not create polysaccharides as in HMS174(DE3).
Before starting our project, we made sure that natural E. coli metabolism produces precursors for the holdfast synthesis. However, we never addressed the fact that some of the metabolic pathways are not as often used as the others. This was confirmed when we figured that the addition of glucose was required to kickstart holdfast production. After we saw that even the glucose addition did not produce enough holdfast for purification, we decided to test different sugars and their effect on biosynthesis in anticipation of finding the best substrate.
We chose sugars that could be relevant to the polysaccharide composition: glucose, mannose, fructose, saccharose, N-acetyl-D-mannosamine, D-glucuronic acid, D-glucosamine, and xylose. We performed holdfast synthesis with standard conditions optimized in earlier iterations and examined the amount of holdfast produced by dot blot assays and crystal violet staining assays, used for biofilm quantification.
A dot blot assay was conducted to quantify and compare the levels of holdfast production across various sugar substrates. It seems that glucose was the best choice all along, with mannose coming second and D-glucosamine - third (Fig. 15).
Additional crystal violet staining experiments yielded similar results, with glucose and mannose samples producing the largest amount of “biofilm”. This data was used in the model construction to estimate polysaccharide production based on the sugar substrate.
To achieve cost-effective mass production of reliable adhesives, we chose to eliminate a similar polysaccharide synthesis pathway from E.coli. Our goal was to edit the KRX strain because we first decided to use this strain for the expression of the holdfast synthesis system.
We wanted to eradicate the ECA pathway which also produces three-sugar repeats in bacteria and reduces the availability of shared substrates [33]. The ECA pathway contains 12 genes in total, so first we chose the genes that should be removed. We identified 5 genes whose deletion would not result in cell death but would effectively eliminate ECA polysaccharide production in E.coli. We selected these genes: wecA, wecG, wecF, wzzE, wzyE.
Subsequently, we needed to find an efficient strategy, to help us knock out those genes. We found several ways to do it and chose a knockout strategy using a combination of CRISPR/Cas9 and λ Red machinery. This approach was selected due to its efficiency in targeting multiple genes for inactivation. We spoke with Dr. Inga Songailienė, a scientist specializing in this method.
For knockout in E.coli, we had to use 3 main components required for genome editing: pCas, pTargetF plasmids and linear donor DNA (dDNA). pCas already contained the cas9 gene with a native promoter, an arabinose-inducible the λ-Red recombination system and the temperature-sensitive ori for self-curing. pTargetF plasmids were individually constructed to express gRNA targeting our genes. Linear donor DNAs, tailored for gene knockouts, served as editing templates in our system. The donor DNAs included three-stop codon sequences, which would have resulted in premature termination of translation if incorporated into the gene.
We amplified linear donor DNA using PCR and subsequently purified the product. To construct pTargetF plasmids with target-specific sgRNAs, we used site-directed mutagenesis, including PCR and KLD reactions. Specific primers in PCR allowed us to insert gene-targeting sequences. The constructed plasmids were transformed into cloning strain Mach1, purified and sequenced. For the genome editing, we made freshly competent KRX strain cells and transformed them with pCas plasmid. Colonies containing pCas plasmid were later made competent again and co-transformed with target-specific pTargetF plasmids and donor DNAs.
After performing CRISPR/Cas9 gene knockout a few times on KRX strain E.coli we obtained a few colonies on the plate, however, after sequencing we learnt that the knock-out was unsuccessful.
As the KRX E. coli strain was not editable and did not express proteins of our polysaccharide production system, we chose another strain for genome editing - BL21(DE3). Additionally, we discovered that one of our gRNAs designed for WecA gene knockout was incompatible. It contains a T-rich sequence in its middle, which can act as a premature RNA polymerase termination signal.
Eventually, we chose another target sequence in the gene, ordered new primers, and created a new donor DNA. We optimized our protocol - and decided to use different electroporation machines, instead of LB media to use more nutrient-rich SOC media. Due to the detrimental effects of WzyE gene disruption on cell viability, we have decided not to target this gene.
After getting new primers for WecA gene knockout, we performed site-directed mutagenesis on the pTargetF plasmid to include a gRNA template. We amplified linear donor DNA using PCR and subsequently purified the product. For the CRISPR/Cas9 knockout, we repeated the same procedure as mentioned before.
After performing CRISPR/Cas9 gene knockout on BL21(DE3) strain E. coli we obtained a few colonies on the plate, however, after sequencing we learnt that knock-out was still unsuccessful.
One of the promising methods for E.coli editing was suggested by Dr. Simonas Kutanovas. As an alternative, he proposed using a classical homology recombineering editing strategy. We found a scientist, Justas Vaitekūnas, who uses the Red/ET recombination system method daily.
We ended up using the Red/ET recombination system for efficient gene knockout in different protein expression E.coli strains: BL21(DE3), Rosetta(DE3), HMS174(DE3), and C41(DE3). We used the DH10B cloning strain as a positive control.
We obtained template DNA from the E. coli Keio collection that contains genes of interest that had been disrupted with a kanamycin-resistance marker. Our team designed primers to create 100 bp homology arms flanking the target gene. Kanamycin resistance allowed us to distinguish between edited and unedited colonies.
Our team faced an unforeseen issue - our plasmid and template DNA which is integrated into the edited strain shared the same kanamycin resistance. Therefore, kanamycin resistance in pRSF plasmid was changed to ampicillin resistance using Golden Gate assembly.
Using PCR, we amplified the donor DNA with a kanamycin-resistance cassette and purified it. For the genome editing, we made freshly competent cells of 5differentstrains (DH10B, BL21(DE3), HMS174(DE3), Rosetta(DE3), C41(DE3))and transformed them with pRedET plasmids containing the Red/ET system. E.coli colonies carrying the pRedET plasmid were cultured under conditions that induced the expression of λ Red proteins. These cells were then made competent and transformed with donor DNA fragments. The resulting colonies were screened for successful recombination using PCR.
E.coli strain C41(DE3) exhibited resistance to transformation with the pRedET plasmid and we did not continue the editing. Yet, the transformation of pRedET plasmid was successful inE.coli strains BL21(DE3), Rosetta(DE3), HMS174(DE3), and DH10B. The successful disruption of thewecA gene in the E.coli strains DH10B, BL21(DE3), Rosetta(DE3), and HMS174(DE3) was confirmed by nanopore sequencing. We changed kanamycin resistance in the incompatible pRSF plasmid of our system to ampicillin resistance, thus letting us investigate the effects of the knockouts in holdfast synthesis system expression. We evaluated protein expression and polysaccharide formation in HMS174(DE3)ΔwecA to assess the effect of the WecA deletion. The CB2 system proteins and polysaccharides were produced in the cells. However, the growth rate of the cells was slower than that of the strain without the knockout.
Proteins of the holdfast synthesis system assemble a short chain of sugar monomers in a specific sequence on a lipid carrier - a glycolipid.
Glycolipids are predominantly located on the extracellular surface of eukaryotic cell membranes and are responsible for various functions such as receptors for viruses and other pathogens, allowing them to enter a specific host cell that has unique glycolipid markers. This feature can let us use said glycolipids as labels for a precise and targeted liposome distribution throughout the body, delivering anything from cancer drugs to gene editing systems directly to the target cells.
To create a liposome labeling system, we had to select specific proteins that could be utilized for this purpose. Following bioinformatics analysis using the Conserved Domain Database, Protein BLAST, DeepTMHMM, and AlphaFold 3, we identified five proteins of interest from each strain: HfsG, HfsH, HfsJ, HfsK, and HfsL.
To utilize these enzymes, it was essential to develop a suitable purification strategy. For efficient cloning, we chose Golden Gate assembly. For efficient purification, we selected immobilized ion affinity chromatography (IMAC) as our purification method, based on recommendations from one of the few available papers where C. crescentus proteins were expressed and purified from E. coli [5]. We opted for conventional 6x histidine tags (his-tag) to facilitate straightforward purification. It was crucial to determine the appropriate terminus for 6xHis-tag insertion to avoid disrupting the protein conformation and lessening purification efficiency.
After bioinformatic analysis using AlphaFold 3, we determined more exposed terminus for each protein and prepared suitable primers for 6xHis-tag insertion with Golden Gate assembly. Plasmids were constructed and verified using colony PCR, restriction digestion analysis, and Nanopore sequencing (done by SeqVision). Given the lack of time, we chose BL21(DE3) as our expression strain and used conditions optimized beforehand in earlier iterations: 0.5 mM IPTG and expression at 37°C for 3 hours. For purification, we used HisPur Ni-NTA Spin Columns (Thermo scientific).
The success of each expression was analyzed using SDS-PAGE gel analysis. All proteins from C.crescentus CB2 and CB2A were distinguishable in the gel, as for H. baltica, all proteins except HfsJ were also visible. Protein purification success was also verified by SDS-PAGE gel analysis. We successfully purified CB2 and CB2A HfsG, HfsH, HfsK, HfsL. There was no visible HfsJ band in the gel, so we proceeded with a second trial of purification using more of the soluble fraction. This in fact improved purification, as a faint band corresponding to HfsJ size could be seen in SDS-PAGE gel. Disappointingly, we were able to purify only two of Hirschia baltica proteins - HfsH and HfsK.
Our journey, both in the wet lab and with the bioreactor project, was driven by the unwavering application of engineering principles and iterative cycles. The full tale of our bioreactor's setbacks, breakthroughs, and triumphs is captured in the "Hardware" section of our wiki page, where the story of our relentless pursuit unfolds.