
This year, our educational initiatives aimed to promote lifelong learning by integrating life sciences into the daily lives of various age groups. We focused on two key demographics: older adults and younger students. For older adults, we collaborated with Universities of the Third Age (U3A) to develop tailored educational programs that address their specific needs and interests. Additionally, we created the guide Science Communication with Universities of the Third Age (U3A), offering educators practical strategies for teaching life sciences to senior learners.

For younger audiences, we designed “Bacteriomania”, an interactive mobile game that encourages students to explore microbiology and synthetic biology through real-world engagement. Furthermore, recognizing the need for engaging and accessible content for children, we developed a science book, "Firefly Chilie and his scientific journey!" specifically aimed at introducing synthetic biology to kids. This resource seeks to spark curiosity in the life sciences from an early age, making complex topics understandable and exciting for younger minds.

Through these diverse approaches, we aimed to identify the most effective strategies and formats to make life sciences education engaging and accessible across all age groups, fostering lifelong learning.

Which age demographics and educational roles have been engaged by the various initiatives.
Fig. 1. Which age demographics and educational roles have been engaged by the various initiatives.


Why did we choose seniors as our targeted audience?

This year, we aimed to examine Lithuania’s socio-demographic trends, mainly focusing on educational disparities among older adults. According to Eurostat (the statistical office of the European Union) [1], Lithuania ranked 23rd out of 35 European countries in adult participation in learning activities in 2019.

This is especially concerning given that individuals aged 65 and older made up 20% of Lithuania's population at the start of 2023, with projections indicating that this figure will rise to 23.6% by 2030 and 30.8% by 2050 (see Figure 2). Our research, supported by data from STRATA (the Government Strategic Analysis Centre) [2], identified a key challenge: the widespread belief that learning becomes unattainable in later life.

Distribution of people aged 65 and over in Lithuanian society in 2023, 2030 and 2050.
Fig. 2. Distribution of people aged 65 and over in Lithuanian society in 2023, 2030 and 2050.

During our “Kelukis” event, we observed that interest in lifelong learning extends beyond older adults, motivating us to develop guidelines for incorporating life sciences and synthetic biology into the lives of seniors and other eager learners.


To address the various educational disparities, we have determined that our journey will consist of three main steps:

  • Objective 1: Develop a strategic framework by examining socio-demographic trends with an emphasis on the senior community
  • Objective 2: Bridge the gap between educators in the field of life sciences and older members of the community.
  • Objective 3: Ensure educational resources in life sciences are accessible to everyone, fostering inclusive education and contributing to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4. [3]

Universities of the Third Age

U3As are informal educational organizations aimed at older adults seeking continued learning and social interaction. Just like ours, their mission is to promote lifelong learning by offering intellectual and social development opportunities.

During the “SynFolk” event cycle, we got acquainted with Zita Žebrauskienė, President of the Association of Universities of the Third Age and Rector of the Medardo Čobotas University of the Third Age, and psychologist Mirolanda Trakumaitė, who advised us on the best way to initiate contact with the University of the Third Age communities. Engaging with this community, we discovered that members already possess foundational knowledge of life sciences, allowing us to

  1. Build on their knowledge, broaden their perspectives, and encourage the sharing of knowledge with others.
  2. Foster critical thinking, informed decision-making, and active participation in discussions on life science innovations and their applications.

Through this collaboration, we were able to:

Results achieved through collaboration with the University of the Third Age.
Fig. 3. Results achieved through collaboration with the University of the Third Age.

Educational Program: "Synthetic Biology for U3A"

Strategic Framework Development

While developing our educational program, we considered the community's demographics, drawing on STRATA data, which indicated that smaller towns had fewer individuals interested in lifelong learning. We structured the program for senior students into a four-phase process, unaware that a fifth phase would follow.

Teams strategic framework development phases 1-4.
Fig. 4. Teams strategic framework development phases 1-4.

By adapting our educational program based on feedback from a smaller city’s U3A and testing it in a larger community, we aimed to explore how seniors' educational needs vary with city size. This comparative approach enabled us to customize the program for both contexts.

First time presenting the educational program Synthetic Biology for U3A in Šiauliai.
Fig. 5. First time presenting the educational program "Synthetic Biology for U3A” in Šiauliai.

Phase 5: Analyzing and adapting

Despite expert feedback, our initial program was too narrowly focused and failed to meet the needs of the U3A community in Šiauliai. We recognized the necessity for analyzing and adapting our educational program to better suit the unique requirements of each U3A community.

Discovered strategic framework development phase 5.
Fig. 6. Discovered strategic framework development phase 5.

Introducing the 5th phase (see Figure 6) into our workflow prompted us to implement new learning strategies into our educational program.

Adaptive Learning Strategy Evaluation

The goal was to test three strategies to better align content with the audience's educational levels and interests, ensuring a learning experience that is both informative and engaging. By doing that, we explored several key questions:

  • Engagement: How effectively do these strategies stimulate active participation and interest among seniors? [4]
  • Adaptability: To what extent do the strategies accommodate the diverse learning needs and styles of older adults? [5]
  • Social Interaction: What impact does the strategy have on fostering connections and meaningful discussions among participants? [6]
  • Practical Application: How applicable is the knowledge gained to real-life situations? [7]
  • Motivation and Empowerment: Does the strategy enhance seniors' motivation to learn and boost their self-confidence? [4]

The effectiveness of the educational program was evaluated by both the Universities of the Third Age students and ourselves, following the provided questions.

Strategies Overview

Fig. 7. Introducing the educational program "Synthetic Biology for U3A" for the community of Panevėžys, Anykščiai, Šiauliai, Kupiškis, Pabradė and Švenčionėliai universities.
 Strategies for the Synthetic Biology for U3A educational program.
Fig. 8. Strategies for the "Synthetic Biology for U3A" educational program.
  1. Personalized Learning Approach
    This strategy surveys the academic community to identify specific interests and educational needs. By tailoring content to individual preferences, it enhances engagement, motivation, and relevance, helping older learners overcome barriers and boost self-esteem [8].
  2. Relevant Engagement and Expert Analysis
    This approach begins with an introductory lecture from our team, followed by a lecture with an expert focusing on current topics affecting seniors. It fosters critical thinking and deepens understanding while also addressing seniors’social and informational needs [9].
  3. Contextual Knowledge Integration
    By aligning educational content with the university’s existing curriculum, this strategy builds on participants' prior knowledge. It values their experience, encouraging participation and social inclusion [10].

The strategies vary in their approach. The first is designed to address individual needs, the second to facilitate the deepening of relevant topics, and the third to integrate existing knowledge.

Feedback 1

At the conclusion of each session, participants answered our questions and rated the session on a five-point scale based on five criteria (engagement, adaptability, social Interaction, practical application, motivation and empowerment).

Results of participant feedback from the “Synthetic Biology for U3A” educational program. Number of people who took part in the survey: 225
Fig. 9. Results of participant feedback from the “Synthetic Biology for U3A” educational program. Number of people who took part in the survey: 225

Feedback Analysis 1

Our educational initiatives utilized three strategies: Strategy 1 (Personalized Learning Approach), Strategy 2 (Relevant Engagement and Expert Analysis), and Strategy 3 (Contextual Knowledge Integration). Strategy 1 proved most effective, significantly engaging older adults and boosting motivation and self-confidence. While Strategy 2 facilitated meaningful interactions, it needs improvement in adaptability. Strategy 3 encouraged social inclusion but struggled with engagement.

Overall, while all strategies enhanced motivation and connections, Strategy 1 stood out as the best due to its strong performance in promoting active participation and addressing the needs of senior learners.

Feedback 2

We also wanted to know how much life sciences content the community felt was missing from the University of the Third Age curriculum and whether there was a need for more.

Feedback results from the “Synthetic Biology for U3A” educational program. Number of people who took part in the survey: 225
Fig. 10. Feedback results from the “Synthetic Biology for U3A” educational program. Number of people who took part in the survey: 225

Feedback Analysis 2

From data we have collected from the students of the Universities of the Third Age, we drew the conclusion that life sciences is very relevant to the senior community, but simultaneously, it is a discipline that is highly underrepresented.


In addressing Objective 1, we customized our educational offerings by employing a five-phase strategy based on community feedback, which allowed us to effectively meet the unique needs of each U3A. This personalized learning approach has proven particularly successful in enhancing engagement and motivation among seniors, while also revealing a notable gap in life sciences content within the curriculum. As a result, our “Synthetic Biology for U3A” program has successfully engaged 225 students across six cities.

Science Communication Guide: "Science Communication with Universities of Third Age (U3A)”

Identifying a Problem

Based on our extensive experience in implementing educational programs, we made two main observations:

Observations we made in the process of running the educational program Synthetic Biology for U3A.
Fig. 11. Observations we made in the process of running the educational program "Synthetic Biology for U3A".

From these observations, we concluded that one of the primary challenges preventing the effective integration of life sciences, including synthetic biology, into the Universities of the Third Age curriculum, is the absence of comprehensive and structured guidelines for educating this community.

Suggesting a Solution

This led to the creation of our educational guide, "Science Communication with Universities of Third Age (U3A)." The educational guide serves two key purposes:

  1. To equip educators, researchers, and competency enhancers with a comprehensive understanding of effective communication strategies for presenting life science topics to older audiences.
  2. To facilitate the integration of life sciences topics into the curricula of Third Age Universities, thereby promoting the inclusion of these important subjects within the educational programs offered to senior learners.


Julija Grigorjevaitė, head of one of the Lithuanian Didactics Centres, Goda Raibytė-Aleksa, science journalist (science communication expert), and Zita Žebrauskienė, Rector of the Medardo Čobotas University of the Third Age and President of the Association of Universities of the Third Age, advised us during the development of the guidebook and revised its content once it was created.

Consultation with the Rector's Office of the Medardo Čobotas University of the Third Age on the content and structure of the scientific communication guide.
Fig. 12. Consultation with the Rector's Office of the Medardo Čobotas University of the Third Age on the content and structure of the scientific communication guide.


The guide has reached more than 40 science and innovation centers, education support services, universities, and other educational institutions in more than 30 cities.

Lithuanian cities reached by the Science Communication with Universities of Third Age (U3A) guide.
Fig. 13. Lithuanian cities reached by the "Science Communication with Universities of Third Age (U3A)" guide.

Future prospects

We designed this resource as a foundational educational tool for others to expand on. Looking ahead, we plan to enrich it with additional content, such as examples, visual elements, practical advice, and user experiences.


In addressing Objective 3, we have engaged in collaborative efforts with the Lifelong Learning Centre at Vilnius University to ensure educational resources in life sciences are accessible to everyone, fostering inclusive education and contributing to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4. By implementing targeted strategies and resources, we are committed to enhancing the educational landscape for older adults, ensuring they have the opportunity to engage with essential life sciences topics in an inclusive and supportive environment.

Education for senior students: Conclusion

In conclusion, our project has successfully established a foundation for bridging the gap between life sciences education and the senior community. By collaborating with Universities of the Third Age (U3A) and developing tailored educational programs, we have empowered older adults to engage with complex scientific topics like synthetic biology. The introduction of adaptive learning strategies, alongside the creation of the "Science Communication with Universities of the Third Age (U3A)" guide, has further strengthened the integration of life sciences into senior education.

Our efforts have not only expanded the reach of life sciences education across numerous cities but also set the stage for future growth through collaborations with institutions like Vilnius University’s Lifelong Learning Centre. As we continue to refine and expand our programs, our work contributes to inclusive education and supports the broader goals of lifelong learning and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, ensuring that life sciences education is accessible and impactful for older generations.


Why did we choose children as our targeted audience?

During the developmental stages of our educational framework, we learned that there is hardly any viable content to introduce children to synthetic biology and basic genetic principles in Lithuania. This idea was reinforced after consulting with Rita Makarskaitė-Petkevičienė, an associate professor and pedagogue of preschool and primary education in life sciences. She explained that there is a lack of innovative teaching tools in Lithuania because new education topics are often considered redundant information by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport and are not included in the school curriculum. This is an important issue with potentially serious consequences, as teaching science to young children fosters their love of learning and improves their understanding of scientific concepts later in life [11].

Furthermore, we found out that in Lithuania, digital tools are very rarely used for primary school science lessons. This is due to a lack of teacher competencies and the absence of digital content available to schools [12]. We aimed to fill this gap since digital tools can lead to positive student learning outcomes and may also facilitate the development of communication, creativity, and problem-solving skills [13].

These reasons motivated us to write an interactive children's book that would aid in alleviating the mentioned problems. The story follows a memorable journey of a firefly Chilie that could not glow. With the help of his best friend, bacteria Koli, and the power of synthetic biology, he tries to bring back his ability to shine.

Fig. 14. Online version of the educational book "Firefly Chilie and his scientific journey!"

Goal of the book

Objective 1: The main goal of this book was to encourage children to become interested in life sciences and give them the necessary background to explore the world in more depth. This is why the book encourages pupils to think and ask questions about why and how one or another life process works.

Objective 2: We wanted to provide teachers with an additional free tool to ignite students' interest in new subjects, even if they are not mandatory in the curriculum.


Content of the book

Following the story of Chili, pupils progressively delve deeper into the structural organization of an organism. First, readers get to understand the definitions of organisms, microorganisms, and cells. Afterwards, they start learning what lies inside the cells—DNA and genes. Finally, they are introduced to the principles of genetic engineering and synthetic biology, after which pupils help our hero Chilie regain the ability to glow. This way of presenting information gives it context and makes it easier for children to remember.

Learning about microorganisms shows children that life also exists on microscopic levels, far beyond what can be seen with the naked eye. Early exposure to topics like DNA, genes, and gene editing introduces them to key concepts of modern science. By learning about these topics, children can become aware of how science affects their environment, enabling them to make responsible decisions later in life as adults.

Design of the book

To make learning more interactive, every other page has questions related to the text that readers can answer by pressing buttons. After a question is answered correctly, a green light appears, giving children immediate positive reinforcement and a sense of accomplishment, making them feel good about their efforts. Research has shown that interactive books motivate students to follow the course and improve their ability to understand and remember educational material [14].

Fig. 15. A video showing the functionality of the physical "Firefly Chilie and his scientific journey!"


During the writing of the initial version of the book, we consulted with young pedagogues Kornelija Buivydaite and Laura Lapinskaite who helped to identify several essential aspects to make our book more accessible. First of all, they pointed out the need to use a type font that is friendly for pupils with special educational needs, such as Comic Sans. The font improves the experience for readers with dyslexia and other disabilities.

Secondly, they advised using an animal as the main character and giving it a memorable name since children tend to connect with them better and it helps to make the story enjoyable.

Next, they suggested we should aim to simplify learning new concepts so each new term is described with practical examples that are easy to understand.

Furthermore, we asked Monika Jasnauskaitė, a Junior scientist at VU LSC and an expert scientific illustrator, to help us with visualizing our book and make it easier to capture children's attention and facilitate their understanding and retention of what is being read [15].

Do It Yourself

While creating a book yourself may seem daunting, we wanted to ensure that anyone interested in having a physical copy could easily make one. You can find a concise guide here, where we've made all the hardware building instructions accessible so others can build upon it. The book has also been translated into English to make it accessible worldwide.

Creating a mutual dialogue

We were eager to see how well our book could be implemented into non-formal education and to determine whether children and teachers found it valuable. To do so, we contacted several primary schools and introduced the story of Chilie. We created a mutual learning environment by asking children questions from the book and assessed their engagement and comprehension of the content. This helped us to see what the children understood and where further explanation was needed.

Fig. 16. Book presentation and children answering the questions.

The presentation was followed by an interactive session where students, with our help, extracted DNA from bananas. This activity aimed to reiterate the concepts from the book, that every organism is made up of cells, which, when broken down, can then be used to extract DNA. The activity also highlighted the importance of washing hands with soap because it destroys harmful microorganisms on our hands.
Another important reason for implementing a face-to-face education was to get insights into the impact of our book. To measure it, we asked pupils if they could describe the concepts shown below before and after presentation of the book.

Fig. 17. Interactive part of the book presentation, DNA extraction from a banana.
Percent of pupils that answered YES to the questions asked before and after reading the educational book Firefly Chilie and his scientifi journey!. Number of participants - 71.
Fig. 18. Percent of pupils that answered YES to the questions asked before and after reading the educational book "Firefly Chilie and his scientifi journey!". Number of participants - 71.


Alongside the physical book prototype, we also made a free interactive website to help the story reach a wider audience, ensuring that any interested teacher can access it. To make the process even more efficient, we collaborated with "Vilnius yra mokykla" and created a publicly available lesson plan that enables teachers to use the online version of the book to introduce primary school children to life sciences. Our book has reached over 120 teachers in more than 15 different cities. We hope that the spread of this educational tool will only be accelerated by teachers who use it themselves and share it with others, ensuring the continuity of our project

Lithuanian cities reached by the Educational book Firefly Chilie and his scientific journey!
Fig. 19. Lithuanian cities reached by the Educational book "Firefly Chilie and his scientific journey!"


Although the book has just started its own "journey," we have already received feedback from teachers and children. The children said they enjoyed the story and the main character - firefly Chilie. Teachers added that even though the book is a bit difficult in some places, the pupils still understood the content. The main suggestions for future improvement were to include more examples to introduce key concepts and to expand the story with content focused less on teaching new ideas and more on developing the narrative, allowing children to better connect with the characters.


Combining storytelling with science, "Firefly Chilie and his Scientific Journey" proved to be a valuable tool in making complex subjects accessible and enjoyable for young learners. We hope this approach empowers children to learn and engage with science in a meaningful way, igniting their curiosity and inspiring the next generation of scientists. Additionally, by providing teachers with a ready-to-use tool, we hope to make a long-lasting impact that aligns with Sustainable Development Goal no 4.


Seeing a lack of public interest in STEAM education, particularly among students[16], we felt obligated to promote it. While talking to students outside of STEM studies, we encountered a common stereotype that science exists only within the laboratory's walls. The microorganisms that experiments are conducted on seem like they're from a completely different world.

Our objective was to show young people that life sciences can be observed all around us. Therefore, we decided to create a mobile game that would encourage students to get out there and explore their surroundings to learn more about it.


To do so, we chose a well-known game model that is attractive to youth and young adults - one akin to Pokémon Go that allows players to explore real-world environments. The game is designed to introduce players to microbiology and gene editing, even those with no prior interest in biology. Evidence shows that learning outdoors leads to a deeper understanding of nature and benefits students' emotional and cognitive development [17].

A game feature that encourages real-world exploration.
Fig. 20. A game feature that encourages real-world exploration.

Learning through games

Incorporating game elements into education can make traditional learning an adaptive and immersive experience [18]. Studies have shown that learning through games also improves content comprehension and motivation to continue learning when compared to conventional teaching methods [19]. This is particularly relevant in the context of life sciences, where complex concepts can be difficult to grasp through traditional teaching methods.

Game design

The game is designed to be fun and beneficial for different age groups.

Young teens can often find the written material non-engaging, so it was essential for us to present the information visually to make it easier for them to remember and understand it [20]. “Bacteriomania” builds upon this notion and combines real-world exploration with the ability to scan surfaces like dirt or food to find different bacteria living in these specific environments. By doing so, pupils can understand where bacteria live, how bacteria function and contribute to shaping our ecosystems [21]. The game has over 20 different bacteria, so kids won't get tired of looking at the same bacteria and it will encourage them to find all the hidden species!

Fig. 21. Scanning dirt and water surfaces to find different bacteria.

To reach young adults, we have added an extra level of interactivity - after scanning the surface, players can then choose to battle bacteria and gain their parts, such as new plasmids, promoters, and genes. By obtaining these parts, players have the opportunity to learn how they work and then use this knowledge to create the best possible plasmid for their own bacteria. This shows how genetic engineering can be used to develop new plasmids and subsequently be implemented for use in synthetic biology.

Fig. 22. Pictures showing the functionality of the game.

Generating a mutual dialogue

It was very important for us to hear from the students what they thought about our game, whether it was informative and how it benefited them. To measure the impact of Bacteriomania, we used the focus group method to get individual perspectives and to hear different opinions on how the game helped them understand the concepts of microbiology and genetic engineering.

Fig. 23. People participating in our focus group.


The most common comments were that the game helped players realize how many different bacteria there really are in the environment and that each bacteria has unique features. Another important insight was that the game made it much easier to understand how plasmids and operons work and how genes are integrated into them. However, people in our focus group also stated that they missed the possibility to read more about the caught bacteria and learn about their other features. We plan to continue collecting feedback from players and integrating it into the game to make it even better.


After seeing a great interest in the game, we decided to promote it not only through our social media networks but also on international gaming forums. The game is available in almost every country on the Google Play and Apple Store apps. To make this game grow even more in the future, we decided to make the source code publicly available so that other iGEM teams and enthusiasts can use it and adapt it for their own projects. You can find the code here.

Using augmented reality for exposure therapy

A growing number of scientific papers have recently suggested that augmented reality can be used to treat phobias through exposure therapy [22]. Mysophobia is an extreme fear of germs. This condition often leads to avoidance behaviors that can significantly impact daily life. By scanning surfaces and seeing the bacteria, players can confront their fears in a virtual context and understand that bacteria are a natural part of life and not necessarily harmful. Over time, they can become used to seeing the bacteria without negative consequences, and their anxiety levels may decrease. We hope that “Bacteriomania” will help people deal with this phobia in the future.


Overall, the feedback from people has been extremely positive, and everyone was eager to see what new features would be added to the game in the future. Our main objective to get students interested in the environment and at the same time to get acquainted with genetic engineering and synthetic biology was achieved. We hope that our efforts of incorporating feedback to improve our game and making both the game and its code public will achieve a long-lasting impact.

Our participation in various contact fairs this year aimed to enhance our visibility within the scientific community and foster connections that promote continuous education in life sciences. By showcasing our educational initiatives and engaging with students, professionals, and organizations, we sought to inspire interest in synthetic biology and identify collaborative opportunities to improve educational resources for diverse audiences.

International Conference of Life Sciences The COINS 2024

We had the first opportunity to introduce our new team and project to a broad public during this conference. At the networking event, we exchanged contacts with other participants and learned how to present iGEM and synthetic biology clearly to the audience.

Vilnius University Career Days

Introducing the new team, the iGEM project and making new contacts at the Business Fair.
Fig. 24. Introducing the new team, the iGEM project and making new contacts at the Business Fair.

Participating in the Business Fair helped us understand how to communicate with other companies and possible stakeholders, expanding our knowledge and professional networking skills. Career days bring together students from different study fields, so hopefully, our participation has influenced some young people to consider a career in the life sciences.

The “Environmental Development 2024” conference at Žemynos Gymnasium

Carrying out a simulation of the iGEM project to inspire and engage younger audiences in synthetic biology.
Fig. 25. Carrying out a simulation of the iGEM project to inspire and engage younger audiences in synthetic biology.

We were invited by Žemynos Gymnasium to participate in the conference "Environmental Development 2024", where people of different ages, from primary school children to university students, presented their scientific activities. After introducing listeners to past iGEM projects and the possibilities of synthetic biology, we received many questions from younger children, which taught us that there is great interest in life sciences among younger people. After the conference, we felt inspired to continue fostering children's interest in synthetic biology. This idea was later explored, which led us to discover a lack of credible and engaging learning material that introduces kids to synthetic biology, eventually leading to the creation of our educational book for children.

Vilnius University Freshmen Camps

Introducing the iGEM competition to different faculties at Vilnius University through presentations on synthetic biology and our project Synhesion.
Fig. 26. Introducing the iGEM competition to different faculties at Vilnius University through presentations on synthetic biology and our project "Synhesion".

This year, we have set the goal of introducing the iGEM competition to a broader range of Vilnius University faculties besides the Life Science Center. We introduced the iGEM competition to four first-year student camps from different faculties. During these visits, we delivered presentations on synthetic biology and its applications in our project “Synhesion”.

The National Pupil Academy

Fig. 27. Presenting the iGEM competition and engaging students in designing their own projects while discussing the bioethics of synthetic biology.

The National Pupil Academy is a unique non-formal education institution meant for talented and motivated Lithuanian children from 8th to 12th grade. The sessions are led by professionals, scientists, and students from the world's top universities. Keeping the tradition of Vilnius-Lithuania iGEM and The National Pupil Academy, we were invited to present the iGEM competition to the pupils, introduce them to the field of synthetic biology, and provide them with knowledge in this rapidly developing interdisciplinary field.

The theoretical part was followed by an activity in which students had to design a smaller-scale iGEM project, come up with a problem they wanted to solve, think about their public engagement and hardware. This demonstrated the iGEM project development process and highlighted the vast potential of synthetic biology applications.

The last part of our educational activities aimed to discuss bioethics in the context of synthetic biology because of its potential to create new life forms, risks associated with misuse, and social implications. We created mutual dialogue by inviting a bioethics research specialist, who helped us to explore this nuanced field and answered pupils' questions.

Vilnius University Life Sciences Center Community Evening

It provided us with an opportunity to engage with members of the LSC community and professors in an informal setting and to meet the international university community. It allowed us to talk freely about our project and get advice from experts on where to expand and improve.

Engaging in collaborative discussions and showcasing our life sciences project.
Fig. 28. Engaging in collaborative discussions and showcasing our life sciences project.

The VU Integration Festival Ad Astra took place at the end of our project, which allowed us to showcase the achievements of our LAB and HP work. It was also another great opportunity to introduce students to iGEM, synthetic biology, and Synhesion to a broad public.

Non-formal School of Biochemistry

Introducing the iGEM competition and encouraging students to create their own project designs through a hands-on simulation experience.
Fig. 29. Introducing the iGEM competition and encouraging students to create their own project designs through a hands-on simulation experience.

At the beginning of the project, the Non-formal School of Biochemistry invited us to lecture about synthetic biology and the iGEM competition to pupils from grades 9 to 10. After the presentation, we ran a simulation of the iGEM project for the students to promote teamwork and encourage sharing ideas on how to apply synthetic biology to solve global problems.

The education was received well by the pupils, but they encountered difficulties trying to integrate information learned in the first part of the education into the practical simulation. We set out to make educations following the first attempt better and more adapted to pupils with different levels of capabilities. As a result, we tailored our education to begin by introducing the principles of genetics and biotechnology, then move on to synthetic biology, and finally finish the presentations with projects from other iGEM teams to illustrate how synthetic biology can be applied in practice.

Overall, this meeting was an important lesson in understanding how we can improve our presentations and communicate ideas more effectively at future events.


In conclusion, our educational initiatives this year successfully promoted lifelong learning by integrating life sciences into the daily lives of both older adults and younger students. By partnering with Universities of the Third Age (U3A), we tailored programs that met the unique needs of senior learners, complemented by a comprehensive guide for educators on effective science communication. For younger audiences, the development of Bacteriomania, a mobile game, along with the interactive children's book "Firefly Chilie and his Scientific Journey!" designed to introduce synthetic biology to children, fostered curiosity and engagement in complex scientific concepts from an early age. Overall, our diverse approaches demonstrated the potential to make life sciences education both engaging and accessible, thereby encouraging a culture of lifelong learning across all age groups.

Key References

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  4. Ambarova, P. (2020). ‘Successful Educational Strategies of the «Third Age» People’.ICERI Proceedings. doi:
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  9. Marlett, D. (2024, May 23). ‘Critical Thinking in Education: How to Prepare students for the future’.Learning-Focused. Available at (Retrieved on: 25 September 2024)
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  11. Eshach, H., & Fried, M. N. (2005). ‘Should Science be Taught in Early Childhood?’Journal of Science Education and Technology, 14(3), pp. 315–336. doi:
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