
iGEM is extracting Results and Reaching to Conclusions.

This section provides an overview of the diverse results and achievements our team has made.


On this page, you will find all the results and accomplishments our team has achieved throughout our participation in iGEM. These range from successfully developing an efficient storage system for biological parts to demonstrating the proof of concept of some module with the application of the key experiments.

As outlined in the project design, we divided our workflow into different modules. This modular approach allowed us to meet several objectives and produce significant results across various aspects of the project. However, certain processes, such as part storage, were more efficient to manage collectively. This is why some of our results are specific to individual modules, while others are more comprehensive and apply to the project as a whole.

We split the work between two chassis: E. coli for initial proof-of-concept experiments and C. acnes for testing the constructs in a more relevant biological context. This strategy allowed us to optimize our system in E. coli before addressing the more challenging transformations in C. acnes, improving overall efficiency.

Below you can find the documentation of the outcomes of our experiments. The key experiments appear with a ★ sign at the beginning.

Escherichia coli

During the first weeks at the lab one of the main objectives was to transform the Escherichia coli NZY 5α strain into having the parts that we requested to IDT.

With this procedure we were able to have an unlimited supply of our genes and parts of interest without needing to order more.

In order to achieve these transformations we digested the plasmids with restriction enzymes and introduced our parts with Gibson Assembly. To confirm that the transformations were properly achieved we did agarose gels for electrophoresis to identify the band that corresponds to our gene of interest. For this case we also confirmed our positive results with Sanger sequencing and performed the alignments of our sequenced results with our designed parts on Benchling. Since for most of the parts its length was much higher than 1000 bp we used reverse and forward priming to obtain the maximum possible information on our alignment results.

After we obtained the results we did liquid cultures of our samples and saved glycerol stocks and minipreps of them. We also measured the DNA concentration results of the colony PCR purified products and the backbone we wanted to use (p-JET) with the Nanodrop, obtaining the following results:

DNA Concentration [ng/μL]
Cry 3Aa Sample 1 25.7
Cry 3Aa Sample 2 109.6
Cry 3Aa Sample 3 144.3
Cry 4Ba 224.4
Endolysin Sample 1 60.8
Endolysin Sample 2 155.9
p-JET 69
sfGFP 138.6
mCherry 144

Once we had the parts of interest, our main focus for both modules was to create the constructs we wanted to insert into Cutibacterium acnes.

To achieve this, we began with the Gibson assembly to introduce our parts along with our two promoters inside p-END.

After obtaining promising results with the Gibson Assembly and transforming NZY5α E. coli cells, we incubated them at 37°C. However, during this first cycle, we discovered that the transformation containing the MG10 promoter and Cry4Ba toxin constructs did not yield any colonies on any of our plates.

With the grown colonies we performed a PCR Colony and an agarose gel for electrophoresis, it confirmed that some of the constructs had been integrated properly, since the results for the Module 3.1 required more time we sent to sequence the PCR purified products for the parts corresponding to the Module 2 and the Module 3.2 and analyze its results with Benchling.

Before transforming C. acnes, our constructs needed to undergo one last step for correct incorporation.

This consisted in transforming yet again another E. coli strain, that has the particularity of having the same methyltransferase as C. acnes. The goal is to obtain the constructs with a pattern of methylation that ressemblance that of C. acnes.

To start off, we performed minipreps from the liquid cultures of the NZY 5α confirmed colonies, obtaining the following concentrations:

DNA Concentration [ng/μL]
Cry3Aa+MG10 80.4
Cry3Aa+MG26 137.4
Cry4Ba+MG26 255.6
Endolysin+MG10 54.8
Endolysin+MG26 151.3
sfGFP+MG10 106.5
sfGFP+MG26 109.5
mCherry+MG10 149.9
mCherry+MG26 101.4

After transforming the E. coli EC24 strain with the minipreps and culture overnight, once again we performed PCR colonies, in order to send the purified products to sequence. The colonies were again confirmed through alignment, the analysis of these sequencing can be seen on the document attached below.

We wanted to conduct a first proof of concept to evaluate the functionality of the RNA thermometer in E. coli by monitoring temperature-dependent gene expression.

For this experiment, the EC24 strain of E. coli was transformed with plasmids encoding two fluorescent proteins. The transformed E. coli cells were grown in liquid culture at different temperatures (room temperature, 30ºC, and 37ºC) to assess the effect of temperature on protein production. Fluorescence intensity was measured two days after for 30ºC and 37ºC, and we waited two more days to measure the room temperature sample, to assure correct growth. By doing so, we quantified the expression levels of the fluorescent proteins. We anticipated that higher temperatures would lead to increased fluorescence, reflecting the activation of transcription via the RNA thermometer.

Just by looking at the liquid culture growth, it was apparent that temperatures close to 37ºC had significantly more protein production, in comparison to those that had grown at room temperature and 30ºC.

Nevertheless, we also performed a quantitative analysis of the amount of fluorescence in all the samples. The protocol was straightforward: after incubating the transformed E. coli EC24 cells at different temperatures, we transferred aliquots of each culture into a 24-well plate and measured fluorescence using a plate reader. For GFP, the excitation and emission were measured at 485 nm, while for mCherry, it was measured at 575 nm. The absorbance was also measured in all samples at 660 nm.

To ensure accuracy, all fluorescence readings were normalized by applying a simple formula:

Sample reading (sfGFP/mCherry) - LB reading (sfGFP/mCherry) Sample ABS 660 - LB ABS 660

The LB served as the blank and this normalization allowed us to account for the background fluorescence and ensured that the fluorescence values correspond only to the expression of the different proteins.

In both cases, there is a significant difference between higher and lower temperatures. When comparing 30ºC and 37ºC, there is around a two-fold difference in each case, proving the functioning and ideal working temperature of the FourU RNA thermometer (at least in E. coli).

Note: we measured the fluorescence of each liquid culture three times in order to have replicates.

Cutibacterium acnes

Following the successful transformation of E. coli as a proof-of-concept, we proceeded to transform C. acnes with all of our constructs. However, this phase of the project presented significant challenges. C. acnes is intrinsically more difficult to transform due to its slow growth and sensitivity to environmental conditions. Additionally, the process was complicated by frequent contamination with Staphylococcus species, forcing us to do multiple repetitions of the transformation protocol. Despite the tedious and time-consuming nature of these setbacks, we continued to optimize our methods to achieve the desired transformation efficiency. Here, we present the results of these efforts and the progress made in overcoming the technical difficulties.

Despite the challenges, we ultimately succeeded in transforming C. acnes with all of our constructs. However, we were only able to conduct experiments with the C. acnes cells that had correctly incorporated the construct containing the endolysin gene. These transformed cells allowed us to move forward, and we were able to assess the activity of the endolysin, as well as to detect protein production through a Western Blot.

Although further experiments with the remaining constructs were not completed within the time frame of the iGEM project, the successful transformation provides a solid foundation for future work.

As mentioned, the first couple of transformations were a failure due to both inexperience and the intrinsic difficulty of correctly transforming C. acnes. After these two first attempts, we finally succeeded in introducing our first construct into C. acnes: the CAP 10-3 Endolysin.

As can be seen in the gel, apparently all of the constructs had been correctly integrated. However, the latter 16S region analysis through alignment (see C. acnes alignments pdf), would show that C. acnes was only present in the endolysin samples. The other “positive” samples were Staphylococcus species that had been able to incorporate our construct.

Just before the wiki freeze, we were finally able to obtain C. acnes cells that had successfully integrated all our constructs.

Successfully obtaining the correct transformations in C. acnes was a crucial step for our project. After many setbacks, this achievement opens up the possibility for further experiments that couldn't be finished before the iGEM wiki freeze. Moving forward we can focus on testing the remaining constructs and exploring additional applications. This progress gives a strong foundation for future work and ultimately, the development of our final product.

We conducted a Western blot analysis to evaluate protein expression across various samples.

The samples analyzed included:

  • E. coli NZY 5α with Cry3Aa+MG10 (pellet)
  • E. coli NZY 5α with endolysin+MG10 (pellet)
  • C. acnes with endolysin+MG10 (pellet)
  • C. acnes with endolysin+MG26 (pellet)
  • C. acnes with Cry4Ba+MG26 (pellet)
  • C. acnes with Endolysin+MG10 (supernatant)
  • C. acnes with Endolysin+MG26 (supernatant)
  • C. acnes with Cry4Ba+MG26 (supernatant)

For E. coli, proteins are primarily intracellular, requiring cell lysis to isolate the proteins from the pellet. For C. acnes, we anticipated protein expression both within the cell and in the supernatant. Thus, we evaluated both pellet and supernatant samples to capture the full protein profile.

To ensure consistency, we loaded 20 ng of total protein per well, adjusting sample volumes based on protein concentration. Before loading in the samples, we evaluated the concentration of protein found in each one to know how much was needed to have the 20 ng.

Sample DNA Concentration [ng/μL]
E. coli Cry3A+MG10 (pellet) 1.179
E. coli Endolysin+MG10 (pellet) 1.499
C. acnes Endolysin+MG10 (pellet) 0.512
C. acnes Endolysin+MG26 (pellet) 0.692
C. acnes Cry4Ba+MG26 (pellet) 0.745
C. acnes Endolysin+MG10 (SN) 0.686
C. acnes Endolysin+MG26 (SN) 1.072
C. acnes Cry4Ba+MG26 (SN) 1.018
Control sample 1.32

Once we have obtained the total protein concentrations, we can proceed with the results of the gel:

We have also attached an image of the ladder used for reference. For reference, the expected kDa were the following:

  • Cry3Aa: 76.8 kDa
  • Cry4Ba: 130.6 kDa
  • Endolysin: 31 kDa


After revealing the Western blot, we noted the following:

  • Well 1: E. coli Cry3Aa+MG10 (pellet) showed no significant protein bands, indicating no detectable protein expression.
  • Well 2: E. coli Endolysin+MG10 (pellet) showed two clear bands, one around 76 kDa and another around 31 kDa. This suggests that Cry3Aa protein contaminated this well, leading us to conclude that both Cry3Aa and Endolysin+MG10 are expressed.
  • Well 3: C. acnes Endolysin+MG10 (pellet) showed a faint band at 31 kDa, suggesting some expression of Endolysin+MG10.
  • Well 4: C. acnes Endolysin+MG26 (pellet) displayed a strong band at 31 kDa, confirming successful protein expression of Endolysin+MG26.
  • Well 5-8: No detectable protein bands were observed. Specifically, for the C. acnes supernatants (wells 6–8), the lack of protein expression may be due to insufficient time for the protein to be secreted into the supernatant since we only left the liquid cultures growing for 48 hours.

In conclusion, protein expression was confirmed for E. coli Endolysin+MG10 and C. acnes Endolysin+MG26. Protein expression is concluded to also apply for E. coli Cry3Aa+MG10. We would have liked to perform another Western Blot with newly transformed C. acnes cells, however, we did not have enough time to do this.

We wanted to evaluate the effectiveness of the CAP 10-3 endolysin in reducing the viability of Cutibacterium acnes.

To determine the effectiveness of the CAP 10-3 endolysin in reducing C. acnes viability, we compared the growth of three different strains: one expressing an endolysin-coding plasmid, one with a plasmid providing only antibiotic resistance (WT), and another one with a plasmid with constitutive GFP expression. Growth was monitored over the four following days by measuring the OD600. The OD600 of the blanks was subtracted from all the experimental readings to account for background absorbance.

This indicates that the expression of endolysin, regardless of the promoter used, is effective in impairing C. acnes viability. The consistent reduction in growth across strains with different promoters suggests that endolysin has a significant impact on its overall fitness.

The endolysin-expressing strain exhibited a lag phase that was noticeably longer than that of both the WT and GFP strains. This extended lag phase suggests that the presence of endolysin may require additional time for the cells to acclimate before starting to grow. Once the lag phase concluded, the growth rate of the endolysin strain appeared slightly slower than that of the WT and GFP strains. The OD600 measurements indicated that, although the endolysin strain eventually increased in cell density, it did so at a reduced rate, further supporting the fact that endolysin affects cellular viability.

These findings are important as they support the idea that endolysin may assist in the delivery of the Cry proteins. Future research should focus on investigating the specific role of endolysin in facilitating protein release, and evaluate whether this mechanism enhances the therapeutic effectiveness against the targeted skin infestations

The endolysin has been essential to our project, playing a key role in both ensuring the safe use of our GMO and facilitating the release of the Cry protein. We are particularly proud of the endolysin DNA part, which we are presenting for the Best New Part special prize due to its innovation and importance in our design. You can find more details about the part in the iGEM registry here.


In conclusion, we successfully stored our parts of interest and used them to construct the desired assemblies. We successfully combined the promoters with the corresponding proteins, resulting in the transformation of E. coli NZY 5α with the following constructs: Cry3Aa+MG10, Cry3Aa+MG26, Cry4Ba+MG26, Endolysin+MG10, Endolysin+MG26, sfGFP+MG10, sfGFP+MG26, mCherry+MG10, and mCherry+MG26. We then repeated these transformations with E. coli EC24, which was also successful. We observed a difference in expression between higher and lower temperatures, confirming that the FourU RNA thermometer functions as expected at 37ºC. For C. acnes, we successfully extracted the plasmids from the E. coli EC24 transformations and inserted them into C. acnes, achieving successful transformations with all the constructs mentioned. Finally, our Western blot confirmed protein expression for E. coli NZY 5α Endolysin+MG10, C. acnes Endolysin+MG26, and E. coli NZY 5α Cry3Aa+MG10.

Overall, the wet lab experience during the last 4 months of the iGEM competition has been a very challenging yet rewarding process, providing us with valuable insights into synthetic biology and hands-on lab work. From the initial transformations in E. coli to the more complex work with C. acnes, each step has required readjustments, repetition, and adaptation. Working with C. acnes brought its unique challenges, from transformation efficiency issues to contamination with other bacteria like Staphylococcus. Initially, this seemed like a major setback, as this kind of contamination was a recurrent issue. However, we turned this situation into an opportunity to help future iGEM teams that are willing to work with C. acnes, to better distinguish both types of bacteria with our own poster, contributing to the broader iGEM community.

This experience highlighted the importance of planning, iteration, and collaboration in the lab work. It has also taught us how to refine experimental protocols to achieve reliable results. Looking ahead, all the work has also established a very solid basis to continue working with the project.

Future work

As we look towards immediate future work after the wiki freeze, we have several experiments designed to advance our iGEM project further. Our first objective is to test the antiparasitic activity of the Cry proteins produced by C. acnes against Drosophila as a proof-of-concept. This will help us demonstrate the efficacy of the Cry proteins in combating parasitic infestations, specifically those related to the skin, like scabies infections.

Additionally, we plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the RNA thermometer in C. acnes, which is crucial for our strategy of controlling the expression of endolysin. The expression of endolysin will be regulated by the RNA thermometer, allowing us to address the safety concerns associated with having a genetically modified organism (GMO) continuously present on the skin. This regulation also ensures that the endolysin is exclusively expressed at body temperature (around 37ºC), which aligns with our goal of releasing the Cry proteins when entering contact with the skin.

Ultimately, we aim to join these elements to achieve constitutive expression of the Cry proteins, while simultaneously controlling endolysin expression through the RNA thermometer. This integrated approach will not only enhance the therapeutic potential of our engineered strain but also mitigate safety concerns by ensuring precise control over protein expression in response to environmental conditions.


In this annex section, you will find Document 1, which contains the different alignments we have performed to demonstrate the success of the transformations in E. coli; Document 2, which details the alignments we have conducted to show the success of the transformations in C. acnes; and Document 3, which includes the raw data generated from the experiments mentioned in the results section.