"If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it."
- Albert Einstein

In a world where the demand for food is rapidly increasing, ensuring food security is more important than ever. Access to safe, nutritious food is a cornerstone of public health and well-being. Unfortunately, this necessity is under threat due to emerging health risks such as food contamination by harmful substances. One of the most dangerous risks comes from mycotoxins, which contaminate 60-80% of the world's food crops (Eskola et al., 2020). These toxins are especially dangerous because they survive food processing, exposing humans and animals to significant health risks (WHO, 2023).

Among these mycotoxins, aflatoxins are the most prevalent and hazardous. Despite global efforts to manage them, aflatoxin contamination remains a major issue in essential food supplies like maize, wheat, and rice (Mahato et al., 2019). The consequences of this contamination stretch far beyond individual health risks, affecting food production, trade, and entire economies. In addition to these threats, aflatoxins count with a risk that may increase the importance of the rest of them: local people know very little about them, making it a difficult threat to face.

Aflatoxin B1: The Deadliest of Them All

Of the various aflatoxins, aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) stands out as the most toxic, produced primarily by Aspergillus flavus. This potent carcinogen can contaminate various foodstuffs, including cereals and dairy products (Popescu et al., 2022). Chemically, AFB1 is classified as a Group I carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), emphasizing its severe health risks.

The interaction of AFB1 with the liver is particularly alarming, as it metabolizes into a highly reactive compound, AFBO (Aflatoxin B1-8,9-epoxide), which can lead to serious health issues like hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) (Liu & Wu, 2010). Additionally, AFB1 can weaken the immune system, worsen malnutrition, and even pass to infants through breast milk (Benkerroum, 2020).

AFB1 ingestion

Intestinal absorption

Reach to the liver

Metabolization and DNA damage

AFB1 doesn’t just affect human health; it’s also a significant issue for livestock and agriculture. Animals consuming contaminated crops suffer from liver damage, reduced growth rates, and reproductive problems, leading to decreased productivity. Furthermore, dairy cows can metabolize AFB1 and turn it into aflatoxin M1 (AFM1), a derivative of AFB1 that contaminates milk, posing additional risks to human health. The economic implications are substantial, with contaminated products resulting in massive food waste and financial losses across the food supply chain. The following two graphs illustrate the incidence of AFB1 around the world (Rodrigues & Naehrer, 2012):

In addition, the problem of aflatoxin contamination is likely to worsen due to climate change. Rising temperatures create favorable conditions for Aspergillus flavus, especially in maize-growing regions. Research indicates that an increase of just 2°C could significantly escalate aflatoxin levels in Europe, transforming it into a pressing food safety issue in our continent (Battilani et al., 2016).

The fight against this threat

Despite the severity of the issue, current methods for managing aflatoxin contamination are limited. Detection usually occurs after food products have already entered the market or have been consumed, leaving little room for proactive prevention. Chemical and biological detoxification methods have been explored but often fall short of fully eliminating the risk. Additionally, available detection methods, such as High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), are expensive and not always feasible for widespread use, particularly in developing regions.

This is where AflaxOFF comes in. We want to face this unknown threat by offering a novel solution to the aflatoxin problem: AflaxOFF, an innovative yeast-based probiotic that detects AFB1 contamination and helps prevent its harmful effects either directly or indirectly. This approach addresses both detection and in vivo protection, providing dual benefits that existing solutions lack.

  • Early Detection: AflaxOFF functions as a biosensor, detecting AFB1 contamination in food samples throughout the food chain. Farmers can use it to check post-harvest crops, while food industry professionals can screen products before distribution. This yeast offers a simple, efficient, and cost-effective detection method that can be easily integrated into existing food safety practices.
  • In Vivo Protection: when consumed, AflaxOFF captures AFB1 in the intestine, preventing its absorption into the bloodstream. This protective feature is crucial for both humans and livestock, as it significantly reduces the risk of acute and chronic health effects from contaminated food. In clinical studies, AflaxOFF demonstrated a remarkable ability to bind AFB1, effectively reducing its bioavailability and mitigating its harmful impacts.

AflaxOFF: a Reliable Solution

What sets AflaxOFF apart is its comprehensive approach. While other detection methods focus solely on identifying aflatoxin contamination, AflaxOFF serves as both a preventive and protective measure. Traditional detoxification strategies often involve complex, expensive procedures that are not always accessible to vulnerable populations. In contrast, AflaxOFF is versatile, low-cost, and easy to implement.

  • Versatility: AflaxOFF can be utilized across various sectors, from agriculture to food production and public health settings.
  • Accessibility: this solution requires minimal technology and infrastructure, making it ideal for developing countries where aflatoxin contamination is more prevalent.
  • Dual Functionality: the unique combination of detection and protection in a single biological tool provides an unparalleled advantage in combating aflatoxins.


AFB1 represents a serious threat to global food safety, human health, and economic stability. However, with AflaxOFF, we provide a solution that not only detects this deadly toxin but also protects against its harmful effects. By implementing this dual approach, we can ensure safer food supplies, healthier populations, and a more sustainable future.

AFB1 is also known to have teratogenic effects and can exacerbate malnutrition by interfering with the absorption of vitamins and minerals such as vitamines A, C, E and selenium (Benkerroum, 2020)


Battilani, P., Toscano, P., Van der Fels-Klerx, H. et al. Aflatoxin B1 contamination in maize in Europe increases due to climate change. Sci Rep 6, 24328 (2016).

Benkerroum N. (2020). Aflatoxins: Producing-Molds, Structure, Health Issues and Incidence in Southeast Asian and Sub-Saharan African Countries. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(4), 1215.

Eskola, M., Kos, G., Elliott, C. T., Hajšlová, J., Mayar, S., & Krska, R. (2020). Worldwide contamination of food-crops with mycotoxins: Validity of the widely cited 'FAO estimate' of 25. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 60(16), 2773–2789.

Liu, Y., & Wu, F. (2010). Global burden of aflatoxin-induced hepatocellular carcinoma: a risk assessment. Environmental health perspectives, 118(6), 818–824.

Mahato, D. K., Lee, K. E., Kamle, M., Devi, S., Dewangan, K. N., Kumar, P., & Kang, S. G. (2019). Aflatoxins in Food and Feed: An Overview on Prevalence, Detection and Control Strategies. Frontiers in microbiology, 10, 2266.

Rodrigues, I., & Naehrer, K. (2012). Prevalence of mycotoxins in feedstuffs and feed surveyed worldwide in 2009 and 2010. Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 175-192.

World Health Organization. (October 2, 2023). Mycotoxins. World Health Organization.

Popescu, R. G., Rădulescu, A. L., Georgescu, S. E., & Dinischiotu, A. (2022). Aflatoxins in Feed: Types, Metabolism, Health Consequences in Swine and Mitigation Strategies. Toxins, 14(12), 853.