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Game introduction

In order to appeal to people to reduce the pollution of microplastics and promote the concept of plastic waste reduction, our team developed an educational game - PETkiller. We designed a series of interesting and challenging levels to let players enjoy the fun of the game while learning about the current situation of plastic pollution, and at the same time spread environmental knowledge through popular science videos.

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Figure1:Game interface design

The backstory of the game

It has embarked on a challenging path through one complex maze of ocean after another that is riddled with microplastic pollution. Spetex's mission is to clean up microplastics in these waters, and for every piece of microplastic removed, it reduces pollution. Spetex has an indomitable spirit and has never flinched in the face of any threat in the sea. Even the thorniest "plastic monster" could not shake Spetex's resolve. It has always been at the forefront of environmental protection, demonstrating that even small individuals can make a big difference.

In this adventure, Spetex encountered various difficulties and obstacles. It encounters different "plastic monsters" - monsters that obstruct Spetex's cleanup efforts in different ways. Stalker is a red tracking monster, symbolizing the encroachment of plastic on the living space of Marine life. The Blob floats like a gray bubble, anticipating Spetex's movements and trying to block its progress. Specter is a cyan ghostly monster who attacks Spetex at any moment and interferes with its cleanup efforts. The Imp, on the other hand, is an orange little monster that suddenly changes direction as it approaches Spetex and is as elusive as microplastic pollution.

In the battle with various "plastic monsters", Spetex has shown extraordinary intelligence. It can quickly adapt to environmental changes and use all the resources around it to overcome difficulties. Whether it's avoiding Stalker or Blob, Spetex is always actively looking for the best solution, knowing that the control of Marine pollution is not an overnight thing, facing failure after failure, but never getting discouraged. Every time a health is lost, Spetex will bounce back, and in the face of difficulties, it never flinches. It learns how to dodge these "plastic monsters" skillfully, and each time it successfully clears an area, it unlocks new levels for bigger challenges.

More importantly, Spetex understands that going it alone cannot solve such a massive problem. Therefore, it actively shares its experience and knowledge with other marine life. By watching the popular science videos, Spetex not only gained additional health points, but also learned how to better convey the environmental message to every willing partner.

Over time, Spetex's story spread among sea creatures, and more and more partners joined its team. They are working together to reduce plastic pollution and protect the blue planet's most precious resource - our oceans. Through the Spetex experience, everyone participating in the game has become an important part of this action to protect the ocean and protect our beautiful home together.

Figure 2:ip Image design

Rules of the game

1. Basic operation

Use the arrow keys to control Spetex to move through the maze.

Spetex can only follow the path in the maze.

2. Scoring method

Get 1 point for removing one microplastic.

Points are accumulated for each round.

3. Basic rule

  • Each player starts with three lives.
  • If Spetex is touched by the plastic monster, he will lose a life. After losing all lives, the game ends.
  • Players need to survive and remove as many microplastics as possible before the end of each game time, and after clearing all microplastics, they can enter the next level and add one health.
  • After completing a level, the player can proceed to the next harder level, which gradually increases in difficulty and the speed and number of plastic monsters increase.
  • Game over: When Spetex's health runs out, the game ends.
  • Educational elements: After the game, players are shown how much microplastic they cleaned up and how much they contributed to environmental protection. Watch the popular Science video to earn an extra health.
Figure3:break free from plastic

Plastic monster

Red Stalker

Figure4:Red Stalker

Stalker is a red tracker that represents a constant threat to Marine life's living space. The Stalker is like a non-stop predator, always on the heels of the Spetex, trying to stop the Spetex cleaning work. It symbolizes the source of microplastics that continue to pour into the ocean, such as carelessly discarded plastic products and industrial waste.

Facing Stalker, Spetex needs to be alert at all times, using intelligence and speed to avoid Stalker's pursuit. Every time Spetex successfully bypasses Stalker, it feels a sense of accomplishment, as well as the importance of reducing single-use plastic items.

Gray Blob

Figure 5:Gray Blobr

A Blob is a deceptively simple yet elusive presence that symbolizes the diffusion and deposition of microplastic contaminants in water. The Blob is always trying to anticipate the movement of Spetex and block its path. This reflects the pervasive and undetectable nature of microplastic contaminants, as they are often too small to be seen by the naked eye.

Spetex must learn to look and think and find a way around the Blob. Every time Spetex managed to avoid Blob interception, it realized that it needed to educate and think about how to solve plastic pollution.

Cyan Specter

Figure6:Cyan Specter

Specter is a cyan ghost whose complex and varied behavior patterns represent the diverse and hard-to-track nature of microplastic pollution. Specter's behavior is as elusive as microplastic pollution is difficult to fully clean up.

Spetex will need to show great patience and meticulous observation, as well as agility and speed to go after the plastic in order to deal with Specter.

Each time Spetex overcame the challenge posed by Specter, it gained a deeper understanding of the need for more scientific research and technology to monitor and manage microplastic pollution.

Orange imp

Figure7:Orange imp

The Imp is an orange imp that spends most of its time chasing Spetex, but suddenly changes tack once it gets close, symbolizing the hard-to-clean nature of microplastic pollution. The behavior of the Imp reflects the persistence of microplastic pollution, and even if we seem to be making progress, a little slack can be lost.

Spetex must stay alert and not relax. Every time Spetex deftly copes with the Imp mutation, it becomes even more determined to promote the concept of environmental protection and make people aware of the importance of reducing plastic use.