1. Overview

Our Education part aims to increase public awareness and understanding of rotavirus vaccines. The project combines offline and online promotion to educate children and parents in different age. Offline activities include interactive games, speeches, and handicraft activities designed for children aged 4-7, as well as more in-depth course content and creative production processes for children aged 7-13. In addition, there are specialized lectures for parents and clay making activities designed for special needs children. Online promotion uses social media platforms, including Tiktok, Little Red Book, WeChat official account and Bilibili, to publish publicity pictures, images and videos to cover a wider audience. The project also produced educational picture books and promoted them through the children's picture book sharing platform Storybird to attract the interest of children and parents and popularize basic knowledge of rotavirus. Through these multi-channel efforts, the project aims to enhance people's awareness of the importance of rotavirus and vaccines, thereby improving the overall health level of humanity.

2. Offline Activities

With the passing of the period of COVID-19, most people pay more attention to vaccines. Despite the continuous growth trend of second-class vaccines, according to social surveys, we have found that the current understanding and common sense of second-class vaccines in society are abnormally low, especially for common diseases such as rotavirus that we are studying. We realize that we must change the status quo and not limit ourselves to people studying and researching topics. The purpose of our program is to further improve the overall health level of humanity. The people who truly need to be mastered are often each and every one of us, the so-called masses, so we begin to emphasize education. Committed to bringing virus knowledge and vaccine knowledge to the public. We hope to continue to persist, accumulate small things and gradually turn these necessary knowledge into common sense in society.

2.1 Farmland and Woodland Community: Education for Children 4-7

Figure 1

Education is not a process of indoctrination, but a process of igniting flames- Socrates. Rotavirus is a common disease among children aged 0 to 5, and the target audience for Education is relatively small for children aged 1-3. Starting from 4-year-old children, we provide resources for young children to ignite flames, stimulate interest, and pave the way for growth.

We prepared a variety of engaging activities for the event, including ice-breaker games, speeches, interactive course materials, virus-themed sticker rewards for each round of questions and games, related cartoon videos, promotional banners, tri-fold posters, and a hands-on clay virus-making activity. Recognizing that children in this age group have limited attention spans, we put a great deal of effort into ensuring our content was both fun and effective. As the following summary shows, it is crucial that the children not only understand the information we present but also remain actively engaged throughout the event.

2.1.1 Warm Up Game

Figure 2

Figure 3

At the start of the event, we began with brief self-introductions and then organized an icebreaker activity called "You Draw, I Guess." The children were divided into pairs, with one drawing simple medical-related items, such as a first aid kit, while the others guessed. Those who guessed correctly received cute virus-themed stickers, and the first to collect six stickers was declared the winner. Our team found this icebreaker to be even more successful than expected, as it encouraged teamwork, helped the children get to know each other, and smoothly transitioned into the introduction of our main presentation.

2.1.2 Speech

Figure 4

In a simple speech, we divided the content into three main parts based on the age of the children. 1. Understanding viruses - What is a virus? 2. Preventing viruses - Good habits and preventive measures 3. The efficacy of vaccines - What do vaccines do? Why do we have to fight? Three aspects have answered children's questions that they do not understand, and popularized some common knowledge about illness. At the same time, with the children absorbing well, we found that their understanding exceeded our expectations. We also added information about the rotavirus vaccine available on the market and ours. Surprisingly, 85% of the children understood.

2.1.3 Q&A Session

After the project ended, we conducted a Q&A session with stickers as a reward, starting with a rush to answer mode. All the children deeply remembered all the key points and expressed their creative ideas. We are deeply happy about this. Our original intention was to ignite the flames of the children, but they grew like a campfire.

2.1.4 Virus Model Making Process

Figure 5

Figure 6

At the end of the course, we ask the child to follow our guidance to complete the model making as a souvenir. On the one hand, we hope to spread this knowledge through this activity, and at the same time, we hope that they can take it home, reinforce it repeatedly, and spread it through this. On the other hand, we have pre-set many questions and answers between each step of teaching the model, hoping to see children's manual feedback to ensure their absorption level. At the same time, we found that the children asked if the signature pen on the table could be used for creation, and we found that painting may also be a good form, which is a valuable experience.

2.1.5 Parental feedback

According to the collection, the vast majority of parents are very satisfied with this activity, which is our biggest concern before the activity. This topic is considered difficult by many people, and for children, how to master it and whether it is effectively mastered is the most important issue for parents. If it is a long lecture, children will quickly lose focus, but after the end, there will be no knowledge absorption. And the feedback from parents this time has given us certain affirmation and inspiration. We understand that parents also lack such Education activities. This provided valuable experience for our later activity arrangements

2.1.6 Reflection

For the education team, children are undoubtedly a special group of people whose attention and interest points are extremely difficult to capture. Moreover, the theme is this complex scientific knowledge. With the combination of various interests, we have completed the teaching and manual feedback. We hope that children can pay more attention to their surroundings and combine knowledge to inspire interest, so as to help them open up an interesting and unfamiliar area on the road to the future.

After completing the teaching activities, our team members also learned a lot and gained an understanding of the children's thinking patterns and acceptable expressions. Simultaneously capturing children's interests in various art forms and the diverse demands of society for Education activities. This has become a good guide for our future teaching activity plan.

2.2 Healthy Community: Education For Children 7-13

After completing the Education for children aged 4-7, we absorbed the experience and immediately launched Education activities for children aged 7-13. In terms of art form, we have newly purchased crayons to promote a variety of art forms. At the same time, we have expanded the content of the courseware and focused on the previously brief technical part. During the comprehensive exploration stage from 7 to 13 years old, we hope to inspire and interest them through our introduction. Adjustments have also been made to the creative form according to age groups.

In terms of process, considering our age, we have maintained certain content such as opening games, virus related sticker rewards prepared for questioning and opening games at each stage, related cartoon videos, promotional banners, three fold banners, posters, and clay virus making activities. In addition, free creation of crayon drawings and more in-depth courseware content have been added.

Figure 7

2.2.1 Warm Up Game

Figure 8

We believe this is a great ice breaking activity, so we have continued the activity as it has honed multiple skills such as teamwork, communication, and more. At the same time, it also helps children get to know each other and introduces topics. It cannot be denied that this game is indeed suitable for a wide range of people, but we have made adjustments based on our level of knowledge. Make medical content more difficult, such as vaccines and different types of viruses. Compared with the first aid kit, it has doubled the difficulty and is more in line with children's cognitive level.

2.2.2 Speech

Figure 9

Based on the age of the child, we have divided the theme into three parts. What is rotavirus- Targeting populations, distribution areas, etc. 2. Analysis of rotavirus on the market - differences and variations? 3. Sharing of the topic- The difference in effectiveness compared to the market. Considering that the focus of 7-12 years old is stronger than that of 4-7 years old but not particularly long, the detailed process part will be skipped. But we soon discovered a fatal flaw, that in the absence of craftsmanship, most knowledge is only partially understood, so during the explanation process, we immediately switched to simple stories to explain complex processes.

2.2.3 Q&A session

No matter age, frequency is the key to memory. During multiple repeated Q&A sessions, we received positive feedback. At the same time, as their understanding deepened, the children began to ask questions and added a lot of additional content. The children benefited greatly, and we were both surprised and delighted.

2.2.4 Creative process

Figure 10

Different from age, we will transform following teaching into spontaneous creation. In terms of artistic form, we have absorbed valuable experience from the previous time and introduced the art form of combining crayon and clay. We have found that children have excellent divergent thinking in various art forms, and even use knowledge to create new viruses.

2.2.5 Parental feedback

The feedback from parents this time is even better than the last time, and as the activities continue to improve, the feedback we receive keeps getting better. This is a phased victory that encourages us to move forward.

2.2.6 Conclusion

In this activity, we have made good use of our shortcomings from last time. We have made art forms more diverse and teaching topics more in-depth. When facing children, with accurate predictions and increasingly positive feedback from both children and parents, we become more confident in the direction we are taking. Seeing children absorb difficult knowledge and being curious about it. I feel that our philosophy is being put into practice

2.3 Offline Education

To reach our target customers, we conducted the lectures to female majorly around 30 to 40 years old, the majority of people who have babies that are from 0 to 5 years old. In the lecture, we taught them about the basic knowledge of rotavirus, how to prevent rotavirus, and things to notice when infecting rotavirus. Through this activity, we hope to let them be more familiar with the rotavirus and raise the awareness of actively preventing rotavirus.

Figure 11

Fun activity: What is Synthetic Biology?

In this activity, we conducted drama playing for our target consumers, from 3 to 5 years old. With the fun acting, we can arouse their interest in synthetic biology. Meanwhile, we make the concept of synthetic biology simpler and more available to make the children understand. Our play begins with a patient seeking for insulin to treat his diabetes. However, the price at that time is so high that he cannot afford. Then the doctor contacts the scientist to ask if there is any solution to it. Then the scientist uses synthetic biology to massively produce insulin. In the middle of the drama, we also have a game with the children on simulating producing insulin via bacteria reproduction to help them better know the concept and to be more engaged. At the end, with the mass production, the price of the insulin drops dramatically, making the patient able to pay for the insulin easily. In summary, the drama playing lively shows the children the mechanism of synthetic biology and the benefit it can bring to the society. This provides an interesting introduction for the children and hopefully arouse their interest in synthetic biology.

Figure 12

Clay making activity: “Hand in hand: A Brief introduction to Rotavirus and vaccines.”

We also want to show our care for special children. Therefore we conducted one fun education for infantile autism children. For their teaching, we utilize clay as our tool to intrigue their interest. First, we introduce them what rotavirus are like. We have volunteers besides each autism child to provide aid on their clay pattern making of rotavirus. Children are inspired to fully express their imagination in their clay making of rotavirus. Then, we also introduce the vaccines as an efficient way to prevent the rotavirus. In this section, we introduced the concept of vaccines and how it works in our body in fighting against rotavirus. We feel the great potential in those children in absorbing the knowledge.

Figure 13

Figure 14

3. Online Promotion

Online promotion can overcome geographical limitations and reach more potential customers across the country. This can collect more data for analyzing users and optimizing promotional strategies.In order to establish two-way communication with more potential customers, we have used four channels with the highest popularity in China and significant age differences to promote our promotional images, graphics, and videos. Next, we will introduce our different operational strategies in these four channels.

3.1 Social Medi
3.1.1 Tiktok

The audience of the platform is concentrated on young people, most of whom are between 15 and 35 years old. We choose to use concise videos for promotion, and there is also more interaction in the comment section.


Its target audience is concentrated among women aged 17 to 40. As a comprehensive software for sharing daily life and popular science information, we choose to add more detailed images and interesting story pushes to it

3.1.3 Wechat Official Account

Its audience was concentrated between 30 and 50 years old. Based on this characteristic, we have chosen a clearer and more understandable animation form and incorporated more practical application measures.

3.1.4 Bilibili

Bilibili is a platform with high video diversity and high-quality Education. We showcased our R&D technology in all aspects and provided a more professional introduction to our team and ideas. In order to conform to the platform’s tone.

3.1.5 Conclusion

In summary, to reach a broader audience, we opted for personalized, high-quality promotion across multiple online platforms. This approach has not only expanded our reach but also allowed us to better understand different demographic groups. By leveraging the unique features and user habits of each platform, we have been able to achieve targeted marketing and comprehensive coverage of our team’s information.

Figure 15

3.2 Promotional Materials
3.2.1 Poster
3.2.2 Folding

Figure 16

3.2.3 Roll Screen

Figure 17

Children's Reading Platform - Educational Picture Books

Considering that children have relatively limited understanding of this important health information. Therefore, our team has decided to raise awareness and importance of rotavirus vaccines among children and their parents through innovative educational methods, such as creating and promoting educational picture books. We choose to stimulate children's interest in science and health knowledge through vivid and interesting picture book stories, and cultivate their habits of self-directed learning and exploration. At the same time, guide children and their parents to form correct health concepts and popularize basic knowledge of rotavirus to children.

Figure 18

We have chosen Storybird, a popular children's picture book sharing platform, as our promotion channel, utilizing its extensive user base and convenient sharing function to spread picture books to more children and parents. We have carefully designed a series of picture books with the theme of 'Who is attacking our children stomachis', simplifying complex scientific knowledge into content that is easy for children to understand through cute cartoon characters and vivid storylines. The picture book incorporates basic knowledge of rotavirus. It will be continuously updated in the future.
