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Market Promising Analysis


Market analysis is a crucial step in assessing the practical application value of Versatobacco.

Through the results of FBA and wet-lab experiments, we have validated the feasibility of Versatobacco in synthesizing caffeoylmalic acid and resveratrol via the shikimate pathway, and crocetin via non-shikimate pathways.

Through dynamic Flux Balance Analysis (dFBA), we have obtained the accumulation models of caffeoylmalic acid, resveratrol, and crocetin over time. <<< See details

Through corporate research, we have acquired key data on the costs of related instruments and consumables, management and maintenance costs, and market prices of the compounds within the industry chain. <<< See details

In this chapter, we will analyze the profitability of producing different compounds with Versatobacco based on the conclusions and data above, identifying profitable time periods and the optimal timing for maximum profit, while assessing the risks involved.


  • laboratory with basic equipment and technology for production is already available.
  • For mass production, the transfection method for the leaves is stable, with maximum production visible in approximately 2-4 weeks.
  • The analysis subject is consistent with FBA, targeting 1700gFW of leaves (approximately 2m²).

ROI Analysis

We first model the Return on Investment (ROI) for the production of the target compound in the HQT knockout model. The ROI is calculated using the following formula, which indicates the value returned from an investment, i.e., the economic return a business gains from an investment activity. It requires the calculation of costs (C) and profits (P):

$$ ROI(\%) = \frac{P}{C} \times 100\% \tag{1} $$

Costs can be divided into fixed costs and changeable costs. Through industry research, we consider that fixed costs mainly arise from production materials, leaf transfection, and product purification (S.M.1), while changeable costs include the total expenses for labor management of 2m2 of tobacco leaves per hour and the maintenance of the cultivation environment.

Fixed Cost: $$ FC = c_{mat} + c_{trans} + c_{puri} \tag{2} $$

Changeable Cost: $$ c(t) = c_h \cdot t \tag{3} $$

Total Cost: $$ C = FC + c(t) \tag{4} $$

Income is generated from the sales of caffeoylmalic acid, resveratrol, and crocin at different time points:

$$ I = p_0 \cdot q(t) \tag{5} $$ where \( q(t) \) is the function of metabolite concentration over time.

Thus, the profit at different time points is:

$$ P = I - C \tag{6} $$


Here is a selectable table!

Here is a selectable table!

Here is a selectable table!


For the simulation results of 2m2 tobacco leaves, Versatobacco can generate a profit from production of resveratrol between 13-29 days with a positive ROI (fig.1). The ROI value reaches its maximum around 399h (day 16), indicating that harvesting the tobacco and extracting resveratrol at this point would yield the highest profit margin (fig.1).

Fig1: ROI analysis of resveratrol

Risk-Return Analysis

After identifying the optimal time for maximum ROI, we still need to assess the risk associated with the returns at that time. In practice, metabolite yields may vary due to slight differences in tobacco batches, cultivation environments, etc., and prices may fluctuate due to company differences and market demand.

To address this, we take the time \( t^* \) where ROI is maximized and the corresponding product accumulation \( q^* \). At this value, we use the Monte Carlo algorithm to simulate the fluctuations in returns caused by random factors. Since resveratrol is the most marketable of all our products, we will primarily conduct a risk simulation for it.

The product price and yield will follow a normal distribution around \( p_0 \) and \( q^* \), respectively:

$$ p = p_0 + \epsilon_p, \ \epsilon_p \sim N(0, \sigma_p^2) \tag{7} $$

$$ q = q^* + \epsilon_q, \ \epsilon_q \sim N(0, \sigma_q^2) \tag{8} $$

The technical success rate follows a binomial distribution, which will impact the final yield:

$$ s = \frac{s_0}{N}, \ s_0 \sim B(N, P) \tag{9} $$

Thus, the net cash flow at different time points is calculated as the inflow minus the outflow:

$$ CF(t) = s \cdot p \cdot q - C \tag{10} $$

Net Present Value (NPV) refers to the difference between the present value of cash inflows and the initial investment, discounted at the cost of capital. In our model, we set a fixed initial investment I0 to cover all expected project expenses.

$$ NPV = \sum_{t} \left[ \frac{CF(t)}{(1 + r)^t} \right] - I_0 \tag{11} $$

If the NPV is greater than zero, the project is feasible; the larger the NPV, the more favorable the project, and the better the investment returns.


Here is a selectable table!

Here is a selectable table!

Here is a selectable table!


Based on the analysis results, harvesting tobacco and purifying resveratrol at the moment of maximum ROI yields an expected profit of 318 RMB, with a probability of approximately 77.57% that the net present value (NPV) will be greater than zero (fig.2). This indicates that our plant chassis has a high probability of profitability in resveratrol production, demonstrating potential for market application.

Fig2: Risk-return analysis of resveratrol

Supplementary Materials

S.M.1 Fixed Cost in ROI

Through enterprise research, there are three major fixed costs by using plant chassis, which include experimental materials, agrobacterium transformation, and product purification.

Experimental Materials

Experimental materials include tobacco plants, culture media, vectors, etc. For 2 square meters of tobacco leaves, we estimate that the experimental materials cost approximately 20 RMB.

Agrobacterium Transformation

For agrobacterium transformation, we have chosen the high-efficiency and high-quality vacuum infiltration method. Vacuum-assisted infiltration delivers agrobacteria into a variety of plant tissues such as leaf dises, intact leaves or whole plants by submerging the target tissues into the agrobacterial suspension (Loh H S, 2014). Application of vacuum to the plants forces air out from stomata at the first place. When vacuumis released, the agrobacterial suspension is drawn into plant tissues because of pressure difference (Bechtold N, 1998). This method is suitable for large-scale production of recombinant proteins owing to advantages in terms of speed, yield and cost. For the transfection of 2 square meters of tobacco leaves, we estimate that the operating cost of each vacuum device is 60 RMB.

Product Purification

Product purification will determine the final product pricing. We will conduct a cost analysis based on 98% purity.

Take resveratrol, a type of phenolic acid, as an example. Because the phenolic acid content in tobacco leaves is particularly high, then how should we work with tobacco plants to extract resveratrol? According to Lin Zhang (specialist of Chengdu Aktin Chemicals, Inc), current method is as follows:

First, use macroporous resin with multiple gradients of methanol and water to remove water-soluble substances like phenolic acids and glycosides from the metabolites, leaving behind less polar substances such as chlorophyll and fats. At the same time, set an intermediate gradient to obtain moderately polar substances, which include resveratrol. Next, it is recommended to directly use solvent crystallization (typically using ethyl acetate or acetone for resveratrol, rather than its glycosides).

Depending on the source, the industrial process roughly involves the gradient separation with macroporous resin as described above, followed by direct solvent crystallization. What's more, if the purity is still not high, a reverse-phase column chromatography (C18, polyamide, etc.) can be used for further purification.

Therefore, for the resveratrol purification process from 1700 gFW of leaves, we estimate the cost to be approximately 600 RMB.

S.M.2 Market Price of Metabolites

Take resveratrol as an example. Currently, the industrial synthesis of resveratrol is primarily done by extracting it directly from Polygonum cuspidatum (Reynoutria japonica Houtt.), which leads to the low cost. The market price for 98% pure resveratrol is approximately 1500 RMB/kg. Given the molecular weight of resveratrol (C14H12O3) as 228 g/mol, the cost is calculated as:

$$ 1.5 \, \text{RMB/g} \times 228 \, \text{g/mol} \times 10^{-3} = 0.342 \, \text{RMB/mmol} \tag{12} $$

Therefore, in the analysis of 1700 gFW leaves, the cost per unit is:

$$ 0.342 \, \text{RMB/mmol} \times 1700 \, \text{gFW} = 581.4 \, \text{RMB/(mmol/gFW)} \tag{13} $$

We also obtained the market prices of caffeoylmalic acid (C13H12O8), Crocin I (C44O24H64), and Crocin II (C38O19H54). For example:

  • 98% caffeoylmalic acid costs 600 RMB/mg.
  • 98% Crocin I costs 20 RMB/mg.
  • 98% Crocin II costs 70 RMB/mg.

After conversion to unit price in RMB/(mmol/gFW), they are 3e8, 3.3e7, and 9.7e7, respectively.

S.M.3 Initial Investment

Here we estimate the initial investment to be RMB approximately, on the ground of


[1] Payyavula, Raja S et al. “Synthesis and regulation of chlorogenic acid in potato: Rerouting phenylpropanoid flux in HQT-silenced lines.” Plant biotechnology journal vol. 13,4 (2015): 551-64. doi:10.1111/pbi.12280

[2] Loh, Hwei-San. "Optimizations of Laboratory-scale Vacuum-assisted Agroinfiltration for Delivery of a Transgene in Nicotiana benthamiana." (2014).

[3] Bechtold N, and G Pelletier. “In planta Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of adult Arabidopsis thaliana plants by vacuum infiltration.” Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) vol. 82 (1998): 259-66. doi:10.1385/0-89603-391-0:259
