
Basic Parts

Part Number Type Length (bp) Description RFC Compatible
BBa_K5052100 Basic Part: Regulatory cLac145: Mutated IPTG-inducible promoter PcptOO generated from Pcpt modification by Markley et al 2014. It is not active in E. coli. 10, 12, 21, 23, 1000
BBa_K5052101 (possibly twin) Basic Part: Regulatory Pcpc560: Mutated constitutive promoter based on pCpcB in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. 10, 21, 23, 1000
BBa_K5052102 Basic Part: Regulatory PompC: Dark-inducible promoter in E. coli. It is active in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. 10, 12, 21, 23, 1000
BBa_K5052300 Basic Part: Coding EYFP: GenBankID AAO48599.1, Yellow fluorescent protein. Codon optimized for Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 (PCC 6803), Synechococcus elongatus sp. PCC 7942 (PCC 7942), and Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 (PCC 7002). 10, 12, 21, 23, 1000
BBa_K5052310 Basic Part: Coding BicA: Codes for a low-affinity, high-flux, sodium-dependent, SLC26-family bicarbonate transporter from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Codon optimized for PCC 7942, PCC 7002, and PCC 6803. 10, 12, 21, 23, 1000
BBa_K5052311 Basic Part: Coding CA: Codes for carbonic anhydrase from Nitratidesulfovibrio vulgaris with a 3’ carboxysome localization sequence from Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942. Codon optimized for PCC 7942, PCC 7002, and PCC 6803. 10, 12, 21, 23, 1000
BBa_K5052312 Basic Part: Coding SbtA: Codes for a high-affinity, low-flux, sodium-dependent, inducible bicarbonate transporter from Cyanobium sp. PCC 7001. Codon optimized for PCC 7942, PCC 7002, and PCC 6803. 10, 12, 23, 1000
BBa_K5052320 PsbE: Codes for cytochrome b559 alpha subunit from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Cyt b559 is part of photosystem II. Codon optimized for PCC 7942, PCC 7002, and PCC 6803. 10, 12, 21, 23, 1000
BBa_K5052321 Basic Part: Coding PsbF: Codes for cytochrome b559 beta subunit from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Cyt b559 is part of photosystem II. Codon optimized for PCC 7942, PCC 7002, and PCC 6803. 10, 12, 21, 23, 1000
BBa_K5052330 AdhB: Codes for alcohol dehydrogenase II from Zymomonas mobilis. This converts acetyl aldehyde into ethanol. Codon optimized for PCC 7942, PCC 7002, and PCC 6803. 10, 12, 21, 23, 1000
BBa_K5052331 Pdc: Codes for pyruvate decarboxylase from Zymomonas mobilis. This converts pyruvate into acetyl aldehyde. Codon optimized for PCC 7942, PCC 7002, and PCC 6803. 10, 12, 21, 23, 1000
BBa_K5052331 Basic Part: Coding Pdc: Codes for pyruvate decarboxylase from Zymomonas mobilis. This converts pyruvate into acetyl aldehyde. Codon optimized for PCC 7942, PCC 7002, and PCC 6803. 10, 12, 21, 23, 1000
Part:BBa_B0015 (already exists) Basic Part: Terminator rrnB T1 + T7Te: Dual terminator consisting of forward rrnB T1 terminator from Escherichia coli and forward T7Te terminator from bacteriophage T7. 10, 12, 21, 23, 1000
BBa_B0014 (already exists) Basic Part: Terminator T7Te + LuxIA: Dual terminator consisting of forward T7Te terminator from bacteriophage T7 and bidirectional LuxIA terminator from Vibrio fischeri. 10, 12, 21, 23, 1000

Basic Parts

Part Number Type Length (bp) Description RFC Compatible
BBa_K5052900 Composite Part 1051 cLac145 + EYFP + rrnB T1 + T7Te: produces enhanced YFP under the induction of IPTG. Composed of parts BBa_K5052100, BBa_K5052300, and BBa_B0015. 10, 12, 21, 23, 25, 1000
BBa_K5052901 Composite Part 1462 Pcpc560 + EYFP + T7Te + LuxIA: produces enhanced YFP constitutively. Composed of parts BBa_K5052101, 10, 12, 21, 23, 25, 1000
BBa_K5052902 Composite Part 1086 PompC + EYFP + rrnB T1 + T7Te: produces enhanced YFP in the absence of light. Composed of parts BBa_K5052102, BBa_K5052300, and BBa_B0015. 10, 12, 21, 23, 25, 1000
BBa_K5052910 Composite Part 1978 cLac145 + BicA + T7Te + LuxIA: produces bicarbonate transporter BicA under the induction of IPTG. Composed of parts BBa_K5052100, BBa_K5052310, and BBa_B0014. 10, 12, 21, 23, 1000
BBa_K5052911 Composite Part 1002 cLac145 + CA + T7Te + LuxIA: produces carbonic anhydrase under the induction of IPTG. Composed of parts BBa_K5052100, BBa_K5052311, and BBa_B0014. 10, 12, 21, 23, 25, 1000
Composite Part 1318 cLac145 + SbtA + rrnB T1 + T7Te: produces bicarbonate transporter SbtA under the induction of IPTG. Composed of parts BBa_K5052100, BBa_K5052312, and BBa_B0015. 10, 12, 21, 23, 1000
BBa_K5052920 Composite Part 970 Pcpc560 + PsbE + T7Te + LuxIA: produces cytochrome b559 alpha subunit constitutively. Composed of parts BBa_K5052101, BBa_K5052320, and BBa_B0014. 10, 12, 21, 23, 25, 1000
BBa_K5052921 Composite Part 893 Pcpc560 + PsbF + rrnB T1 + T7Te: produces cytochrome b559 beta subunit constitutively. Composed of parts BBa_K5052101, BBa_K5052321, and BBa_B0015. 10, 12, 23, 25, 1000
BBa_K5052930 Composite Part 1503 PompC + AdhB + rrnB T1 + T7Te: produces alcohol dehydrogenase II in the absence of light. Composed of parts BBa_K5052102, BBa_K5052330, and BBa_B0015. 10, 12, 21, 23, 1000
BBa_K5052931 Composite Part 2024 PompC + Pdc + T7Te + LuxIA: produces alcohol dehydrogenase II in the absence of light. Composed of parts BBa_K5052102, BBa_K5052331, and BBa_B0014. 10, 12, 21, 23, 25, 1000

Carbon Sequestration

SbtA is a sodium ion-dependent transporter of HCO3- ions across the cell membrane. To prevent overexpression of transporters to a lethal degree, these enzymes are controlled by the IPTG inducible promoter cLac145, developed by mutating Pcpt to become IPTG inducible 2. To determine the ideal level of expression of SbtA, our wet lab team collaborated with our modeling team to identify the level of expression that will maximize HCO3- transport while allowing viability of the cells. Cells with increased expression of SbtA will be able to shuttle more HCO3- into the cell thereby increasing the amount of inorganic carbon available to turn into sugar via the Calvin-Benson cycle. With more sugar, the cell will be able to grow faster. Furthermore, increased sugar levels from increased expression of SbtA is helpful for strains that are genetically modified to produce a hydrocarbon-based product as this increases the amount of substrate available to generate product and will increase overall yield.

BicA is a low-affinity, high-flux bicarbonate transporter belonging to the solute carrier 26 (SLC26) or sulfate permease (SulP) family. The SLC26 family of proteins is characterized by a homodimer structure, which BicA also adopts. Studies suggest that the C-terminal domain is critical to BicA bicarbonate importing activity1. Like most bicarbonate transporters, it is likely a sodium/bicarbonate symporter.

It is constitutively expressed in all strains of cyanobacteria, in which it plays an important role in the cyanobacteria carbon concentrating mechanism (CCM). The CCM allows cyanobacteria to maximize the carboxylase activity of cyanobacteria RuBisCO while minimizing its oxygenase activity2.

Overexpression of bicarbonate transporters, such as BicA, have been shown to increase the carbon fixation capabilities of cyanobacteria. This is shown as an increase in cell growth rate and biomass in the form of glycogen accumulation 3.

  1. (1) Wang, C.; Sun, B.; Zhang, X.; Huang, X.; Zhang, M.; Guo, H.; Chen, X.; Huang, F.; Chen, T.; Mi, H.; Yu, F.; Liu, L.-N.; Zhang, P. Structural Mechanism of the Active Bicarbonate Transporter from Cyanobacteria. Nat. Plants 2019, 5 (11), 1184–1193. doi.org/10.1038/s41477-019-0538-1.
  2. (2) Price, G. D.; Badger, M. R.; Woodger, F. J.; Long, B. M. Advances in Understanding the Cyanobacterial CO2-Concentrating-Mechanism (CCM): Functional Components, Ci Transporters, Diversity, Genetic Regulation and Prospects for Engineering into Plants. J Exp Bot 2008, 59 (7), 1441–1461. doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erm112.
  3. (3) Gupta, J. K.; Rai, P.; Jain, K. K.; Srivastava, S. Overexpression of Bicarbonate Transporters in the Marine Cyanobacterium Synechococcus Sp. PCC 7002 Increases Growth Rate and Glycogen Accumulation. Biotechnol Biofuels 2020, 13, 17. doi.org/10.1186/s13068-020-1656-8

Carbonic anhydrase (CA) in the carboxysomes of cyanobacteria catalyzes the dehydration of HCO3- to CO2 3. Carbonic anhydrase is a critical component of the carbon concentrating mechanism, ensuring that the carboxysome remains saturated with CO2 for Rubisco to use as a substrate to react with ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate to produce two molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate, a crucial intermediate in the Calvin-Benson cycle. We sought to improve the fitness of our modified strains to be suitable for use in a wide range of environments from intense light to intense temperatures, and to do this we chose to modify carbonic anhydrase. Carbonic anhydrase in N. vulgaris is thermally robust and is being explored as an extracellular addition to carbon capture and sequestration systems that seek to remove CO2 from flue gas 4. In order to ensure localization of N. vulgaris CA to the carboxysomes of our cyanobacterial strains, we identified the localization sequence of CcaA in Synechococcus elongatus sp. PCC 7942 to the carboxysome. The last 17 residues on CcaA associates with the scaffolding protein CcmM58 and get assembled into the carboxysome 5. These 17 residues were then attached to the C-terminus of N. vulgaris carbonic anhydrase via a linker sequence to act as a localization tag that will allow N. vulgaris carbonic anhydrase to be incorporated into the carboxysomes of the cell during carboxysome assembly. Once localized in the carboxysome, the thermal stability of N. vulgaris carbonic anhydrase provides the cell the ability to convert HCO3- into CO2 at a wider range of temperatures and therefore the ability to continue to metabolize under more extreme conditions.

Electricity Generation


Figure 1. Conformations of cytochrome b559 in PSII of different species 7

PsbE encodes the alpha subunit of cytochrome b559 in photosystem II. It forms a heterodimer with the beta subunit to form cytochrome b559 7. Cytochrome b559 is crucial for the assembly and functionality of photosystem II, mutation in either of the subunits causes the inability of the cell to assemble photosystem II 8. It is thought that cytochrome b559 assists in preventing photoinhibition by accepting excess electrons from electron donors to prevent the formation of reactive oxygen species that will damage the cell 7. The expression of the alpha and beta subunits of cytochrome b559 are controlled by the psbEFLJ operon in tandem repeats whose copy number is controlled by the conditions the cells are grown in whether that be photoheterotrophic conditions or photoautotrophic conditions.

We sought to improve the electricity generation of our cyanobacterial strains and to do so, overexpression of both subunits in cytochrome b559 would allow for more stable assembly of PSII and increase the efficiency of electricity generation. This would also mean that the expression of cytochrome b559 would be more independent of the environment controlled psbEFLJ operon. Furthermore, the anti-photonhibitory properties of cytochrome b559 make it useful for the creation of a biophotovoltaic cell, where the intensities of light can reach up to 2000 umol photons m-2 s-1 9.


Works alongside psbE. PsbF is the beta subunit of cytochrome b559.

Ethanol Production

In the obligately fermentative bacterium Zymomonas mobilis, the regeneration of NAD+ depends upon two enzymes, pyruvate decarboxylase and alcohol dehydrogenase1. Z. mobilis is the only known obligately fermentative prokaryote that utilizes an Entner-Doudoroff pathway for glycolysis and, like Saccharomyces cerevisiae, produces ethanol and carbon dioxide as dominant fermentation products. Pdc encodes pyruvate decarboxylase which catalyzes the decarboxylation of pyruvate to produce acetaldehyde. In turn, adhB encodes alcohol dehydrogenase II which catalyzes the final step of ethanol fermentation by reducing acetaldehyde to ethanol, using NADH as a cofactor. Introducing adhB and pdc genes in our cyanobacteria would allow it to produce ethanol as a fermentation product and it would be secreted out of the cell into the environment. The use of adhB and pdc for the production of ethanol in cyanobacteria was inspired by the University of Uppsala iGEM 2009 Team2. These parts have been codon optimized for PCC 6803, 7942, and 7002.

To characterize functionality of parts and see if the codon optimization had affected enzyme production in E. coli, we tested BBa_K5052930/BBa_K5052931 in E. coli BL21 and analyzed using Schiff’s reagent. Schiff’s reagent reacts with aldehydes, primary, and secondary alcohols to form a compound that appears as magenta. We used this property of Schiff’s reagent to a) test for the presence of ethanol and b) quantify the amount of ethanol produced when compared to a standard curve.

E. coli BL21 was transformed with BBa_K5052930/BBa_K5052931 and grown at 37C in LB-kan in the dark. Transformants were also plated onto LB-agar-kan plates and left to grow at 37C overnight in the dark. The next day, ethanol was extracted via hydrogel distillation. Liquid cultures were pelleted and supernatant was extracted. 1” x 1” Spenco 2nd Skin Squares hydrogels were soaked in supernatant. 1” x 1” Spenco 2nd Skin Squares hydrogels were laid over cultures grown on solid plates. Before distilling, hydrogels were removed from supernatant and from cultures grown on solid media and were heat treated at 80C to remove any potential cells still remaining on the hydrogel. Hydrogel was then placed on watch glass and covered with 50mL beaker collection vessel and allowed to distill at 80C for 5 min. Distillate collected from collection vessel was moved to 1.5mL microcentrifuge tube. This process for collecting distillate was repeated several times until 100uL of distillate was collected.


This distillate was then tested for ethanol by adding Schiff’s reagent to 10% v/v. Tubes were agitated by inverting and allowed to sit for 1 minute. Observed color change was quantified on ImageJ and compared against a standard curve of 10% Schiff’s added to 10%, 20%, 30%, 50%, and 70% ethanol after incubation for 1 minute.



The IPTG-inducible promoter cLac145 was discovered by Markley et al. 2015 who had sought to design IPTG inducible promoters by modifying existing promoters in cyanobacteria. Pcpc is a strong native promoter in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and by modifying the native Pcpt sequence and replacing sequences flanking the -35 and -10 with lac operator sequences, a new promoter was developed and named PcptOO. By adjusting the core -35 and -10 sequences and the distance between the two operators, Markley et al built a library of cLac promoters each characterized to have slightly different behaviors. It was found that as the PcptOO was mutated to share more homology with the E. coli promoter Ptrc, the responsiveness to IPTG induction increased. cLac145 was made by replacing the Pcpt core of PcptOO with Ptrc and removing the front operator sequence. The result was a strong IPTG inducible promoter with wide dynamic range in cyanobacteria. cLac145 also has the advantage of sharing less homology with native Pcpc present in the Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 genome which reduces the risk for aberrant homologous recombination in those sites.

To test the functionality of cLac145, this promoter was used in BBa_K5052900 and controlled expression of EYFP. Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 was transformed with BBa_K5052900 and grown in liquid cultures at 30C with 185 umol photons m-2 s-1 shaking at 200rpm in BG11 medium. Cultures were grown for 2 days to an O.D.730 of 0.3 prior to testing. cLac145 induction was tested at 250uM, 500uM, 1mM, and 2mM IPTG measuring fluorescence at ex. 488nm and em. 517nm every hour for 8 hours.


The fluorescence of EYFP remains the same regardless of induction concentration. This either suggests a failure in the functionality of cLac145 or that the induction concentration is too low. The concentration of IPTG used for induction should be increased to see expression. This could also be due to the population losing the plasmid containing BBa_K5052900 resulting very little EYFP produced and therefore detected.

Functionality of cLac145 was also tested in E. coli DH5a. DH5a was transformed with BBa_K5052900 which is EYFP controlled by cLac145. Transformants were grown at 37C in LB-kan shaking at 150rpm overnight to an O.D.600 of 1.7. Cultures were diluted back to O.D.600 of 0.2 before loading 100uL into 96-well plates in triplicates. Like with Synechocystis, cLac145 induction was tested at 250uM, 500uM, 1mM, and 2mM IPTG. The 96-well plate was then scanned on BioTek plate reader at ex. 488nm and em. 517nm for 8 hours at 1 hour increments.


We find that cLac145 is quite responsive in E. coli. This makes sense as the core sequence is derived from E. coli promoter Ptrc. However, it does appear that uninduced DH5a + BBa_K5052900 exhibits higher fluorescence than when induced. Between the samples that were induced, 250uM and 500uM IPTG exhibited similar rates of EYFP production. 1mM and 2mM IPTG showed more expression of EYFP indicating that in DH5a, ideal inducing concentration is 1mM to 2mM IPTG.

To test functionality of PompC in cyanobacteria, we transformed Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 with composite part BBa_K5052902 which has EYFP expression controlled by PompC. Transformants and WT Synechocystis were grown at 30C under 185 umol photons m-2 s-1 shaking at 200rpm until O.D.730 was 0.4. Cultures were diluted back to O.D.730 was 0.2 before loading 100uL into 96-well plates in triplicates. 96-well plate was then scanned on BioTek plate reader at ex. 488nm and em. 517nm for 8 hours at 1 hour increments.


The results indicate that PompC doesn’t appear to be responsive in Synechocystis. This is interesting as there is literature indicating that this part is functional in Synechocystis 11.

BBa_K5052102 was also tested for functionality in E. coli DH5a. DH5a was transformed with composite part BBa_K5052902 which has EYFP expression controlled by PompC. Transformants and WT DH5a were grown at 37C shaking at 150rpm until O.D.600 was 1.7. Cultures were diluted back to O.D.600 of 0.2 before 100uL into 96-well plates in triplicates. 96-well plate was then scanned on BioTek plate reader at ex. 488nm and em. 517nm for 8 hours at 1 hour increments.


Our results show activity of PompC in E. coli DH5a. PompC continues to express protein until its peak at around 5 hours in the dark. This promoter proves useful when expressing proteins in cyanobacteria, whose metabolic process are light-dependent. In the absence of light, proteins in an alternative metabolic process can be expressed and allow for unique functionality.

The results indicate that PompC doesn’t appear to be responsive in Synechocystis. This is interesting as there is literature indicating that this part is functional in Synechocystis10.

BBa_K5052102 was also tested for functionality in E. coli DH5a. DH5a was transformed with composite part BBa_K5052902 which has EYFP expression controlled by PompC. Transformants and WT DH5a were grown at 37C shaking at 150rpm until O.D.600 was 1.7. Cultures were diluted back to O.D.600 of 0.2 before 100uL into 96-well plates in triplicates. 96-well plate was then scanned on BioTek plate reader at ex. 488nm and em. 517nm for 8 hours at 1 hour increments.


Pcpc560 is a modified promoter from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 known as PcpcB which is a strong constitutive promoter controlling the expression of cpcB 1. This result has also been shown to be the case in E coli. The strength of Pcpc comes from its fourteen transcription factor binding sites, as well as two core promoter sequences: P1 and P2 2. The reason Pcpc560 contains two promoters is unclear but it nonetheless contributes to its strength.

To test functionality of Pcpc560 in cyanobacteria, we transformed Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 with composite part BBa_K5052901 which has EYFP expression controlled by Pcpc560. Transformants and WT Synechocystis were grown at 30C under 185 umol photons m-2 s-1 shaking at 200rpm until O.D.730 was 0.4. Cultures were diluted back to O.D.730 was 0.2 before loading 100uL into 96-well plates in triplicates. A 96-well plate was then scanned on BioTek plate reader at ex. 488nm and em. 517nm for 8 hours at 1 hour increments.


Our results show that Pcpc560 induced expression of EYFP is consistently more than double that of our default control, with the slope constantly increasing. Cyanobacterial metabolic processes are light-dependent, so this promoter proves useful when expressing proteins in the absence of light. Distinct functionality is expressed from these alternative metabolic processes.

We wanted to test Pcpc560 activity in strains other than cyanobacteria to see if it exhibits activity similarly to that of the strain in cyanobacteria. To do this, we transformed E. coli DH5a with BBa_K5052901. Transformants and WT DH5a were grown at 37C shaking at 150rpm until O.D.600 was 1.7. Cultures were diluted back to O.D.600 of 0.2 before 100uL into 96-well plates in triplicates. 96-well plate was then scanned on BioTek plate reader at ex. 488nm and em. 517nm for 8 hours at 1 hour increments.


Our results show activity of Pcpc560 in E. coli DH5a. Pcpc560 continues to express protein until its peak at around 5 hours in the dark. The slope levels off around 5 hours, but then continues increasing around the 7 hour mark after being induced by darkness. This promoter proves useful when expressing proteins in a cyanobacteria chassis, which has light-dependent metabolic processes. In the absence of light, unique functionality is expressed from proteins in an alternative metabolic process.

  1. (1)Gupta, J. K.; Srivastava, S. The Effect of Promoter and RBS Combination on the Growth and Glycogen Productivity of Sodium-Dependent Bicarbonate Transporter (SbtA) Overexpressing Synechococcus Sp. PCC 7002 Cells. Front Microbiol 2021, 12, 607411. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2021.607411.
  2. (2) Zhou, J.; Zhang, H.; Meng, H.; Zhu, Y.; Bao, G.; Zhang, Y.; Li, Y.; Ma, Y. Discovery of a Super-Strong Promoter Enables Efficient Production of Heterologous Proteins in Cyanobacteria. Sci Rep 2014, 4, 4500. https://doi.org/10.1038/srep04500.

EYFP (GenBankID: AAO48599.1) is a fluorescent protein expression codon optimized for cyanobacteria. However, it also works very well in E. coli, thus making it the perfect fluorescent protein for our purposes.

Parts Collection

Synthetic biology heavily relies on modularity and the ability for parts to be exchanged and adjusted easily. However, little focus has been placed on modularity within composite parts, and when they are, the focus is usually the DNA coding sequence. To add to the synthetic biology toolbox, our team has developed a collection of parts of promoters that can easily be swapped. This allows for a wider range of flexibility and modularity to express parts under different conditions, where one can start testing functionality of a BioBrick under the context of one promoter before swapping to another to finetune a BioBrick’s expression without needing to clone a new part. This expedites the design-build-test-learn cycle by saving time and resources that would have been spent cloning new parts.

This promoter swap system is based on traditional cut-and-paste cloning. Traditional cut-and-paste cloning was an attractive solution to us as the smallest of recognition sites can be easily added without disturbing the function of the full composite part. Two restriction sites are placed on either end of the promoter, DraIII cut site is placed upstream of the promoter and MluI cut site is in between the ribosome binding site and the start codon of the DNA coding sequence. Promoters can be exchanged via double digest with DraIII and MluI, performing a gel extraction of the vector, and inserting your new promoter of choice. We found this method to be extremely efficient as it meant that our DNA library could be smaller by 3-fold; one basic coding sequence part could give rise to several composite parts based on the need.

So far, we have three cyanobacterial promoters: Pcpc560–a constitutive promoter, PompC–a dark inducible promoter, and cLac145–an IPTG inducible promoter.

We characterized our promoter swap system and measured success by comparing EYP expression in parts with promoters swapped to their native sequence. We took EYFP controlled by PompC (BBa_K5052902) and cLac145 (BBa_K5052900) and swapped out the promoters. For PompC + EYFP, we cut out PompC with DraIII and MluI to replace it with cLac145 and separately with Pcpc560. For cLac145 + EYFP, we cut out cLac145 with the same pair of restriction enzymes to replace it with PompC.

After performing traditional cut-and-paste to insert the respective promoters, the ligated products were used to transform DH5a E. coli. These transformants were grown on LB-agar-kan plates at 37C in the dark overnight. The next day, these plates were taken for fluorescent imaging.


Figure 1. Fluorescent plate reader image taken at ex. 488nm and em. 517nm.

This image was quantified for fluorescence on ImageJ by taking the area of the plate and calculating the intensity of the fluorescence. With this value, we can divide by the background values to find the corrected total cell fluorescence 1.


Figure 2. CTCF measured by taking IntDen values from ImageJ divided by mean background values.

When comparing swapped promoters to their native sequence, we see that the levels of fluorescence are vastly different. cLac145 + EYFP has a corrected total cell fluorescence of 11.93 compared to after we swapped it with PompC where the corrected total cell fluorescence increased to 16.321. When looking at PompC + EYFP, it shows a corrected total cell fluorescence of 18.875 which decreased greatly to 10.066 when swapped with Pcpc560 and to 11.354 when swapped with cLac145. Furthermore, comparing strength of fluorescence between parts sharing the same promoter show similar results, like between cLac145 + EYFP and PompC insert cLac145 which have a corrected total cell fluorescence of 11.93 and 11.354 respectively.

Our parts collection is only the beginning. Any promoter can be modified to fit our collection by fitting a DraIII cut site upstream and an MluI cut site in between the RBS and DNA coding sequence.

  1. (1) Measuring cell fluorescence using ImageJ — The Open Lab Book v1.0. https://theolb.readthedocs.io/en/latest/imaging/measuring-cell-fluorescence-using-imagej.html (accessed 2024-10-02).
  2. (2) Markley, A. L.; Begemann, M. B.; Clarke, R. E.; Gordon, G. C.; Pfleger, B. F. Synthetic Biology Toolbox for Controlling Gene Expression in the Cyanobacterium Synechococcus Sp. Strain PCC 7002. ACS Synth. Biol. 2015, 4 (5), 595–603. https://doi.org/10.1021/sb500260k.
  3. (3) Badger, M. R.; Price, G. D. CO2 Concentrating Mechanisms in Cyanobacteria: Molecular Components, Their Diversity and Evolution. J. Exp. Bot. 2003, 54 (383), 609–622. https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erg076.
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  5. (5) Zang, K.; Wang, H.; Hartl, F. U.; Hayer-Hartl, M. Scaffolding Protein CcmM Directs Multiprotein Phase Separation in β-Carboxysome Biogenesis. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 2021, 28 (11), 909–922. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41594-021-00676-5.
  6. (6) Sawa, M.; Fantuzzi, A.; Bombelli, P.; Howe, C. J.; Hellgardt, K.; Nixon, P. J. Electricity Generation from Digitally Printed Cyanobacteria. Nat. Commun. 2017, 8 (1), 1327. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-017-01084-4.
  7. (7) Chiu, Y.-F.; Chu, H.-A. New Structural and Mechanistic Insights Into Functional Roles of Cytochrome B559 in Photosystem II. Front. Plant Sci. 2022, 13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2022.914922.
  8. (8) Pakrasi, H. B.; Williams, J. G.; Arntzen, C. J. Targeted Mutagenesis of the psbE and psbF Genes Blocks Photosynthetic Electron Transport: Evidence for a Functional Role of Cytochrome B559 in Photosystem II. EMBO J. 1988, 7 (2), 325–332.
  9. (9) PPFD to Lux Conversion. https://www.apogeeinstruments.com/conversion-ppfd-to-lux/ (accessed 2024-09-30).
  10. (10) Chiu, Y.-F.; Fu, H.-Y.; Skotnicová, P.; Lin, K.-M.; Komenda, J.; Chu, H.-A. Tandem Gene Amplification Restores Photosystem II Accumulation in Cytochrome B559 Mutants of Cyanobacteria. New Phytol. 2022, 233 (2), 766–780. https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.17785.
  11. (11) Immethun, C. M.; DeLorenzo, D. M.; Focht, C. M.; Gupta, D.; Johnson, C. B.; Moon, T. S. Physical, Chemical, and Metabolic State Sensors Expand the Synthetic Biology Toolbox for Synechocystis Sp. PCC 6803. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2017, 114 (7), 1561–1569. https://doi.org/10.1002/bit.26275.