Proposed Implementation

Distribution System for our Biophotovoltaic Technology

Our distribution system is strategically designed to facilitate the efficient production, transportation, and maintenance of our cyanobacteria-based biophotovoltaic technology, paving the way for successful integration into the energy market. The cartridges housing the cyanobacteria will be manufactured using our automated screen printer at the Cyanovolt facility. This production approach not only boosts efficiency but also guarantees consistent quality in the cartridges, which are crucial for the overall performance of the system. The cartridges will be both reusable and sealed, preventing any leakage of the cyanobacteria. The cyanobacteria will have reached their final growth stage before being sealed, having already taken in as much carbon dioxide from the environment as possible. A proper anode and cathode setup will facilitate the electrochemical processes required to convert sunlight into electricity. To ensure the viability of the cyanobacteria and maintain consistent electricity output, the cartridges will need to be replaced regularly, ideally every three days. Furthermore, to tackle any potential issues with ethanol being trapped in the hydrogel within the cartridges, we will implement an efficient extraction method. More information on our cartridge design can be found in the Hardware section.

Once the cartridges are produced, they will be transported directly to the nearest power plant. This streamlined distribution model eliminates the need for residential deliveries, allowing for a more centralized and efficient logistics system. By concentrating on large-scale deployments, we can optimize our supply chain and reduce transportation costs.

Our primary focus for power output will be the first floor of the Rush Rhees Library at the University of Rochester, a space that is constantly busy with students. Supplying energy for heating and cooling in this area is especially significant, as it accommodates a substantial number of students and faculty. This presents a valuable opportunity to evaluate energy needs and the potential for scaling the system for broader applications in the future.

Throughout our distribution plan, we will prioritize compliance with relevant regulations to contribute positively to the ecosystem while advancing renewable energy solutions.

Our Promotion Strategy

To successfully promote our biophotovoltaic technology, we have drawn insights and shaped our strategy from an interview with Professor Herington. We intend to market our product as "algae" rather than specifically labeling it as "cyanobacteria." This approach aims to alleviate public apprehension and foster a more supportive attitude towards our project. By using the broader term “algae," we can reduce the stigma associated with bacteria which may invoke concerns and misunderstandings among the public.

To build on our existing outreach efforts, which have included extensive education programs targeting youth on topics such as synthetic biology and photosynthesis, our next objective will be to extend our educational initiatives to power plants and potential investors. We aim to underscore the importance of renewable energy and highlight the unique advantages of our biophotovoltaic system. By addressing common concerns related to genetically modified organisms and the risk of leakage, we hope to mitigate fears and promote understanding of bio-technologies.

Our comprehensive marketing strategy is designed to foster greater market acceptance of our biophotovoltaic technology. By effectively communicating its benefits and addressing concerns, we aim to pioneer advancements in renewable energy and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Market Expansion

Once our biophotovoltaic system is successfully launched in power plants in Rochester and across North America, we will turn our attention to expanding into the Asia Pacific region. This area is expected to experience significant growth in the global bio-photovoltaics market from 2020 to 2025, driven by substantial investment in research and development aimed at exploring bio-photovoltaic technology for various potential applications.1 For instance, biophotovoltaic systems can be utilized to power LED lights for indoor and outdoor farming, significantly enhancing agricultural productivity in regions with limited access to conventional energy sources..2 In addition, biophotovoltaic technology can provide sustainable lighting solutions in remote mountainous or coastal areas, where traditional electricity infrastructure may be lacking. This dual functionality not only addresses local energy needs but also contributes to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, supporting the transition toward sustainable energy practices across Asia.

As we gradually extend our market reach, we will prioritize supporting human rights and fully consider bioethical, environmental, and socio-economic factors throughout our development process.19


  1. IndustryArc. (2024) Biophotovoltaics (BPV) market 2020 - 2025. Industry Arc: Analytics Research Consulting.
  2. Rahman, M. M.; Field, D. L.; Ahmed, S. M.; Hasan, M. T.; Basher, M. K.; Alameh, K. LED Illumination for High-Quality High-Yield Crop Growth in Protected Cropping Environments. Plants 2021, 10 (11), 2470.