Experimental Design

Diagram of the Experimental Design

To experimentally test the ONERING system, we chose four targets: Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, Helicobacter pylori, pESBL-12 E. coli, and E. coli carrying regulatory elements and target sequences from Vibrio cholerae (the toxin-antitoxin system). After identifying the target sequences and strain-specifc promoters, we engineered the plasmid.

To investigate its efficiency, we allow the bacterial ONERING-bearer to conjugate with target strains expressing fuorescent markers, enabling us to trace and evaluate the rates of bacterial killing using fluorescence microscopy.

Additionally, to demonstrate that the ONERING plasmid is safe for use within a larger microbiome, we hope to soon conjugate it into non-pathogenic commensal bacteria and record any changes in the bacterial populations.

We also assess the stability and persistence of the ONERING plasmid in various environmental conditions to evaluate its potential for real-world applications. To determine whether it requires additional layers of control such as programmed or inducible plasmid self-destruction.


Making Glycerol Stocks

Aim: Storing the cells containing the desired plasmids, in order to avoid having to retransform when more plasmid DNA is required

Mini-Prep Protocol

Aim: Extracting purified plasmids from cells

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

Aim: To amplify a specific DNA sequence from template

Gel Extraction

Aim: To isolate DNA that is separated based on size

Gibson Assembly

Aim: Connecting multiple DNA fragments together to isothermally

Restriction Enzyme Digestion

Aim: Cutting DNA at specific sites to insert new sequences


Aim: Firstly to make cells suitable for electroporation, and to introduce pores on the cell membrane of the cells in order that they take in the desired plasmid.

Heat Shock

Aim: Breaking the cell membrane to insert the plasmid of interest


Aim: Grow colonies of bacteria on a solid medium

Culturing Bacteria

Aim: Isolate and grow specifically the bacterial colonies that took in the plasmid

Imaging Conjugation

Aim: To image the efficiency of conjugation

Dry Lab Pipeline

Diagram of the Dry Lab Design

In our design, we emphasize an optimal pipeline that simplifes the generation of targets for any pathogenic strain. We propose that strain-specifc targeting of the plasmid can be achieved by exploiting virulence factors and pathogenicity islands present in bacteria, which are responsible for their pathogenicity. These sequences are typically distinct compared to non-pathogenic genes, reducing the off-taregt effects in non-target bacteria.

We explore a variety of potential targets that can be disrupted using Cas12a. First, Cas12a can create double-strand breaks in bacterial chromosomes, leading to the collapse of the replication fork, thereby inhibiting bacterial growth and causing imminent death. To avoid of-target efects, we focused on target sequences in genes associated with pathogenicity, supported by inter-species sequence comparisons. Second, Cas12a can target genes such as betalactamase, which are responsible for antibiotic resistance. Although these genes are commonly found in plasmids rather than the nucleoid, their disruption restores susceptibility to common antibiotics. Finally, we can also disrupt toxin-antitoxin systems in pathogens by cleaving genes encoding antitoxins, resulting in cell death.

We integrate target sequences into the CRISPR array responsible for directing AsCas12a to specific sequences in the genomes of pathogens – all in one high-copy conjugative plasmid (ONERING), making it capable of sequence-specifc targeting and bacterial killing.


Although we have not yet been able to demonstrate strain-specific killing capacity of the OneRing plasmid, we have extensively characterised conjugation efficiency through TetR FROS imaging (the detailed procedure can be found on the contribution and engineering pages).

Below are 5 different fields of views after allowing for conjugation to take place in 15 minutes.

We focused on the most donor-diluted samples we prepared with the ratio of donor to recipient cells being 1:10. We found that the average conjugation rate in 15 minutes was 77%. This is classified as a very high conjugation rate. Since we did not use any additional techniques to enhance cell-cell contacts or to upregulate conjugation in any other way, we are confident now that our delivery system will be able to distribute the killing Cas12a plasmid efficiently. However, it remains to be seen how conjugation rates would be affected by an environment resembling the natural microbiomes more closely. Specifically, different composition of bacterial strains and slower reproduction speed. We will also have to assess the metabolic burden on the donor bacteria caused by the maintenance of the conjugation apparatus, the gene expressed under a very strong promoter, and a high copy number plasmid. Finally, we are continuing to pursue the killing assays to demonstrate the killing efficiency of our system and prove that we can rule them all.