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The advent of antibiotics brought tremendous economic benefits to the livestock industry, significantly boosting the production of animal products and the development of animal husbandry. However, the extensive use of antibiotics in agriculture over time has made it harder to treat animal diseases caused by multiple highly resistant bacteria [1].

In 2006, European Union (EU) member states banned all antibiotic growth promoters under European Parliament and Council Regulation EC No. 1831/2003. However, the ban on feed antibiotics led to unforeseen impacts on the EU’s animal production industry, such as an increase in infection rates and a decline in animal productivity. Moreover, the higher disease incidence caused by the ban led to a substantial increase in the use of therapeutic antibiotics and disinfectants, resulting in an overall increase in antibiotic use in animals [2]. Unlike the golden era of antibiotic discovery and commercialization, the discovery and development of new antibiotics have sharply decreased over the past decades [1], making it difficult to combat resistant bacteria. Coupled with a lack of regulatory enforcement by relevant authorities, the misuse of antibiotics still exists in some countries across Asia, the Americas, and Oceania, exacerbating the future health risks to global safety.

Figure 1 Antibiotic use in livestock globally [3]

To limit antibiotic use while ensuring the productivity of the livestock industry, there is an urgent need for a substitute to antibiotics that can address the increased mortality and morbidity following the removal of antibiotics from animal feed.

Product Usage

This product consists of a genetically engineered strain of Aureobasidium melanogenum BZWΔags2-1/2 that produces a single extracellular product, β-glucan, which is easy to extract, as well as the high-purity β-glucan produced by this strain. The following are specific usage steps and methods:

1. In Biotechnological Fermentation Plants:

Seed Cultivation: After purchasing the strain, the plant first inoculates it into a seed medium for seed cultivation. The goal of this step is to prepare a sufficient quantity of healthy cells for subsequent large-scale fermentation.

Fermentation Production: The cultivated cells are introduced into a fermentation medium, where fermentation occurs at 28°C–30°C. During fermentation, Aureobasidium melanogenum BZWΔags2-1/2 efficiently produces β-glucan.

Product Extraction: After fermentation, extracellular β-glucan is separated from the fermentation broth using alcohol precipitation, while cell wall β-glucan is extracted from the cells using alkaline extraction [4]. These steps ensure high purity and remove any residual cells or impurities.

Product Packaging and Transportation:The extracted high-purity β-glucan can be dried and crushed into a powder or granular product for easy packaging and transportation. The plant can adjust packaging sizes based on customer needs to accommodate different farming scales.

2. In the Livestock Industry:

Feed Additive: Farmers can add β-glucan directly to animal feed according to the recommended proportions. The suggested proportion may vary for different livestock, such as cattle, pigs, sheep, and poultry, to ensure optimal immune response and feed efficiency. β-glucan helps strengthen the animals' immune systems, reduces infection rates, and increases survival rates.

Direct Feeding: Besides mixed feed, farmers can dissolve β-glucan in water for direct animal consumption, especially useful for animals during breeding periods or under stressful conditions, such as weaning piglets or poultry in intensive farming environments.

Environmental Application:In aquaculture, β-glucan not only boosts immunity through fish ingestion [5], but can also be directly added to aquaculture water as part of a soaking treatment to enhance water health, reduce pathogen reproduction, and spread.

3. In Feed Mills:

Feed Production Additive: Feed mills can incorporate β-glucan as a functional additive into feed formulas during production. Adding β-glucan not only increases the product's value but also promotes its immune-enhancing and anti-infection properties, meeting the market demand for healthy and eco-friendly products.

Product Differentiation: By adding β-glucan to pet food, feed mills can launch premium pet food targeting health and longevity, catering to the high-end market.

4. In the Pet Industry:

Pet Health Maintenance: Pet hospitals can provide products containing β-glucan during or after treatment to help pets recover quickly and boost their immune systems, thereby improving recovery rates and overall pet health.

Target Audience

Biological Fermentation Factories: Factories interested in purchasing the Aureobasidium melanogenum BZWΔags2-1/2 engineered strain for large-scale production of β-glucan through fermentation.

Livestock Farmers: Farmers raising cattle, pigs, sheep, and various poultry. β-glucan can be proportionally added to livestock feed to maintain livestock health while complying with restrictions on antibiotic use.

Aquaculture Farmers: Farmers involved in large-scale fish farming. β-glucan can be added to fish feed in appropriate proportions, acting as an immune booster through both ingestion and immersion [6], which helps comply with antibiotic restrictions and ensures the health of the fish.

Feed Manufacturers: Factories producing finished feed for agricultural production. Adding β-glucan not only helps meet antibiotic restrictions but also increases the value of the product, thereby boosting sales.

Pet Food Production Plants: Factories producing pet food. β-glucan can be added to launch premium pet food aimed at health and longevity, catering to the high-end market.

Veterinary Hospitals: Hospitals responsible for treating pets. β-glucan can be used as a supplement or a post-treatment drug to maintain pets' long-term health and ensure the efficacy of treatment.

Government Agricultural Departments: Government agencies responsible for managing and planning agricultural production in various countries. They can promote β-glucan as an antibiotic alternative to better control the use of antibiotics in domestic agricultural production and enhance livestock productivity.

Product Advantages

1. High Yield and Purity

High Yield: The Aureobasidium melanogenum BZWΔags2-1/2 strain ferments using glucose as a carbon source to produce β-glucan at a yield of 29.64 g/L, with extracellular β-glucan extraction reaching 17.81 g/L. This efficient production capability offers significant economic benefits for large-scale industrial production.

High Purity: Optimized alcohol precipitation and alkaline extraction processes effectively produce high-purity β-glucan without pigments or pullulan contamination. The product's high purity and excellent appearance appeal to consumers and producers alike.

2. Simplified Production and Eco-friendliness

Simplified Process: The strain’s fermentation process for β-glucan is simplified, reducing production steps and costs. This not only improves production efficiency but also minimizes environmental impact, giving it an edge in eco-friendly production.

Eco-friendly:The alcohol precipitation method for extracting extracellular β-glucan significantly reduces harmful by-products compared to traditional methods, meeting green production standards. The optimized process also lowers energy and raw material consumption, further enhancing the product's environmental friendliness.

3. Multifunctional Applications

Broad Market Prospects: As the global demand for antibiotic alternatives grows, β-glucan has wide application prospects in livestock, aquaculture, and pet food industries. Its multifunctionality and cost-effectiveness give it a competitive edge in international markets.

Added Product Value:Due to its health and eco-friendly attributes, β-glucan can not only serve as a functional feed additive but also bring added value to producers, meeting consumer demand for high-quality and safe products.

These advantages show that the β-glucan produced by the Aureobasidium melanogenum BZWΔags2-1/2 strain holds great potential as an antibiotic alternative, providing essential support for sustainable livestock development and animal health.


Farmer Acceptance: While many farmers are willing to use β-glucan under guidance, they may doubt its effectiveness due to a general lack of knowledge about its use in animal feed. Some farmers are reluctant to take on the risks of initial use, especially without field trial data. Additionally, β-glucan may face limited purchasing channels during its initial market launch, particularly in remote areas, affecting farmer acceptance.

Optimal Feed Addition Ratio: The optimal β-glucan addition ratio for different species and growth stages of animals has not been fully determined. For animals such as pigs and poultry, if the β-glucan ratio is too high, it may increase chyme viscosity, affecting feed digestion and nutrient absorption [7]. Conversely, if the ratio is too low, it may not significantly enhance animal immunity, leading to unsatisfactory results.

Price: Although β-glucan offers some cost advantages during the production process, its market price as a feed additive may still be relatively high, especially in the early stages of promotion. This could lead some farmers and feed manufacturers to be reluctant to use it on a large scale due to cost considerations. Therefore, finding ways to reduce production costs while ensuring product quality, and developing appropriate pricing strategies for market promotion, will be an important challenge.

Product Legality and Compliance: Since β-glucan is produced by the genetically modified microorganism Aureobasidium melanogenum BZWΔags2-1/2, its legality and compliance are important factors to consider in the promotion process. Different countries and regions have varying regulatory policies regarding genetically modified products, and it may be necessary to obtain the appropriate approvals and certifications before the product can enter the market. Additionally, it is essential to ensure that the product complies with food and feed safety standards throughout the production and usage processes.

Ethical Issues with Genetically Modified Foods: Although there is a broad scientific consensus on the safety of genetic modification technology, public acceptance of genetically modified foods remains controversial [8]. Some consumers and non-governmental organizations oppose genetically modified foods, which could impact the promotion of β-glucan as a feed additive. Therefore, effectively educating the public, raising awareness about genetic modification technology, and increasing trust in the β-glucan product are challenges that cannot be overlooked.

Future Prospects

1. Optimization and Promotion of Feed Additive Ratios:

In the future, we plan to conduct further experimental studies to determine the optimal β-glucan addition ratio in various animal feeds. This will include systematic testing on different species (such as pigs, cattle, poultry, fish, etc.) and animals at various growth stages to ensure that β-glucan can enhance immunity without affecting feed digestion and nutrient absorption. By accumulating these experimental data, we will be able to provide more precise and reliable usage guidelines to farmers, thereby increasing the acceptance and usage of β-glucan in the livestock industry.

2. Industrial Production and Cost Control:

With advancements in technology and optimization of production processes, the production cost of β-glucan is expected to further decrease. By expanding production scale and streamlining manufacturing processes, we can reduce resource consumption and environmental pollution while maintaining high purity and quality. This will not only help lower the product’s market price but also enhance its competitiveness in the feed market. Additionally, we will actively explore partnerships with biofermentation factories to further promote large-scale production and commercialization of β-glucan.

3. Expansion into Multiple Applications:

While β-glucan’s primary applications are currently concentrated in the livestock and aquaculture industries, its potential extends far beyond these areas. In the future, we will explore applications of β-glucan in other fields, such as:

Food Industry: As a natural thickening agent, β-glucan can be widely applied in food production, such as in dairy products, baked goods, beverages, etc. Its moisturizing, texture-improving properties, and status as a natural dietary fiber give it great potential in the health food market [9].

Cosmetic Industry: β-glucan has moisturizing, anti-aging, and wound healing properties, making it suitable for skincare and cosmetic products. In the future, we plan to collaborate with cosmetic companies to develop a series of high-end skincare products containing β-glucan [10][11].

Figure 2 Overview of the effects of β-glucan cream on skin application and its potential cellular mechanisms as a skincare product [11]

Pharmaceutical Field: Due to its immune-regulating properties, β-glucan also has broad application prospects in the pharmaceutical and health supplement fields. For example, β-glucan can be developed as an immune booster to improve human health, particularly for individuals with weakened immunity [10].

4. International Market Development and Regulatory Adaptation:

With the increasing global demand for antibiotic alternatives [1][12], β-glucan is expected to enter feed and food markets in more countries. However, entering the international market requires close attention to the laws and regulations of different countries and ensuring that the product complies with safety standards. We plan to collaborate with agricultural departments, research institutions, and commercial partners in various countries to actively promote the global adoption of β-glucan. During this process, we will also strengthen public science education to help people better understand the safety and benefits of genetic modification technology and increase market acceptance of β-glucan products.

5. Collaboration with Research Institutions and Companies:

To accelerate technological progress and diversify product applications, we will actively seek collaborations with domestic and international research institutions and companies. This cooperation will not only promote β-glucan applications in more fields but also enhance our innovation capability and market competitiveness through shared resources and technology. In the future, we hope to establish a broad industry alliance to jointly advance β-glucan technology, meeting the growing global market demand.

Through these efforts, we believe that β-glucan will soon become an effective alternative to antibiotics and demonstrate its immense application potential in multiple fields. We will continue to focus on technological innovation and market promotion, making β-glucan contribute even more to global agricultural production, food safety, and human health.


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[5] Hadiuzzaman, M., Moniruzzaman, M., Shahjahan, M., Bai, S. C., Min, T., & Hossain, Z. (2022). β-Glucan: Mode of Action and Its Uses in Fish Immunomodulation. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2022.905986
[6] Rodrigues, M. V., Zanuzzo, F. S., Koch, J. F. A., de Oliveira, C. A. F., Sima, P., & Vetvicka, V. (2020). Development of Fish Immunity and the Role of β-Glucan in Immune Responses. Molecules, 25(22), 5378. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules25225378
[7] Edison, L. K., Ragitha, V. M., & Pradeep, N. S. (2022). Beta-Glucanases in Animal Nutrition. 73–83. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-6466-4_5
[8] Comstock, G. (2010). Ethics and Genetically Modified Foods. Food Ethics, 49–66. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-5765-8_4
[9] Kaur, R., Sharma, M., Ji, D., Xu, M., & Agyei, D. (2020). Structural Features, Modification, and Functionalities of Beta-Glucan. Fibers, 8(1), 1. https://doi.org/10.3390/fib8010001
[10] Zhu, F., Du, B., & Xu, B. (2016). A critical review on production and industrial applications of beta-glucans. Food Hydrocolloids, 52, 275–288. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodhyd.2015.07.003
[11] Sousa, P., Tavares-Valente, D., Amorim, M., João Azevedo-Silva, Pintado, M., & Fernandes, J. (2023). β-Glucan extracts as high-value multifunctional ingredients for skin health: A review. Carbohydrate Polymers, 322, 121329–121329. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carbpol.2023.121329
[12] Allen, H. K., Trachsel, J., Looft, T., & Casey, T. A. (2014). Finding Alternatives to Antibiotics. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1323(1), 91–100. https://doi.org/10.1111/nyas.12468