
This year, we aimed to construct cell-based high-throughput drug screening platform that identifies potential melatonin receptor agonists to address the widespread issue of sleep disorders. The activation of melatonin receptors MTNR1A contributes to their downstream physiological and therapeutic effects by initiating several classic intracellular signaling pathways, including the cAMP/PKA/CREB pathway and calcium (Ca2+) signaling pathway. To sense and assess the activation of these signaling pathways in mammalian cell chassis, we developed synthetic melatonin-responsive circuit, which couples the activation of MTNR1A to downstream detectable reporter gene expression.

For such, we submitted 10 composite parts. By integrating these parts in various combinations, we can build different synthetic melatonin-responsive circuit and characterized the downstream signaling pathways of melatonin receptors upon stimulation of melatonin.

Favourite Composite Part


The cAMP/PKA/CREB pathway is a classic signaling pathway in mammalian cells and one of critical pathway activated upon melatonin stimulation of MTs. When the melatonin binds to the MTNR1A. This binding activates the associated G proteins, which in turn activate cAMP/PKA/CREB pathways and eventually lead to the phosphorylation of the endogenous transcription factors CREB, and bind to CRE to regulate downstream genes expression1. Our favorite composite part, Pmin_4*CRE->IgK->Nluc->bGH_polyA (BBa_K5267040), is designed based on the signaling transduction mechanism of cAMP/PKA/CREB pathway (Figure 1): Activation of pathway lead to the increased phosphorylation of CREB, which would then bind to the CREB site of the PCre promoter, and activate the expression of reporter gene.

To achieve the function described above, our favorite composite part consisting of:
1.P_4xCRE (Part: BBa K5267004), 4 copies of CRE together with miniCMV promoter, this synthetic promoter would respond to the binding of CREB and initiate transcription;
2.IgK (Part:BBa_K3117006), a secretion signal peptide from IgK.
3.Nluc (Part:BBa_K2728003) , NanoLuc, a superior β-barrel fold luciferase, as a reporter gene.
4.bGH_polyA (Part:BBa_K1313006)
This composite part functions as a sensor for the endogenous cAMP/PKA/CREB pathway. Upon pathway activation, mammalian cells transfected with this composite part would respond to activation signals by secreting Nluc into the cell medium.

Figure 1. Concrete schematic diagram of BBa_K5267040 composite part

Special Design

The composite part P_4xCRE->IgK->Nluc->bGH_polyA (Part: BBa_K5267040) is essential for evaluating the responsiveness of the melatonin signaling pathway. Standard approaches for studying signaling pathways typically involve cloning the response element of the relevant transcription factor into a luciferase reporter gene vector, such as pCRE-luc2. Due to the limited transcriptional impact of a single response element, we incorporated multiple tandem copies of the element near the reporter gene's genomic location. This amplification enhanced the initiation efficacy of the signaling cascade3. Therefore, we constructed the Pmini_4xCRE sequence, which includes a 5' minimal promoter incorporating 4 copies of CREs4.

To validate and characterize the composite part P_4xCRE->IgK->Nluc->bGH_polyA (Part: BBa_K5267040), we co-transfected it with MTNR1a (Basic Part: BBa_K5267001) into HEK-293T cell lines. This setup aims to mimic the melatonin receptor-mediated cAMP/PKA/CREB signaling transduction observed in human SCN cells. Theoretically, melatonin-activated MTNR1A receptors should activate CREB (cAMP response element-binding protein), thereby binding to 4xCREs and initiating NanoLuc expression from the composite part.

Method and result

HEK-293T cell lines was co-transfected with PCMV->MTNR1a->bGH_polyA (part: BBa_K5267047) and the composite part P_4xCRE->lgK->Nluc->bGH polyA(Part:BBa_K5267040) or P_5xCRE->lgK-> Nluc -> bGH polyA(Part:BBa_K5267041) or P_6xCRE->lgK-> Nluc -> bGH polyA(Part:BBa_K5267042). After transfection, both groups of cells were stimulated with 1 nM melatonin, and medium samples were collected at 24 and 48 hours to detect NanoLuc expression.

The results showed a significant increase in Nluc expression in the melatonin-stimulated group compared to those without stimulation, indicating that the composite part can correctly respond to melatonin stimulation as expected. Notably, the NanoLuc expression level detected in the group transfected with P_4xCRE->IgK->Nluc->bGH polyA (Part: BBa_K5267040) showed a higher expression level than other experimental groups, with the highest fold change compared to the control. Therefore, we selected this composite part as the optimal component and constructed a cell-based screening platform based on P_4xCRE->IgK->Nluc->bGH polyA (Part: BBa_K5267040). Based on its performance and importance of this functional part, we chose this composite part as our favorite composite part.

Meanwhile, we also validate the influence of different transfection ratios(Figure 3B), stimulation concentrations and stimulation time(Figure 3C).

Figure 2.Schematic of cAMP/PKA/CREB Signaling Transduction. When melatonin binds to the MT1, it activates adenylate cyclase (AC), which in turn regulates the level of the second messenger cAMP. The increase in cAMP activates protein kinase A (PKA), which amplifies the signal. PKA then catalyzes the phosphorylation of CREB in the nucleus, thereby binding to the P_4xCRE/ P_5xCRE/ P_6xCRE and initiate the transcription of Nluc.

Figure 3. Characterization of composite part P_4xCRE->IgK->Nluc->bGH_polyA. (A) Co-expression of MTNR1A and PCRE-promoter variants enables robust transcriptional activation upon melatonin stimulation. Melatonin stimulation was added to HEK-293T cells co-transfected with PCMV-MTNR1A and P_4xCRE-IgK-Nluc, P_5xCRE-IgK-Nluc, P_6xCRE-IgK-Nluc respectively. (B) Co-expression of MTNR1A and PCRE-promoter variants enables robust transcriptional activation upon melatonin stimulation. HEK-293T cells were co-transfected with PCMV-MTNR1A and P_4xCRE-IgK-Nluc under various transfection ratio (100:25/100:50/100:100/100:200). (C) Step-response dynamics of HEKMT cells under melatonin treatment. HEK-293T cell lines expressing PCMV-MTNR1A and P_4xCRE-IgK-Nluc was stimulated with various concentrations of melatonin (0.1nM /0.5nM /0.7nM /1nM /10nM /30nM) . Data are mean±SD of NanoLuc expression levels measured 24 h after melatonin stimulation (n = 3 independent experiments)

Composite Part List

BioBrick Number Name Description Type Length
BBa_K5267040 Pmin_4*CRE->IgK->Nluc->bGH_polyA Using Nanoluc to characterize the MTNR1A-mediated activation of cAMP-PKA signaling pathway Composite 944bp
BBa_K5267041 Pmin_5*CRE->IgK->Nluc->bGH_polyA Using Nanoluc to characterize the MTNR1A-mediated activation of cAMP-PKA signaling pathway Composite 1082bp
BBa_K5267042 Pmin_6*CRE->IgK->Nluc->bGH_polyA Using Nanoluc to characterize the MTNR1A-mediated activation of cAMP-PKA signaling pathway Composite 1097bp
BBa_K5267043 Pmin_1*NFAT->IgK->Nluc->bGH_polyA Using Nanoluc to characterize the MTNR1A-mediated activation of Ca2+ signaling pathway Composite 896bp
BBa_K5267044 Pmin_5*NFAT->IgK->Nluc->bGH_polyA Using Nanoluc to characterize the MTNR1A-mediated activation of Ca2+ signaling pathway Composite 1018bp
BBa_K5267045 Pmin_6*NFAT->IgK->Nluc->bGH_polyA Using Nanoluc to characterize the MTNR1A-mediated activation of Ca2+ signaling pathway Composite 1046bp
BBa_K5267046 Pmin_7*NFAT->IgK->Nluc->bGH_polyA Using Nanoluc to characterize the MTNR1A-mediated activation of Ca2+ signaling pathway Composite 1076bp
BBa_K5267047 P_PCMV->MTNR1A->bGH_polyA Using strong promoter to initiate MTNR1A expression Composite 19099bp
BBa_K5267048 P_PCMV->MTNR1B->bGH_polyA Using strong promoter to initiate MTNR1B expression Composite 1949bp
BBa_K5267049 P_min->IgK->Nluc->bGH_polyA A minimal TATA-box promoter (Pmin) initiate the expression of secreted Nanoluc Composite 859bp






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